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Integrated Skills G5

debit card - a card issued by a bank allowing the holder to transfer money electronically
to another bank account when making a purchase
to open an account
pay money into someone's account
a current/ cheque (BrE) / checking account – tekući račun
a standing order – fixed amount of money, regular dates
direct debit – not fixed
a savings/ deposit account
ATM = automatic teller machine (AmE)
a cash machine (BrE)
to withdraw (your money) – to get out your money; podići novac
to be in credit (BrE)
to have money IN your account
an overdraft – biti u minusu
an agreed overdraft – dozvoljeni minus
to overdraw your limit
a bank statement / balance – it shows your current status
What is your current balance? & Check your balance!
cash loan
mortgage loan – hipotekarni kredit
home loan – stambeni kredit
student loan
take out a loan
to pay it (loan) off
(to be) creditworthy
a cheque can bounce
a blank cheque – the amount is not written
a void cheque – you give your account information (in detail) to someone who pays you
a joint account
to write/ make out a cheque to somebody
repossess – a bank can repossess your property if you don't pay
to be on welfare (AmE) / on the dole (BrE)
traveller's cheques
private pension plans
internet banking/ ebanking
branches – ispostave
to pay for the utilities – platiti komunalije
dispensing cash
get mini-statements
suffer internet fraud on your account
a Student Additions account
to be charged a fee
personal reserve – an extra amount by which you can go overdrawn or exceed an agreed
overdraft limit
spending power - the degree to which people have money to buy products and services
to haggle – bargain over/negotiate
to have/keep a nest-egg – to have some savings (slamarica)
to have a high expenditure – to spend a lot
thrifty, frugal, economical – not waste money
to be paid ON commission – to earn according to what you sell
to have a high income – earn a lot
a savings account EARNS interest at a rate of...
down payment (downpayment) - an initial payment made when something is bought on
credit (kapara)
monthly installments – mesečne rate
stock exchange market - berza
business venture
raise capital - raise money in order to start making the invention
tax return - a form that some people must fill in to give information about how much
they have earned in a year
to be awarded a grant/ scholarship
to fetch - to be sold for a particular amount of money
(Their house fetched for a lot more than they expected.)
receipts – takings; the amount of money received during a particular period by a business
or government
to settle (your bill) – to pay your bill
shares can FALL in value
come into a fortune
to be made redundant - having lost your job because your employer no longer needs
to qualify for early retirement
business is booming/ flourishing
to be declared bankrupt
make a wise investment
on the market
to maintain your account IN credit
free of charge
to send sth by way of compensation
to boon – to benefit
to teeter on the edge/brink of - if something is teetering on the brink/edge of a bad
situation, it is likely that the situation will happen soon
solvency - the state of having enough money to pay everything that is owed to others
redeploy – reposition
predicate – affirm
immutable – can’t be changed
to make informed choices – to make choices based on your knowledge
to be brought about by sth – to be caused by sth
insatiable demand for sth
craze – sth that is extremely popular for a short period of time
to be in demand
inept – incapable, lacking in sth
inept AT
to be socially inept – to be bad around people
to have more money than sense
to vie for someone’s attention – to compete for someone’s attention
to need/ require/ be in need of/ do with/ lack/ be crying out for/ do without/ satisfy a
need/ overdo it/ stuff yourself
to be short of/ to be lacking in/ to be low in, on/ to be devoid of/ to be high on/ to be
blessed with
in DESPERATE need of
in ABJECT poverty
an ACUTE shortage
in DIRE need
severe deficiency
untapped resources
untold wealth/ luxury
easy money
a plentiful/ample supply
to fall on hard times – to experience difficult times, especially financially
to scrimp – to be very thrifty, to live on very little money
to put money aside
to make ends meet
unemployment benefits
down on one’s luck - experiencing a period of bad luck
rags-to-riches - used to describe a person's rise from a state of extreme poverty to one of
great wealth
set up for life
throw money down the drain - to waste money by spending it on something useless
hard up – short of money
spendthrift - someone who spends money prodigiously and who is extravagant and
recklessly wasteful, often to a point where the spending climbs well beyond his or her

severely lacking in badly need

desperately short of urgently require
desperately poor obviously lack
barely adequate want something desperately
fabulously wealthy grossly over-eat
filthy / obscenely rich freely indulge


the haves the have nots
nouveau riche people who have down and out having no luck or
recently acquired money/ having
wealth, typically no home and
those perceived as living on the
ostentatious or street
lacking in good
pecunious abounding in be strapped for cash having little or
money no money at the
well-to-do hard up
well off down at heel
obscenely rich on the breadline a low level of
comfortably off badly off
rolling in pauperised
to be high on the poverty-stricken
immensely rich impoverished
to possess an destitute
untold wealth
to be loaded deprived of money
pecuniary needy
to make a killing be in need of money
to hit a jackpot in dire/ desperate need of
windfall (to have in dire poverty
to make a fortune in abject poverty
to make good to become rich in
ere poverty
to make a bundle to become rich short of money / broke / skint
(BrE) / on hard times
to push the boat to spend a lot of down-at-heel run down
out money
to have more run short of (money) money is being
money than used up and there
sense will soon not be
enough left
to want for not to lack anything
to be rolling in it
in abundance
to (your) heart’s

unprivileged / disadvantaged / deprived groups

to be short ON something


lack of sufficient a myriad of exceedingly
short of just a right amount myriads of to excess
lacking in suffice plenty of a surfeit of
a handful of an adequate amount a plethora an overflow
to be deficient in sth will do an abundance brimming with
cry out for a vast amount superfluity
scarse a multitude of superfluous
a paucity extensive undue
starved of ample inordinate
devoid of widespread
striped of a mountain of
bereft of masses of
scarcity / scarcely galore

untapped resources / markets / talent

dire consequences / weather
acute taste/ behaviour/ poverty
a consumer society
compulsive shopper/ consumer
retail therapy
retail – shops
wholesale – company to company
street vendor – ulični prodavac
buy in bulk (bulk buying) - the purchase at one time, and often at a reduced price, of a
large quantity of a particular commodity
on hire purchase – a system by which a buyer pays for a thing in regular installments
while enjoying the use of it
shop soiled
car boot sale
blurb – a short description of a book/film,...
to plug a book – to promote a book



in the dim and distant past

the remote past
a bygone era/days/age
let bygones be bygones
hold on to the past
cling to the past
live in the past
reflect on/ upon the past
recapture the past
in the old/ olden days
in days of yore
shameful past
sordid past
shady past
put the past behind you

national, literary, cultural, architectual HERITAGE

a LEGACY of fear, hatred, religious freedom, freedom

BEQUEST = money (I was left a bequest of 5000$)

to bequeath

to reach an impasse – pat pozicija

sinewy – žilav, snažan
government assault – attack
denunciation – condemnation
to denounce
to protest FOR
to call for – to require
repressive – restraining/dictatorial
indiscriminately – randomly
ensue – follow
raging/ rampaging – enraged
overturn – capsize, flip over
set fire TO
savagery/ severity – brutality
declare – announce
press FOR
impose – enforce
sanctions AGAINST
IN response TO
breach – violation
skirmish – battle (not large scale one; conflict)
to wage war
to declare war ON
to make/start/fight war
torn by war
to be on the brink of war
warmonger/hawk - a politician or other leader who is often encouraging a country to go
to war
combative/ blood-thirsty/ belligerent
to start a revolution
to spark off a revolution
to provoke a revolution
to suppress/ put down/ quell
mutiny – rebellion; pobuna
insurrection – a violent uprising

accustomed, allergic, comparable, courteous, cruel, devoted, equivalent, hurtful,

identical, impolite, indifferent, inferior, irrelevant, kind, loyal, preferable, + TO
sensitive, similar, superior, susceptible, unfaithful

ahead, ashamed, aware, capable, conscious, critical, devoid, envious, + OF

guilty, intolerant, proud, scared, short, unworthy, wary, weary


indignant livid
good perfect
intelligent absurd
sensible preposterous
frightening improbable
harmful brilliant
happy amazed
similar terrifying
interesting fatal
valuable hazardous
inexpensive deadly
pleasant euphoric
important genuine

keep abreast of (current affairs) – stay up-to-date wit
vote for/ against
vote in favour of sb
put sth in a vote
win by a show of hands - expressed by people raising their hands
to cast a vote
ballot – glasački listić
electorate – glasačko telo
electoral - izborni
to call an election
to have an election
to hold an election
to run for the office (AmE)
to stand for the office (BrE)
ballot box
polling station
booth – kabina za glasanje
suffrage (universal) – pravo glasa
franchise – pravo glasa
enfranchise – dati pravo glasa
disenfranchise – lišiti prava na glasanje
to cut/ reduce/ abolish crime/ unemployment
to create/ provide jobs
to open/ build schools
to improve healthcare
to protect/ preserve environment
to support European values
to fight/ oppose nationalism/ discrimination
spin doctors - a spokesperson employed to give a favorable interpretation of events to
the media, especially on behalf of a political party
electioneering – predizborna kampanja
canvassing - solicit votes from
to gain momentum (campaign) – to become popular
front-runner - favorit
to concede defeat
a decisive victory
a parliamentary landslide

Reference words and phrases:

regarding/ as regards/ with regard to/ as for/ as to/ in... terms/ ... speaking (financially
speaking)/ apropos of

namely/ in particular/ particularly/ notably/ to be more specific

according to/ from (the oldest) to (youngest)/ alphabetically by surname/ on alternate days/
at random/ in order of/ in numerical order/ on the trot

Oh, by the way/ Before I forget/ Incidentally/ Oh, that reminds me/ Speaking of which/
While I think of it/ First/ Firstly/ Secondly/ Thirdly/ Finally/ In conclusion/ Last but not the
least/ To sum up
at the time/ in those days/ in such a situation

because of that/ accordingly/ consequently/ as a result/ that being the case

However/ Nevertheless/ Be that as it may/ On the other hand/ And yet

Furthermore/ What is more/ To cap it all/ And as if that were not enough

Not surprisingly/ As you would expect/ It goes without saying that/ To no one’s surprise/
Believe it or not/ To everyone’s utter amazement/ oddly enough/ Contrary to expectations which point... / ... as a result of which...

VERBS THAT FOCUS ON A REFERENCE: highlight/ focus on/ make mention of/ refer to/
point out/ pinpoint/ spell out/ pin down/ emphasise/ lay stress on/ underline/ point up

VERBS THAT FOCUS IN AN INDIRECT WAY: imply/ indicate/ hint at/ suggest/ insinuate/

Intensifying and emphasising:

It’s very hot – It’s boiling.

It costs a lot – The price was exorbitant/ extortionate/ astronomical.
It’s a big problem – It’s a monumental/ vast/ colossal/ gigantic problem.

an eternal optimist totally wrong

a comprehensive defeat downright rude

sheer stupidity plain stupid

arrant nonsense thoroughly ashamed

rank disobediance dead right

utter madness utterly defenceless

unshakeable faith perfectly all right

an unmitigated disaster quite / totally agree

absolutely ridiculous quite/ fully understand

much/ greatly appreciate abundantly clear

indescribably beautiful comprehensive victory/ defeat/ win

incredibly talented acutely embarrassed

unutterably filthy glaringly/ blatantly/ patently obvious

unspeakably rude sheer/ utter joy/ panick

inexpressibly sad rank beginners

infinitely better rank outsider

incomparably superior inveterate womanizer

delightfully eccentric consummate gentleman/ athlete

perfectly awful unadulterated truth

Believe it or not/ Amazingly enough/ Difficult as it is to believe/ Incredible though it is/ To

everyone’s astonishment

as recently as/ as much as/ no fewer than/ (he) himself/ the very (man)/ (what) in the world/
(why) on earth/ (why) ever didn’t you...

Dependent prepositions and prepositional phrases:

consist OF subject TO accuse sm OF

opt FOR distinguish FROM blame sm FOR
play OFF one side ask, appeal, hope, long, similar TO
AGAINST the other yearn FOR related TO
characteristic OF a relationship WITH conversant WITH
typical OF insurance AGAINST IN all likelihood
responsible FOR a safeguard AGAINST BY coincidence
sorry FOR an extract FROM WITHOUT delay
fraught WITH OUT OF breath OUT OF ordinary
riddled WITH BEYOND belief FOR the time being
deficient IN incumbent UPON OUT OF all proportions
lacking IN prone TO ON the verge of
upset ABOUT intent ON IN collaboration WITH
annoyed ABOUT devoid OF OUT OF sight, OUT OF
a prelude TO reminiscent OF mind
a sequel TO inclined TOWARDS
a taste FOR inherent IN
a craving FOR impervious TO
an attack ON conducive TO (suitable)

boast, brag, rave, protest, enthuse, care, bother, ABOUT

forget, brood, dream
delight, revel (enjoy), succeed, exult (be proud of IN
what you’ve achieved)), bask (enjoy), result,
culminate, end, terminate, persist
advise, warn, argue, protest, demonstrate, battle, AGAINST
compete, plot, campaign, win
cheat, strip, rid, deprive, starve, suspect, OF
convince, convict, accuse, acquit
rule, prevail, preside, triumph, win, argue, OVER
quarrel, fall out, haggle, squabble (quarrel)

personnel - the people who work for a company or organization
coursework - school work that a student must do as part of a course of study, with the
mark that they achieve forming part of their exam result
duties (go about duties)
not pull their weight
pull/ get your finger out – to start working hard
donkeywork / grunt work – boring work
goof off – to avoid doing any work
beaver away – to work hard (for a long time)
chore - a job or piece of work that is often boring or unpleasant but needs to be done
grind - a difficult or boring activity that needs a lot of effort
slog - something that is difficult or boring and seems to take a long time
not to do a stroke of work
dogsbody - a person who has to do all the boring or unpleasant jobs that other people do
not want to do
to slave away – to work very hard
drudgery – hard boring work
saddle/ lumber sb with - if you are/get lumbered with something, you have to deal with
something or someone that you do not want to
toil - hard work, especially work that makes you feel physically tired
be hard at it - doing something in a fast busy way
task (fulfil, perform, complete, carry out a task)
errand (run, do an errand) - a short journey either to take a message or to take or
collect something
work/ drive yourself into the ground - to make yourself tired or ill by working too hard
undertaking – a job, business, or a piece of work
manpower – the supply of people who are able to work
malinger - to pretend to be ill in order to avoid having to work
skiver (skive off) – a person who is absent from work without permission
swot - someone, usually a child, who studies very hard
slack - showing little activity; not busy or happening in a positive way
work your fingers to the bone - to work extremely hard, especially for a long time
run-of-the-mill – average (run-of-the-mill employees)
lateral (moves) – creative, unusual
a golden handshake – a reward (usually financial) for those who retire
cut your teeth – to get experience
progress up the rungs – climb the career ladder
a mixed blessing – both good and bad
dog-eat-dog – competitive
the rat race - -II-
the slightest whiff of – not even a tiny bit of something
snapped up – recruited immediately
a track record – evidence of previous success
mindset – way of thinking
the jury’s still out – it’s undecided
a quantum leap – huge progress
quick fixes – instant solutions (not solving the problem)
keep one’s head down - remain inconspicuous in difficult or dangerous times / don’t stir
the boat
a job at hand – what you’re doing right now
odd jobs – not typical/regular
on a payroll - a list of the people employed by a company showing how much each one
get your foot in the door - to enter a business or organization at a low level, but with a
chance of being more successful in the future
quick bite – have a snack
fast lane – part of a motorway / (to live your life in the fast lane)
(in the) slow lane – stagnate, keep your head down
(to make) a quick buck – to make money quickly
(be on a) fast track – advancing/ changing/ developing quickly
to change track – to change profession
rapid response – quick answer
quick catnap – very short nap
to bleed red ink – a situation in which a company is losing a lot of money
green shoots - the first signs of an improvement in an economy that is performing badly
blue chips - a blue-chip company or investment is one that can be trusted and is not
likely to fail
white goods - large electrical goods for the house, such as cookers and washing machines
golden hello - an extra payment that is given to someone for accepting a new job
white knight - a person or organization that saves a company from financial difficulties
or from a takeover by putting money into the company or by buying it

laborious – long, difficult and often boring job

mundane = tedious = routine
go-getting - energetic, determined to be successful, and able to deal with new or difficult
situations easily
high-flying – extremely successful
high-powered – very successful or having a very important job
quick-witted - able to reply in a clever or funny way without thinking for a long time
remuneration - payment for work or service
dull = humdrum = monotonous = repetitive
aquiline – of or like an eagle (=large bird)
bovine - slow or stupid in a way that a cow is thought to be
canine – of or relating to dogs (teeth)
elephantine – very large
equine - connected with horses, or appearing similar to a horse
feline – appearing or behaving like a cat
porcine – like a pig
ursine – slow, lazy (bear)
cover(ing) letter
career path
promotion prospects
claims form
travel expenses
working conditions
job description
trial period
sick pay
pension scheme
the sense of achievement
the sealing of an important deal
attain a goal
leadership values
streamlined – made more effective
an overriding ambition – too much
foreman - a skilled person with experience who is in charge of and watches over a group
of workers
dealer (IN cars)
at the end of your tether – to have no more patience
to be given the sack = to be let go = to be fired
have your nose to the grindstone – to work hard
take on (a new secretary) – give a job to sm
to be on the go – busy
to be overlooked – not get promoted
to make good – to become successful
keep someone on their toes - to make sure that someone gives all their attention to what
they are doing and is ready for anything that might happen

Expressing purpose and effect:

I mean/ plan/ intend/ aim/ hope to retire soon.

My immediate goal
life-long dream
short-term plan
sincere hope
ultimate aim
firm intention
overriding ambition

I’m eager/ keen/ determined/ resolved/ tempted to see the world.

She seems intent/ bent on causing as much trouble as possible.

He has high hopes of winning.

They’ve no intention of backing down.
He has no thoughts of marrying.
I’ve half a mind to resign. – usually when you’re angry
I’m toying with the idea of moving.
I’ve made up my mind to leave.
He’s set his heart on getting it.
She harbours a dream of getting married in the Seychelles.
They’ve no / every intention of backing down.
The whole point of doing this is to give money.
She did the course in the hope of getting/ with a view to getting/ with the
aim of getting a job in graphic design.

to affect = to have an effect on = to effect (formal)

to influence = to have an influence on
to shape/ determine/ mould/ dictate = to have a bearing on
to entail/ involve/ necessitate = to have long-term repercussions
to stem from = to have its roots in
to result in

to be traced back to
to have its origins in
to originate from
to be the source of
to spring from
to give rise to
to bright about
to spark off
to date back to
to derive from
to engender
to sow the seeds of
to breed

Result/ Purpose:

with the aim OF passing

in the hope OF passing

with a view TO passing

for fear OF failing = for fear THAT I might fail = I’m working hard LEST I fail / I should

So beautiful was she that...

Such a beautiful girl was she that...


unabashed – not ashamed
salient – noticeable
chirpy – happy and lively
to placate - to stop someone feeling angry or offended by being nice to them or by giving
them what they want
pliant - willing to be persuaded or controlled
mores – traditional customs
potent – strong
stint - s a period of time spent doing something

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