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A Clinical Sign of Canal Paresis

G. Michael Halmagyi, MB, BS, Ian S. Curthoys, PhD

\s=b\ Unilateral loss of horizontal semicir- describe a clinical sign that we have examiner could then observe that during
cular canal function, termed canal pare- found in patients who have lost all such rapid head rotations, a normal sub¬
sis, is an important finding in dizzy vestibular function in one ear: com¬ ject would not make any saccades, indicat¬
patients. To our knowledge, apart from pensatory refixation saccades elicited ing that the subject's gaze had remained
head-shaking nystagmus, no clinical sign fixed on target. Patients with a total uni¬
only by rapid head movements to¬ lateral canal paresis, on the other hand,
of canal paresis has yet been described ward the affected side and not by could only keep their gazes fixed on target
and the term derives from the characteris- head movements toward the intact when their heads were turned away from
tic finding on caloric tests: little or no side. We have verified this sign by the lesioned side, ie, toward the intact side
nystagmus evoked by either hot or cold objective head and eye movement (Fig 1); when their heads were turned
irrigation of the affected ear. We describe recordings and suggest that it may be toward the lesioned side, they would
a simple and reliable clinical sign of total useful in the clinical evaluation of invariably make one or more, clinically
unilateral loss of horizontal semicircular dizzy patients. evident, compensatory, refixation saccades
canal function: one large or several small in the opposite direction to the head
oppositely directed, compensatory, refix- PATIENTS AND METHODS motion (Fig 3). The examiner can readily
ation saccades elicited by rapid horizon- Patients observe compensatory saccades if he keeps
tal head rotation toward the lesioned reminding the patient to (1) try to fix on
Twelve patients were examined before target; (2) avoid making amiicompensatory
side. Using magnetic search coils to mea- saccades (ie, saccades in the direction of
and from one week to one year after unilat¬
sure head and eye movement, we have head movement); and (3) avoid blinking.
eral vestibular neurectomy for acoustic
validated this sign in 12 patients who had neuroma or intractable vertigo. All 12 had With a little perseverance, all of our
undergone unilateral vestibular neurecto- some caloric responses from the affected patients were able to cooperate with these
my. ear before surgery but no caloric instructions.
(Arch Neurol 1988;45:737-739) responses, even with 0°C irrigation, after Head and Eye Movement Examination
surgery. Each patient and 12 control sub¬
jects gave informed consent for these tests Horizontal displacement of the head and
and the protocols had been approved by the of the left eye were recorded, using mag¬
hospital's Human Ethics Committee. netic search coils.1 The test paradigm was
"^^"hile impairment
function of one
of vestibular
ear compared Clinical Examination
identical to the clinical paradigm, except
that the fixation point was 1 m, not 3 m,
with the other is the pathophysiologic Patients would sit upright and fix their away and the examiner turned the
basis of most vertigo, clinical exami¬ gaze on a target about 3 m away. The patient's head from behind and not from in
nation of patients complaining of ver¬ examiner would sit facing the patient and front.
tigo is generally unrewarding. We give the following instructions: "Please Caloric Tests
keep looking carefully at the target while I
Accepted publication Nov 17, 1987.
for turn your head from one side to the other" Each ear was irrigated in turn with
From the Eye and Ear Unit, Department of (Fig 1, A). When the patients had accus¬ water at 30°C and 44°C from a closed-loop
Neurology, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital (Dr tomed themselves to the test and could balloon system. For irrigation at 0°C fol¬
Halmagyi), and the Department of Psychology, relax their neck muscles, the examiner lowing vestibular neurectomy, the ear was
University of Sydney (Dr Curthoys), Sydney, would try to turn the patient's head as
New South Wales, Australia. syringed with 50 mL of ice water. Vestibu¬
Reprint requests to Department of Neurology, quickly as possible to one side. It was lar nystagmus was recorded, using an
Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Camperdown, Syd- easiest to do this if the head was already infrared scierai reflection system and
ney, New South Wales 2050, Australia (Dr Hal- positioned 20° or so away from the side to monitored with infrared, closed circuit
magyi). which it was about to be turned. The television.

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Fig 1.—Normal gaze fixation during rapid head turn toward intact side. A and B, With her face turned a little to the right and
her eyes fixed on a distant target, patient (professional model) waits for her head to be moved rapidly to left by examiner. C,
After leftward head movement, gaze is still fixed on target so that no refixation saccades are required.

Controls were shown, but these were symmet¬

Twelve normal subjects without evi¬ rical and any compensatory saccades
dence of eye, ear, or brain disease were were less than 2° in amplitude.
examined clinically and five of them were COMMENT 10°
also tested with the magnetic search
coils. These results suggest that if during
rapid rightward head movements, a
patient makes leftward saccades, then
When the head was rapidly rotated he has a severe right canal paresis;
toward the lesioned side, all 12 conversely, if during leftward head
patients who had undergone unilater¬ movements, he makes rightward sac-
al vestibular neurectomy made clini¬ cades, then he has a left canal paresis.
cally evident, oppositely directed, In general terms then, oppositely
compensatory, refixation saccades. directed saccades, ie, compensatory
During rightward head rotations, refixation saccades during rapid hori¬
patients who had undergone right ves¬ zontal head rotations, indicate a
tibular neurectomy would make left¬ severe horizontal semicircular canal
ward saccades; during leftward head lesion on the side to which the head is
rotations, patients who had under¬ being rotated. This simple and reli¬
gone left vestibular neurectomy would able clinical sign depends on the rela¬
make rightward saccades; when the tive inefficacy of contralateral or
head was rotated away from the ampullofugal stimulation of the nor¬
lesioned side, the patient would make mal horizontal semicircular canal
only smooth, compensatory eye move¬ compared with ipsilateral or ampullo- 50 ° s-
Intact Side
ments, and no saccades were clinically petal stimulation, first described by
evident. These findings were con¬ Ewald almost 100 years ago.2 He Fig 2.—Search coil recording of head and eye
firmed by search coil recordings: evoked more vigorous nystagmus movement during rapid head turn toward
intact side. Eye position (e) mirrors head
whereas during head rotation away from the horizontal semicircular
from the lesioned side, gaze was canal when he caused the endolymph position (h) and eye velocity (è) mirrors head
velocity (li); neither gaze position (g) nor gaze
almost as stable as in the control to move toward the ampulla and so velocity (g) is perturbed enough to require
subjects (Fig 2), during head rotation displace the cúpula toward the utricle refixation saccade. Calibrations are as fol¬
toward the lesioned side, one large or (ampullopetal flow) than when he lows: position, 0° to 10° or ±5°; velocity, 0°
several smaller, compensatory, refixa¬ caused endolymph to move away from to 100°s-' or ±50°s-'; time, 250 ms.
tion saccades would invariably occur the ampulla and so displace the cúpu¬
(Fig 4). During head rotation toward la away from the utricle (ampullofu¬
the lesioned side, the total saccadic gal flow). From this observation, ie,
eye displacement in the opposite that the semicircular canal could
direction side could in acute cases respond to stimulation in either direc¬
approach the total head displacement, tion, Ewald correctly concluded that
indicating that almost no slow, com¬ there must be some sort of vestibular zero with sufficiently rapid contralat¬
pensatory eye movements had been "tone," identified as the resting dis¬ eral, ampullofugal-flow-producing ac¬
generated. The peak head acceleration charge rate of primary vestibular celerations, with ipsilateral, ampullo-
in these tests was about 3000c/s2 and afférents by Lowenstein and Sand3 petal-flow-producing accelerations,
peak head velocity about 300°/s. Com¬ nearly 50 years later. no matter how rapid, the discharge
pensatory saccades were no less evi¬ The cause of Ewald's ampullofugal- rate could not be saturated. In other
dent one year after vestibular neurec¬ ampullopetal asymmetry was estab¬ words, the firing rate of primary ves¬
tomy than they were one week after¬ lished by Goldberg and Fernandez" in tibular afférents kept increasing with
ward. 1971. They found that while the dis¬ ipsilateral acceleration but could only
None of the control subjects showed charge rate of some primary vestibu¬ decrease to zero with increasing con¬
this sign clinically. With search coil lar afférents could be driven from tralateral acceleration.
recordings, some gaze instabilities about 90 spikes per second at rest to Subsequently, Baloh and others5·6

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Fig 3.—Clinical sign of right canal paresis: abnormal gaze fixation during rapid head turn toward lesioned side. A, With her
face turned a little to left and with her eyes fixed on a distant target, patient (professional model) waits for her head to be
moved rapidly to the right. B, Following rightward head turn, it becomes evident that gaze has shitted during head turn with
head to right. C, Leftward or compensatory saccade is now required to refix gaze.

try of the horizontal semicircular The gaze of patients with a unilateral

canal clinically obvious in patients labyrinthine defect shifts only when
who have undergone vestibular neur¬ their heads move quickly toward the
ectomy. More recently, Hain et al7 lesioned side and then the accumu¬
confirmed that head-shaking nystag¬ lated gaze error can only be corrected
mus is also a sign of unilateral canal by the characteristic, oppositely
paresis and that it also depends at directed, compensatory saccades.
least in part on the operation of Gauthier and Robinson9 measured
Ewald's Second Law. the horizontal vestibulo-ocular reflex
If the heads of normal subjects similarly to the way we have mea¬
staring at a distant target are quickly sured it; they, however, took the
turned sideways, their eyes will invol¬ amplitude of the refixation saccade,
untarily turn in the opposite direction which occurred after a rapid head
in their heads. Since their eye move¬ rotation, to represent the error in the
ments will be just as smooth and just vestibulo-ocular reflex during the
as quick as their head movements, head rotation.
their gaze will remain unperturbed
and fixed on target. Gaze is normally This investigation was supported by the
National Health and Medical Research Council.
fixed by three distinct groups of ocu¬ Carl Bento took the photographs of model Kate
lomotor reflexes: the cervico-ocular Weiler.
reflex, the optokinetic-pursuit reflex, References
and the vestibulo-ocular reflex. That
250 ms only one of these three, the vestibulo- 1. Collewijn H, Van Der Mark F, Jansen TC: A
ocular reflex, is quick enough to keep precise recording of human eye movements.
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up with natural head movements is 2. Ewald EJR, cited by Hallpike CS: On the
Fig 4.—Search coil recording of head and eye illustrated by the predicament of the case for repeal of Ewald's second law: Some
movement during rapid head turn toward bilaterally labyrinthine defective pa¬ introductory remarks. Acta Otolaryngol
lesioned side: peak smooth eye velocity (è) is tients.7 If they only turn their heads 1961;159(suppl):7-14.
only about half of peak head velocity (h) so 3. Lowenstein 0, Sand A: The individual and
that gaze (g) is displaced 10° to right during
slowly, the optokinetic-pursuit reflex integrated activity of the semicircular canals of
and perhaps the cervico-ocular reflex the elasmobranch labyrinth. J Physiol 1940;
20° rightward head turn, so that leftward
can all generate the smooth compen¬ 99:89-101.
saccades (arrows) are required to refix gaze. 4. Goldberg JM, Fernandez C: Physiology of
These saccades are obvious to an observer satory eye movements required to sta¬
bilize their gaze. If, however, they peripheral neurons innervating semicircular
and constitute clinical sign of right canal canals of the squirrel monkey: I. Resting dis-
paresis. Calibrations are as follows: position, turn their heads quickly (say faster charge and response to constant angular acceler
0" to 10° or ±5°; velocity, 0° to 100°s-' or than 1 Hz or 100°/s peak velocity, ations. J Neurophysiol 1971;34:635-660.
±50°s"'; and time, 250 ms. e indicates eye lOOOVs2 peak acceleration), then the 5. Baloh RW, Honrubia V, Konrad HR:
Ewald's second law re-evaluated. Acta Otolaryn-
position, h, head position, and g, gaze posi¬ optokinetic-pursuit reflex and the cer¬ gol 1977;83:475-479.
tion. vico-ocular reflex cannot keep up and 6. Honrubia V, Jenkins HA, Baloh RW, et al:
their compensatory smooth eye move¬ Evaluation of rotatory vestibular tests in periph-
ments will be too slow; they will have eral labyrinthine lesions, in Honrubia V, Brazier
MAB (eds): Nystagmus and Vertigo: Clinical
to make compensatory fast eye move¬
Approaches to the Patient With Dizziness. Orlan-
measured the horizontal vestibulo- ments, ie, saccades, to stay on target; do, Fla, Academic Press Inc, 1982, pp 57-80.
ocular reflex of patients with total their gaze will become unstable and 7. Hain TC, Fetter M, Zee DS: Head-shaking
unilateral canal paresis and con¬ they may even experience oscillopsia. nystagmus in patients with unilateral peripheral
firmed these findings, adding that the The gaze of vestibular lesions. Am J Otolaryngol 1987;8:36\x=req-\
patients with bilateral 47.
ampullopetal-ampullofugal asymme¬ labyrinthine defects shifts with their 8. Gresty MA, Hess K, Leech J: Disorders of
try was only evident with head accel¬ head, because their smooth compensa¬ the vestibulo-ocular reflex producing oscillopsia
erations above lOOVs2. From our work tory eye movements are too slow; gaze and mechanisms compensating for loss of laby-
rinthine function. Brain 1977;100:693-716.
also, it appears that rapid head accel¬ error accumulates during head move¬ 9. Gauthier GM, Robinson DA: Adaptation of
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ampullopetal-ampullofugal asymme- sitely directed, compensatory saccade. lenses. Brain Res 1975;92:331-335.

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