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FICHA: 1852603



Knowing a product is important when distributing it, to describe it, in English, you

need to have the knowledge about the use of adjectives and Therefore, before

starting the development of this activity, recommends that you specifically read the

supporting material found in the space of the activity, in order to know the

grammatical structures necessary for the elaboration of comparative and

superlative sentences.
1. Elabore un documento escrito con las características de su producto o servicio
en el cual se ha enfocado su proyecto formativo.
Incluya los siguientes aspectos:

A. Name of the product or service

distribution of artisan cookies

B. Product or service characteristics:

- artisan cookies have a brown color with White
- crispy toast cookies
- package of 162 grams x6 units each unit 27 grams
- two flavors honey and wheat and its smell is sweet
- Design of the product or service

-These cookies are for all types of public who want a healthy and healthy diet
- This product is packed in 48 units per cartón
- artisan cookies are priced at 2600 Colombian pesos the package for 6 units
Además de conocer de manera interna los productos de la empresa a la cual se
pertenece es necesario conocer los de la competencia. Por ende, si se pretende
expresar las ventajas de un producto para clientes de habla inglesa, se debe tener
en cuenta las estructuras relacionadas con los comparativos y superlativos en
dicho idioma.
2. Investigue sobre un (1) producto de la competencia y determine 5
características de las expuestas en el punto 1.

Nestle brand wholegrain fitness cookies

- biscuits made with cereal
- cookies for people who want to lead a healthy life
- pack of 6 units of cookies
- red berry flavored cookies
- crispy toast cookies

3. Compare en siete (7) frases las ventajas de su producto o servicio con relación
a la competencia, usando las estructuras gramaticales de comparativos y
My product is cheaper than of the competence.
Chocorramo is the oldest Cake in the market.
1. our cookies have a lot of fiber
2. low fat cookies
3. our cookies are the lowest on the market
4. my artisan cookies are easy to load anywhere you want to go
5. our presentation is very attractive and pleasant
6. our brand is highly recognized by Colombian clients
7. our cookies are available to the public without exception

4. Teniendo en cuenta toda la información anterior elabore un párrafo no menor a

cinco (5) renglones, en el cual describa su producto o servicio, relatando por qué
este es el mejor en el mercado. Incluyendo como tema gramatical los
comparativos y superlativos en idioma inglés.

our artisan cookies are of excellent quality and belongs to a recognized brand well
remembered by the Colombian products bouquet sas, it has a great source of
calories and is very healthy for those who want to have a healthy and healthy diet.
We have a national distribution and we are already exporting to México and Spain.
These cookies are for all types of clients who want to maintain a balanced diet
Companies sell products or services to the public or other businesses. A product

might be something to eat, or to wear or to play. A service is doing something for

someone for example, a hairdresser, a plumber or a childminder. Companies make

money by selling their product or service for more money than it costs to make or

deliver. The extra money that they make is called a Profit.

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