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Eflective 11/l/88

All housings listed in this price sheet are in cdlfipliance with Section 410.65 of the 1987
National Electrical Code but each serves a different need:

I.C.- Can be used in direct contact with thermal insulation. ldeal for residences where in-
sulation is widely used but can be used lor all applications.
T.C.- May be used in all locations, but if used in an insulated area must be spaced 3"
from the insulation.


FREIGHT TERMS: Freight will be prepaid and allowed on each order or partial release
thereot totaling $1100 or more within the continental limits ol the United States. For olher
areas, consult Factory All shipments will be made via carrier selected by shipper
MERCHANDISE ANO CLIIMS TERMS: Title to all merchandise shall pass trom Juno to
our customers upon consignment to carrier. All claims lor loss or damage in transit must
be made by consignee to carrier.
RETURN MERCHANDISE ITEMS: No merchandise may be returned without prior written
authorization. All returns will be subject to a minimum 250lo handling and lactory inspec-
tion charge, except on products considered by the manufacturer to be defective in
workmanship and materials.
PRICING: Prices subject to change without notice. Merchandise will be shipped at prices
prevailing at time of shipment.

PRoDUCT GTARANTEE. Juno warrants lotho firsl non-retail purchaser of any ol its products thal its products are
lree fiom defects in material and workmanship. ln ths event of any defect, Junos solo obligation is expressly limited
to repair or replacement, withoul charge, al Juno's factory attet priorwritt€n relurn authorization has b€en granted
ln no event shallJunos obligation under this Warranty extend beyond the initial cost ol the product and accordingly,
any consequentialdamages adsing oul ol adsl€cttherein are expressly oxcluded, ThisWarranty shallnot dpplyto
products which have been altered o. repaired oulside olJuno's lactory nor shallit apply to defects forwhich written
nolicethereof is nol received byJunowithin one (1) year from the date of purchaso.

JUIIO lighting, inc.

2001 S. Mount Prospect Rd., PO Box 5065
Des Plaines, lL 60017-5065 (312) 82-9880
Fax (314 427-2925
ContL Pfice
Cal. No. Desc ption WH Pk. wt.
rc 926 Double-wall housing, can be covered with 30
Ceiling opening 6%" x 63/a" dia. x73/a" hl.

TC 926 Housing requires 3" spacing trom insulation. 17.35

Ceiling opening 6%" x 6 3/a" dia. x 8" to 10" ht.

Tiim Size 610 Albalite with baffle. rc40wA19 14.3s

75/a' TC 75W A19

73/a" x 73/a" 614 Batf le rc 90w PAR38 15.00 't0

TC 150W PAR 38

t'/a 6'17 Adjustable White rc 35w MB16 53.35 42

Cylinder dtransformer TC 50W MR16

Low Voltage
t18 618 Adjustable Black IC 35W MR16 53.35 42
Cylinder dtransformer TC 50W t\.4R16

Low Voltage
75/e" 6t9 Eyeball in baffle 75W R30 19.65 '10

Double-wall, housing can be covered

with insulation.
Ceiling opening 6%" x 8" dia. x 7" ht.

TC 928 Housing requires 3" spacing from insulation. 22

Ceiling opening 6%" x 8" dia. x 10" to 12" ht.

Trim Size IC gOW PAR38

91/s', x83/16,' TC 15OW PAR38

Contr P ce
Caf. No. Descdption Pk. wt.
rcl Double wall housing can be covered with 17.05
insulation. 4%" dia. x71/2' hl.

TCI Housing requires 3" spacing from insulation. 13,65 24

43/8" dia. x sVa" hl.

TC 101 Remodel housing requires 3" spacing from 13.65

insulation. 4%" dia. x 5%" ht.

Trim Slze Drop Opal rc 30w R20 11,65

47/e" TC 60W A19
13 2" Pinhole rc 30w R20 11.65
TC 50W Ft20
'14 Batfle 50w R20 13.00

Scoop Adjustable 25W R14/40W R16 20.65

19 Eyeball 25W R14/40W Rl6 t8.00

17 Cone-Clear Alzak@ 50-75W R20 17.35 64

17G Cone-Gold Alzak@ 17.35 64
178 Cone-Black Alzak@ 17.35 64
217 Cone-Black Phenolic 50w R20 15.3s 64

Housing can be covered with

insulation. 5%" dia. x73/4t' hl.

TC 20 Housing requires 3" spacing from insulation. 13.65 26

51A" dia. x73/a" hl.

Trim Size 204 4" Ballle 50w PAR20 r 3.00


205 5" Balfle rc 50w PAR30 13.00 66

TC 75W PAR3O 66
207 Cone-Clear Alzak@ 5OW PAR2O 17.35 bb
207G Cone-Gold Alzak@ 17.35 66
2078 Cone-Black Alzak@ 17.35 66
208 Eyeball 50w PAR20 18.00

201 Open 75W F30 5.35

209 Gimble 75W PAR30 21.35

F/N/SHESi WH-White.
Cont. P ce
Cat. l'ro. Desc ption WH DX/PB
tc2 Double wall housing can be covered with 17.05 23
insulation. 65/o,' dia. x 71/2', ht.

fc2 Housing requires 3" spacing lrom insulation. 13.05 31

65/s', x71/a,' hl.

TC 102 Remodel housing requires 3" spacing from 14.40 18

insulation. 67s" x 7% " ht.

Trim Size 20 Albalite rc40wA19 8.65 10.65 (DR 6

TC 75W A19
8', 21' Drop Opal rc40wA19 10.00 12.00 (DX) 6
Shower/Closet Light TC 75W A19

@ 22


Pinhole w/baffle
TC 75W A'19
rc 30w R20

11.35 6 5
TC 50W R20
24 Baffle, Phenolic 75W R30 9.65 11.6s (PB) 12 1o

25 Balfle, Phenolic IC gOW PAR38 9.65 11.6s (PB) 12

TC t50W R40

7'/s' 27 Cone-Clear Alzak@ 75W R30 15.35 12 12

27G Cone-Gold Alzako 15.35 '12 12
278 Cone-Black Alzak@ 15.35 12 '12
227 Cone-BIack Phenolic 13.35 6 4
8' 224 Eyeball 50w R20 15.00

Eyeball 75WR30 15.00 19.00 (PB) 6 '10

75/a' Eyeball in Baffle 50w R20 18.35 6

75/a" (-}\
\Y_4) 249 Eyeba in Batfte t5W R30 183s - 6 11

8', 222 Louver rc40wA19 9.35 6

TC 75W 830/419

230 l\rultiplier Clear Baff le 100w A19 18.00 68

230G N,lultiplier Gold Bafile 18.00 68
231 Multiplier Clear Alzak@ '100w A19 18.00 66
231G lvlultiplier Gold Alzak@ 18.00 66
231W Multiplier Gloss White 14.00 66
F/N/SHES. WH-White, PB-Polished Brusq DX-DutX (White Enamel ovet nickel plate)
'Pw-Plastic White,(Poly Cahonate material) same p ce as WH.
ContL P ce
Cat- No. Desc ption DXlPB Pk-
Trim Size 240 Albalite with rellector rc 60w A19 13.3s 15.3s (DX)
8', TC 100W A19

Drop Opal rc60wA19 14.00 16.65 (DX) 6

Shower/Closet Light TC 100W A19
with rellector
261 Scoop Wall Wash rc 60w A19 22.00 10
TC 100W A19
75/a" 250 Open Frame 75W R30 s.00 7.65 (PB) 6

251 Open Frame rc 100w R40 5.00 7.65 (PB) 6

TC 150W-250W 840

75/a' Gimble Ring IC 75W PAR38/3 slde Prong 21.25

with balfle TC 150W PAR38/3 side Prong
t -/a 424 Bafile*Downlight or Adj. rc 35W MR16 53.35
Low Voltage
Cone-Downlight or Adj. IC 35W MR16

429 Clear Alzak@ 54.65

429G Gold Alzak@ 54,65 17
Low Voltage 4298 Black Alzak@ 54.65 17
75/e' 427 White Cylinder-Adjustable 50w MR16 53.35 '1 8
424 Black Cylinder-Adiustable 53.35 18
Low Voltaqe
F/N/SHESi WH-WhiE, PB-Polished Brass, DX-DutX (White Enamel wet nickel plate)
'Pw-Plastic White, (Poly Carbonate material) same price as WH.
Contr, P ce
Cat. No. Description DX/PB Pk.
tc 22 Housing can be covered with 13.05
insulation. 6./s,, dia. x7" ht.

tc 122 Remodel housing can be covered with

insulation. 65/a" dia. x7" hl.

22A Eyeball R20 15.00 6

ar Size /^,a-l
Trim 50W 10

Eyeball in Batfle

R30 15.00 19.00 (PB)

R20 18.35


7%" (&> 24e Eveball in Batfle 75w R3! 18.35 - 6 11

75/a,, 231 Multiplier Clear Alzak@ 60W A19 18.00 6 6

/:\ 23rw Multiplier Gloss White 14.00 6 6
qJ 231G Multiplier Gold Alzako 18.00 6 6

Batfle, Phenolic 50w R30 r0.55

14.00 16.65

Open Frame 75W R30 5.00 7.65

75/e" 24 Baflle 75W R30 9.65 1 t.65 (PB) 12

75/a' 25 Baffle 75W R30 9.65 11.65 (PB) 12 10

27 Cone-Clear Alzak@ 75W R30 '15.35 12 12

15.35 't2 12
27G Cone-Gold Alzak@
15.35 '12
278 Cone-Black Alzak@ 12
227 Cone-Black Phenolic 13.35 6 4

Housing can be covered with

insulation.6Ys" dia. x 53/a" ht.

rc 121 Bemodel housing can be covered with

insulation. 6s/s" dia. x 53/a" hl.

Trim Size Eyeball 50w R20 .t

s.00 610
Eyeball 75W R30 ls.oo 19.00 (PB) 6

t -/a Eyeball in Batfle 50w R20 18.35 11

75/e" Eyeball in Baffle 75W R30 18.35 6 11

a' Drop Opal 40w A19 14.00 16.6s (DX) 6 1o

Shower/Closet Light with ref lector
75h' Open Frame 75W R30 5.s6 7.55 (PB) 6

F/N/SHES; WH-White, PB-Polished Brusq DX-DurX (WhiE Enamel ovet nickel plate).
'Pw-Plastic WhiE, (Poly Cahonate mate al) same price as WH.
Contr. Price
Cal, iro. Description WH Pk. wt.
rc5 Double wall housing may bo covsred with 22.O0 24
insulation. 6%" sq. x71/2" hl.

TCs Housing requires 3" spacing lrom insulation. 22.OO 30

65/s" sq. x 87a" ht.

Trim Size 51 Drop Opal rc 40w A19 19.35 10

71/4o sq. rc 75 A19

54 Batfle rc 100w R40 16.65

TC t50W R40

Doubls wall housing may be covered with

insulalion. 83/s" sq. x 7" ht.

TC6 Housing requires 3" spacing from insulation. 14.00 30

83/s sq. x 5"

Trim Size
9%" 8q.
@ 50

Crystal Ditfussr

Drop Opal
rc 60w 419
TC 100W A19

IC60WA19 14.00 15
rc 100w A19

rc 60w A19
TC 100W A19

Double wall housing may be covered wilh

insulation. 103/a sq. x75/6,' ht.

TC7 Housing requires 3' spacing from insulation. 19.3s 35

1O3/." sq. x51/2't ht.

Trim Size m Crystal Dittuser rc 100w A19 11.35 '14

11%"sq. TC 150\ / 421

7t Drop Opal rc 100w A19 18.00 23

TC t50W 421

72 Fr6sn6l Ic 100\ / A19 18.00 't5

rc 1501 , A21

Contr, P ce
Cat. iro, Desc ption WH/PB Pk. wt,
TC44' Housing includes 50 VA 12 volt transformer. 48.65
41/4" dia. x 514" hl-

TC44R Remodel housing includes 50 VA 12 volt 48.65 12

41A'dia.x51/4" hl.

Trim Sizs 443 Pinhole 50w MR16 16.00

Batf le-Downlight or Adjustable 5OWMR16 't 6.65

445 slot-Adjustable. sow MR16 I

446 Scoop Adjustable. 50w MR16 I

447 Cone Clear Downlight or Adj. sOW MR16 21.3566

: 447G
Cone Gold Downlight or Adj-
Cone Black Downlight or Adi.
21'35 6 6
44a Eyeball 50w MR16 22.65 (WH) 6 I
@ 28.00 (PB)

Housing includes 75VA lA/. transformer.

6t/2" dia- x71/t" hl.

Batf le-Downlight or Adjustable 75W MR16 21.35

457 Cone Clear Downlight or Adjustable 75W MR16 22.65 68

457G Cone Gold Downlight or Adjustable 22.65 68
4578 Cone Black Downlight or Adjustable 22.65 68
458 white Cylinder Adjustable 50w MR16 26.65 16
459 Black Cylinder Adjustable 26.65 16

Housing includes 50VA 1Ay'. transformer.

6t/2" dia. x71/a" hl,

Baflle-Downlight or Adjustable .50w PAR36 21.35

Trim Size Baff le-Downlight or Adjustable rc 35W MR16 53.35
75/6" TC 50W MR16

429 Cone Clear Downlight or Adj. rc 35W MR16 54.65 17

429G Cone Gold Downlight or M. rc 50w MR16 54.65 17
4298 Cone Black Downlight or Adj. 54.65 '1 7

.:_\\ 427 white Cylinder Adiustable rc/Tc 50w MR16 53.35 18

42a Black Cylinder Adjustable 53.35
FTNTSHESj WHJI,/hiE, PB-tullshed Brass.
*Tnnsformet tot 277V application. . . specily "V" after Cat. No. . . . .......Add$10.00

Catatog Contractor Price
No. Desc ption Housing Trim Complete


A Lamp E lipsoidal't-Open Rellector

TC 906-643 6%" dia. x 9%" ht. 100w A19/150W A21 18.65 32.00 50.65
TC 908-644 81/4,, dia. x 10 3/.,, ht. 1s0w A21l200w A23 21.35 44.00 65.35
TC 910-645 'lol/a" dia. x 131/a" hl. 200w A23l300w Ps25 24.OO 50.65 74.65

A lamp Elllpsordal'r-Baffled Rellectof

TC 2-230 61/2" dia. x71/a" hl. 100w A19 13.05 18.00 31.05
TC 908-654 81/ar dia. x 1o3/st' hl. 150W A21l200W A23 21.35 48.00 69.35
TC 910-655 101/a" dia. x 13Ya" ht. 200w 423/300w Ps25 24.00 54.65 78.65

Miniature Baflte Down-Lites-3" Round and Square

I TC 18-184 23/a" dia.x4" ht. 55W PAR16 6.65 20.00 26.65
TC 19-194 23/4" sq-x4" hl. 55W PAR16 6.65 22.6s 29.30

Ballfie Down-Lites- 4", 5", and 6" dia.

LFlFr4l-.jDt. I
TC 1-14
rc 20-204
41/a" dia. x 51/0" hl.
51/a" dia. x73/a" hl.
50w R20
50w PAR20
13.65 13.00
3.65 13.00
13.65 13.00
ll-,l |
,'-qi =€ilF--r=r+l,
TC 20-20s
TC 2-25
51/c" dia. x7a/q"
61/2" dia. x71/a"
50-75W PAR30
150W R40/PAR38 13.05 9.65

I Deep Baffle
TC 919-624 5%" dia. x 8" ht. 75W R30 22.65 19.35 42.OO
TC 920-625 61/2" dia. x 1os/8h hl. 150W R40/PAR38 25.35 22.OO 47.35

Baffled Squate
TC 5-54 6s/s" dia. x 83/q" hl. 150W R40/PAR38 22.OO 16.65 38.65

R bmp Multipliet't
TC 920-657 61/2tt u dia. x 10sl6" ht. 75W R30 25.35 23.35 48"70
TC 925-658 8t/t" dia. x 1O1/2" hl. .150w-
300w R40 26.6s 25.35 52.00

TC 2-27 6V2" dia. x7V4" hl. 75W R30 13.05 15.35 28.40
TC 2-227 61/2" dia. x7Ua" hl. 75W R30 13.05 13.35 26.40
'f Tc 925-628 81A" dia. x 101/2" hl. '150-300w R40 26.65 2s.35 52.00

'Specular Gold Alzaka Specily "G Alter Catalog No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

add $4.00
lSpecular Black Alzaka Specify "8" Atter Catalog No.-Cat+'s TC925-6288 and TCg25-6588 150W R4O MAX add 94.00
No. Desctiption Housing Trim Complele

6" Open Clear Rettectot'-9W7w (2 l'.amp)

Pt805-843 120V NPF Ballast, - (2) 7VV/9W Twin Tube 29.35 46.65 76.00
PL805H-843 120V HPF Ballast, - (2) TW9W Twin Tube 38.65 46,65 85.30
PL805HV-843 277V HPF Ballast, - (2) 7W9W Twin Tube 44.00 46.65 90.65

8" Open Cleat Reflectot*-gw (2 bmP)

PL808-844 120V NPF Ballast, - (2) 9W Twin Tube 36.00 53.35 89.35
PL808H-844 120V HPF Ballast, - (2) 9W Twin Tube 45.35 53.35 98.70
PL808HV-844 277V HPF Ballast, - (2) 9W Twin Tube 50.65 53.35 104.00

8" Open Clear Reflectot',-13w (2 bmP)

PL809-844 120V NPF Ballast, - (2) 13W Twin Tube 40.00 53.35 93,35
PL809H-844 120V HPF Ballast, - (2) 13W Twin Tube 49.35 53.35 102.70
PL809HV-844 Z7V, HPF Ballast, - (2) 13W Twin Tube 54.65 53.35 108.00

8" Balfled Clear Reflectot'!-gw (2 Lamp)

PL808-854 l20V NPF Ballast, - (2) 9W Twin Tube 36.00 57.35 93.35
PL808H-854 120V HPF Ballast, - (2) 9W Twin Tube 45.35 57.35 102.70
PL808HV-854 277V, HPF Ballast, - (2) 9W Twin Tube 50.65 57.35 108,00

8" Balfled Cleat Reflecto/r-13w (2 Lamp)

PL809-854 120V NPF Ballast, - (2) 13W Twin Tube 40,00 57.35 97.35
PL809H-854 120V HPF Ballast, - (2) 13W Twin Tube 49.35 57.35 106.70
PL809HV-854 t7V, HPF Ballast, - (2) l3W Twin Tube 54.6s 57.35 112,00

Houslng. Normal Power Factor Ballast.

PLSOO (1)-9W Compact Double Twin Tube. 28.00
65/8" dia. x71/e" hl-
PL8O1 (1)-13W Compact Double Twin Tube- 28.00
65/o" dia. x71/s" hl.
Housing. Normal Power Factor Ballast.
PL8OOR (1)-9W Compact Double Twin Tube. 28.00
65/E' dia- x71/s" hl.
PL801R (1)-13W Compact Double Twin Tube. 28.00
65/a" dia. x71/e" hI.

Trim Size

230 Multiplier Clear with Bafile 18.00

230G Multiplier Gold with Batfle 18.00

_6 231
Multiplier Clear
Multiplier Gold
Multiplier Gloss White
Albalite with Reflector

21 Drop Opal 10.00

241 Drop Opal with Reflector 14.00

'Specular Gold AlzaKa Specify "G" After Catalog No........ ... add $4'00

NOTE: Econorny Housings arc available with 12OV High Power Factor Battasts ot 277V High Power Factor Ballasts. Consult Factory for
pricing and delivery information.
Catalog Contnctot Price
No. Descfiption Housing ftim Complete
fC 2-2O 65/s" dia. x71/a" ht. Crystal Diffuser 75WA19 13.05 8.65 21,70
TC 931-30 8t/a" dia. x 81/g" ht. Crystal Ditfuser 150WA21 26,00 16.65 42.65
TC 932-630 1ot/a" dia. x 931," ht. Crystal Diffuser 300w Ps 25 28.65 20,00 48.65

TC 2-21 65/e" dia.x7t/a" ht. Drop Opal 75W 419 13.05 10.00 23.05
TC 931-31 8lt" dia. x 81/e" ht. Drop Opal 150WA21 26.00 20.65 46.65
TC 932-$1 101/a" dia. x 9314" ht. Drop Opal 300w PS 25 28.65 24.65 53.30

TC 2-22 65/s,t dia. x71/e't ht. Fresnel 75WA19 13.05 11.35 24.40
TC 931_32 8t/a" dia. x 81/e" ht. Fresnel 150WA21 26,00 20.65 46.65
TC 932-632 'lo1/a" dia. x 93/4" ht. Fresnel 300w Ps 25 28.65 24.65 53.30

ReFadable Cylinderc
TC 945-651 65/a" dia. x 71/e" ht. sOW R2O/PAR2O 58.65
TC 946-6s2 81A" dia. x 91/a" hl. 75W R30/PAR30 69,35
TC 947-653 '101/s,t dia. x 101/2, ht. '150w R40/250w PAR 38 80.00

EWbails TC 1-19 43/s,t dia. x 51/s" ht. Eyeball Regressed 25W R14/40W R16 13.65 18.00 31.65
TC 20-208 51/a" dia. x73/a" ht. Batfled Eyeball 5OW PAR2O 13.65 18.00 31.65
rc 2-228 6ys" dia.x71/a" ht. Eyeball Regressed 50w R20 13.05 15.00 28.05
rc 2-2291 65/0" dia. x7t/4" ht. Eyeball Regressed 75W R30 13.05 15.00 28.05
TC 2-24a 65/8"dia.x71/a" ht. Eyeball in Bafile 50w R20 13.05 18.35 31.40
rc 2-249 6ys" dia. x71/a" ht. Eyeball in Bafile 75W R30 13.05 18.35 31.40
23.35 28.00
io Gimble Rings
rc 3-39
rc 2-224
8" dia. x73/a" ht. Eyeball Regressed
61/2" dia.x7Ua" ht. Adj. WBalfle 15OW PAR38/3
150W R40

side Prong 13.05 21.25



TC 940-640 1O1/e,, dia. x 111h,, hl. 150W R40/250WPAR38 30.65 29.35 60.00
Apertu re
TC 940-642 1O1/o dia. x 111/a hl. '150W R40/250W PAR38 30.65 29.35 60.00
Clear Cone
Apertu re

TC 906-662. 6%" dia. x 9Y6" ht. Single 100w A19/150W A21 18.65 74.65 93.30
TC 906-663' 65/s't dia. x 91/B't ht. Double 100w A'19/'150w A21 18.65 78.65 97.30
TC 906-664', 6s/s,, dia. x 91/s', ht. Corner 100w 419/150W A21 18.65 78.65 97.30
TC 908-682' 81/s" dia. x 1076" ht. Single 150W A21l200W A23 21.35 82.65 104.00
TC 908-693' 81/at' dia. x 10%', ht. Double '150w A21l200w A23 21,35 86.6s 108.00
TC 908-684' 81/s" dia. x 10%" ht. Corner 150W A21l200W A23 21.35 86.65 108.00
Scoop with Baffle
fC2-261 61/2"dia. x71/a" hl. 100w A19 13.05 22.00 35.05
TC 920-661 63/s',dia. x 105/.,' hl. 150W R40 25.35 33.35 58.70

Fegressed Spread Lens

TC 941-641 1O1/s" dia. ,11t1"" h|.55 Spread Lens 150W R40 36.00 44.00 80.00

'For Gold Rellector Specify "G" After Catalog No. . . add $4.00
I 229 Availablein PB-Porshed Brass specity "PB" after Catalog No. add $4.00
Conttactor Price
Rough-in Finishing
car. No. Lamplw
E lp""ld", D"**r"at o
Open Retlector
H706HPS35-7060 HPS-35W E171817 '130.00 33.35 163.35
.130.00 163.35
H706HPS50-7060 HPS.sOW E171817 33.3s
H706MH32-7060 N4H-32W E17 130.00 33.35 63.35
H706MV75-7060 MV-75W E17lB17 80.00 33.35 113.35

Baflled Retlector
H706HP535-7062 HPS-35W E171817 130.00 33.35 163.35
HPS-sOW E171817 130.00 33.35 '163.35
H706MH32-7062 MH-32W E17 130.00 33.35 163.35
H706MV75-7062 MV-75W E171817 80.00 33.35 113.35

' El ti psot dal Dow n- Lites-9 " Dia.

Open Reflector
H708HPS50-7080 HPS-sOW E171817 153.35 46.65 200.00
H708HP570-7080 HPS-70W E17lB17 160.00 46.65 206.65
H708HPS100-7080 HPS-100w E17lBl7 166.65 46.65 213.30
H708MH100-7081 t MH.lOOW 817 r40.00 60.00
H708MV75-7080 MV-75W E171817 93.35
H708MV100-7080 MV-100W A23l817 93.35 46.65 140.00

Batfled Betlector
H708HPS50-7082 HPS-sOW E171817 153.35 53.35 206.70
H708HPS70-7082 HPS-70W E171817 160.00 53.3s 213.35
H708HPS100-7082 HPS.lOOW E17lB17 166.65 53-35 220.OO
H708MH100-7083 t N,4H-l00W 817 '140.00 66,65 206.65
H708MV75-7042 MV-75W Et71817 93.35 53.35 146.70
H708MV'lOO-7082 MV-100W 423/817 93.35 53.35 146.70

'Eltipsoidal Down-Lites-7 O" Dia.

Open Reflectol
H710HPS100-7100 HP S-'|OOY',! E23Vz I ED 231/z 180.00 60.00 240.00
H710HP5150-7100 HPS-1SO\N E231/z I ED231/z '193.35 60.00 253.35
H710MHl75-7101 t MH-175W E28l8T28 '140.00 73.35 21 3.35
H710MV175-7100 MV.175W E28l8T28 126.65 60.00 186.65
H710MV250-7100 MV-250W E2818T28 140.00 60.00 200.00

Baflled Reflector
H710HPS100-7102 HP S-1OOtN E231/z I ED231/z 180.00 66.65 246.65
H710HPSl50-7102 HP S-15OV'! E23Vz I ED231 /z 193.35 66.55 260.00
H 710|\ilH 175-7103 t MH.175W E28l8T28 140.00 80.00 220.oo
H710MV175-7'lO2 MV-175W E28l8T28 126.65 66.65 193.30
H 71 0 t\,4 V250-7102 MV-250W E28l8T28 140.00 66.65 206.65

'Eillpsoidal WalI Washerc-o" Dia.

Single Wall Wash
H706HPS35-7662 HPS-35W E171817 't
30.00 60.00 190.00
H706HPS50-7662 HPS-50W El71817 130.00 60.00 190.00
H706MH32-7662 MH-32W El7 130.00 60.00 190.00
H706MV75-7662 MV-75W El71817 80.00 60.00 140.00

Double wall wash

H706HPS35-7663 HPS-35W E171817 130.00 64.00 194.00
H706HPS50-7663 HPS-50W E17lB17 130.00 64.00 194.00
H706MH32-7663 MH-32W E17 130.00 64.00 194.00
H706MV75-7663 MV-75W E17l817 80.00 64.00 144.00

Corner Wall Wash

H706HPS35-7664 HPS-35W E171817 130.00 64.00 194.00
H706HPS50-7664 HPS-50W E171817 130.00 64.00 194.00
H706MH32-7664 MH-32W E17 130.00 64.00 194.00
H706MV75-7664 t\rv-75w El71E}17 80.00 64.00 144.00

I Metal Halide Trim includes protective glass shield.

.For Gold Reflector Specry "G" aftet Catalog No. .
Conttactot P ce
Cal. No. Lamp/Wattage Section tim Complete
-Eilipsoidal Wall Washers-8" Dia.
Single Wall Wash
H708HPS50-7682 HPS.sOW E17l817 1s3.35 80.00 233.35
H708HPS70-7682 HPS-7OW E171817 160.00 80.00 240.00
H708HPS100-7682 HPS-1OOW E17l817 166.65 80.00 246.65
H708t/V75-7682 MV-75W E'171817 93.35 80.00 173.35
H708MV100-7682 MV-l00W A23lB17 93.3s 80.00 173.35
Double Wall Wash
H708HPS50-7683 HPS-50W E171817 153.35 84.00 237.35
H708HPS70-7683 HPS-70W El71817 150.00 84.00 244.00
H708HPS100-7683 HPS-lOOW E171817 166.65 84.00 250.65
H708t\4V75-7683 MV-75W E17tB17 93.35 84.00 177.35
H708MV100-7683 t\4V-100W A23/817 93.35 84.00 177.3s
Corner Wall Wash
H708HPS50-7684 HPS-sOW El71817 153.35 84.00 237.35
H708HP570-7684 HPS-70W E17lBl7 160.00 84.00 244.OO
H708H PS100-7684 HPS-100W E171817 166.65 84.00 250.65
H708|\ilV75-7684 MV-75W E171817 93.35 84.00 177.3s
H 708 N,,lV 00-7684
1 MV-l00W A23l817 93.35 84.00 177.35
l;B.ns Down-Lites-8 " Dia.
Prismatic Crystal Dittuser
H708HPS50-7000 HPS-sOW E,171817 153.35 28.00 181.35
H708HPS70-7000 HPS-70W El71817 160.00 28.00 188.00
H708HPS100-7000 HPS-100W E17l817 166.6s 28.00 194.65
H 708 tvi H 1 00-7000 MH-lOOW 817 140.00 28.00 158.00
H 708 r\.4 V75-7000 MV-75W E171817 93.35 28.00 121.3s
H708tvtV100-7000 MV-100W A23l817 93.35 28.00 121.35
Drop Opal Diftuser
H708HPS50-7001 HPS-50W E17l817 153.35 33.35 186.70
H708HPS70-7001 HPS.TOW E'l71817 160.00 33.35 193.35
H708HPS100-7001 HPS-l00W El7l817 r 66.6s 33.35 200.00
H708MH100-7001 t\4H-100w E17l817 140.00 33.35 173.35
H708MV75-7001 l\ilv-7sw E171817 93.35 33.35 126.70
H708MV100-7001 t\,4v-100w A23l817 93.35 33.35 126.70
Fresnel Lens
H708HPS50-7002 HPS.sOW E171817 153.35 33.35 186.70
H708HPS70-7002 H PS-70W E171817 160.00 33.35 193.3s
H708HPS100-7002 HPS-1OOW E171817 166.65 33.35 200.00
H 708 r\4 H 1 00-7002 t\.4H-100w E171817 140.00 33.35 173.35
H 708|\il V75-7002 t\4v-75W E17l817 93.35 33.35 't26.70
H708t\,4V100-7002 NilV-l00W A23l817 93.35 33.35 126.70

l-ens Down- Lites-l O " Di a.

Prismatic Crystal Difluser
H710H PS100-7010 HP S-1OOtN E231/z I ED23Vz 180.00 .35
41 221.35
H710H PS150-7010 50W E231/z I ED231/z
H PS-'1 193.35 41.35 234.70
H 71 0 t\,1 H 1 7s-701 0 MH-175W 28l8T28 140.00 41.35 r 8r.35
H710tV1Vl75-7010 MV.175W E28IBT28 126.65 41.35 168.00

Drop Opal Diftuser

H710HP5100-7011 HPS-100W E23%/ED23% 180.00 46.65 226.65
H7t0HPS150-7011 HP S-15O\N E231/z I ED231 /z 193.35 46.65 240.00
H710MH175-7011 t\,4H-17sW 28l8T28 140.00 46.65 186.65
H710MV175-7011 t\,4v-175W E28l8T28
'126.65 46.65 r 73.30

Fresnel Lens
H710H PS100-7012 HPS-100W E23%/ED23% 180.00 46.65 226.6s
H710H P5150-7012 HPS-150W E23t/z lED231/z 193.35 46.65 240.00
H 710t\4 H 175-7012 t\4H-175W E28l8T28 140.00 46.65 186.65
H 71 0l\,,lv1 75-70 2
1 l\ilV-175W E28i BT28 126.65 46.65 173.30

O A*"*-t"voettr,*. For Fuse, specify "F" after Cat. No. .5.35

. For Quartz Flestrike, specify "Q" after Cat. No. ........ 60.00
. H8-26. . . . ."C" Channel Bar Hangers-26'Lset of two. . 4.65
. HB-50... . ."C" Channel Bar Hangers-so'Lset of two . 6.65
" . Fot Gotd Ref tector-specily "G" after Cat. No. add s4.00
Contr. Pfice
Cat. l'ro. Desc ption Pk- wt.
rc 571 Drop Opal fixture can be covered with insulation. 22.35
Supplied w/pull chain switch 40w A19
65/8r dia. x53/a't hl.
Trim size: 8" dia.


rc 570 Drop Opallixture can be covered with insulation. 22.35
ffi- Supplied dplastic Trim that satisfies NEC section
65/s,, dia. x 53/a " hl.
40w A19

Trim size: 8" dia. (Lisied for Wet l.ocation)


fc 2-251 Open trim heat lamp lixtures requires 3" spacing 18.05 31
lrom insulation. 250W R40
65/6" dia. x71/a" hl.
Trim size 8" dia.

t-ouvercd Night Ught

PL 813-840 Louvered Night Light for Compact Flourescent 28.65
Lamp. Tor9WPL
8Vc" x31/2" x 31/2"

TC 113-840 Louvered Night Lighl for lncandescent Lamp. 16.65

8V4t' x 31/2't x 3V2" 25W A19

Rectangular Sofiit Light

PL 818-830 Rectangular Solfit Light for Compact (2) 13W PL 44.65
Fluorescent Lamp,
'lOYa" x 61/a" x 41/2"

TC 118-830 Bectangular Soffit Light for lncandescent Lamp. 24.65

1O1/a,' x 61/a,' x 41/2,, 100w Al9

Rectangul ar F I o u rescent
J1152 Rectangular Flourescent. (2tzOWr12 s8.6s 14
Suitable for drywall and suspended ceilings
Complete unit includes housing and trim.
€ 25't x71/2't
Contr. P ce
CaL No- Descriplion Pk. wt.
lamps-MR16/12 Volt
T521 2ow-Tight spot 12.65 b
r522 20W-Flood 12.65
"1523 35W-Narrow flood 12.6s
T526 50W-Narrow spot 12.65 6
T527 50W-Narrow flood 12.65 6
T528 50W-Flood 12.65 6

'l,mps T530-NS 55W PAR16 NSP 12.00 122
T53O-NF 55W PAR16 NFL 12.00 122
T532-NS sOW PAR2O NSP 9.35 123
T532.NF sOW PAR2O NFL 9.35 123
T534-NS sOW PARSO NSP 10.00 124
T534-NF 5OW PAR3O NFL 10.00 't2 4
T535-NS 75W PAR3O NSP 10.00 124
T535-NF 75W PAR3O NFL 10.00 124

Reptacement Tlansfomer Ki's.

RK44 Trans & Socket for TC44fC44R 26.65 2
RK45 Trans & Socket for TC45 30.00 2
RK46 Transformer for TC46 24.00
RK427 Trans & Socket lor 427, 42A, 429 32.OO 2

Catalog Conlraclor Catalog Contractor Catalog Conlractor
No. Descfiption Price l,ro. Description Price No. Desc ption Price
G92 Goof Plate 4.00 G30 Albalite 6.00 G72 Fresnel 10.65
G93 Oversize 25 trim 5.35 G31 Drop Opal 10.00 G630 Albalite 7.35
G94 Remodel clips 1.00 G32 Fresnel 10.00 G631 Drop Opal 13.05
use w/remodel G51 Drop Opal 7.35 G632 Fresnel 13.05
housings only G60 Albalite 5.35 G1152 Albalite 8.00
G1l Drop Opal 5.35 G61 Drop Opal 9.35 G2405 T-Bar Clip 1.35
G2O|24O Albalite 4.00 G62 Fresnel 9.35 (set of 4)
G21124-l Drop Opal 5.35 G70 Albalite 6.65 T599 Socket 1.65
G221242 Fresnel 6.65 G71 Drop Opal 10.65 Extention
Numerical Price List
lC Housings Complete Fixtures Trims Trims
Cat. No. Contr. Price Cat. No. Conlr- Price Cat. No. Contr. Price Cat. No. Contr- Price
rcl 17.05 J1 152 58.65 222 6288 29.3s
rc2 17.O5 IC570 22.35 224 21.25 630 20.00
rc3 rc571 22.35 227 13.35 631 24.65
rc5 22.00 TC113-840 228 '15.00 632 24.65
16.65 TC118-830 24.65 229 15.00 640 29.35
rc7 22.00 TC945-651 58.65 229P8 19.00 641 44.00
rc20 14.35 TC946-652 69.35 230 18.00 642 29.35
rc2t 12.80 TCg47-653 80.00 230G 18.00 643 32.00
rc22 13.05 P1813-840 28.65 231 18.00 643G 36.00
rc121 12.80 P1818-830 44.65 231G 18.00 644 44.00
rc122 13.05 231W 14.00 644G 48.00
rc926 20.00 240 13.35 645 50.65
rc928 21 35 Trims 240DX 15.35 645G 54.65
241 '14.00 654 48.00
Cat. No. Contr. Price
241DX 16.65 654G 52.00
TC Housings 11 11.65
'11.65 241PW 14.00 655 54.65
Cat. No. Conlr- Price 14 13.00 242 15.35 655G 58.65
16 20.65 244 10.65 657 23.35
TC2 13.05 17 17.35 248 18.35 657G 27.35
249 18.35 6758 27.35
TC5 22.00 17G 17.35
TC6 14.00 179 17.35 250 5.00 658 25.35
rc7 19.35 19 18.00 25OPB 7.65 658G 29.35
6.65 20 8.65 251 5.00 6588
TC19 6.65 2ODX 10.65 251P8 7.65 661
261 22.O0 662 74.65
rc20 13.65 2'l 10.00
rc44 48.65 21DX 12.OO 424 53.35 662G 78.65
TC44R 48.65 21PW '10.00 427 53.35 663 78.65
22 11.35 424 53.35 663G 82.65
TC45 62.00
23 11.35 429 54.65 664 78.65
TC46 54.00
429G 54.65 82.65
TC101 13.65 24 9.65
TC102 14.40 24PB 11.65 4298 54.65 642 82.65
TC906 18 65 25 9.65 443 16.00 682G 86.65
21.35 25PB 444 16.65 683 86.65
TCg10 24.00 15.35 445 20.65 6B3G 90.65
446 20.65 684 86.65
TCg19 22.65 15.35
TC920 25.35 278 15.35 447 21.35 684G 90.65
TCS25 26.65 30 16.65 447G 21.35 843 46.65
TC926 31 20.65 4478 21.35 843G 50.65
TC928 18.65 32 20.65 448 22.65 844 53.35
44APB 2A.OO 844G 57.35
TC931 26.00 39 28.00
TCg32 28.65 51 13.35 454 854 57.35
TC940 30.65 54 457 22.65 8s4G 61.35
TC941 36.00 60 8.35 22.65
61 '14.00 4578 22.65
'14.00 458 26.65
PL Housings 70 11.35 459 26.65
71 18.00 464
Cat. No. Conir. Pdce 467
72 18.00
PL8OO 28.00 184 20.00 467G 22.65
PLSOOR 28.00 '194 4678 22.65
28.00 22.65
PL8O1 604 16.00
PL8OlR 28.00 201 5.35
610 '14.35
PL8O5 29.35 204 13.00
205 13.00 6'14 15.00
PL8O5H 38.65 617 53.35
207 17.35
PLSOsHV 44.O0 't7.35 618 53.35
PL8O8 36.00 207G
2078 17.35 619 19.65
PL8O8H 45.35 624 19.35
PLSOSHV 50.65 208 18.00
209 21.35 625 22.00
PL8O9 40.00 217 15.35 628 25.35
PL8O9H 49.35 628G 29.35
PLSO9HV 54.65

JUNO Lighting lnc., 2001 S. Mount Prospect Road . PO. Box 5065 . Des Plaines, IL 60017-5065 . (312) 827-9880
Regional Oflices: Atlanta. Dallas . Los Angeles . Philadelphia. Toronto FAX \312\ A27-2925

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