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how many times did you travel abroad?

milton I have traveled abroad twice

the first time I went to Chile for school promotion trip
That was a ausants for me and my friends
We stayed in Santiago for two days
We had stayed longer but we didn't have money
so We had to back to Peru

ma how many times did you try to get american visa?

mara I have tried to get a visa once

I got the first time with no problem
I traveled to Miami for a week
I visited the beaches and museums
I stayed a my friend home She gave me housing and food
so I saved a good money

kevin how much did you pay for your laptop?

andres I payed two thousand soles for my laptop

I could get a better price but I didn't have time to look for lower prices
next time I look for a better price with more time

andres How often did you practice English at home?

raul I practice English at home twice a week

I would practice longer but I worked and studied full time
I will practice every day when I get hollidays

nilton How long have you taken English courses?

Miguel I have taken English courses for two months

I hooped speak fluent English in a short time
I have promised to speak English fluently before finishing this year

mara Who was a favorite singer when you were a teenager?

kevin My favorite singer when I was a teenager was a Daddy yanke

He was a poor guy before becaming a fomous milleonary singer
many people say reggaeton music is a volg and comercial music
but its sound makes every body dance so I liked it
kevin who was the best friend at school¡?

Andres My best friend and school was a Renato

He was a kind and very popular
I liked to walk with him because There was a lot of girls around him
in fact one of them was my girlfriend

Raul How long have you been with your first partner?

nilton the story started some cut but it finishing so bad

I can't talk dettails but you can imagine it

ma How longer did you lived in Brazil?

Mara I lived in Brazil two years

while I was studying a master in Sao Paolo
I worked part time to get incounts____
so I have always got money to spend on weekends

Mara How often must you go to the dentist?

kevin I must go to the dentist once a month to avoid caries

when I was a teenger I didn't pay atention on my teeths
so I loosed some teeths
so I learned the lesson and i go to the dentist once a month

Andres How many times have you get an interview in English?

Raul I have got an interview in English once

It was my first time having an interview in English
so I was really nervous

nilton How much did you pay for your last English course?

ma I payed two thousand seventy five soles for my last English course
I hadn't problems paying thas course because I had a good job
When I loosed that job I hadn't problem because I had saved money

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