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A study of ionic associationin aqueous Ian- On coherent phonon fusion in quartz trans- Aluminium oxidation by water under ultra-

thamide nitrate solutions b ultrasonic ab- ducers sonic action

sorption Luuka, M. Stolyarov, E. A.
Garnsey, R., Ebdon, D. W. Physics Status Solidi, Vol 29, No 1 (Septem- Zhurnal Prikladnoi Khimii, Vol 41, No 10
Journal of the American Chemical Society, ber 1968) pp 377-382 (1222) (1968) pp 2302-2303 (In Russian) (1236)
Vol 91, No 1 (1 January 1969) pp 50-55 (1209)
CaIcuIation of the anharmonic damping of
Current noise Induced by electron phonon
The Influence of ultrasound on the surface Rayleigh surface modes
interaction in semiconducting CdS crystal
properties of bubbles in the elementary act of Maradudin, A. A., Mills, D. L.
(In the non-ohmic region of the Cd@
flotation Physical Review, Vol 173, No 3 (15 September
Uchida, I.
Glembotaskii, V. A., Eremin, Iu. P. 1968) pp 881-898 (1223)
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol ‘7
Doklady Akadamii Nauk SSR, Vol 183, No 4 Iron (BIl reduction in solutions of No 10 (October 1968) Short Notes, p 1295
(1968) pp 888-890 (1210) K,[Fe(C,O,)] in ultrasonic field (123’7)
Margulis, M. A., Mal’ tsev, A. N.
High frequency effects in semiconductors
Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta, Khimiya Effects of inhomogeneities on sound amplif-
with carriers inelastically scattered on
No 6 (November-December 1968) pp 44-48 cation in CdS
optical phonons
(In Russian) (1224) Vasil’ev, B. P.
Gurevich, Yu. G., Levinson, I. B., Matulis, A.
Fiziki Tverdogo Tela, Vol 10, No 8 (August
YU. Appearance of hydrated electrons in ultra-
1968) pp 2566-2568 (In Russian, English
Zhurnal Eksperimental’noi i Teoricheskoi sonic wave fields
translation in Soviet Physics-Solid State)
Fiziki, Vol 55, No 3 (September 1968) pp 999- Margulis, M. A., Maltsev, A. N.
1005 (In Russian) (1211) Zhurnal Fizicheskoi Khimii, Vol 42, No 10
(1968) pp 2660-2662 (In Russian) (1225)
Investigation of crack-growth stress-wave Polarization of luminescence and its depen-
relationships The effect of lattice vibration on the phase dence on the frequency of exciting light in
Hartbower, C. E., Gerberich, W. W., Liebo- transitions of the Ising model the case of J&m-Teller states of impurity
witz, H. Matsudaira, N. ions
Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol 1, No Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, Vekhter, B. G., Tsukerblat, B. S.
28 (August 1968) pp 291-308 (1212) Vol 25, No. 5 (December 1968) pp 1225-1235 Soviet Physics-Solid State, Vol 10, No 5
(1226) (November 1968) pp 1250-1251 (1239)
Electrical and optical properties of Cds-MnS
Theory of the acoustic coagulation of aero-
single crystals Rotational isomerism. Part I. Ultrasonic
Ikeda, M., Itoh, K., Sato, H. relaxation in tertiary amines
Mednikov, E. P.
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, Vol Williams, E. J., Thomas, T. H., Wyn- Jones, E..
Doklady Akademii Nauk SSR, Vol 193, No 2
25, No 2 (August 1968) pp 455-460 (1213) Orville-Thomas, W. J.
(1968) pp 382-385 (In Russian) (1227)
Journal of Molecular Structure. Vol 2. No 4
Studies of acoustoelectric domain formation A criterion for acoustoelectric current oscil- (October 1968) pp 307-320 (1240)
in semiconducting CdS lation in semiconductors
Ishida, A., Inuishi, Y. Ozaki, H., et al Magnetostatic oscillation spectrum of an
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, Vol Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol 7, antiferromagnetic spherioid with an easy
25, No 2 (August 1968) pp 433-455 (1214) No 11 (November 1968) (1228) axis of anisotropy
Yakovlev, Yu. M., Burdin, Yu. N.
Optical observation of acoustoelectric do- Acoustoelectric effect in polar semiconduc-
Soviet Physics-Solid State, Vol 10, No 6
mains in CdS by BrfIIouin scattering tors
(December 1968) pp 1284-1286 (1241)
Ishida, A., Inuishi, Y. Paranjape, V.V., Joshi, S. B.
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, Vol Physical Review, Vol 1’74, No 3 (15 October
Desorption of hydrogen at gas electrode in
25, No 2 (August 1968) p 640 (1215) 1968) pp 919-920 (1229)
ultrasonic field
SmaB signal power theorem on drifting Decolourization of crystal violet introduced Znamirovschi, V.
carriers and elastic waves in solids with by ultrasonic waves Acustica, Vol 20, No 4 (1968) pp 250-251
non- magnetism application to piezoelectri- Prakash, S., Prakash, O., Prasad, B., Jain, S. K (1242)
city Journal fur Praktische Chemie, Vol 28,
Ishii, T., Innishi, Y. Nos 3-4 (1968) pp 130-136 (1230)
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan
Spin-wave instability of a ferrite plate with
Vol 25. No. 5 (November 1968) pp 1406-1413
parametric excitation by acoustic waves
Repetskii, S. P., Tsvirko, Yu. A.
Generation of an additional signal by an Soviet Physics-Solid State, Vol 10, No 5
Processing and Production
ultrasonic wave in a Cd.8 crystal subjected to (November 1968) pp 1205-1212 (1231)
an alternating electric field Ultrasonic treatment apparatus
Kaekina, T. M. Experimental and theoretical investigation of Carmichael, J. T.
Fiziki Tverdogo Tela, Vol 10, No 7 (July 1968) an opticoacoustic receiver of centimeter US Patent 3,405.916 (15 October 1968)
electromagnetic waves In an ultrasonic cleaning tank made of a low
pp 2244-2245 (In Russian, English translation
in Soviet Physics-Solid State) (121’7) Rudin, V. L. thermal heat conducting material (eg plas-
Gptika i Speltrosk Vol 24, No 2 (February tics), a material having a higher heat con
Influence of the static pressure and tempera- 1968) pp 272-276 (In Russian) (English trans- ductivity is interposed between the transducer
ture on the degassing of liquids in a sound lation in Optics and Spectra, Vol 24, No 2 frontal surface and the tank surface, so that
field (February 1968) pp 139-141) (1232) the dissipated heat can be removed. (1243)
Kapustina, 0. A.
Soviet Physics-Acoustics, Vol 14, No 1 (July- Changes of nitrocellulose solutions in duty1 Device for controlling the pressure of an
September 1968) pp 101-102 (1218) acetate by ultrasonic action ultrasonic tool on an article being machined
Safonova, V. V., Klenkova, N. I. Eksperimentalny Nauchno-Issle-Dovatelsky
Alternating component of the acoustoelectric Institut Metallorezhut-Schikh Stankov
current Zhurnal Prikladnoi Khimii, Vol 41, No 10
(1968) pp 2319-2322 (In Russian) (1233) British Patent 1,140,992 (1969) (Applied for
Karla, P.. S., Garshka, E. P. 1967) This paper described a device for con-
Soviet Physics-Solid State, Vol 10, No 4 trolling the pressure with which an ultra-
(October 1968) pp 852-854 (1219) Results of an investigation of the kinetics of
ultrasonic crystaIBsation of potassium bi- sonic machining tool bears down upon a
chromate on a heat transfer surface workpiece. The pressure is varied by the
Generation of ultrasound in the Gunn effect
Sergeeva, K. Y. position of a counterweight in a counter-
Kastal’ skii, A. A.
Soviet Physics-Acoustics, Vol 14, No 2 weight guide. Rotation of the guide due to the
Fiziki Tekniki Poluprovodnikov, Vol 2, No 8
(October-December 1968) pp 253-256 (1234) motion of the counterweight varies the pres-
(August 1968) pp 1187-1189 (In Russian)
sure imparted via a lever system. A device
Polymer studies by Gel permeation chroma- is included for automatically switching the
Interaction of longitudinal phonons with spin tography. IV. The degradation of polystyrene pressure scale, the pressure being indicated
waves in YIG by ultrasonics and by benzoyl peroxide by the position of the counterweight adjusts
Lewis, M. F., Scatter, D. G. Smith, W. B., Temple, H. W. a potentiometer giving a pressure reading on
Physics Letters, Vol 28A, No 4 (2 December Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol 72, No 13 a meter. Electrical circuitry is given.
1968) p 303-304 (1221) (December 1968) pp 4613-4619 (1235) (1244)

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