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“ CHAPTER OBJECTIVES: Rational functions 77] “ o de 2.5 The reciprocal function x ~, x 0, its graph and selfiinverse nature axtb cxtd Vertical and horizontal asymptotes The rational function x > and its graph Applying rational functions to real-life situations Before you start You should know how to: 1 Expand polynomials. e.g. Multiply the polynomials -2(3x- 1) and 3x (2+ 1): =2(3x- 1) = -6x +2 3x(22 + 1) = 3x9 + 3x Graph horizontal and vertical lines. e.g. Graph the lines Y= x= 2, 1,y=3and 2.0n the same ye graph. e Recognize and describe a translation. eg. Find the translations that map y =? onto Aand B. Ais a horizontal shift of 2 units to the right. Function Ais y= (x2). ” Bisa vertical shift of 3 “4 29 units up. Function Bisy=2+3, =e \y. junctions Skills check 1 Expand the polynomials. a -4(2x-5) b 6(2x- 3) © -x(7+7) d x@+3y e@ xlx-3)(r+ 8) 2 Draw these lines on one graph. x=0,y=0, Describe the 4 transformations that map y= 8 onto functions Aand Band write down the equations of Aand B. wo If you have an MP3 player, do you know how many songs, albums, sounds and so on can you fit on it? The answer depends on the quality of the recording setting and the length of the song. However, a rough idea is that a 4GB MP3 player will hold 136 hours or 8160 minutes of music. That's approximately 2000 songs of 4 minutes or 1000 songs of 8 minutes ‘or 4000 songs of 2 minutes. This leads us to the function s= 200 where s is the number of songs and m is the number of minutes that a song lasts. ‘This function is an example of the reciprocal function, f(x) =. x In this chapter, you will use a GDC to explore the graphs of reciprocal functions and other rational functions that can be expressed in the form f(x)=“*5. You will examine horizontal oe and vertical asymptotes for the graphs of these functions and the domain and ranges of the functions. Chapter 5 4 5.1 Reciprocals Investigation - graphing product pairs Think of pairs of numbers whose product is 24. E.g, 24x 1,12 x 2,8 x 3,3 x 8. Copy the table and add some more pairs of numbers. 24/12] 8] 3 15 ae Show your pairs as coordinates on a graph with 0 The reciprocal of a number is | divided by that number. For example, the reciprocal of 2 is ; ‘Taking the reciprocal of a fraction turns it upside down. 3 4_4 sixtaft For example, the reciprocal of ; is1+ 33 7 . 1. The reciprocal of = is x The reciprocal of + is ¢ or 4, > A number multiplied by its reciprocal equals 1. 1 For example 3 x 5 = 1 Example 1 Find the reciprocal of 2+ Answer . | 2 ; Write as an improper fraction. | ; 5 Reciprocal of 3 Turn it upside down. ‘You can find reciprocals of algebraic terms too. > The reciprocal of vis + ory! and xx x=1 Rational functions End behavior is the appearance of a graph as itis followed further and further either direction. Zero does not have 2 reoposa ae! | ndeted Wet does your GDC show for 1+0? Geometrical quantities in inverse proportion were descrived as reciprocal in a 1570 translation of Euclid's (The reciprocal of a number or a variable is also called its multiplicative inverse. Exercise 5A 1 Find the reciprocals. a2 b3 e-3 @-l 2 7 3 1 = f— -= hi 35 °3 it ui a 2 Find the reciprocals. a 65 bx cy d 3x e 4y 2 By n & 12 y eH 9 BS 3d t a 3 Multiply each quantity by its reciprocal. Show your working. 3 2e aé hg eg 4 a What is the reciprocal of the reciprocal of 4? descr b What is the reciprocal of the reciprocal of x? whose product is 1. 5 For the function xy = 24 a Findywhenxis i 48 ii 480 4800 iv 48000 (his isthe function b What happens to the value of y when x gets larger? qllceedinne ¢ Will y ever reach zero? Explain. lavestigation on d Findxwhenyis i 48 ii 480 ii 4800 iv 48000 page 142, | e What happens to the value of x when y gets larger? Will xever reach zero? Explain. 5.2 The reciprocal function ‘The reciprocal function is k fA)=5 where kis a constant. Graphs of reciprocal functions all have similar shapes. Investigation - graphs of reciprocal functions Use your GDC to draw all the graphs in this investigation. 1 Drawagraphof a fo)=4 b gx)=2 gi 2c nwa? What is the effect of changing the value of the numerator? 2 Diewageinhcr a fog= b gW= © A(x)= What is the effect of changing the sign of the numerator? 3 a Copy and complete this table for f(x) = : o25[o4[o5|4 [2] 4 2 16 What do you notice about the values of x and f(x) in the table? Draw the graph of the function. d_ Draw the line y = x on the same graph. b c Reflect (x) =“ in the line y= x. What do you notice? & What does this tell you about the inverse function f-*? Chapter 5 Asymptotes The graphs of the functions f(x), g(x) and h(x) in the Investigation on page 143 all consist of two curves. The curves get closer and closer to the axes but never actually touch or cross them, The axes are asymptotes to the graph. > Ifacurve gets continually closer to a straight line but never meets it, the straight line is called an asymptote. The word asymptote is derived from the Greek asymptotos, which means ‘not | felling together! y= bis an asymptote to the function y Asx, f(x) 9b The symbol ~ means ‘approaches’. > The graph of any reciprocal function of the form y= = vertical asymptote x = 0 and a horizontal asymptote » = 0 > The graph of a reciprocal function is called a hyperbola e The «-axis is the horizontal ” * asymptote. [onasmome S| yk © The y-axis is the vertical ae oe asymptote. © Both the domain and range are all the real numbers Ehasa The horizontal ine y= bis a horizontal | asymptote of the fe). ‘The reciprocal function has many applications ‘The equation of the function in the Investigation on page 142 is 24 A 2 © and is a reciprocal function, * It has a graph similar to the one shown above. xy = 24, It can be written as y . ae FOS : in computer science Sy ee aate at 5 algorithms, particularly the graph are reflections of Lee thege related to each other in y = —x number theory. You © y=-vand y = xare lines of may wish to investigate symmetry for this function. these further. In Chapter 1 you saw that to draw the inverse function of f (2), you reflect its graph in the line y = 2. If you reflect f(x) =~ in the line y = x you get the same graph as for f(x) — g 5 | The reciprocal > The reciprocal function is a self-inverse function. | function, 1) = *,is x | one of the simplest | examples of a function | that is setfinverse. The design of the Yas Hotel in Abu Dhabi (designed by Asymptote Architecture) is based on mathematical models. Italso has a Formula 4 racetrack running through the center of the hotel! Example 2 For each function: © write down the equations of the vertical and horizontal asymptotes © sketch the graph © state the domain and range. ae b ya242 = z Answers a Asymptotes are x= 0 and y= 0. y Domain xe R,x#0, range ye Ry #0 b Asymptotes arex=0 andy =2 % The graph of f (x) +2 is the same es the graph of F G0) but shifed 2 units in the y-direction. ~49 -30 -20 10 P| 10 20 30 40* Domain xe R,x#0, range ye R,y #2 —————— Chapter 5 Exercise 5B a 1 a 6 Draw these on separate graphs. 5 a = TP ear) b y=8 c xy=8 ‘You need to be able * to do questions 3b On the same graph show y=! and y=—!2 and 4b and € both x x analytically (using a Sketch the graph of /(x)=~ and write down its esymptotes. algebra and by x sketching and using 1 transformations) and b Sketch the graph of f(x) a ae ing your asymptotes. +2 and write down its Identify the horizontal and vertical asymptotes of these functions and then state their domain and range. [Temay help to craw 20 3 4 | ays b vanes c rae the graphs. ‘The Corryvreckan, the third largest whirlpool in the world, is between the islands of Jura and Scatba off the coast of Scotland, Flood tides and inflow from the west and the roar of the resulting maelstrom can be heard 16km away. ‘The speed of the surrounding water increases as you approach the center and is modeled by s = where sis the speed of the water in ms“! and dis the distance from the center in metres. a Use your GDC to sketch the function with 0 < d < 50 and 0. A rational function is a function of the forma f(x) = oe Oe where g and / are polynomials. Wotuavne In this course g(x) and A(x) will be restricted to linear functions of the form px + q so we can investigate rational functions f(x) where F)= axtb cxtd Example 3 (The units of speed) | A vehicle is coming towards you at 96kmh" (60 miles per hour) and must all be the same | sounds its horn with a frequency of 8000Hz. Whatis the frequency of | the sound you hear if the speed of sound is 330ms"? in the equation. You = can round numbers Answer to get an approximate 96kmh-! = 96000mh~* Convert kilometres per hour to answer. ‘metres per secon. Since 1 hour = 5600 seconds Observed frequency 0-y 3308000 330—26.7 =8700Hz(3sf) Chapters a Investigation - graphing rational functions 1 # a. Use your GDC to show sketches of 2 andy = 5: b Copy and complete the table. ¢ What effect does changing the denominator have on the vertical asymptote? d_ What do you notice about the horizontal asymptotes? What do you notice about the domain and the value of the vertical asymptote? f What do you notice about the range and the value of the horizontal asymptote? Rational functions of the form y = & A rational function y= xb x-b , where & and 6 are constants, will have a vertical asymptote when the denominator equals zero, that is, when x= 6. The horizontal asymptote will be the x-axis. Example 4 Ie Identify the horizontal and vertical asymptotes of ¥ b State the domain and range. ¢ Sketch the function with the help of your GDC. a The xaxis (y = 0) is the horizontal asymptote. x= 3 is the vertical asymptote. Since the numerator will never be 0, the graph of this function never touches the x-axis. The denominator is zero whenx = 3. | } Continued on next page 5 iS undefined. We will consider this in more detail in the Theory of Knowledge section at the end of the chapter, You may wish to explore the concept of infinity. b Domainxe R,x#3 Range ye By #0 Exercise 5C 1. Identify the horizontal and vertical asymptotes of these functions (>) You should use : : | and state their domain and range. 4 | sera cad dye ‘using an analytic ae method’) to do 42h y= 22 | question 4, although x43 you may want to check A 2 Sketch each function with the help of your GDC and state your answers with a the domain and range. ee eae 4 4 aaa =4 =—t_g aS as © O45 Use your GDC with Fi the correct viewing dye 8 * P78 f window. 1 3 : = 4 fh pe BY are woe ‘ 3. When lightning strikes, the light reaches your eyes virtually instantaneously. But the sound of the thunder travels at approximately 331 ms“. However, sound waves are affected by the temperature of the surrounding air. The time sound takes to ' 1000 ; t=———_ travel one kilometre is modeled by Tore where tis the time in seconds and ¢ is the temperature in degrees Celsius. a Sketch the graph of f for temperatures from ~20°C to 40°C. b If you are one kilometre away and it is 3 seconds before you hear the thunder, what is the temperature of the surrounding air? 1 pa Compare the two graphs and make connections between the linear function and its reciprocal function. 4 a On the same set of axes, sketch y= +2 and y b Now do the same for y= ++ 1 and ye es Chapter 5 Rational functions of the form y =2* at > Every rational function of the form y=" has a graph called a hyperbola. Eat ‘The graph of any rational function y = — has a vertical and a horizontal asymptote. ee Investigation - graphing rational functions 2 a Use your GDC to show sketches of Rational etn x x43 | | xth xe3 2x x43 Qn-1 x43 © What do you notice about the horizontal asymptotes? d What do you notice about the domain and the value of :he vertical asymptote? > The vertical asymptote occurs at the x-value that makes the denominator zero. a > The horizontal asymptote is the line y=" é To find the horizontal asymptote rearrange the equation to make xthe subject. _ ath cetd Wextd)=ax+b ox—ax=b-dy Be b-&y ga The horizontal asymptote occurs when the denominator is zeto, that is, when a cy=aor y=" ¢ Rational functions att 2x-4 a sketch the graph b find the vertical and horizontal asymptotes state the domain and range For the function y= b Vertical asymptote x= 2 When 2x-4=0,x=2 Horizontal asymptote y = ; a=1c=2y ¢ Domain xe R,x#2 Range yeR yar Exercise 5D 1. Identify the horizontal and vertical asymptotes of these functions and then state the domain and range. _xt2 _2etd 3x+2 _3dx-2 x3 Sel I" Tgg 9 toyed 2 Match the function with the graph. _5 _x+2 xol a yae be PS Chapters i 3 Sketch each function using your GDC and state the domain and range. +2 x x7 at? b y= = oe 8 arree 239-8 a yedetl 32410 ya Set? Cena. 3x-2 4x—12 ax by using your GDC to By red graph the function. By aed * IS rs 4 Write a rational function that has a vertical asymptote at x= 4 and a horizontal asymptote at y = 3 5 Chris and Lee design T-shirts for surfers and set up a T-shirt printing business in their garage. It will cost $450 to set up the equipment and they estimate that it will cost $5.50 to print each T-shirt. a Write a linear function C(x) giving the total cost of producing x ‘T-shirts. Remember to take the set-up cost into account. b Write a rational function A(x) giving the average cost per T-shirt of producing x of them. ¢ What is the domain of A(x) in the context of the problem? Explain. d_ Write down the vertical asymptote of A(x). e Find the horizontal asymptote for A(x). What meaning does this value have in the context of the problem? ? EXAM-STYLE QUESTION 6 Young's rule is a way of calculating doses of medicine for children over the age of two, based on the adult dose. “Take the age of the child in years and divide by theirage plus 12. Multiply this number by the adult dose.’ This is modeled by the function ¢=—""- where cis the child's dose, a is the adult dose in mg and tis the age of the child in years. Rational fur caine ‘Sketch the function. a Make a table of values for ages 2 to 12 with an adult dose of 100mg. Use your values from a to draw a graph of the function. o ° Use the graph to estimate the dose for a 75-year old. ‘Write down the equation of the horizontal asymptote. What does the value of the horizontal asymptote mean for ‘Young's rule? x The average cost of electricity per year for a refrigerator is $92. a Anew refrigerator costs $550. Determine the total annual cost for a reftigerator that lasts for 15 years. Assume costs include purchase and electricity. Develop a function that gives the annual cost of a refrigerator as a function of the number of years you own the refrigerator. Sketch a graph of that function. What is an appropriate window? Label the scale. Since this is a rational function, determine its asymptotes. Explain the meaning of the horizontal asymptote in terms of the refrigerator. A company offers a refrigerator that costs $1200, but says that it will last at least twenty years. Is this refrigerator worth the difference in cost? ° ” x Review exercise MAM-STYLE GUESTION Match the function with the graph. i f@= 2 feo=2, iw p-84 w fa)= wi f= 2 a x b 4 aay Chapter 5 } EXAM-STYLE QUESTIONS Given a f@)=2 tb f@=2, © fey=28 i Sketch the function. ii Determine the vertical and horizontal asymptotes of the function. iii Find the domain and range of the function. For each of these functions, write down the asymptotes, domain and range. - A b % 10 1 HH} soa f rh FA; { 4 a 2 + % - 44 FA Rational functions ! 4 A group of students want to give their teacher a voucher for a weekend at a health spa, The voucher costs $300. a. If crepresents the cost for each student and s represents the number of students, write an equation to show the cost in terms of the number of students. Draw a graph of the function. Explain any limitations on the range and domain of this function, og The function fis given by = 2x-1 4 f@y= 2S xe Ree -2 a i. Find the horizontal asymptote of the graph of y = f(x) Find the vertical asymptote of the graph. i Write down the coordinates of the point Pat which the asymptotes intersect. b Find the points of intersection of the graph with the axes. ¢ Hence sketch the graph of y = f (x), showirg the asymptotes by dotted lines, fq Review exercise XMAM-STYLE QUESTION Sketch each function with the help of your GDC. State the domain and range. a s@)=8-s b f)=243 © f= 4 f(% e r@= ft f= 2 An airline flies from London to New York, which is a distance of 5600km. 5600 a Show that this information can be written as s=—— where s is the average speed of the plane in kmh! and tis the time in hours. b Sketch a graph of this function with 0 < s < 1200 and 0<1=20. c If the flight takes 10 hours, what is the average speed of the plane? Chapter 5 } EXAM-STYLE QUESTIONS 3. People with sensitive skin must be careful about the amount of time spent in direct sunlight. The relation eee 22.2s+1428 5 where is the time in minutes and sis the sun scale value, gives the maximum amount of time that a person with sensitive skin can spend in direct sunlight without skin damage. a. Sketch this relation when 0 The Mayans used 3 shell symbol to. represent zero, Chapter 5

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