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Gnolls are feral humanoids known for their

“SAIRA?” FARIS SAID. A CLOUD HAD bloodlust. Resembling hyenas in appearance
passed over the moon, and the woods around him and mannerisms, they scour the grasslands
were a maze of shadows. Saira’s voice had drawn and savanna scavenging what they can.
him away from the campfire, but each time she
called, it seemed to come from a new direction; he DEMONIC ORIGINS
just couldn’t pin it down. “Saira, what’s Gnoll legend trace the origin of their species
wrong?” back to a time when the demon lord
“I need you…” Her voice was weak, rough— Yeenoghu found his way to the Material
it was clear she was in pain. “Help me… please, Plane and ran amok. Packs of ordinary
help me…” hyenas followed in his wake, scavenging the
demon lord's kills. Those hyenas were
She was straight ahead of him. Faris pressed
transformed into the first gnolls, parading
for- ward, thrashing his way through briars and after Yeenoghu until he was banished back
vines. Then his foot caught on something and he to the Abyss. The gnolls then scattered
stumbled, falling across a soft and wet mass—a across the face of the world, a dire reminder
human body with skin cold to the touch and of demonic power.
blood matting her hair. It was Saira’s corpse. This is the tale gnoll mothers tell their
pups and the
“I need you.” It was her voice, rough and pained,
but it wasn’t Saira who spoke. The speaker
towered over Faris, a bloody axe clutched in one
hand. Sharp teeth gleamed as the gnoll burst into
laughter—a mocking, fluting cry that was
quickly echoed on all sides as others stepped out
of the woods. The moon broke through the clouds
just in time to catch the blade of the gnoll’s axe
as it rose and fell, silencing Faris’s cries.
story the scourge uses to exhort his troops. kill. Its patchwork armor is a map of its life
Whether it is truth or mere legend, it is easy and achievements. Some gnolls prefer less
to see the inspiration for the myth. A gnoll practical tokens; a gnoll might take a finger
looks much like a humanoid hyena and bone from each victim, wearing these on
shares many traits with the animal, bracelets or even binding them to the haft of
including its haunting laughter. And the its weapon. But almost everything a gnoll
strength and savagery of these creatures is owns has a story—and almost all of it is
enough to suggest demonic blood; the scavenged.
typical gnoll band strikes without fear or Some gnolls are more civilized and so
mercy, tearing into enemies with the fury of they might make their own weapons and
fiends incarnate. armor. However, they still keep trophies of
difficult hunts or great victories. This
SCAVENGING could range from the tooth of a fallen
beast to a single ring of chainmail
Gnolls have no qualms about scavenging from an enemy.
the kills of other predators as a source of
food. But for the gnolls, scavenging plays a
deeper cultural role. The gnolls create little
of their own; the vast majority of their AGGRESSION
belongings are things they have claimed
from their kills. Few among them have any Other humanoids typically find
gift for metalworking, and they rely on that even friendly gnolls seem
victories and heirlooms as a source of arms aggressive. When performed
and armor. This creates an unusual aesthetic correctly, gnolls do not consider
intimidation to be a hostile act;
to gnoll armor, which is largely pieced
together from multiple victims. Gnoll instead, the speaker is asserting its
chainmail is rarely a single shirt, but rather strength and seeking to establish its
strips torn from multiple corpses and sewn place in the pack hierarchy. One of the
haphazardly onto leather; a single plate simple ways that this comes across is that a
pauldron might be included in the suit. gnoll almost never makes requests; when
In part, this is a practical action. The possible, it makes demands, or at the least
gnolls need weapons and armor for their firm statements. Instead of “Can I help
bloody work, and the goods of their victims you?” the gnoll says “Tell me what you
are better than anything they could make want!”—pushing the target to take action.
themselves. But there is also a social Gnoll aggression starts young. As soon
significance to it. The things they scavenge as a gnoll pup is capable of walking, it starts
from their fallen foes are trophies of these fighting with other young gnolls. Pups seek
out small tunnels that adults can’t fit into; in
victories. The gnoll who wears haphazard
chainmail remembers the story of each strip these mazes, they fight to the death. This
of metal and enjoys reminiscing about each practice weeds out weaker gnolls, but it also
keeps their numbers down.

First names have a flow-y yet
growl-like sound. Surnames
are always the name of the
pack they belong to. Pack
names will be
compounded words.
They can describe either
the members of the pack,
or where that pack lives.
Male Names: Dagnyr, Dhyrn, Doryc, conditions. You can see in dim light within
Ghyrryn, Gnasc, Gnoryc, Gnyrn, Hyrn, 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and
Lhoryn, Lhyr, Mognyr, Sorgnyn, Thyrn, in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't
Toryc, Yrgnyn, Yrych discern color in darkness, only shades of
Female Names: Dagnyra, Gnara, Gnora, gray.
Gnyrl, Hyra, Hyrgna, Lhyra, Lhyrl, Malgna, Pack Tactics. You have advantage on melee
Myrl, Sargna, Shyrla, Tarnyra, Yrgna attack rolls against a creature if at least one
Pack Names: Blackpaw, Mosshide, of your allies is within 5 feet of the creature
Mudsnout, Palemane, Redridge, Riverpaw, and the ally isn’t incapacitated.
Rot Hide, Savage-Hill, Shadowhide, Languages. You can speak, read, and write
Wildpaw, Woodpaw Common and Gnoll.


Your gnoll character has a variety of If your DM allows the use of feats from
ferocious abilities, due to their origin. chapter 6 of the Player’s Handbook, your
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score gnoll character has access to the following
increases by 2 and your Dexterity score special feat.
increases by 1.
Age. Pups reach adulthood around 10 years GNOLL MIMICRY
of age. Due to their violent lifestyle many Prerequisite: Gnoll
will be killed when they start showing signs Your hyena ancestry allows you the ability
of aging, around 40 years of age. Their full to mock your enemies and mimic others.
life expectancy is not known. You learn the Vicious Mockery and Minor
Alignment. Gnolls do not follow any sort of Illusion cantrips. You can only use Minor
code or rules; for the most part they are Illusion to create sound effects. Additionally
chaotic in nature. Due to their demonic you learn the Dissonant Whispers spell, and
connection many gnolls tend towards evil can cast it once at first level between long
rests. Wisdom is you spellcasting ability for
Size. Gnolls range from 7 to 7.5 feet. They these spells.
generally weight between 280 and 320 lbs.
Your size is medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Bite. As an action you may make a bite
attack. It is a melee attack with a range of 5
feet. On a hit you deal 1d4 piercing damage.
Your proficiency applies to this attack.
Friendly Intimidation. You have
proficiency in the Intimidation skill.
Rampage. When you reduce a
creature to 0 hit points with a
melee attack on your turn, you
can take a bonus action to
move up to half your
speed and make a
bite attack.
Scavengers. You are
proficient with
improvised weapons.
Darkvision. You
have superior vision
in dark and dim
Baker, Keith. "Playing Gnolls." Dragon. Wizards of the Coast, Sept. 2008. Web.
"Gnolls." Monster Manual. Renton: Wizards of the Coast, 2014. 162-63. Print.
Artwork (in order of appearance):
Avon, John. Sunrise Plains. N.d. 12 Aug. 2009. Web.
Wootten, Ben. Gnoll Family photo. N.d. DeviantArt. Paizo, 11 Sept. 2014. Web.
Wootten, Ben. Gnoll Scout. N.d. DeviantArt. Paizo, 11 Sept. 2014. Web.
Crowe, Stephen. Unknown. N.d. Dragon. Vol. 367. N.p.: Wizards of the Coast,
2008. 52. Web.
Andeavenor. Gnoll Shaman. N.d. Alpha Coders. 12 Nov. 2012. Web.

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