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Name:_____________________________ Year & Sec.

:_____________ Score:_________
Teacher:___________________________ Date:___________________ Rating:________

Activity 1
Organic Compounds: Are they Useful?

o In this activity, you will be able to recognize the uses of
common organic compounds.

paper and pen pentel pen manila paper

Labels or Pictures of the following products:

gasoline acetone kerosene acetic acid LPG ethanol

1) With your groupmates, use the labels/pictures of the materials to
answer the following questions:

Complete the table about the uses of the compounds. Using a check mark,
indicate the uses of the compounds. You may have more than one check mark
per sample depending on its use/s.


Q1. What do you think are the characteristics of the materials which give their

Q2. Why do you think these kinds of organic compounds are very important?

Name:_____________________________ Year & Sec.:_____________ Score:_________
Teacher:___________________________ Date:___________________ Rating:________

Activity No. 2:
Properties of Common Organic Compounds


kerosene stop watch 4 pieces of half inch-plastic beads
lubricating oil paper and pen 4 pieces of ¼ sheet of long bond papers
ethyl alcohol calculator 25 mL graduated cylinder
diesel oil matches 4 identical test tubes ( about 5 inches)
4 medicine droppers 4 bottle crowns (tansan)

1) a. With your group, use the table below to record your data from this

Table 1. Properties of Common Organic Compounds

b. Place 15 ml of each liquid in the four (4) identical test tubes and label each
test tube according to the liquid it contains.
c. Observe the materials and write the phase and odor of the materials on the

2) Testing the viscosityof the materials

a. Fill a test tube with the first liquid, drop one plastic bead, and then cover it
tightly with a cork or rubber stopper.
b. Invert the test tube so that the bead falls and touches the cork as shown in
the illustration.
c. Quickly turn the test tube in an upright position. Determine the time it takes
the bead to fall or reach the bottom of the test tube.
d. Procedures a, b, and c should look like the illustration below.

3) Testing the Volatility of the Materials

a. Using a medicine dropper, put two drops of each liquid material on the
separate pieces of bond papers. You and your group mates should do this
at the same time and place it on the armrest.
b. Record the time it takes the papers to get dry. This is equivalent to the time it
takes the liquid to completely evaporate.

3) Testing for Flammabilityof the Materials

a. Prepare four bottle crowns (tansan) and then place a cotton bud in each
b. Wet the cotton buds with10 drops of the liquid materials.
c. Ignite each wet cotton bud using a lighted match stick.
d. Record the time it takes each cotton bud to burn completely.
e. Repeat steps a, b, c and d four (4) more times so that you will have five (5)
trials per liquid material.
e. Compute for the average time it takes each cotton bud to burn completely.

Q1. Which material is most viscous? What are the common uses of viscous

Q2. Which materials are flammable? In what ways are these materials used?

Q3. Which liquid materials have strong odor and weak odor?

Q4. Why is it important to know the properties of these kinds of organic


Name:_____________________________ Year & Sec.:_____________ Score:_________
Teacher:___________________________ Date:___________________ Rating:________

Activity 3
The Hydrocarbons

their uses.

bond paper pen

1) With your groupmates, use the data in Tables 1 to 3 to answer the questions in
this activity.

Table 1. Alkanes

Q1. What are the types of bonds present in the following: alkanes,
alkenes, and alkynes?

Q2. Using Tables 1 to 3, what pattern do you observe in terms of the phase,
number of carbon atoms, structure and boiling point of the alkanes,
alkenes, and alkynes? Explain the patterns you observe.

Q3. What do you think will be the boiling point of the next alkane, alkene, and
alkyne? Will the boiling point of each hydrocarbon be higher or lower?
Explain your answer.

Q4. Why do you think some hydrocarbons are gases and others are liquids?

Q5. Why do you think there are many hydrocarbon compounds?

Q6. What hydrocarbon compounds are gases and liquids? What are the uses of
gaseous hydrocarbon compounds and liquid hydrocarbon compounds?

Name:_____________________________ Year & Sec.:_____________ Score:_________
Teacher:___________________________ Date:___________________ Rating:________

Activity 4
Which bananas will ripen faster?

Investigate how a common organic compound namely ethyne
can ripen fruits faster than the natural way.

Calcium carbide (kalburo) hand gloves
Newspapers face masks
12 unripe, green bananas of same variety small plastic cups
2 empty shoe or fruit juice boxes packaging tape

1) Using a sheet of newspaper, wrap ¼ kilo (250g) of crushed calcium
carbide (kalburo). Make sure that the wrapped calcium carbide will just be
enough to fit the area of the bottom of one shoe box.
2) Put the wrapped calcium carbide at the bottom of the shoe box and cover it
with another piece of newspaper.
3) Place 3 unripe (nearing maturity) bananas of the same kind inside the first box
with calcium carbide. This will be Group A.
4) Do not put wrapped calcium carbide in the other shoe box.
5) Place another set of 3 green, unripe bananas of the same kind in the
second box. This will be Group B.
6) After putting all the bananas in each box A and box B, cover both boxes.
7) Leave the shoe boxes for 48 hours.
8) After 2 or 3 days, put on your face masks and observe what happened to the
bananas. Write your observation in the data table below.

Q1. What are you going to find out or investigate in the experiment?
Q2. What is the independent variable?

Q3. What is the dependent variable in the experiment?

Q4. Write your hypothesis or prediction about what might happen in the

Q5. How many bananas ripened in Group A and in Group B?

Q6. Which group has fully ripened bananas?

Q7. What conclusion can you make from the results of your experiment?

Q8. Look for the properties of ethyne and explain how it can introduce
ripening of fruits?

Name:_____________________________ Year & Sec.:_____________ Score:_________
Teacher:___________________________ Date:___________________ Rating:________

Activity 5
Alcohols and Their Uses


Labels or pictures of commonly used alcohol products brought by your teacher.
pentel pen paper and pen manila paper

1) With your group, read the labels of the products that contain alcohols.
2) Write in the table below, the names of the products and the alcohol
compounds that are found in the labels of the product and their uses.

2) With your group, use the following illustrations of the structures of common
alcohols to answer the following questions.

Q1. What are the common products that contain alcohol?

Q2. Why are these alcohols important?

Q3. What types of bonds are present in ethyl alcohol, methyl alcohol, and
isopropyl alcohol?

Q4. What accounts for the similar physical properties of alcohols?

Name:_____________________________ Year & Sec.:_____________ Score:_________
Teacher:___________________________ Date:___________________ Rating:________

Activity 6
What is common between acetone and formalin?


compounds where they belong.

acetone manila paper
formalin paper and pen
pentel pen

1. With your group, talk about the uses of the simple compounds shown to
you by your teacher.

2. With your group, use the illustrations of the structures of acetone,

and formaldehyde (formalin) below to answer the questions.

Q1. What are the common uses of acetone and formalin?

Q2. What types of bonds do the common compounds have in their


Q3. Formalin and acetone are common carbonyl containing compounds.

Why do you think they both belong in the group of carbonyl containing

Name:_____________________________ Year & Sec.:_____________ Score:_________
Teacher:___________________________ Date:___________________ Rating:________

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