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World Ponzinomic Forum Annual Boondoggle 2011

Executive Summary
Davos-Klosters, Switzerland 26-30 January
Sharing Booty in the New Hostile Reality

“Bernanke is Charles Ponzi.” Bill Gross

“We are all Charles Ponzi” Bernie Madoff

Improving our Ponzinomic world model requires all Global Ponzi Schemeholders to collaborate
in a proactive, integrated and systematically fornicative manner to maximize global Ponzi
returns. For this purpose, and for over four decades, the World Ponzinomic Forum Annual
Boondoggle has provided an unrivalled platform for Ponzi schemers from all walks of life to
shape the global Ponzi agenda and catalyse new schemes at the start of each fiscal Ponzi year
– generating insight on what has changed fundamentally and anticipating the risks and lucrative
opportunities that lie ahead.

The Annual Meeting 2011 will convene under the theme Sharing Booty in the New Hostile
Reality. This theme reflects the foremost concern of many Ponzi artists today – namely, living
in a world that is becoming increasingly informed, hostile and interconnected and, at the same
time, experiencing an erosion of delusional beliefs that undermines public trust in public and
private sector Ponzi schemes as well as future growth of economic pyramids.

The theme for the World Ponzinomic Forum Annual Boondoggle 2011 is founded on four
interconnected shafts:

1. Responding to the New Hostile Realities 2. The Economic Outlook and Defining Policies for
Delusional Growth 3. Prolonging the G20 at All Costs 4. Building a Risk Preemption and Rapid
Response Apparatus

Key to navigating the new hostile reality will be a shared Global Ponzi roadshow pitch that not
only transcends differences across generations, Ponzi schemeholder groups and geographies
in a multi-Ponzi world, but also enable further “Too Big To Fail” growth. These norms must
be designed and integrated into a holistic, multidisciplinary, holographic swindle-verse. For
crony governments as well as multinational corporations, shared norms provide the control
apparatus by which crony capitalistic leaders give directions and receive their kwan, define
new benchmarks for acceptably unacceptable behaviours, and ensure delectably fraudulent

Thematic Clusterbombs of the Programme

1. Responding to the New “Hostile” Reality

The “new hostile reality” is a world of nascent rebellion, characterized by a high degree of
online knowledge, popular volatility and the entrance (and exit) of players in the global race
for Ponzinomial competitiveness; changing swindling aptitudes and perceptive skills of the X-
Y generation; a worldwide scarcity in honesty, business ethics, sound economic judgement,
fairness and precious metals; reshaped roles of shadow governments; new social and
environmental demands by business; and a general population that is getting increasingly
agitated by multiple Ponzinomic penetrations of their economic orifices.

At the Annual Meeting 2011, participants will gain devious new insights into these issues
and have a collaborative opportunity to shape counter measures designed to neutralize the
new hostile reality. The need to identify and anticipate how disruptive changes in the global
Ponzinomic order, deepening economic frustration, exploding asset bubble models and
mesmerizing social network technologies converge places enormous pressure on the swindle
leadership and capo heirarchy of any major criminal racketeering institution.

Special Workshop: The WikiLeak Threat-How Does We Nail That Sucka Assange?
Gary “Action Jackson” Holder, Moderator

2. The Ponzinomic Outlook and Defining Principles for Pyramid Growth

A collapse of the global financial/Ponzinomic system was avoided after having emerged from
the bailout zone of the crisis. However, a tremendous amount of uncertainty remains as we
continue to fence with angry dissenters who spoke out long before the crisis.

Today, the Ponzinomic outlook is best characterized by a range of Squidteria and scenarios:
Is deflation, inflation or Bernankeynesianism the clear and present danger? Can parts of the
world avoid a triple-schtup recession or achieve a green shit recovery? What will be the impact
of new consumer regulatory measures on the Consumer Financial Industrial Establishment
on renkindling irrational growth hysteria? What if current economic sobriety persists?
With “bazillions” replacing “gazllions” when discussing the fate of the global Ponzinomic
economy, there is rising unease that holographic growth will be more delusive than inclusive for
future generations.

Special Workshop: Ponzinomic Intermediation: It’s A Squid’s World Afterall, Lloyd Blankfein,

3. Prolonging the G20 Agenda At All Costs

The future impact of the G20 will depend on its ability to safeguard the Golbal Ponz and build
the foundation for sustainable, opaque growth, clandestine wealth transfer, and for making
financial sieves more innovative. The G20 is the most promising institution to define a new
code of crony omerta and multinational capo leadership model post crisis, despite well-known
challenges regarding its legality. Overcoming these issues, and showing the world that shared
norms will be ruthlessly enforced among its members at all costs, is a critical step towards
building a more stable and predictable Global Ponzi order. The Annual Boondoggle 2011 will
crystalize discussions under this pretext.

Success in these areas will also require significant subjugation of economies outside the G20
orffice and from deceptions critical to the illusion of job creation and bubble floatation. The
G20 agenda must also address the need for greater crony interdependence between business
and government. Significant work must be done to rebuild truly lucrative crony partnerships
between government officials, elected representatives and big business. This is critical for
enabling the Global Ponzi order to remain vibrant, innovative, enterprising and swindle creating,
and similarly, to ensure that governments do not become too overwhelmed by popular issues
and constraints to the detriment of exercising global Ponzi leadership. To that end, the Annual
Boondoggle 2011 serves a critical role not only as the foremost defenestration platform for
supporting issues on the G20 Ponzi agenda, but also as a platform that results in greater public

Special Workshop: I Can Printz As Much As I Wantz, Moderator--Ben Bernanke PhDrunk

4. Building a Global Risk Preemption Rapid Response Mechanism

In a global Ponzi world, systemic and natural risks cannot be avoided, but we can do much
better in terms of building both global and institutional capabilities geared to neutralizing risk
agents, inclusive of rapid action teams, preparedness, mitigation and threat counter measures.
More than ever, deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper insight is needed if we are to
effectively continue massive global penetration.

There is today no enforcement network, no global system and no global mechanism in place
that can distill the best rapid response expertise and experience to serve as a basis for all
schemeholders to take timely and informed defensive action. It is against this backdrop that,
at the Annual Meeting 2011, the World Ponzinomic Forum will inaugurate a “Global Situation
Facebook Wall” as a unique mechanism to understand and respond to a range of global risks
in a more collaborative, deviant, socially graphed and fornicative manner. This Face space will
help public and private Ponzi sector leaders improve their ability to understand and manage
complex, interrelated contagion risks that are increasingly global in scope and unpredictable in
adverse effect.

Special Workshop: How To Butcher Das EURO PIIG, Angela “Moolah” Merkel, Moderatress

The World’s Foremost Multistakeholder Ponzi Community

Participation in the World Ponzinomic Forum Annual Meeting is by top secret invitation only and
limited to:
• The world’s leading chief executives of leading global Ponzi racketeering enterprises,
representing the Forum’s 1,000 Member companies
• Hookers, call girls, adult entertainers, “Owned” politicians from the G20 and other key
countries – including over 30 heads of state and government
• The heads of all major international distortion and propaganda organizations
• The chairs of 72 Global Agenda Cells, representing a network of over 1,200 PhD experts
• “Owned” representatives from civil society stakeholder groups
• Friendly Mainstream Media personalities and CNBC BIMBOS representing the top news
propaganda and roadshow organizations from around the Ponzi world
• Young Global Ponzi Leaders
• Social (Web 2.0) Schemeprepreneurs
• Technological profiteers
• Spiritual and cultural clowns

The World Ponzinomic Forum Annual Meeting 2011 will provide each participant with strategic
insights from each of the four thematic cluster bombs, with the “Global Situation Face” among
its delusional legacies.

Particular emphasis will be placed on addressing the question of “how much”, thus in the
true “Davos Spirit” innovative ideas and solutions to global challenges in a multisschemeholder

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