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Perbandingan Expanded CURB-65 terhadap CURB-65 dan PSI dalam Memprediksi

Luaran Pengobatan Pasien CAP yang Di Rawat di RSUP Dr. M. Djamil Padang
Suyastri, Irvan Medison, Deddy Herman, Russilawati
Bagian Pulmonologi dan Kedokteran Respirasi Fakultas KedokteranUniversitas Andalas

Severity of pneumonia is very important point for diagnostic and treatment to community acquired
peumonia (CAP) patient. Several methods can be used to assess the severity of pneumonia such as
Pneumonia Severity Index (PSI), CURB-65, SMART-COP and Expanded CURB-65, each of which
has advantages and disadvantages. Expanded CURB 65 is more effective and accurate method for
evaluating the severity of pneumonia and predicting death in CAP, compared to PSI and CURB-65.
Cohort prospective study was conducted for 90 CAP patient who was treated at RSUP Dr. M.Djamil
Padang from April 2019 to October 2019. Data were collected through filling the PSI, CURB 65 and
Expanded CURB 65 forms in patients who has the inclusion criteria were processed by univariate and
multivariate analysis in the form of logistic regression.
Characteristics of CAP patients are predominantly men with an average age of 53 years, and the most
common co-morbidity is malignancy. Based on the most PSI scores are high risk , CURB 65 and
expanded CURB 65 are moderate risk. There was no relationship between CURB 65 (p value =
0.104) with the outcome of treatment. Whereas, there is a relationship between PSI (p value = 0.081)
and the Expanded CURB 65 score (p value = 0.046) and the outcome of treatment . The expanded
CURB 65 has a kappa value of 0.108 and the area under curve (AUC) value is 0.422 higher than the
PSI and the CURB 65. That means the expanded CURB 65 is better to predicting outcome in CAP
Expanded CURB 65 is better to predicting the outcome of treatment of CAP patients who was treated
at RSUP Dr.M.Djamil Padang compared to PSI and CURB 6.
Keywords: CAP, PSI, CURB 65, Expanded CURB 65, treatment outcomes

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