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Executive Summary

Site Overview
Aerial View
Ownership History
Location Analysis
Adjacent Properties
Notable Nearby Developments
Economic Profile
Household Income
Employment Data
Notable Employers
Additional Economic Drivers
Development Plan Feasibility Analysis
Development Timeline
Architect & Design
Permits & Approvals
Sales & Marketing
Financial Analysis
Site Acquisition
Hard Costs
Soft Costs
Construction Financing
Permanent Financing
Risk Analysis
Market Risk
Finance Risk
Construction Cost Risk

[Project.Name] Real Estate Development Proposal [Proposal.CreatedDate]

Executive Summary
PANDATIP: The executive summary section of this template should introduce recipients to the
property and project at hand, and give them an idea of what to expect as they progress through
your real estate development proposal.

This real estate development proposal will cover our proposed project for development of the
following property:
[Property.City], [Property.State] [Property.Zip]
The property's unique qualities are as follows:

PANDATIP: Don't go into too much detail in this section of the template. You'll have plenty of
space to cover every detail of your real estate development concept further down in the

Our proposed development solution includes the following:

[Project.Name] Real Estate Development Proposal [Proposal.CreatedDate]

Site Overview

This part of the real estate development proposal template is where you'll provide details about
the site you're hoping to develop. Use the text field above to describe the site thoroughly, and
use the template's aerial view image block to provide a visual of the site from above, usually
from Google Maps.

Aerial View

[Project.Name] Real Estate Development Proposal [Proposal.CreatedDate]

[Project.Name] Real Estate Development Proposal [Proposal.CreatedDate]
Ownership History
PANDATIP: Use this section of the template to document the property's ownership history. You
can add more rows to the table as needed, or delete rows.

The table below details the ownership history of the property.

Transaction Date Selling Price New Owner

[Project.Name] Real Estate Development Proposal [Proposal.CreatedDate]

Location Analysis
PANDATIP: Use this section of the real estate development proposal template to cover details
about the property's surrounding area that support your case for developing the property
according to your plans. Relevant details include surrounding businesses or residential areas,
proximity to major transportation routes or hubs, area economic profile, long-term population
and economic trends, and zoning maps.


Adjacent Properties

Notable Nearby Developments

[Project.Name] Real Estate Development Proposal [Proposal.CreatedDate]

[Project.Name] Real Estate Development Proposal [Proposal.CreatedDate]

Economic Profile
Household Income

Employment Data

[Project.Name] Real Estate Development Proposal [Proposal.CreatedDate]

Notable Employers

Additional Economic Drivers

[Project.Name] Real Estate Development Proposal [Proposal.CreatedDate]

Development Plan Feasibility Analysis
A successful real estate development proposal requires careful analysis of the proposed
development strategy. Use this section of the template to provide quantitative and qualitative
analysis of your proposed solution to readers. This section of the template can be lengthened to
suit your needs- some real estate development proposals devote several pages to detailed
feasibility analysis.

[Project.Name] Real Estate Development Proposal [Proposal.CreatedDate]

Development Timeline
PANDATIP: This section of the template should be used to provide a detailed breakdown of
your real estate development proposal's implementation. Use the table and text fields to
demonstrate that you've planned the project appropriately.

Phase Start Date End Date

[Project.Name] Real Estate Development Proposal [Proposal.CreatedDate]

The following consultants have been identified as viable partners for this real estate
development project:

Architect & Design

Permits & Approvals


[Project.Name] Real Estate Development Proposal [Proposal.CreatedDate]

[Project.Name] Real Estate Development Proposal [Proposal.CreatedDate]

Sales & Marketing

[Project.Name] Real Estate Development Proposal [Proposal.CreatedDate]

Financial Analysis
PANDATIP: This section of the real estate development proposal template is meant to be used
to provide a detailed breakdown of the financial considerations of your proposed project.

Site Acquisition


[Project.Name] Real Estate Development Proposal [Proposal.CreatedDate]

Hard Costs
PANDATIP: "Hard Costs" are those attributed to sitework, demolition, and construction. "Soft
Costs" are those attributed to legal work, permitting, sales, marketing, and the like. Be sure to
cover both thoroughly in this section of the real estate development proposal template.

Description Cost/GSF GSF Total Line Item Cost

$0.00 1 $0.00

$0.00 1 $0.00

$0.00 1 $0.00

$0.00 1 $0.00

$0.00 1 $0.00

$0.00 1 $0.00

Subtotal $0.00

Total $0.00

[Project.Name] Real Estate Development Proposal [Proposal.CreatedDate]

Soft Costs

Description Cost/GSF GSF Total Line Item Cost

$0.00 1 $0.00

$0.00 1 $0.00

$0.00 1 $0.00

$0.00 1 $0.00

$0.00 1 $0.00

$0.00 1 $0.00

Subtotal $0.00

Total $0.00

[Project.Name] Real Estate Development Proposal [Proposal.CreatedDate]

Construction Financing
PANDATIP: Most major real estate development projects have two financing phases. The first
phase addresses financing needed during initial construction. The second phase addresses the
permanent financing used to secure the property once construction is complete. This section of
the proposal template is where you'll provide details regarding both forms of financing for your

Permanent Financing

[Project.Name] Real Estate Development Proposal [Proposal.CreatedDate]

Risk Analysis
PANDATIP: Use this section of the real estate development proposal template to document the
results of your initial risk analysis for the project.


Market Risk

Finance Risk

[Project.Name] Real Estate Development Proposal [Proposal.CreatedDate]

Construction Cost Risk

[Project.Name] Real Estate Development Proposal [Proposal.CreatedDate]

PANDATIP: Your conclusion should be similar to your executive summary. It should provide a
succinct explanation of what your real estate project entails and why you feel the project should
be supported. Before sending, be sure to review each section of this template to ensure that
your data is formatted and presented correctly.

[Project.Name] Real Estate Development Proposal [Proposal.CreatedDate]

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