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University of Bath, Department of Computer Science


BSc (Honours) Computer Science with Business
BSc (Honours) Computer Science with Business (with industrial placement)
BSc (Honours) Computer Science with Business (with study year abroad)

Awarding Institution//Body: UNIVERSITY OF BATH
Teaching Institution: University of Bath
Programme Accredited by: (inc. date of BCS, 2003
Programme approved by: (inc. date & min. no. of June 2005
Dept, FBoS, QAC, Senate)
Final Awards: BSc (Honours) Computer Science with Business
Programme Titles: BSc (Honours) Computer Science with Business
(Full time for 3 years)
BSc (Honours) Computer Science with Business with
Study Year Abroad (Full time for 3 years plus a Year
BSc (honours) Computer Science with Business (Full
time for 3 years plus a year’s Industrial placement)
Programme Codes: USCM-AFB09
UCAS Code (if applicable): G4N1
Subject Benchmark Statement: Computing
Intended Level of Completed Programme: (in line BSc (Honours): H level
with NQF)
Duration of Programme and mode of study: See Programme titles
Date of Specification preparation/revision: V1.0 2/11/2004; V1.1 22/3/2006

Synopsis and Academic Coherence of Programme:

The BSc (Honours) Computer Science with Business programme combines the strengths of the
Management School with the long-standing provision of the Department of Computer Science to provide
a unique combination of computer science in the context of business practice. The programme is a
Computer Science programme in its emphasis upon the importance of a firm theoretical foundation to the
study of computing and rigorous development methods. This is integrated with the study of organisations,
their management, and business strategy so that the role and impact of computer systems within
organisations is understood and applied to the analysis, design, development and deployment of effective
computer-based systems.

In the first two years of the BSc (Hons) Computer Science with Business programme vertical "streams"
of compulsory units build upon one another to provide subject depth. One stream focuses on the
foundational aspects of computer science, presenting the mathematical underpinning, semantics, logic,
formal specification and algorithmic analysis. A second stream builds the students knowledge of program
development and programming techniques, built on the underpinning of correct specification, design,
evaluation and testing. The third stream examines software development from a software engineering
perspective, introducing lifecycle issues and emphasising the use of appropriate techniques for model-
building throughout the lifecycle, culminating in a software project. The fourth stream contains a range of
units drawn from the Management School that introduce the student to a broad base of business practice

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University of Bath, Department of Computer Science

and business information. In the final year students are provided with a limited set of optional units that
allow students to study areas of computer science which have a broad relation to business systems, and to
study a range of units from the School of Management that are particularly focused on application areas
for computer systems within the business context. The final year Project unit and Project Preparation
allow students to demonstrate the knowledge they have gained and apply it to new areas of work.

Educational Aims of the Programme:

♦ to provide a stimulating and supportive environment which encourages students to be creatively and
critically receptive and responsive to new ideas and to develop towards their full academic potential;
♦ to provide a strong conceptual and theoretical understanding of computer science that will enable
students to evaluate, adapt, create and utilise appropriate methods, theories, techniques and business
practices in the face of changes in technology;
♦ to develop in students understanding of the business context and so develop, specify, select and/or
develop appropriate and effective business systems;
♦ to expose students to established and emerging paradigms, methods and technologies and challenging
problems that take them towards the edge of current knowledge;
♦ to develop critical, analytical and interpersonal skills that prepares students to become active
professionals and contribute to the intellectual life of society;

The 'with industrial placement' route includes the following additional aims:

♦ to provide practical experience in an industrial or commercial environment applying knowledge and

skills gained within their studies;

♦ to develop personal skills, including communication skills (oral and written), planning and time
management, problems solving and analytical skills, decision-making skills, and have gained
confidence in their own ability to appraise new information critically and operate as a part of a team;

♦ to have acquired an understanding of the general structure of an organisation and of the contribution
of an individual to the aims and objectives of an organisation.

The `with study year abroad' route includes the following additional aims:

♦ to develop in students the ability to work effectively in a culture different from that of the U.K.

♦ (where appropriate) to develop the ability to operate at a scientific level in a second language.

Intended Learning Outcomes:

Knowledge and Understanding

1. To understand the mathematical and theoretical underpinnings of computability and the
importance of rigorous systems development.
2. To understand the key functions of business, and the contribution of appropriate information
systems to the development of organisations.
3. To identify the lifecycle of software development and recognise the need for management and
methodological techniques to control the software development process.
4. To understand and critically evaluate a range of approaches to the study of management,
organisations, and behaviour within business organisations.
5. To identify the importance of the human and system interfaces in the development of business
6. To understand and be able to apply relevant ethical, legal and professional standards in the
context of the software development process.

Intellectual Skills

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1. To understand the essential facts, concepts, principles and theories relating to computer science
and their relationship to one another.
2. To gain understanding of business organisation and so develop the ability to interpret business
3. To understand management functions within business, their information requirements and the
inter-relationship of management roles in the development of organisations.
4. The ability to capture models of existing systems and devise models of new information systems
for the purpose of comprehension, communication, and prediction.

Professional Practical Skills

1. To be able to contribute to all areas of the system development lifecycle in the production of
usable, reliable and timely solutions.
2. To be able to consider alternative models of problems and apply practical and theoretical
understanding to select appropriate solutions.
3. The ability to apply knowledge of the business context to business systems problems and identify
appropriate, cost effective and timely solutions.
4. The ability to select and utilise appropriate software tools for the construction and documentation
of computer applications.

Transferable/Key Skills
1. The effective communication of complex ideas and concepts to various levels of management
through the application of appropriate analysis and design techniques.
2. The ability to evaluate systems in terms of general and specific quality attributes
3. The ability to identify the management needs of small-medium sized projects with resource and
time constraints, and apply appropriate methods, tools and techniques to meet those needs.
4. The ability to learn independently and transfer knowledge into unfamiliar situations in a spirit of
critical enquiry.

Structure and Content of the Programme (inc. potential stopping off points):

USCM-AFB09: BSc (Hons): Computer Science with Business

Year 1, Semester 1
Mode of Attendance: Full period in University (Undergraduate)
Mandatory Units
CM10017 Systems I: architecture & operating systems 6 Credits
CM10134 Programming 1 12 Credits
CM10136 Software Engineering I 6 Credits
CM10139 Computation I: numbers & structures 6 Credits

Year 1, Semester 2
Mandatory Units
CM10020 Computation II: computability & decidability 6 Credits
CM10135 Programming II 12 Credits
CM10137 Software Engineering II 6 Credits
MN10069 Introduction to accounting & finance 6 Credits

Year 2, Semester 1
Mode of Attendance: Full period in University (Undergraduate)
Mandatory Units
CM20143 User interface programming 6 Credits
CM20144 Mathematics for applications 6 Credits
CM20145 Database Systems 6 Credits
MN10070 Business Economics 6 Credits

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MN10071 Organisational Behaviour 6 Credits

Year 2, Semester 2
Mandatory Units
CM20026 Software project 6 Credits
CM20029 Compilers 6 Credits
CM20028 Algorithms 6 Credits
CM20168 Programming Languages 6 Credits
MN20291 Human Resource Management 1 6 Credits

Year 3, Semester 1
Mode of Attendance: Full period in University (Undergraduate)
Mandatory Units
CM30076 Project preparation 6 Credits
Optional Units
Select 2 units from list A and 2 units from list B:
List A
CM30072 Safety-critical computer systems 6 Credits
CM30171 Advanced compilers 6 Credits
CM30174 E-commerce & agents 6 Credits
List B
MN20023 Business Forecasting 6 Credits
MN20074 Business Information Systems 6 Credits
MN30051 Technology and Innovation Management 6 Credits

Year 3, Semester 2
Mandatory Units
CM30082 Double module project 12 Credits
Optional Units
Select 3 units; 1 from List A and 2 from List B OR 2 from List A and 1 from List B
List A
CM30073 Advanced Algorithms and Complexity 6 Credits
CM30078 Networking 6 Credits
CM30141 Advanced Human Computer Interaction 6 Credits
List B
MN30050 Supply Management 6 Credits
MN30266 Decision Making 6 Credits
MN30076 Business Strategy 6 Credits

USCM-AKB10: BSc (Hons): Computer Science with Business (with Industrial Placement)

Year 3, Academic Year

Content: Year 1, 2 and 4 are equivalent to Years 1, 2 and 3 of the full-time route. Year 3 is a year of industrial
experience within a computing-related industry placement approved by the Department of Computer Science.
Mode of Attendance: Paid period of experience
Mandatory Units
CM20105 Industrial placement 60 Credits

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University of Bath, Department of Computer Science

USCM-AFB10: BSc (Hons): Computer Science with Business (with Study Year Abroad)

Year 3, Academic Year

Content: Year 1, 2 and 4 are equivalent to Years 1, 2 and 3 of the full-time route. Year 3 is a year of taught
Computer Science study within a European University approved by the Department of Computer Science.
Mode of Attendance: Study abroad (programme designed)
Mandatory Units
CM20106 Study year abroad (BSc) 60 Credits

Details of Placements/Work Based Learning/Industrial Training/Study Abroad Requirements

During the third year of the Computer Science with Business programme with Industrial Placement,
students have the opportunity to undertake a professional placement in an approved company within the
UK or abroad in an area of work related to the degree programme. The placement is a particularly
appropriate learning experience for this programme, within which students can apply the knowledge and
skills gained in the analysis / development / maintenance of information systems. The critical reflection of
their practice enhances the process of assimilation of the various strands of the programme, leading to a
greater academic maturity in the remainder of their studies. Placements are arranged through the
departmental placement officers. The Department has established strong links with many industrial
partners of varying size. Examples of placement companies include Motorola, CERN, Fujitsu-Siemens,
IBM, Nokia, Orange and Logica.

Students on placement are monitored by means of an industrial liaison tutor throughout their period of
placement. The placement is assessed by means of a report that is submitted towards the end of their
placement. Although the placement year does not contribute towards the degree classification, those
students who satisfactorily complete the year will have their degree certificates endorsed to acknowledge
this achievement.

During the third year of the Computer Science with Business programme with Study Year Abroad,
students have the opportunity to undertake a year of study at one of the European universities with which
the Department has links. This year of study provides the benefits of additional undergraduate study, with
the possibility of adding further breadth to the Computer Information Systems programme. The exposure
to other cultures and intensive use of a second language is highly valued by those who take this route. The
results obtained during the year of study abroad contribute 20% of the marks used to decide the final
degree classification.

Details of Support Available to Students

The University of Bath has an established and well integrated framework of centrally provided student
support services. These are summarised in the Guide to Student Support Services, a summary of which is
given to every new student. These services include:
♦ Accomodation Office ♦ Careers Advisory Service ♦ Counselling Service

♦ Nursery ♦ Student Finance Office ♦ Student Money Service

♦ Security Service ♦ English Language Tuition ♦ Learning Support

♦ Library Learning Centre ♦ International Office ♦ Medical Centre

In addition, the Student Union provide many highly valued support services. Their Academic and Welfare
Advice and Representation Centre (AWARE) can provide advice, support and guidance on a wide range of
welfare issues. The Training, Development and Volunteer Centre oversees a programme known as
"SORTED" that provides courses designed to help develop many of the key skills that students will need
within their education and in the workplace.

The Department of Computer Science integrates with these support services through its framework of
academic and pastoral support. Student Support starts with the Welcome Pack sent to each accepted
student, that welcomes the prospective student to the University and provides pre-arrival study material.

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On entering the University the Student Induction introduces students to the campus, the Department, and
the Programme. Each student receives an Undergraduate Programmes Handbook and a Unit Catalogue
that together describe the programme and relevant academic regulations. During induction week each
student will be assigned a Personal Tutor who will be the focus for academic advice and guidance
throughout their time on the Programme. All students are required to see their Personal Tutor on three
occasions per semester, and many Personal Tutors provide weekly time-slots for "drop-in" consultation.
Personal Tutors also act as an interface to the central support services should financial or other personal
problems arise. The Director of Studies (Undergraduate Programmes) oversees the operation of the
Programme and is also available for consultation.

The University has a positive policy of supporting students with learning difficulties or who need
additional learning support. Further information on the support available can be found on the University
web-site at:

The University of Bath has recently become widely known for its sporting prowess, with Olympic medal
winners trained by Team Bath. Details of the extensive Sport and Leisure facilities available on-campus
are available at:

Key Skills
The University supports the development and assessment of Key Skills both within the taught programme
of studies and through additional training opportunities provided through the SORTED programme.
Information is available in the Undergraduate Programmes Handbook of the opportunities available
within the degree programmes for the development, practice and assessment of Key Skills. Personal
Tutors are able to help students decide on appropriate unit choice to support the development of skills.
The SORTED programme provides a wide range of additional skills training, from communication skills,
time management and exam preparation to newspaper, TV and radio production. Some of the skills
training courses are provided by commercial organisations. Details of the range of courses provided can
be found at:

Admissions Criteria
Candidates must be able to satisfy the general admissions requirements of the University of Bath and the
Department of Computer Science. These include one of the following:
♦ A-level offers are typically AAB (and at least ABB) and should normally include at least a B in
Mathematics. AVCE/AVCEDA in Computing or IT, count as one (AVCE) or two (AVCEDA) A-
♦ International Baccalaureate - 32 points (with 6 in mathematics)
♦ HND - two thirds of subjects passed at distinction level and the remaining subjects gaining merit
Grades at AS level are taken into account, but are unlikely to form part of the offer.
IELTS 6.5, or equivalent, should be offered by students for whom English is not their first language.
Mature and overseas students will be considered on an individual basis, and should expect to demonstrate
achievement equivalent to the above.

Quality Assurance Mechanisms

The University regulations and practice in regard to Quality Assurance are defined within the Quality
Assurance Manual, which is available to all staff and students from the University intranet web-site at . This is interpreted within each department as departmental procedures
and guidelines that are detailed in the Departmental Quality Assurance Handbook. The following are the
main mechanism used for Quality Assurance that relate to the BSc (Hons) Computer Information Systems

♦ Degree schemes are monitored through Quinquennial Degree Scheme Review. This review process
includes input from external academics, Departmental staff, and student representation. The last
review of undergraduate provision was in 2003.

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♦ The Department is subject to periodic external review through QAA and to accreditation visits by the
British Computer Society; the last such visits were in 2003. The department opens itself to regular
external scrutiny by inviting comments from External Examiners.
♦ The operation of the department is monitored at Faculty level through the Faculty Board of Studies
and its sub-committee, the Faculty Teaching and Quality Committee. These meet regularly
throughout the academic year and are both strategic through planning, and responsive to issues as
they arise.
♦ The on-going operation of the Department is managed through the Department Teaching Committee
and Department Committee. The Department Committee disseminates information to staff on
Departmental issues. The Department Teaching Committee has the primary responsibility for the
monitoring of quality management and enhancement processes, and all developments and
modifications to the degree programmes are subject to the authorisation of this committee. Student
representatives sit on this committee to ensure that student views on academic developments are
taken into account.
♦ The Department conducts annual monitoring of Units and Programmes, and these form part of the
annual Director of Studies Report.
♦ The operation of Degree Programmes is monitored using Unit Questionnaires which capture student
feedback on the operation of each Unit at the end of the Unit, a Programme Questionnaire, the Staff-
Student Liaison Committee in which student representatives can raise issues of concern for discussion
and action, and student feedback on an on-going basis through Personal Tutors, Industrial Liaison
Tutors, Project Tutors, the Director of Studies and Administration.
♦ The teaching quality of academic staff is monitored through Peer Observation of Teaching and an
annual Staff Appraisal process. All new lecturers are required to participate within the Learning and
Teaching in Higher Education Programme as part of their probationary period. Academic staff
membership and participation within the Institute for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education
(ILT) is encouraged for all new academic staff. The department also has a nominated academic who
acts as a liaison with LTSN-ICS to promote the use of appropriate and effective learning and teaching

Assessment and Progression Regulations

The assessment and progression regulations are available in Programme Handbook, provided to students
each academic year, and on the Department website at The following is
an overview, but students are requested to consult the full regulations.

Each unit undertaken on the programme will be assessed. The mix of assessment varies according to the
requirements of the unit and the general assessment strategy of the programme. In general, Year 1 units
will have a significant assessed coursework contribution, although the examination will normally
contribute at least 60% of the marks. In successive years the contribution of the coursework will be
reduced and the examination component will increase. Many final year units are examination-only

The placement year of programmes that include Industrial Placement is assessed through ongoing
employer and Industrial Training Tutor reports and a range of reports that students are required to
provide. The assessment is not graded. Students who fail the Industrial Placement unit will revert to the
equivalent non-placement programme. Assessment in the Study Abroad programme is that required by
the units studied in the overseas institution. A mapping from the marks awarded in this assessment to
those that would be awarded in The University of Bath is performed. These marks contribute to the final
degree classification. Students who fail the Study Abroad programme will revert to the equivalent non-
study abroad programme.

In order to progress at the end of year 1 and 2 students must obtain an average mark of 40%, pass units
worth 36 credits, and achieve a mark of 30% or higher in all units. The assessment in year 2, the study
abroad year (for those undertaking a programme with study abroad), and the final year contribute to the

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final degree classification. Employers normally take note of performance in all years of the programme
when selecting graduates.

Students who are unable to achieve the progression standards set for the programme may be offered the
opportunity (once only) to repeat a year, or may be offered a place on the BSc (Ordinary) Computing
programme. Students who do not achieve the standard required for a place on the BSc (Ordinary)
Computing programme will be required to leave the course.

Indicators of Quality and Standards

The University of Bath is a top-ranking University with an international reputation. The Department of
Computer Science was formed out of the Department of Mathematical Sciences in 2000, and the research
of the staff now within the Department of Computer Science was graded 4 in RAE'2001, 5 in RAE'1996
and 4 in RAE'1992. In the most recent QAA Developmental Engagement (2003) the Department of
Computer Science received the highest possible outcome. The BSc (Hons) Computer Science with
Business programme is accredited by the British Computer Society who, in their accreditation visit of
2003, commended the Department for its curriculum and teaching quality, for the effective student
support provided and for the collegiate atmosphere within the Department. The Times regularly rank the
Department in the top-ten UK Computer Science departments (6th in 2003, 11th in 2004 and 9th in 2005).

Examples of Opportunities Available to Students on Completion of Programme:

A wide variety of opportunities is available for successful students. Typical destinations have included
Sun Microsystems, Motorola, Fujitsu-ICL, and Lucent. Graduates from the Computer Science department
are highly sought-after, and many students who undertake the Industrial Placement route find that they
are offered employment with their placement company.
Each year a number of students elect to undertake further post-graduate study, either within a Masters
Degree course or to pursue research. The Department of Computer Science encourages students to
consider research by providing a range of final-year options that reflect the research interests of the
department, and encouraging students to consider final year project work related to research topics.

Other Sources of Information

The main sources of information for this programme are:
♦ University of Bath Undergraduate Prospectus
♦ Department of Computer Science Undergraduate Degree Courses Handbook
♦ Department of Computer Science Programme/Unit Catalogue
Extensive further information is available from the University of Bath website:

…………………………………………. . ………………….
Director of Studies Date

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