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rES1 coDE 02227010

FORM TP 2017240 MAY/JUNE 20I7




I ltour 30 minules

06 JUNE 2017 (p.m.)


This test consists of 45 itenrs. You will have I hour and 30 nrinutes to answer tlrem.

2 ln additiorr to this test booklet, you slroultl have an answer slreet.

3 Do not be concerned that the answer sheet provides for nlore answers than there are itenrs in this

4 Each itern irr this test has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B), (C), (D). Read each item you
are about to answer and decide which choice is best.

5 On your aniwer slreet, 6nd the number which corresporrds to your itern and shade the space having
the same letter as the answer you have chosen. Look at the sample item below.

Samole ltenl

One inrportant result of the Frenctr Revolution was that

Sanrple Answer
(A) natiorralism
France lost its spirit of
(q) political power'shifted to the bourgeoisie
(C) the Frenclr enjoyed a lerrgthy period of peace arrd prosperity
(D) the churclr was restored to its former role arrd power irr tlre French government

The best answer to this itenr is "political power shifted to the bourgeoisie", so (B) has been shaded

6. lf you want to change your answer, erase it corrrpletcly hetbre you fill irr your new choice

7 When you are told to begin, turrr tlre page and work as quickly arrd as carefblly as you can. lf you
cannot answer an itettl, go on to the next one. You rnay retunl to tlrat itern later.

tl. You nray do gtry rough work in tlris booklet.

lx) \()': I I:ltVI llls 1,,\(;l;: t!NI ll. !'()t' \l{li 'l()l l) 'l'(l l)() s(}
I Which of the following factors was the 5. Which of the following sratements is TRUE
source of rivalry between the Dutch and about the Dutch in the Caribbean in the
English in the Caribbean in the second half seventeenth cerrtury?
of the seventeenth century?
(A) They were not interested in trade.
(A) Mining rights in Bonaire (B) Tlrey were mainly interested in
(B) English trade wirh Aruba settlement.
(C) Ownership of the colonies (c) They succeeded in establishing
(D) Dutch trade with English colonies permanent settlements where
others failed.
(D) They depended on British and
2 Cromwell's Western Design was an assault French finances to establish their
against colonies.

(A) Spanish colonies in the Caribbean

(B) French colonies in the Caribbean 6. Which of the following factors was a cause
(C) Dutch trading supremacy in the of the American War of lndependence?
(D) Portuguese domination of Westem (A) Desire for expansion
European trade (B) Desire for religious freedom
(C) Lack of American industries
(D) Lack of representation in the
3. Which of the following starernents BEST British Parliament
explains why interethnic fighting between
WestAfrican tribes increased after 1500?
7 The MAIN political idea of the European
(A) States were now competing for Enlightenment was that
scarce resounces.
(B) There was a need to obtainAfricans (A) the clergy should run all the
to sell to European traders. universities
(c) There was competition for (B) absolute power should not be given
European manufactured goods to the king
in Africa. (C) all people should be granted
(D) The European traders were active in religious freedom
the Afr ican vi llage communities. (D) dissenting religious groups should
be censured

4. The ancient kingdoms in Western Africa

prospered because they

(A) were located along the Niger river

(B) had no contact with the rest of the
(C) followed the Muslim beliefs of
tlreir rulers
(D) devbloped extensive trade in gold,
ivory and salt

8. Portuguese advances in exploration in 1460 t2 Which of the following was NOTaneffect

were due to the of the En li ghtenment on European society?

t. improvements in ship design (A) The salons became very popular.

II advances in naval technology (B) Literary societies were developed.
ril support of Prince Henry the (c) There was an increase in witch
Navigator hunts.
(D) There was less censorship of
(A) I and ll only publications.
(B) I and lll only
(c) ll and lll only
(D) l, ll and lll l3 Which of the following did the American
Revolution fail to accomplish?

9. 'Divine right'monarchy referred to (A) Development of a constitution for

the nation
(A) the claim that the monarch was (B) Permitting religious freedom
appointed by God within the society
(B) a Catholic tribunal set up by Rome (C) Stimulation of Republican ideas in
to root out heresy other countries
(c) a political system where the ruler (D) Freedom for the enslaved persons
was answerable only to the Pope in Southern states
(D) the control of rul ing bodies of towns
and cities by one powerful,
wealthy family 14. Which of the follorving factors contributed
to the outbreak of the French Revolution?

10. The term 'lettres de cachet'can be defined (A) Propaganda of the dmigris
as (B) Frustration of the bourgeoisie
(c) Implementation of the Rights of
(A) the right to purchase nobility status Man
(B) royal decrees ordering arrest and (D) Establ ishment of the Revo I utionary
imprisonment without trial Tribunal
(c) letters written by colonists to the
French govemment
(D) royal officials who carried out the 15. Which of the following statements is NOT
king's orders true about the consequences for West
Africa oi the African slave trade?

It. The MOST important consequence of the (A) Atticsn suppliers benefited from
Boston Tea Party of 1773 was that large profits.
(B) Political systems and institutions
(A) anti-British propaganda spread trecame corrupted.
(B) numerous colonists were killed (c) There was a shift in gender roles
(c) the Coercive Acts were passed because of the large nurnber of
(D) the British Parlianrent passed the nrales captured.
Tea Act (D) 'frade routes into the African
interior developed for tlre first
I inrc.

?', t:

16 Which ofthe following factors contributed 2t. The concept of Manifest Destiny can BEST
to the lndustrial Revolution in Britain? be explained as a belief that

(A) Urgent need to solve urban poverty (A) overseas land should be acquired
(B) Failure of the cottage industry by the most qualified persons
system (B) the United States was destined
(c) lndustrial success of Holland and to conquer the Americas and
France beyond
(D) Availability of raw materials from (C) natural boundaries were only
British colonies temporary obstacles for the
(D) the United Stetes' territorial
17. Which country was regarded as the sovereignty should be protected
workshop of the world in the eighteenth by annexing the neighbouring
century? territories

(A) China 2t The debate among some historians

(B) Britain regarding the British lndustrial Revolution
(C) Fmnce stenrs from their belief that
(D) United States
(A) the change was too gradual to be a
t8. Which of the following statements BEST (B) the change was not profound
describes the contribution of slavery and enough to be ternred a revolution
the slave trade to the Britislr Industrial (c) it is incorrect to describe a change
Revolution? in machinery as 'industrial'
(D) the term 'revolution' should not
(A) Absentee planters created cotton be associated with economic
factories. activity
(B) Slave traders were themselves
industrialists. 22. The leading industry of the early British
(c) West lndian planters established lndustrial Revolution was
sh ipbuilding cornpanies.
(D) Slave traders invested their (A) coal
profits in banks and insurance (ts) textile
companies in Britain. (c) steel
(D) shipping

l9 The MAIN benefit of the factory system to 23 Which of the following statements
the British consumer was that describes tlre economy of the United States
between 1865 and 1900?
(A) leisure time was increased
(B) manufactured goods became (A) lndustrialization increased at a
cheaper rapid rate.
(c) work was increasingly gender- (B) Factories imported nrost of their
specific raw materials.
(D) the new maclrinery reduced the (c) The Civil War slowed industrial
long lrours of work advancement.
t.lll l.ack of irnlrrigratiori lerl to i'r

-l ...1:,,,.. i11 ;.,.1r,.1;r1;ti....


24 Wh ich of the fol lowing cond itions did NOT 28 Whieh of the following Arnerican policies
contribute to the growth of labour unions stated that once Cuba was free and peaceful,
in the US? the United States would leave the govemment
and control of internal affairs to its people?
(A) Twelve-hour workdays
(B) Unsafe working corditions (A) Roosevelt Corollary
(c) Children working in factories (B) TellerAmendment
(D) lmmigrants working in factories (c) Monroe Doctrine
(D) Manifest Destiny

25. Which of the following factors in the

United States undermined the convictions 29 The United States wanted to build the
on which Manifest Destiny was based? Pananra Canal in order to

(A) The rapid population growth (A) access a shorter route from the
(B) The successful absorption of eastem seaboard to the Pacific
Louisiana (B) explore new lands in Latirr Arnerica
(c) The sectional divisions in American by using steamships
politics (c) extend trading routes in the
(D) The advances in transportation and Caribbean
conrmunication (D) help Panama gain independence

26 The Louisiana Purchase had great 30. The Platt Amendment stated that
significance for the United States because
it (A) Puerto Rico now belonged to the
United States
(A) reduced British control of North (B) the Panama Canal wa-s to be built
America by the Americans
(B) extended the United States' control (c) the United States had the right to
over Mexico intervene in Cuban affairs
(c) decreased tensions between the (D) control of Haiti's National Bank
armies and Native Americans was to be in the hands of the
(D) focused the United States on Americans
westward and southern
31. Which of the following factors would have
led Otto von Bismarck to think that 'the
27 lization produced the term
A rnerican ind ustria Creat War' was imminent?
'iron horse'which is closely associated with
(A) Cerrnany's irrvasion of Belgium
(A) the steel industry (B) The irnperiat and econornic rivalries
(B) steam-powered ships in Europe
(c) the automobile industry (c) Tlre rapid decline of the Serbian
(D) the steam-powered railroad arrny after July l9l4
(D) The ability to manufacture arrns as
a result of industrializatiorr

32 The principal allied powers during World 36 Which of the following groups ofcountries
War ll were made up the Triple Entente?

(A) China, Britain, ltaly, United Stares (A) Britain, France and Russia
(B) Germany, ltaly, Japan, Russia (B) Germany, Austria-Hungary and
(C) Britain, France, Russia, United France
States (C) Germany, Austria-Hungary and
(D) Britain, France, Gernrany, United Russia
States (D) Britain, Germany and Austria-

33. During World War I, the central powers

37 Which of the following factors accounted
(A) Russia, Germany, France for Hitler's aggressive foreign policy
(B) Great Britain, France, Russia between 1935 and 1939?
(c) Germany, Austria-Hungary, ltaly
(D) Austria-Hungary, Russia, Creat (A) His desire to dominate Eastern
Britain Europe
(B) Tlre increased prosperity of the
34. The politicalreorganization of Russia after (c) His desire to take over the British
the Bolshevik Revolution of l9l7 resulted Empire
in (D) The reversal of the Versailles
Treaty by the League ofNations
(A) a federation of socialist republics
(B) i ncreased pol itical power for ethn ic

minorities 38 An important element of the Treaty of

(c) a limited monarchy with the czar Versailles of l9l9 was the creation of
as a figurehead
(D) the establishrnent of a two-party (A) National Frontiers
politicalsystem (B) The Council oiTen
(c) The Fourteen Points
(D) Tlre League of'Nations
35. Which of the following slogans expressed
the idealsofthe Bolshevik Revolution after
l9l7? 39 Which of the following statements are
TRUE of the Gernrarr economy under
(A) Peace, Bread, Land Hitler's reign?
(B) Land, Liberty, Peace
(c) Liberty, Equal ity, Fratern ity l. Unemployment rose.
(D) Nationalisnr, Democracy, The ll. Cerrnany's nation:rl inconre
People's Livelihood ilrcreased.
lll. Cermany's nrilitary expenditure

(A) I and Il only

(B) I and lll only
((j) ll arrdlll only
:ll r':i!!
-7 -

40 The declanation of war by the Allies in I 939 43 The ban on the African National Congress
was the resultofAdolf Hitler's invasion of (ANC) assisted the anti-apartheid shuggle
in South Africa by
(A) Italy
(B) Russia (A) ensuring Nelson Mandela's
(c) Poland freedom
(D) Holland (B) ensuring the repeal of the Bantu
Education Act
(C) generating support from the
4l Which of tlre following factors did NOT international society
contribute to the increasing German (D) forcing F.W. de Klerk to effect his
support for Adolf Hitler? prcmises of reform

(A) The mass appeal of his rhetoric

(B) The effects of the worldwide 44. Which of the following statements BEST
depression clraracterizes the period ofapartheid in South
(C) Nationalists' frustration from .Africa?
defeat in World War I
(D) Nationalists' belief in their (A) South Africa belonged to all who
democratic traditions lived there.
(B) There was conflict between the
Boers and tha British.
42 Mohandas (Mahatma) Gandhi was forced (c) The racist ideas of the white
to calla'hartal'in l9l9 as a result of the minority were made law.
(D) Afrikaans rvas declared the official
(A) RowlattAct language of the nation.
(B) struggle for swara.j
(c) anti-d iscrim ination campaign
(D) disenfranchisement of lndians in 45. Which of the following aims BEST reflects
South Africa the purpose of the Bantu Education Act of

(A) 'fo prepare Bantu women for

manual labour
(B) To prevent a 'brain drain'among
the Africans
(c) To provide educational
opportunities for African men
(D) To prepare Bantu children for
traditional roles in society



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