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Chapter- II

Literature Review
2.1 Introduction:-

The literature review, the researchers allows you to get clear understanding of the specific
areas of research. It allows people to identify Research in the fields of science focused on any
particular branch. This analysis Exploration and Research over the years will help you to
understand the contented is a milestone in the development of new fields of application of ICT
LIS. The available literatures are on the application of information and communication
technologies and the number of Library. A considerable amount of research has been published
in the West and the impact of the adoption of ICT in the country. Research Previous research
results provide a clue as to the potential of research and the information is not linked to the
process of scientific research. Review Previous research allows researchers to identify gaps in
the literature, on a regular basis to help them in their research. Investigation several studies have
been reported in the literature from abroad shows that the county LIS researchers, these studies
have not been given due attention. This chapter provides a review of the research conducted in
India, Abroad. Literature reviews, research design help researchers develop appropriate tools for
the successful completion of the study. Review In the seminar published documents for the
meeting, including the submission of articles Seminars, conferences, academic journal articles,
research currently involved in summary, books and the library website EIR current development.
These studies provide a review the pattern of use of electronic information resources and to issue
opinions College Library in Kerala.
It helps to avoid duplication of research for more in-depth study of various issues, single-
handedly help the other side of this issue. Literary criticisms are arrangement in chronological
order. Literature review, it reads not only read simple reading stories or novels. It focuses on and
is guided Specific purpose. It is selective. Type A researcher selected this study is a literature
review to determine his purpose them. It begins with a review of the literature selection of the
various stages of End of the writing process research report. The aim of this work is to study the
current situation of library professional attitude
and accept the use of modern information communication technology and library activities.
Computer technology was not used in library section until 1960, but now days library field is
become a information centre. All types of modern information communication technologies are
not only essential but also important. In the modern era computer and software’s are the soul of
library and information centre.
Yet Comments a comprehensive study has been carried out so far, investigations Library
Acceptance and use of applications and information technology specialists in the educational
activities of the library. This chapter focuses on the previously announced this study relevant
academic literature. In particular, the inspection unit the following factors, literature.
Busha and Harter said that Literature review is the summery of the criticized current
problem based scientific method. Empirical, Theoretical, critical/analytical these are types of
scholarship. Summarizing, evaluating and clarifying these are the primary parts of report; that
process is called literature review. In this purpose we are used national as well as international
reviews related to modern information communication technology. The researcher studied above
100 literature reviews for this concern topic, and also studied books, research papers, online
journals, articles, various websites for this study. Usage of modern information communication
technology are not a simple study of library but also related to various technologies of
communication. Here we are given some literature reviews for this study.
2.2 Literature Review:-
Dhandenwal, S.N. (2013), the study results are based on the opinions of experts in the library.
That is where they are urban or rural areas, library professionals have a vast Use of information
technology in the library and in a positive attitude to accept Services and other library activities.
IT infrastructure is unavailable Attitude satisfaction and influential professional library. The
college has a digital and computer knowledge is not enough man power to increase the use of
information and support IT equipment available at a reasonable price. University library, but in
at the same amount of electric power supply situation in rural areas is very bad. This is and the
use of solar or wind energy storage time may be in the countryside. As mentioned above
Recommendations library professionals and support staff need to be trained. International
Federation of Library Associations and universities should take some action. Librarian
Acquisition Procurement of IT related equipment and software libraries.UGC funds should be
spent College Library priority. Library the use of expert meetings / seminars /workshops should
be able to handle in an urban environment, information technology, IT as well as rural areas.
Attitude of the implementation of the recommendations, the library the experts will be able to see
a more positive future.

Ray, K. and Day. J. (1998), decided to use electronic resources, how students experience
various problems next level electronic resources. In their article "E- information resources for
students' attitudes," they followed the questionnaire method. They explained that in the study,
was 91% of the respondents admitted by the University of the Computer Network, there are more
use of the Internet is the place to work than home.

Rakesh, Gupta (2001), attitude is positive or negative way the tendency to respond to someone
or something in your own environment. When you say, for example, I like to use a computer or a
computer; I do not like the attitude of being expressed. Attitude is a tendency in response to the
situation, person or concept with a specific response to the action. This response can be positive
or negative. This is a learning response - one caused by past personal opposition, direct
experience, or exposure to other people's attitudes. For example, the library profession, said: "I
like to use the Internet and e-mail", which convey to others, the general attitude of the
information technology, library professionals to develop some of their information technology

Saraf,Veena and Temjen, T. (2003), the study is based on has been developed and tested on
the computer and information technology attitude scales. Five variables determined by factor
analysis is anxiety, work efficiency, job performance, with the trust and acceptance. Anxious
attitudes are towards IT ranking highest variable. They concluded that most of the socio-
economic variables do not show any significance with the exception of gender attitudes tone
technology and work experience. This study shows that the required adequate information
technology infrastructure, training and education IT professional working in the Northeast
Library par become mainstream.

Ramzan, Muhammad (2010), highlights the most Pakistani librarians do not have the necessary
skills to plan the speech information technology, use and application libraries of scholars,
because more than 85 percent of respondents only a reasonable understanding of IT stage, while
over 75% of respondents have contributed to the absence of written or published on the library
information technology. Librarians proved to IT average rating for IT statement four groups, as
well as a general attitude IT generally positive attitude to a 5-point average higher than 3.7. Just
towards the general library information positive attitude findings further facts, respondents
demonstrated a negative statement protocol that supports low segment. The study established a
"level of IT knowledge and IT attitudes exist between libraries significant positive relationship
hypothesis. Pearson correlation coefficient of the two structures is 0.172, significant at the 0.01
level, the average information to prove a positive correlation between the attitude of technologies
"and the level of IT knowledge.”Library" in the relationship between the level of IT knowledge
and their attitudes on IT is a significant indication that a significant relationship between past
experience and knowledge and attitudes to IT. Attitude of librarians may become more
optimistic, given adequate training, the opportunity to attend professional workshops, seminars,
and the environment is conducive to reading and publishing research on information technology.
It would certainly enhance library use appropriate information technology.

Ghani, P. and Pandian N. Murugesa (2004), through the use of libraries based on the
discussion of the attitude of the customer network services and resources of the formation. The
average user does not know the new technology-based services and resources, the library
provides. Electronic journals university libraries now offer day, a different theme, the number of
network-based services database. Hyderabad University is a Web-based front. 40 percent use the
Internet and humane society SC students 28.57% of the students. 14.35 OPAC use. 28 of 35
people use the Internet academic purposes. 25. 35 using the Google search engine.

Adekunle, Paul et. al. (2007), documents show that the knowledge and training needed to
develop the use of information base, said geographic area. Library is not automatic, it is
necessary to begin to automate and appropriate training will reduce the fear of information and
communication technologies. Library automation technology development is extremely fast.

Gowda, Vasappa and Shivalingaiah, D. (2009), the focus of their research is the use of a
variety of disciplines exists between print and electronic resources vary considerably. As of
printed material are in a larger scale, but it is not enough to study and use of online information
materials, availability is now researchers.

Mahamood, Khalif (2010), the direction of the facilities and services study concludes library
professionals in all types of institutions or organizations in Pakistan to greet the prospect of
Internet support Internet .Professionals is active operations. Professionals understand the Internet
is a very useful tool for personal and professional mission. It was found that the type of age,
gender and colleges have the ability to participate in their direction method results in a denial of
the Internet. But the frequency, familiar in the practice of using the Internet to extend the library
of professional hand strapping effect is obvious ability and stage of education. Associations and
schools should give extra inclusive ICT and the Internet to guide library professionals.

Eguavoen, O.E.L. (2011), study explains the attitude of the staff of the library, to include IT,
Kenneth Dike Library of play. ICT-scale expansion and use of the library depict attitude of staff
employed in this article, the information from respondents. Exercise in data analysis Pearson
correlation matrix and Friedman test. The results proved that the majority of employees in the
library have ICT, and in understanding the direction of the use and implementation of ICT
positive attitude may be due to a skilled or trained, in order to reduce tensions and concerns
related to the use and nervousness employment and personal Library use of ICT. It was
suggested that there be a computer library of Nigeria, it is suggested that ICT orientation or
training is the first decline in the pace of implementation of IT start-up fear.

S. Gopalakrishnan and Saravanan, T. (2010), documents 18 explained that traditional

information collected in the course of each of these areas is gradually replaced by technology,
because the development of information and communication technologies is very fast. A key is
role of Internet in information storage and retrieval methods. Students and teachers should come
forward and make use of the infrastructure, which is provided by the University Library. Many
features are available on the Internet, they will be tracked and using the user. Satisfactory
Internet is dependent on the user hands. If a person familiar with the search technology and other
technical skills, no doubt, he will be satisfied. Smaller amount of experience and awareness will
never bring satisfaction in any field. Therefore, further research on these tracks may help to
understand the user's current behaviour, because they tend to be a modern attitude change and
development, and because of changing technology.

Sakarkar, Sachin D. and Kuralkar, Rushikumar R. (2013), file interpretation training in

creating an ideal atmosphere, librarian’s direction of ICT to develop their critical attitude in
favour of the role of ICT facilities. It would certainly reduce the digital divide among social fears
and libraries may become an ideal guide readers are eager to take advantage of a broad spectrum
of existing knowledge at an affordable time. Realization of information and communication
technology is very safe, and progress to the guidance of trained and active librarians, social.

ICT in the University Library:-

Jeevan, V.K.J. (1999), article in IIT, Kharagpur focus on IT availability Central Library. Fully
computerized electronic repository for accessing an electronic database is also arranged to
provide a database of information on these sources do not exist. It also illustrates the electronic
database subscription, and has conducted research projects in the library.

Pradeep, C., Ganesh, P. and Ramareddy, E. (2009), This article discusses the responsibility of
the library, funding agencies, the Central Organization, LIS skilled user base and fast-moving
relationship between the people of IT, the study said changes expected but to say that it is
necessary to acquire the skills to manage change. Library today to imagine the huge prospects for
tomorrow, because advances in technology. The new era of technical expertise, LIS
professionals must rotate their new technology. Provide more opportunities and changes in
today's technology, we must take full advantage.

Sprigg, S.D. (2003), 12 State University conducted the investigation and identified research
universities, institutions of Rajasthan, state research library automation. It concluded that
university libraries are interested in library automation. But should also provide multilingual
script INFLIBNET SOUL software is to speed up preparation of the database. Finally UGC
should consider sanctions technical assistant positions and information scientists. There are many
reasons, the slow pace of library automation, has been pointed out in the study.

Jeevan, V.K. (2004), surveyed 18 libraries, research libraries through IT in Kerala. 18 The
library is that it has to go to the library everyday work have a positive impact in the day view, it
acts to enhance service, customer satisfaction and meet user needs a positive role, and the overall
image of the library. Impact of information technology, as with any other library services is also
the case; user evaluation information facilities and services, the best judge. This study reflects
the library only who can take an ideal position, even in those who have a poor opinion views the
problem. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the various categories of user feedback in
order to have a realistic assessment presented by these libraries and information services
facilities available information states. Questionnaire development and the results so as to tell the
library is very encouraging use of information technology for libraries and a lot of libraries are
serious information technology.

Mohammed Sharif, A., and Mohammed Sharif, K. (2007), concluded that the documents,
books and materials, due to the greater number of improved user requirements, improvements in
printing and publishing of reading material, fresh electronic format, electronic the pace and
progress of the source, the price of the latest cheap computers require less reason to rise ICT in
Bangladesh. Step forward library are some of the country. Government, library users, librarians
and supporters must assist. Users evolving information and communication technology-based
demand services, the library should be ready to help these agencies themselves.

Mallik, Soumen and Sen, B.K. (2008 ), Library Research India ranked 20 before the legal
academic libraries 25 do show that over 50% of India's legal academic university library 20 does
not provide information about their in any provider of information resources and online
information services online very little. Indian law academic university library 208 pairs of
appropriate infrastructure for electronic resources, there are a wealth of online information

Rathinasabapathy, G.; Sundari Mohana and Rajendran, Thirru L. (2008), regressed the
article focused libraries of biometric technology. IT offers a variety of techniques and equipment
for the library. Library services are now advancing stage, due to information and communication
technologies and the growing number of users currently. They deal with various types of
information and reading materials, such as online journals, online papers, articles and databases.
It is the librarian to ensure accountability in reading and online services. Sometimes online
information and cyber crime occurs on the user's misuse. Biometric applications are the only
answer to solve these problems. Fingerprint, hand, retina, voice, there are some examples of

Dhanavandan, S. and et. al. (2008), emphasizes the overall survey respondent’s use, such as
mobile phones and the Internet several types of ICT tools. The use of ICT is higher in women
than men. Years of age or 40 years of age have not exercised the Internet, e-mail any significant
relationships, sex and the use of information and communication technology between although
there are some differences. This is the respondent’s believers, information and communication
technology in a significant eye pleasing bottom of their skills and search behaviour effect. It is to
give it to someone else, they look to IT to hire as may be further than the Internet to find the fine
property also exercise an e-mail to employ in order to maintain, acquaintances and experts in
contact with colleagues.

Sangeetan, Keisham and Sarika, L. (2008), study focused on 28 of Manipur's academic

libraries are here, above all repositories in different locations in the state of a series of aspects,
such as automation, ICT services, foot, and the application of the ICT. It also released a number
of ideas to improve the university library service environment.

Borang, Kaling and Sarma ,Gautam Kumar (2008), discussed in this is to do in the library
automation for automating different packages, electronic - resources, OPAC and their activities
in these two libraries library use state phase. It also throws light of the difficulties and troubles
are using authoritative information and communication technologies facing libraries in the

Sharma,Parul and Kumar, Pankaj (2009), discusses the ICT Library recently the digital age
and self-esteem of different problems. Changes are in library functions, due to the need to adapt
to technological change and to collect user needs, but also to meet them. The library collection is
from the traditional collection of digital capture, as well as all other functions, namely mobile
design, planning, development, technical support, management, and information and
communication technology infrastructure from continuing operations. For two-part digital library
project requirements and library professional ICT infrastructure. After data analysis concluded
that the recommendations should be given the power of major concern to get under better
conditions, the right amount of capacity computers and the Internet should be available to
academic institutions, funding should be increased, and should regularly provide power to scrap

Arjun, Kumar Dinesh and Kaur, Updesh (2010), paper are shows that information technology
has changed all areas of life. This completely changed the academic library functions. University
Library began recourse information tanks. Community Search information are for help reference,
education, research and library. Digital libraries need IT technical librarian. Librarians must
organize, access, choice, production, maintenance and access to digital information collections.
Services must be planned, supported and implemented digital library. Sadly, the opportunities to
receive training are for the library currently very little responsibility and the task of carrying
digital library.

Parvez, Ahmed (2011), ICT and its concentration employed in the direction of the research
library service development and modernization, and its use will create much change in the
structure of the complete library management. Application development and information and
communication technology, the library has shifted from the traditional hybrid library, library
automation, and digital archives that stage, the mobile telephone service and Library 2.0. The
conversion library, operations, structure and management, all of these effects have been in a
vibrant way to change, such as in a constant process.

Thanuskodi, S. (2011), emphasized that 37.28% of respondents are using e-mail and electronic
information resources, 29.38 percent of respondents are DVD discs and electronic information
resources used. The survey showed those 4 to 5 hours. Government law college student teachers
and first-order reporting needs access to the Internet among more than five hours are. A second
are access to the Internet, 3-4 hours of less than 2 hours 2-3 hours, Internet access to the end

Krubu, Dorcas E. and Osawaru, Kingsley E. (2011), studied the impact of ICT in Nigeria two
university libraries, university libraries and the barrier efficiency of information and
communication technology activities in the library where the problems encountered and
efficiency, while employing the role of ICT application. His conclusion, in order to ensure that
IT has met university libraries; as well as in such processing, acquisition, storage, and
dissemination of mission revival rut library use IT considerable growth. Information explosion
could be controlled by the ICT. They suggested that, in order to provide financial support for
ICT infrastructure should provide library staff to be proficient in computers, backup generators
or power supplement should provide effective and efficient power, time, computer time and
orientation training program should be organized to update computer skills directional plan
should arrange and enforce the preservation experts and ICT equipment imports should be
exempt from tax.
Zhang, X. (2011), in a study on the structural adjustment and the gap to make up for the past
three decades, the university library has, due to the large transformation library functions of the
computer technology and network applications. Undertake to provide a new phase of his career
in computer applications in all areas of Chinese library.

Satija, M.P. (2011), document emphasizes ICT as academic plagiarism issue as part of morality.
The rapid developments of the Internet, because of the people have to deal with another Internet
without giving him proper credit for any work. I made a number of plagiarisms checking
software released material originality. There are some software problems; it can only check
materials in electronic format only, Provisions of printed materials.

Pragasam, Arul (2011), 38 in Mumbai, a subsidiary of the University College of Engineering

Library to identify the use of different types of information and communication technologies and
their impact on the survey of library development. The study revealed that almost all of the
university libraries are the benefits of using information and communications technology and its
applications to bring them to the library.

Satpathy , Sunil Kumar and Maharana, Rabindra K. (2012), article explains the
shortcomings of the goals and information and communication technology. The main findings of
the survey will end up with comments, in the era of information and communication technology,
information and communication technology-based weight library services cannot invisible, and
therefore cannot belated. Maximize the use of information and communication technology-based
library services will enhance Odessa engineering colleges teaching and learning process.

Thomas, Jaison and Vijayakumar, A. (2012), study reported that the role of the library is to
encourage the development of knowledge is very important. This is the main part of any learning
institution. Libraries all technical and academic institutions are rotatable connected Teaching
System. University Library for students or users of library and information services in general
plays an important role. Has now entered a new era, we have many challenges ahead of us that
we keep pace with modern IT development has been the explosion of information and
information uprising.

Chouhan, D. S. (2013), this article discusses the ICT in rural India and how technology affects
the public can be shared through a common digital technology. The paper also compares the
proposed Gram electronic library and by Gram pavilion with existing methods.
Bendkar, Y. (2013), the role of information and communication technologies discussed in this
paper and a series of related library of information and communication technologies in the
current issue of the way. The rapid development of information and communication technologies
is generating new prospects and challenges of traditional library. The latest global trends are
hyperactive way to collect figures. Currently the library is actively planning to collect and
digitize the traditional library online purchase and subscription.

Devi Rama, T. (2005), the article focused on the need for training for library staff & user In
order to correct for the use of information resources. Digital or electronic information Resources
are highly technical. So the librarian, the library staff and the user should be able to Knowledge
of the latest technologies to use these resources. A trained librarian Intermediate between
resources and users. It is very important that the Library Learning The staff must be using the
latest technology and customers can also get similar lines properly trained. Training staff and
users should be able to once or twice.

Venkata, Ramana P. (2006), the role of new information librarian’s text discussed herein Rapid
changes in communications technology and revolutionary based. Library Services Professional
knowledge society is one of the most challenging career. The development of library
professionals need to use expert advice Technology is constantly changing. They must strive to
learn new skills, improve the survival and advancement of knowledge in new technologies to
provide services for users. They do not update themselves with the new technology, the changing

Adupa, Soora Sudher; Adupa, Sunil and Rahaman, S.M. (2006), Web log, or blog, is
discussed. Sediment or parts of the information on the blog Technology are. The study also
compares the traditional library and digital library. There are blog Library as a partition. We
compared the traditional library catalogue blog; it shows the direction of the side information.

Amar Nath, Bhel Gautam and Praveen Kumar, (2007), this article is based on ICT skills and
knowledge survey is part of librarians in the survey Chandigarh City. Chandigarh, the city's 21
census Library Research have been using ICT to do librarians formed by questionnaire,
Librarian, what one question ICT knowledge and skills Libraries in the use of ICT and ICT
training needs are facing. Interpretation of the results revealed low ICT knowledge and expertise
level between academic librarians and the general lack of information and communication
technologies formal training Librarian.

Bapu Ramesh B, Vinayagamoorthy and Gopalakrishnan, S. (2007), study Library and

information professionals working in engineering, explained ICT Academy of Tamil Nadu state
to buy significant basic skills, but it need to focus more on online services and electronic library
services. It was Join library science curriculum change their course and recommended ICT
Specialized topics. Librarians have the expertise to provide services to improve their ICT skills
in The Company’s customers.

Model, Arup Kumar and Bandyopadyay, Amit Kumar (2010), study to examine the current
situation and problems of non-human energy applications are. Right there Training of library
staff and the authorities are not interested in running Libraries and matching funds. Library staff
found the following IT skills and cannot hope to have a positive attitude.

Talab, Seyed and Tajafari ,Masoumeh (2012), paper is to identify and compare Training
libraries and library staff at the University of ICT impact in India drag Library staff in Iran,
India, and Iran believes that the introduction of the program found create the necessary
information and communication technology training in the library. Library staff has grown from
Iran ICT is considered their training, they need more than Indian Conclusion of these two
countries is that university libraries must be trained library staff for their in information and
communication technologies.

Basavaraja, K. (2013), discussed herein Library professionals need technical capabilities, and
consider how Environment in the development of technology and the changing purchasing
services, the future to meet the challenges of the 21st century. It is not helping without IT
techniques and information.

Thanuskodi, S. (2011), paper is a comprehensive study of results Experts Engineering Library

Information Literacy, Please note that the situation is changing rapidly divergent sources of
information and they are excited to continue in different formats and the growth medium,
Information and communication technology in the 21st century. The study Knowledge of library
professionals, respondents indicated that 95.12% of the Fundamental computer on the Internet,
81.07%, and 42.68% of multimedia only a handful of experts in computer contact with 29.26%

Karmbelkar Manjiri, Dhamdhere S., Phunger Prakash and Dahibhate, N. B. (2012),

highlighted the impact of e-learning in college Challenges facing libraries and university
libraries. E- Learning and e-publishing Holding hands on the beach, no need to learn how to
support library Change. This article is the need to e-learning, e-learning, in order to review the
needs of readers In addition, universities, libraries and users, tools and techniques for the
protection training Discuss best practices of e-learning.

Kulkarni, Vrushali S. (2013), is a fresh type of cloud computing, says study Internet service is
available, using a complete change of the system whether it is the global computer control. The
basic principle of cloud computing Domestic reduce data centre computing and give a clear part
of the all of the IT infrastructure is the ability of a third party. This study is an attempt to
Overview of the benefits of this technology, in order to provide the program and and this
technique can be used to provide libraries disadvantage extension region, wherein Library staff
to improve the efficiency of the service.

Mohammed, Sanjeer (2013), in the past years, said cloud computing has become a key term.
Although the definition of cloud computing is still in the clouds Many vendors, such as cloud
computing vendors, trade journals and blog tags their services and report problems. Cloud
computing is in its infancy in terms of Market adoption. However, the key is rooted in the IT
trend. In this article its definition and status, adoption issues, review provides a glimpse of the
future and is expected to technical problems to be solved.

Rawtani, M. R. (2012), cloud computing differs from traditional interpretations Calculations.

The company set up large server traditional methods, Storage devices and other equipment to
support the business. This is the only Efforts to maintain and major capital expenditure, but also
requires a lot of Grading technology. Uninterruptible power supply, cooling system, expert
Technical team, a large server room, no doubt there are other requirements. Now, due to Cloud
Computing is to remove all of these purposes.

Khare, Nidhi (2009), on the use of mobile phones or mobile applications Library, library services
or activities. It was suggested that the author of the latest equipment can the library for activities.
And search the database of the mobile device e-bookmobile search, and through reading. This
book will be useful SMS appointment reminders; Short answer survey by the mobile can give.

Dresselhaus,Angela and Shrode ,Flora (2012),describe the use of survey on mobile Academic
libraries. Students are great interest in the use of the information Movement. The investigation
concluded that academic libraries can be installed in different types of mobile for a variety of
applications library services. Requires the establishment of a specific plan to use for Mobile
library services is. The survey also highlights trends IT and communications, but also the future
of new equipment Library services, focusing on education fade, digital Preservation.

Dhansegaran, G. (2004), document highlights the current state of In India and also the need for
digital content protection. Different descriptions Dedicated to preserving digital content.
Preservation of digital information is LIS professionals can certainly be a daunting task. There is
a chance to library services Link to the latest technology to collect and generate a lot of care,
recovering from the corner of the corner store, process and transmit information this world.

Kaushik, A.,Sharma, S. and Rajput, L.S. (2011), this paper focuses on the leading open source
software and interface, making it easy to take it to the public want to build your own library
collections. Now, every day brings great opportunities for ICT In order to prove their teaching
and research work in the role.

Rathod, Rashinath Rama (2012), is open focuses on the use and availability Source and
commercial software for library automation and digital repository or Library. They started very
well that the development of India's digital library; Focus on the growing digital library.
However, education is very important LIS professional and training, promotion and maintenance
is required. It needs to be revised copyright French electronics with the surroundings well. Some
colleges are company’s professionals, positive steps to set up training seminars. Open source
software library has many powers, it contains an interfaces you can easily create your own
library collection.

Barve ,Sunita and Dahibhate,N.B. (2012), files reviewed authenticity Source software library.
IT involved in a major role Library. The library service is entirely dependent on the computer
Applications. Many computer programs and software are libraries Library automation, providing
a range of services from the management of the library website Knowledge management, digital
library management. In order to handle a large number of Digital information library, some of
which are developing computer applications as open source offered by commercial vendor’s
license or take care of them claim.

Jayaprakash, A. (2005), University Library particularly important role in the rapid Electronic
publishing is changing the climate. It does not include the right to determine then the right
customers, processing, storage, dissemination and retrieval of information the time is right. All
academic libraries, research, and other teachers are to a meet the information needs of the user.
For this purpose, a large number of information resources are required. Typically belittle online,
e-books, this century. This is the time required for the formation of the consortium sharing
resources between academic libraries. It proved to be one solution Budget shortfall. It also
discussed the need for more and more this Libraries and universities, but also need at an
affordable price, and focuses on the importance of electronic journals Consortium centres and
libraries and information sharing resources.

Dhiman, Anil Kumar (2005), on alliance-related issues for the library foundation subscribe.
Environment is rapidly becoming a competitive academic research says its activities and
programs; academic culture is rapidly changing Amateur nature. To serve the needs are of the
University Library's Centre for Scholars scholarship users. India is the country's development
and dissemination of good initiatives taken for information on all matters. The proposal is to
allow the author to deal with problems based on the contribution of the consortium. He proposed
to the proper use of recourse. In case have the resources to get the proper use of specific items of
fear Information has been paid in advance and the amount of information never or rarely used.

Satyabati, Thiyam Devi and Murthy, T.A.V. (2005), the purpose of the study Internal structure,
technology and other features of UGC Infonet, One of the most well-known electronic magazine
Confederation Education in India. In order to highlight the problems faced and the key steps of
the consortium put it away. Take the initiative to visit the UGC electronic journals and electronic
belittle Research Resources Education started doing a very good effect on us. Association are for
discussion and solutions to overcome these obstacles and benefits especially for small and
medium-sized organizations or Consortia University.
Dhanakar, M.Arul, Nithyanandam K., Pandian, R. et. al. (2008), explain institutional
repository Universities or companies. Institutional repositories are to collect, preserve and
Annual Report syllabus papers, college, photos and video in digital form. Many of the free bases
of the market and the available commercial software are. Some authors IIT Delhi, Bangalore
DRTC, IIM names like Kozikhode ECT. Where available IR India, There are also some software
is often used to visually Space’s warehouses, Arises, Fedora, and greenstone, but few institutions
Began their institutional repository.

Giri, Kaushal K. and Nirgude, Kirti R. (2009), studies is needed to explain the many sites Etc.,
used to FrontPage, Dreamweaver production software, such as Development and maintenance of
the site. Various file formats and update them very dynamic networks. Alternatively, such as
network are of evolved Content Management System (CMS) Tool. Thare, Joomala, Drupal and
Mambo, Pligg Plone for CMS, because there are a lot of after so the study protocol bomb,
adjustment, Zope's was to find a good CMS comparison two different depending on the selected
conditions. Standard documentation, support, user Management, multimedia integration, content
creation and search.

Bansod,Bhupendra and Bhedekar,Sanjay (2012), study is related to the presence of

Maharashtra institutional repository. I believe that, due to the increase does not need to be taught
in science and technology, especially the demand for information Universities and colleges
institutional repositories. They concluded that a University Library Institutional Repository
signal development. But university Because VPM College, Think is a hope that someone in their
organization development Library. IIT, Bombay, Maharashtra, who is the leading organ IRs has
them. Professionals from the University Library IRs should take the initiative to develop them.
This is an advanced stage Use of library services in information technology.

Dr.Karisiddappa, C.R. (2002), Library to discuss about facing financial uncertainty is. It is not
enough funding or financing or academic libraries Budget to buy all electronic magazines and
publications. Applications need to learn Magazines and the development of information and
communication technology alliances; E- Electronic Publishing Academic journals, publishers pry
model gives new possibilities Provide information directly to the library. The Alliance is a
growing tool Electronic library, publishing environment to stay alive. The initiative is the lot
Library Consortium, in India. The study also discusses the Union International level. From the
publishers, libraries estimated first end of the model we talked about the end of the seller.

Jayaprakash, H. and Bachalapur, M.M. (2005), document explains the library The consortium
will reduce the cost of regulation and information, recourse to share development Network
information and authorization to increase the share of problems, but Most of the consortium is
currently in China, this figure is different. University Library also increased their responsibility
to obtain information now the paper-based resources, collect, store growth, and from there turn
out to be IT is more difficult and to assist the introduction of digital resources. We know that We
have taken the initiative was too late, developed by a consortium On the one hand it has been
great library was developed computerized library The minimum time, money, space, etc., related
to a series of resources and services, and Optimal levels to meet the user community. A lot of the
same is very difficult Meet the needs of the reader's digital library environment. Learn View
Ancient traditions and institutions, such as to apply them to a new environment Rise and useful
community service in the near future for all readers Unions must be one or the other partner

Abdul Aziz,T.A. and Bavakutty, M. (2006),the study highlights the national level Engineering
and technology, especially in the digital library alliance Engineering Science and Technology
(INDEST). Seventy-six people are at the university Kerala INDUST only three colleges and two
of the three members of the Help by AICTE. It is understood that a college in the same 76 Occur.
Kerala, it is recommended that all 76 institutions to come together and serve the information
needs of kinship. The study also suggested that Kerala engineering colleges, libraries, the
consortium of the model. It was All participants suggested that libraries should sign a
memorandum of understanding Operational capabilities and resources of the mission, the role of
partners, which will be the body Such as e-journals, e-books, on-line database, which you can
subscribe Universal.

Gowda, Vasappa and Shivalingaiah, D. (2007), survey application pairs University research
scholar resource library. The main studies Development are of production factors and knowledge
disciplines. University Library drama Researchers are an important role in providing
information. Researchers are need providing priority information. E- Resources are very
important in a changing Environment. The largest user is of research scholar’s electronic
resources. Researchers interested in obtaining the maximum training related electronic resources.
You can maximize the use of electronic library resources through the establishment of training

Nagaraj, Vaidya B., Obaiah and Thomas, Abraham (2009), discussed in our open access
journals published in India. This is a great democratic country this world. We have the largest
English-speaking population. Hundreds of university there are thousands of college education
and research. 10,000 people and paper M.Phil, PhD thesis, and scholarly publishing, and get
numbers Papers. The maximum number of scholars have published print magazine. The studies
are discussed here, open access journals, open access journal publishing software, and are the use
of open source software. Cost cutting system and save it Supplementary documents
environments. Save money in the open access journal Universities and research scholars. It can
be used for research projects. The study online magazine is seat in front of a desktop or notebook
computer to master the use of Computer. It is very easy for her research.

Arikrishnan, R. (2010), provides engineering details on this article, Due to the continuing
challenges faced by libraries or increase the cost of technology Subscribe to magazines,
academic journals and academic databases are affected, The research activities. The study shows
that many understand that academic libraries the importance of electronic sources of information,
and their customers are satisfied this will affect the electronic journals and academic libraries.

Tambe, Vijay L. (2012), in the field of education has been widely discussed and agreed
Electronic Resources University and higher education, as it is by very fast. Appropriate training
allows users to no training, easy to use electronic resources Access errors. The most important
educators claimed that university uniform they can run on your computer. Which collect
electronic resources available, including electronic journals Use more. E- Resources in the post;
the use of electronic journals and academic University Library in the e-mail, Web, and search
engines to follow. The future is e recourses Also a big recognition, which is popular academia in
the coming days.

Mohmed, Hanif N. (2009), new Idea described in article of the Web 2.0 Services. Web 2.0 is
the use of communications services. The combination of Web 2.0 is Most of the tools and
software. Blog, social networks, wikis, RSS feeds, on the site is the use of the library Web 2.0
social networking sites. It has established a network you can create a web page in a crowd
interested in this kind of academic library users Site. It can attract more customers. You can ask
them to send invitations to lecture library. The library can notice the arrival of a new book. If
there are any new facilities Social network may be the next statement. Online Reference Services
To the customer.

Kumar,H.,Mishra B.K. and Kulshreshtha, S.B. (2010), in this paper information Blog, how
many different types of blog how to use the blog useful tool Library? Blog substantially 2.0, and
it is used in the development of a complex set of I suggested that it should be ready to accept
new process. And library the latest technology to provide a challenge, there is a need for
customer information.

Deshpande, N.J.and Pange, B.M. (2002), Research Internet-based highlights Reference

Services. Many publishers published in digital form on their publications some of the exciting
and valuable resources are free on the Internet. Looking for information on the Internet is very
difficult. It is on the Internet, you can find the answer it is a traditional three hours to three days
of tests or questions Library. The study is a list of some of the most important resources on the
Internet. Author Reference Library Pune University and the use of these resources to provide
services Described in this document, please visit the website. There are detailed on this site. The
study found that these recommendations provide valuable.

Devchoudhary, Gajendra Ballav (2005), the article emphasizes the different hardware
Software technology, there may be control information is a good To get from one place to the
composite communication network Distributed database, Communication and network
technology. Traditional library are a significant impact on ICT.

Hemant, Kumar (2005), this concern focused on different types of paper. The purpose of the
value of libraries and family are what is needed to create, and other family library. Select the
library to get the task and make arrangements Information available, the corresponding subset.
IUCAA includes information about the library they face a growing technology.

Jain, Vivekanand and Saraf, Sanjeev (2006), discusses the use of 60 files Google is used by
professional research is subject to increasing library Days. It is the most popular professional
reference library can be used for one service engine Users. This book, translation services,
dictionary and other functions, such as Simple questions.

Konnur, P.V. and Ragavan, S.Srinivasa (2007), Bangalore University affiliated college
libraries, library, find an opportunity to Network. Bangalore University has 440 affiliated
colleges and universities .Already owned by the university library. Each library is automation
Bibliographic database. The college will come together to share resources. BELNET
development model, resource sharing. All participants in the university library can be combined
with each other through the network. Colleges are who may benefit in remote areas. The author
presents a model of the proposed network.

Kumar, Vinit (2008), discussed the growth of a list of new libraries Generations. The author
believes that the old traditional way of a catalogue. Next IT is changing cataloguing
development. For now OPAC are taken a new shape. Provides all computer products are
catalogued traditional users more effectively than the directory. Number Entries will be
automatically upgraded to provide paperless catalogue Library management software. Some
libraries based online website the catalogue for the customer. Electronic version of the program
can be in the form of a card and Bibliographic details availability of books or magazine issue or
offer Library. IT cataloguing is the easiest way to do.

Rao, K.Tata, Ramaiah,L.S. and Somu, Raju (2009) Went stressed Advantages of the Internet
and its impact on university libraries, Time information Explosion, library, library critical role
owners. Libraries Ready for the challenges of the latest changes in the way of recognition Accept
such as the Internet. The study also highlights the intelligent use of the Internet-mail and other
electronic media have dealt briefly.

Firke, Yogaraj S., Patherikar, Shripad R. and Dhakne, Badrinath D. (2012), this article
focuses on computer networks, wireless connection is preferred Computer. It is engaged in the
computer, mobile phone libraries, bridges connect laptops and News Any physical line
connected network. If there is no physical line connection Individual effective Internet, office
networks and will be able to access the CDROM at any time from any location in the network.
No physical connection means Allow students to wander, or eager to work and still have the
ability to access Computer network. This article provides real information public library
Establish a new wireless network or migrating from an existing wired network Wireless network.
Libraries should make full use of the latest college is very important for more information
technology, to provide a minimum of difficulty users.

Waddenkaeri, Mallikarjun (2006), the latest tools explain RFID The library can also be used to
automate the system and steal Library of advanced technology for ventilation. RFID-based
system, beyond the commitment Security Resources more efficient highway system has come to
join All fast charging and discharging, a good library, including record and above RFID
technology to accept the sincere efforts to create the image library Effective technology-based
services to customers.

Nattar, S. (2010), the document and its use to define the different types of technology every
library and Service Day activities will help improve the quality of customer satisfaction Users.
RFID technology is also information about it, such as the library, making it four stages Smart
and fast circulation of library security systems, user self-check-in / out, one, Account.

Hasan,Nabi (2012), Overview of RFID are current research Library security systems, and the
importance of work and technology. Library, recycled materials, such as the use of self-renewing
benefits of technology, Speed inventory, theft detection, automatic material handling, reliability,
People have been emphasized, such as blow. Advantages over barcode and RFIDEM has been
described and discussed the potential of hybrid technology with particular reference to the Indian

Rao,Ravichandra (1997), The study focused on automation of India has rebounded slowly
library. Now financial institutions have begun Provides hardware facilities. The software is not
sufficient to make facilities Automation activities at a reasonable speed. In addition, CD-ROM
based information Services and e-mail services are becoming increasingly popular. However,
there are challenges Human resource needs of training in the past two or three decades,
manufacturing Machine-readable list of the free movement of capital, such as adequate library to
overcome these challenges successfully implement automation.

Jeevan ,V.K.J. (2001), for libraries article emphasized enough software Some of Engineering
and Technology Library has made to manage their own From there, their own software for the IT
department. IIT Kharagpur has taken some effort Library Project has made its own. This type of
software used in libraries the software is used to make the agency's needs, but because there are
who is responsible for some of the drawbacks of the internal software upgrade Changing
environment and ongoing technical support.

Mishra, Parasnath (2003),section to describe the current picture Computerized academic

libraries. The study is also regarding in Jharkhand library. Jharkhand is a part of Bihar. The
current situation 14 University offers higher education. Patna University is great in terms of
Collection, founded in 1917, the infrastructure of the University Library Good IT infrastructure
and modern facilities. As a library computer are the common responsibility of the Government,
UGC and INFLIBNET Computer.

Choukhande,Vaishali G. (2004), This article discusses the librarian's view Maharashtra’s

Yavatmal district, university library, computer and IT applications. Questionnaire are survey to
identify the authors of the University Library Computer and information technology, the use of
consciousness librarian Yavatmal district and applied university library. The study concluded
that, 34 of 18 respondents were aware of the library, computer knowledge and information
Technology. Only eight colleges, libraries, university libraries have computers and 6 There are
automated. The UGC results of the study indicate that the economy should provide Help libraries
and library automation, must be ready to University In order to keep up with the latest
information through technology.

Bansode, Sadanad Y. and Periera, Shamim (2008), said computer Is Goa from other countries
and different college libraries. Stakeholders Librarians should be able to start college, such as
office and library staff Successful and competent service, providing customers with a PC or
Students. Libraries should be able to improve in order to meet the growing hope that their ability
Customers from the library.

Gautam, P.S. and Rajput, J.N. (2010), stressed computer problems Library Automation Indore
(MP), and the position in the professional library Problems with their complete. It talks about the
need for automation Professional library. The difficulties encountered in the study of the mind,
the authorities have taken and Staff automated stage. The researchers used questionnaires to
build. That Staff inexplicable, automation and attitudes, lack of direction in question the most
important obstacle to the standard library software is fast Computerization. The researchers
suggested that automation and customer satisfaction help to improve library services and
resources sharing, thanks Network. It may be a new type of library automation work, and it can
also be Traditional organizational structures into new institutions.

Ossai- Ugbah, Ngozi Blessing (2010), Organization Studies the study Covenant University,
University of Ibadan, Ladoke Akintola University and dignity Sango Ota, Nigeria, the technical
level is applied to the automatic information Student services, academic performance is affected
Students. As a result of this disclosure does not have a pre-university computer knowledge
Excellent academic considerations; students who use automated library Show a good educational
materials have been implemented, and work better than academic For those who do not use an
automated library services, and the result is The survey found that the relationship between
exposure to significant education They use with automated library services to achieve Computer
electronic library services. The researchers noted that the company on the Internet Bandwidth
and it offers free cost students.

Joteen Singh, R. K. (2010), libraries, the paper focuses on software design. Changes in
information technology and the development of some of the network use the library require
different hardware and software platforms Library software interoperability. Technology has
been cherished and various navigation knowledge Internet cloud in the arts, commerce and
science. The basic is to use it is the practical use of network resources, which is capable of cross-
database software Local, rather than searching multiple databases on various networks and
platforms Libraries and databases. If the line is not in the software development are Promote
software interoperability and compatibility. It cans also Library All libraries in the world into the

Hambarde, G.K.(2011), the study shows that attempts to show In Maharashtra Library
Automation Engineering College of the current image. Paper In addition, the historical
development of library automation, description and application Engineering, Information and
Communications Technology Library understanding between the knowledge of the current
situation, Libraries, application software used in the electronic magazine.

Chouhan, D.S. (2013), this paper discusses the impact of ICT in rural India How digital
technology can be shared by the general quality. The paper also compares the village proposed
electronic library, which will be implemented Pavilion of existing policies through the village

Khan, N.B.R. (2013), article describes its use of information and communication technology
and information services As for how digital libraries, electronic document sharing, progress in
general, Twenty-four had potential in the digital library to provide information Hours, the need
for remote access to the user to complete.

Kumar, Rajendra (2013), the various components of the study and understanding of the focus
Library and information systems using ICT. The study was indentifies the reason, computers and
related technology for use in the library. This also explains the impact of information
technology-based library challenges; character System.

Braid, Andrew (1994), adopted by weaving an electronic document are delivery recently, more
and more importance. At the same time there is a large number of Find confusing what this
means. In this article, the author gives a detailed Check the reason for the sudden increase in the
definition, and Interest. A brief history of electronic document delivery Details of the British
Library Document Supply Centre development Current activities and future plans. There are
details of the development the practical application of electronic document delivery and
standards. And dissemination of this article, there are several obstacles.

Prabhakaran, R. and others (1998), electronic publishing are needs to users. That Provides
access too many Web publishers figures in their journals Increase. The study is based on
electronic access control, and has its own problems Tata Institute of fundamental research. Here
are the steps in the process online magazines are building their own structure to describe. Tata
Institute Basic research libraries now have access to a number Journals in electronic format.
Existing e-access therefore, the interests of its users to other libraries, the library has a lot of
experience them.

Anuradha (1999), the paper growing user needs and propose Change user access to information
role. As described in the paper Digital libraries and their properties, the concept of functional and
the environment. It was Digital library products and systems, he said. The paper also reviewed
CD-ROM, and explains the importance of electronic resources Digital Library. This information
will highlight the impact of the digital library Transfer also acknowledged its limitations.
Deverajan,G. (1999), discusses the role of digital libraries One day on the environment, the
information for the new challenges and commitments of the library Services, especially in
developing countries such as India. The document states that and other issues that hinder the
development of digital libraries in developing countries. The lack of effective domestic Library
Package, information policy and the lack of information and culture, Conversion library, the
problem of inadequate financial allocations there are some computer-readable database manually
database Conceptual issues facing the materialization of digital libraries.

Rekha,T.P. (2000), In terms of the electronic journals provides information about their
Development, advantages and disadvantages. Some of the benefits I observed multimedia
features, flexibility, and speed are Production and distribution. Disadvantages brought about by
electronic journals Technical barriers and financial obstacles. This review Libraries should be
noted that some of the trends of electronic magazines the only real significance is discussed in
academic libraries.

Meshram, Siddharth (2000), Features as described, views Issues, problems and electronic
journals. Based on the distribution Identified four types of electronic journals and a number of
measurement methods Identified in this paper, published in the electronic media formats,
Intellectual quality, high subscription rates, legal and above Article concluded that list
information like the changing Technology in the library unforeseen challenges in the field of
serious Management, but these technologies to bring you closer to the sacred mission By library.

George and et al. (2001), Discussion - The State of is – Art In the field of e-books. Some
definitions, and with record Compared to printed books can be a variety of hardware and
software Clear reading e-books. After describing the possible offline Online delivery model,
which is discussed in length delivery online sites Electronic books some illustrative examples.
The main impact of e-books Services, such as libraries and other accessibility elaborated

Singh, (2001), is an attempt to explain the problem NCERT subscription magazine in the library.
The study emphasizes the importance of the issue and subscription magazines represented by the
foreign media. It can also analyze the views of some of the proposed Take various measures to
avoid the problem, the actual out NCERT has experienced difficulties in the acquisition of
Publications Library By agents.

Franklin, G. and Devraj, David (2001), defined electronic publishing Electronic submission of
manuscripts, editing, and printing, In addition, readers of the work, computers and
telecommunications distribution System. Electronic media are full of sound and motion
capabilities Published in the creation of a new interactive features robbed Form. The study
showed that the number of journals available online Growing, Comprehensive knowledge in
nursing journals little equitant.

Hauta, Sudip Ranjan (2001),Journal of the study, He pointed out that the library is in the
network environment and a limited budget is the key point Information Centre. This study
attempts to hold a limited budget and to find a solution to the problem using the selected
theoretical magazine Marginal utility. Also discussed are the potential cost of illegal Bradford of
Analysis and selection of magazines. This alternative approach attempts to identify. The best
solution is equipped with the best choice and budget.

Saroja, G. (2001), in today's society, found on the Internet World Wide Web (WWW) has
become the most important information.She noted that many studies, location and available
resources Web page. The study and discuss the information network resources Information on
the need for quantitative research Cyberspace. In particular, she was quoted as saying that the
problem is related to the e-resources review and try to answer some of the questions seem to
have accounted citing the study.

Siddique, Jamal Ahamed and Rana , M.S.(2001),discussed the emergence of new tools
Return library and information processing and information. They studied a variety of data
storage devices and their applications. That through the Internet, online information retrieval
methods, the paper said. The study concluded that the modern form of the Modern Library
Technical information and resources available to the world. Therefore, a fuller of vitality and the
changing role of libraries are.

Demilew, P. (2001), studies on the potential of the electronic document Service delivery
Ethiopia academic libraries. The purpose of the study existing manual-based document delivery
system is to investigate in order to make a better resource in academic libraries Ethiopian
Application EDDS partnership between the University Library. To Investigators will conduct
surveys, questionnaires, interviews, employment Field observation techniques and review of
existing documents. That Survey 17 libraries are, library staff revealed that the majority of
Computer skills. The survey also shows that companies have used more Postal system locally
published material. Computer Lot for word processing, and use them to find some library The
CD-ROM, from the database. A handful of libraries have begun to use them indoors
Development of a database of information retrieval services. The Lord Have the financial
resources for their own music library. All Education are the main part of the donor-supported
projects to obtain the company's support some specific actions from them and abroad. Survey is
According to the end-user's facing many challenges and opportunities where there is no research
data. Pointed out that from the discussion, all libraries have a strong interest in information
sharing Use EDDS alliance.

Deveraj and Pravin Kumar Singh (2002), discussed and took a digital library with the help of
the Internet to download the importance of library activities Information from a remote database.
At 180 universities in India and to more than 6,000 colleges and universities use their academic
library services and Depending on the research activities and available resources in its library.
Technical, scientific and management College Library and there is no mechanism for the spread
of performance only this is to provide valuable information to the organization. The authors
discuss this website through search engines and the Internet and digital libraries From India and
the view is now digital library network elements run in India. Internet-based resources and
services is very valuable from printed sources, particularly in developing countries this
information is not easy in developing countries.

Krishna Murthy, M.(2002), of the tool depicted, In order to meet Internet users manage
information security professionals. There are tools to help users search the Internet, find the
resources doors The Internet. Electronic magazines are, data sets, books gateway information;
Educational institutions, institutions of the page. Necessary door Improve the effectiveness of
Internet search. Judge Identification, filtering, description, gateways, such as sorting process
They are the index is provided free of charge, prior to the adoption, it is added to the database
World Wide Web. The purpose of this site is to serve as a gateway to the digital library Guide
library resources and services. Indian Statistical Institute Library Some digital information
technology, and provide application Information and services to customers. The Internet is only
the latest Libraries expect technological progress is very important Library user has passed; ask
them to provide better information services.

Mohan, V.(2002), collection, development and resource discussions Marine and fisheries
research shared libraries, one after study and is determined to be a significant replication some
professional library magazine subscriptions Cochin city. The study emphasizes the acquisition
and fakes the total cost for the acquisition of these magazines. To solve these problems,
collection is necessary for the development of the network environment. The study for these
facilities provides a report to the database development Network systems within the city.

Swarna, T. and others (2002), Characteristics journal discussed, that physical organization and
layout Understanding of what e-magazine cover. The study Facilitate dissemination of research
found that as a result of e-magazine less time less cost and provides the flexibility and universal
adherence Effective, available on the Internet, magazine list Of course. Analysis, concluded that
the library should be able to choose this magazine them so that they can be in the local
community of user Website, One study.

Ali Naushad, P.M.(2003),the use of electronic IIT Delhi,the user's library information services.
Questionnaire this method has been used to collect supplemented with initial interviews
Different levels of groups of customers. The study also examines the use and Internet, CD-ROM
databases and other related customer satisfaction Services provided by the library. Finally, it
emphasizes recommendations for electronic communications services to more customers in IIT
development Library Delhi.

Natarajan, M. (2003), and described in the database is defined Library and Information
Science helps Internet features, Professionals in a variety of ways to provide better service to
customers. That this document is available in a variety of electronic resources, he said, That
Quality factor, power, content, determined as the currency of electronic resources with time and
special functions was discussed in detail. That nature resources evaluation in the discussion
Content availability, technical support, costs, legal and support tools, such as the title. Choose
different types of electronic resources and evaluation Discussion. The conclusion is that the
Library and Information Science The experts are well aware of the resources available, and
should be evaluated in the E-Extract them before their users to access them.

Equbal, Manawwer and Soomaraza, M.M. (2003), said that there will be the rapid increase in
the number of electronic journals. Most cases in the journal Free to print subscribers.
Management proposed electronic magazine new set of things, urgent attention. There will be
problems around Collective efforts and library cooperation, publisher solutions and suppliers of
electronic journals. It also describes the type of magazine, the disc Magazine the magazine, the
selection and purchase and maintenance instructions Electronic journals in the digital

Krishna Murthy (2003), conducted a study of green digital library Stone. Research indicates
that digital is becoming a major Taking into account all of the library and information services.
The research and discussion ISIBC practical problems involved and critical stage in the House of
digitizing Documents on the basis of the work, the commitment to the internal part of the
digitized Volume, with the goal of developing a hybrid working model library, Greenstone
Digital Library Software Development Newsealand Digital Library Project. Digital Library
Development and often create new types of tools and services. To create digital Planners is to
select an application module from the library screen. There emerald variety of formats; plans to
give more control to other software applications Display and print layout of the search results.

Caravan and Jenny (2003), discussion are at its research studies Libraries and research
initiatives Information Centre Information and Communication, Department of Manchester City
University, trying to raise awareness of information Use the numeric seeking behaviour of blind
and visually impaired Resources. Non-visual accesses to digital library project (NOVA) are
ongoing development of the World Wide Web more targeted consumer behaviour, with
particular reference to retrieve information infrastructure resources, blind and visually impaired.
20 and 20 using a sample of myopia Visual information search tasks, bear impaired four different
electronic resources. Information on each of the steps of and before the process of looking for a
job (keystrokes or equivalent) and login Issues raised by the latter part of the task to collect
qualitative data. The results Blind users spend more time to search or browse disclose various
web browsing era or time, Web search significantly depending on the design of the site.
Overeating, blind users more time is spent on each page to navigate around; especially for
example; there are a lot of links to pages that may or may not have a lot of information.
Observation showed that support more experience in more successful; they have been using the
technology to work. However, designer you can assume that everyone can access the new
version of the auxiliary Technology; this is not always the case. Designers, therefore, will have
to take this reality into account.

Little,D. (2003), Resource sharing arrangements made between OAI protocol using metadata
Humbul medical histamine gateway and hub, Harvesting, and some of the issues raised. It is the
gateway to the Mediterranean History Provides a search and browse, launched in August 2002
visit High-quality catalogue, evaluation of medical history, and Internet resources. Histamine has
been developed mainly for medical coverage to fill the gaps left by Found within existing
resources outside service history RDN.

Talija,Sanna and Maula, Hanni (2003),made study aims to in the development of

interpretation and analysis methods using domain However, the. Factor identification and
definition of discipline, the shape is assumed in a limited number of studies in the future, they
began to test more rigorous testing in the data set. Empirical data collected by the wider part of
qualitative research Four different types of network resources and scholars are exploring the use
of; Nursing, literature / cultural studies, history and environment Environmental Science. This
finding suggests that electronic journals and databases have been widely used in the most likely

Smith, Erin T. (2003), Explore the role of research by electronic media Teachers learn weekly
reading habits play. Questionnaire Reading habits of the method used to collect information
about the study University of Georgia College. 365 Mode Selection incidentally, are a total of
800 teachers and 161 from a total science From the Social Sciences. Questionnaire sent via e-
mail. The results of this study showed that 77% and 69% of social sciences Science teacher
reading sources newsletter. Most Obvious difference is the personal discipline of electronic
subscriptions from reading the article reported that 35 percent of science teachers at least one
person Social sciences, rather than weekly electronic subscription only 15 percent, Department.
In addition, members of the Academy of Science magazine reported slightly high Subscribe to
the print and electronic library, Second Reading Subscribe than their colleagues in the social
sciences. Percent Print subscriptions from individual teachers to read a weekly report the same
two groups (91%). Assistant Professor in more terms than using electronic resources (88 percent)
report associated with the readings from the week Professors or professors (both 69%). The most
significant difference Assistant Professor of the current 84%, and the Library's electronic
subscriptions, Use the weekly report, however, associate professor, 64% and 63%Professor
Usage reports. In addition, 94% reported an assistant professor this event. This represents a 6%,
an assistant professor at the University of Do not read any of the articles from the print sources in
a typical week in Georgia. There discipline within the ranks of the obvious differences. More
professors Ratio Sciences (71%), which indicate that reading at least one electronic, article
weekly Social sciences (64%) of the professor. Currently being is used in a huge difference
Again, personal electronic contribution of social science: only 8%Assistant professor of science,
while 50% of people reported use.

Oduwole,A.A. and Akpati, C.D. (2003), in the paper provide accessibility Electronic
information, and return to the University Nigerian Agricultural Library. One thousand
questionnaires were given a three-part one5.030 users are expected to use the information,
University of Electronic Library Rotated 789 responses from a simple random sampling method
and found it to be useful. 78.9% responded these cents. The study revealed that But last year,
primarily undergraduates using an automated library list (OPAC), but in the last year of
undergraduate and graduate students, as well as academic staff Often use hierarchical database
tools. Most users are satisfied Finding information that is automatically available Service is easy
to use, or the extent of the large or small. The main constraints Return information and library
services are all automated Infrastructure: a limited number of terminals available to customers
and energy by supply disruptions.

Maharana, Bolu., Choudhury, B.K. and Dutta, Syamashree (2004), conducted a study to
collect E development of electronic information resources development Calcutta research library.
The research focuses on policy and R & D development libraries and electronic resources
management approach. It was Different standards of selection and evaluation of electronic
resources also reviewed. It was also made attempts to show the current status of the collection of
electronic resources to explore, to discover the exploitation and development of electronic
resources policy and the selection and the current method of electronic resources evaluation
recommendations practical guide for the development of improved collection procedures.
Questionnaires were used to collect information on a variety of topics taking into account the
current state of e-procurement strategy theme and methods used to protect the strategic
development after ten from Library.
Jalaja, V. and Dineshan, Koovakkai (2004), points out, the problem of their research
“Academia, the digital divide "is the message major source of basic education activities.
Character the study by academic teaching and research, as well as information Communities.
Information and communication revolution Technology (ICT) has made it so easy for
information to any organization Location information can be shared without any obstacles. New
Information and communication technology to academia are to overcome the obstacles of time
and information assessment.

Susheela,V.J. (2004), Description in order to facilitate electronic publishing Search Quick,

accurate scientific research information. Paper And to explore ways of increasing discussion Via
the Internet or website is the most important information, explains the different Electronic
networks, ethnic background, to highlight its location. Paper Provide pressure to make a variety
of development has occurred Research facilities. The author said that the growth and
development Electronic journals electronic publishing, computer and planning Web technology.
Main publishers are especially in a series of publications and the second file has changed the
degree of current trends, the Needs and priorities of the scientific community, using the latest

Gulati, Anjali (2004), Status and information studies conducted with particular reference to the
use of communications technology library in India information special libraries, and to promote
the efforts made by different companies Products and services. This article attempts to highlight
the Union JCCC Union, CSIR E- magazine in India and UGC consortium of telecommunications
networks. With a number of challenges conclusion of Library and Information Science of the
study Events take an overview of experts and the Government of India.

Ramesh, and et al. (2004), in terms of the user who made the assessment study and the
satisfaction of needs related to IT-based services Karnataka University. The purpose of this study
was to: current estimates IT Services provides a wide range of infrared equipment to provide the
level of structure Different categories of users; In order to test automation and networking
Participate in shared libraries and resources with other countries International systems and
networks; ensure that the special issue According to the user's needs and satisfaction of IT-based
services All types of user information changing needs assessment properties, They need to meet
the sources and types of IT infrastructure services, analysis Taking into account the views of the
user to measure user and IT-enabled services And meet the requirements of the network
environment; outstanding The importance can best take advantage of the campus network
Internet and other electronic resources and services; exercise strategy For IT-based positioning
program to raise awareness of consumers or Service; the use of existing facilities by implication
Provide adequate financial assistance from different funding agencies. Questionnaire all seven
make a personal visit to the library of the University of the Method used in the study all libraries.
The results of this study indicate that there are seven approved University Library and the lack of
jobs, only 3 have a full-time librarian University Librarian has affected the entire management
and administration Library; traditional, modern infrastructure, available at University Library, IT
and network infrastructure is largely Satisfaction; the most widely used in the computerized
library which Activity has gradually developed over the past five years,71.42%, "good" is not
such a facility; adequate infrastructures-ROM's, printers, scanners and other devices, the number
of computers Peripherals; almost all participate in one of the University Library Resource
sharing, or other network systems; 95% of customers rating From Mangalore University
satisfied, based on the amount Information service to any user of his / her recommendations,
particularly Very satisfied, 14% do not have all IT-based services are not satisfied. The authors
propose to include recruitment Location of staff; Library consumer awareness programs; up To
order the library, IT infrastructure and in-house training courses Staff IT applications.

Mercedes,Echeverria T. and Barredo, Pilar (2005), the study of their online magazine are the
impact on the transmission of documents. Some this is how the impact of the traditional practices
of electronic resources some technology has begun to change and how the user. The study used
two Qualitative and quantitative data. The study also found that electronic text cannot available
in both print journals and monographs need to have a document delivery service.

Rajeswari, D.(2005), was investigated using analysis Electronic resources and services, teachers
and student researcher Lanka Padmavati Mahila University (SPMU), Trupati, Questionnaire
Stratified random sample of distribution. There are a set of three samples their staff, graduate
teaching and research team. The total effective rate was 82%. The e-mail is the staff and the use
of facilities OPAC. Most (36.2%) INFLIBNET services are research scholars to meet their
opinionsInformation are required.

Madavan Nair,G. (2005), McConnell believed to reflect the Edusat launches release India's
commitment to national development in technology for use Read the population, especially in
rural areas. According to him, their configurations in the visual media are Digital interactive
multimedia classrooms and multi-centric system. At the end of the article, he is expected to
herald a new era of Edusat launch one Distance Education countries.

Mai,Neo (2005), conducted a study of 35 networks to enhance learning. The Lord The purpose
of this study was to describe a web-based learning system The process has been developed on the
basis of the student, to the environment, On student learning, Creative Multimedia (FCM)
College. Method Use the online survey. The results obtained are understand the problem, work
Coupled with the construction of.

Renn, Kristen A. and Zelgman, Dawn (2005), research study conducted online learning
outcomes. Data are collected for study Questionnaire. Pre- and post-survey mid semester Related
to the student's attitude and technical skills, and student affairs, Asynchronous online discussion,
transcripts of student work. Data Analysis included descriptive statistics. Relevant experience to
judge And the quality of learning, derived from the results of immersion Environment. Online is
soaked expected results the student experience, providing online distance learners.

Swaroop Rani,B.S.and et al., (2005), Research user attitudes Side electronic journals. Their
study, published in 1970, but from the electronic magazine Electronic journals, magazines and
literature, which is popular in 1996 usually available electronically individual champion World
Wide Web. All required electronic journals Available in CD-ROM; others may only offer online.
Some people may In E and print media. Today, electronic journals are most of the phone Parallel
versions of their print counterparts. E- Magazine can be accessed Godfrey FLP, Telnet ways, but
mainly through e-mail or through discussion lists Web page. With multi-dimensional electronic
magazine features comparisons are in the magazine's print edition academic libraries have
chosen format Customers in a shorter time. E-Resources based consortiums IIT, IISC, NIT
technology systems for the purpose of and other well-known companies.
Zhang, Xaioyin, and Haslam, Michaelyn (2005), A- side of sport mainly in the electronic
journal collection. From this he studied since 1999 Component library collection has changed
dramatically in the magazine. Print only subscription rate is reduced to 59% in 1990 to 20%in
2004, the e-magazine has increased from 35-75%. Library percent Cost of electronic resources,
materials acquisition budget increased by at least 10%And so on. Budget increased by at least
10% of the cost of the proliferation of electronic resources in Each other. With the proliferation
of electronic resources have a major impact Trap / slave serial operation and maintenance of the
physical object launched Ensure that the resources will go to the e-mail. The results are the
necessary workflow in the ever-changing technology, in order to promote sustained review and
Affect the development of distributed information management Electrons.

Webster, Ruiha and Williams, Peter (2005), information, e-mail inquiry service, in this study,
its main job NHS Direct online e-mail service. The study also NHS health from quality sites
concluded that information detection and read the data pages. Checklist this process provides a
particular site to determine the method developed Quality level. Readability level using
advanced measurement sites the value of measuring device. Two cases were examined
Questionnaires were distributed. From the list of results displayed is sent to the service user has
sufficient majority of health information is still very high quality. The uses of case studies are
Answer Consulting reconciliation are not always consistent NHS Needs to be streamlined.

Vilar, Polona and Zumer, Maja (2005), compares the current effort Web-based and electronic
journals, four user interface (direct evaluation of scientific Quest Pro Direct, EBSCO host and
green). This study is the first as a greater part of the research study focused on the user interface
through User friendliness and user awareness. Experts In order to explore are study electronic
journal intended user interface and between the characteristics of electronic journals differences.
The second objective in this study, electronic journals and users identify potential problems for
the preparation of the follow-up study to investigate user. The study did not some important
differences. The biggest difference was found the complexity of the characteristics and problems
developed. The study also revealed that in some cases electronic journals, looking for advanced
level Search command.

Gunter, Barrie (2005), conducted a survey to assess the use of electronic Books in the UK.
Established data collected by the Internet panel Internet research leading companies in the
business. Respondents whole online questionnaire posted on the company's website. Discussion
questions Understand books, travel, purchase and loan review and who can obtain the frequency
of such behaviour and different types of publications. Among these respondents, about half of
the trial, which has nearly ten buy at least one e-book, seven-on-one e-book lending Library. The
survey also found that awareness of a variety of e-books Internet population.

Berilacqua (2005), e-journals are from the company's investigation In view of Humanities
University of Parma. The study was the purpose of the survey conducted by electronic journal
titles from the user's perspective. In order to identify the impact of policy by using the library
and on the characteristics of the electronic journal an easy access to electronic journals,
companies have been activated. Students are who led the study, teachers and library staff
Classical and Medieval Studies, Mixed Methods Research Qualitative and quantitative methods
focus groups, observation, interview and questionnaires. Electronic journals still seems reluctant
to use a group of users. The main obstacle is the lack of awareness and a limited number of
Related Resources. Suitable for users having a plurality of quotes Electronic journal access point.
The company received the e-journal Parma User expectations, but its implementation must meet
potential Promote more efficient and user-cantered design, seems to require.

Sreelatha,L. (2005), electronic journals are perception and application of research There
doctoral student at the University of Calicut. The Lord the objectives of the study include:
doctoral students to acquire knowledge about e-journals, e-journals, in order to assess the degree
of utilization; expected Satisfaction, to find out if there doctoral use INFONET and find the
factors that hinder the use of electronic journals. That logically, this problem has been to select a
set of questionnaires problem Consideration. Reveals a study follow the advanced search mode
won the majority of students. Britannica is the most frequently visited polymerization. The study
are brought to light the -magazine and INFONET Research.

Sajila,K.M. (2005), on study performed using electronic information Libraries and information
centres of the information resources to check most popular User satisfaction to assess what
electronic information resources. The study used a questionnaire from the user elicit reactions.
For Analysis of data collected, the percentage used in the process. From the main the study found
that most of the students are evident teachers to use the library project work their research
purposes. Customers fully satisfy all categories Systems and services. Held is that the majority of
user’s Easy access to electronic resources.

Panda, K.C. and Arunima, Kunungo (2006), Research a critical evaluation of the Electronic
Magazine list: Case studies of three sites. In this study, they provide an Insight into the electronic
magazines and their growth problems. Clearly illustrates In addition to the classification of the
electronic magazine study methods used. And 110 analysis and interpretation of the data
available for the total sample, only three sites using three popular search engines (Google,
AltaVista and Yahoo) Because of its coverage of the issue, part of the country language
publications Publication, year of publication, and the cost of frequency. The study revealed that
Library information refers to information in the e-magazine 48.18%they trust in technology;
63.37% of them from the United States announced; 97.21% of the e-magazine published in
English. 44.95% quarterly publication and Where 67.42% is based on the self journal.
Interestingly, the publication in 1995, an unexpected decline appeared in 113 sites only one in
2003, the study said.

Jankowska, Maria Anna (2006), conducted a survey to determine customer satisfaction and
about the expected quality of service library. 22 results Source of information for the
establishment of the University of Idaho Library of the strategic planning process. Graduate
emphasis in these study three methods for the analysis of the survey results. When the first
method, the internal Faculty, staff, and the bench undergraduate, graduate, compared with other
staff it’s supported to details.

Ramlogan, Rabia and Tedd, Lucy A. (2006), a study conducted with and without
Undergraduate electronic information resources West Indies. The information on the electronic
subscription is non-use of Three days of full-time graduate communications services. Other large
the survey are displayed the findings and recommendations presented in this survey. The study
User Survey: design combines quantitative and qualitative methods to participate using semi-
structured questionnaires and semi-structured the total the defendant did not get any of the
electronic information services. The lacks of the availability are of services in the public
consciousness overriding factor for non-use. It is rare to graduate or have any use out of All of
the lack of understanding of electronic communications services is even more so.
Lin, Tom M.Y. and et al. (2006), E-mail forwarding, why analysis. This study is an attempt to
explain why emotional responses triggered by e-mail Impact of States in the Exploration and
receive e-mail. The study meet Participants were asked to complete a questionnaire on the basis
of objective, they recently received a forwarded email. Research reveals People who feel a strong
desire to forward the e-mail is Positive emotions, its length is more abundant information
displayed separately Or audio and visual information.

Nagi Reddy,P. Y. and Ali, Yakoob (2006), a study conducted IT-based services in Indira
Gandhi Memorial Library. The study pointed out that the computer at all internal operations and
information technology-based services, providing more than a network of students and teachers.
This paper attempts to analyze provided by the IT environment, but also the service-learning
library the survey is based on customer satisfaction surveys. Average 250 times Questionnaires
were distributed to students and researchers Received 181 of the university. The results of this
study Students and researchers believe that satisfaction Library IT service environment. Again,
this study Benefits the library to meet the needs of users, and reiterated the IT Satisfied

Shuling Wu (2007), investigation, analysis of the current Library Resources, that the main
objectives are of the study readers of this condition is difficult to find Encountered survey is a
teacher, in training graduate students and some researchers, graduate students, a total of 15
students of the University. This is seven centres Stuff. And sent a questionnaire aims to collect
data in order to Target groups. Experimental results show that almost half of the readers
Satisfaction Studies University electronic resources. At present, Lyrics traditional library is the
main way to get readers from storage. This is an important feature will be printed literature.
EBook cannot replace the traditional printed book. Construction Lawyers should be stored in the
print library. Select Print Readers Most e-books and occupation.

Tubin, Dorit (2007), in school ICT conducted a study, when met: Differentiation, complexity
and adaptability. The communication technology (ICT) and the school's organizational structure
and proposed analysis Lu Mai, are according to the results of theoretical and empirical studies of
model systems. Those with the establishment of a systematic theory from case studies Multiclass
analysis methods are to analyze and the nine Israeli orchestra ICT is in schools for the successful
are implementation of school-based innovation Architecture: segmentation, stratification and
functional differentiation. Type and a set of data and school differentiation Use of information
and communications technology leadership style, and there is enough time uncertain Origins
spacecraft arrangements and bearing titles Burden. Poor, was found to increase in all types of
internal Complexity, enhanced flexibility and integration of ICT in sensitivity.

Khaiser, Nikam and Promodini, B. (2007), Journal of the use of surveys and Kumaisuoer are
by the Board of Education at the University of Data, Paper UGC Infonet general Description
University of Mysore. The purpose of this study was to determine the extent of the use of
electronic resources, and determine Understanding and use of alternative sources of UGC-
Infonet's degree Resources consortium between users. This study uses a structured in the
questionnaire and interview schedule for data acquisition. As a result Survey shows that the
marginal scientists Mysore Consistent guidance and training to maximize the use of the
university campus Electronic resources. The article also discusses the use and Customer
satisfaction related to electronic resources. Paper Role of Information and Communication (ICD)
are Information about the availability of the user's Mysore University Electronic resources. In
conclusion similar to the researchers, the article discusses the various studies, and recovery Stuff,
from the perspective of the present study can be understood Literature review in this chapter.
Most studies using Questionnaire methods of data collection and statistical analysis method.
University Library, This is a carefully observed the study also helped identify areas of concern to
build the gap in the questionnaire, to objectively analyze and, in fact, get in conclusion.

Sivastava (1997), Survey results of the report 22 research and development in India, in order to
determine the extent of the use of Library IT professionals and IT coverage in their part of
graduation Library Science and postgraduate courses. Forming an integral part of IT components
are Library operations and services. Application DOS / UNIX database library Database
software such as CD-ROM, word processing, barcode, multi-media, this is a very important
library professional.

Sharma, Sumati (1999), provided in the library is changing IT Including the impact of IT on
the environment and the full spectrum of defence science Library (DSL), DESIDOC work
DRDO is a special Central Library. It was Details make the DSL discussed various library
activities and services Effective use of IT to better and better serve its customers.
Babu, B. Ramesh and Parameswaran (1999), automation through surveys and around Chennai
Public Library Information Services 50 members of the public libraries conducted, showing their
interest, Technology, professional development, improve good Services, and improve library and
information management practices and changes in state Library to reduce the workload.

Vivek,Patkar N. (2000), of and strategies focused on the impact of various Library and IT
products internalization. Library of the future will have to deal with Print and digital media. IT-
intensive applications Production and library functions (IT) is therefore imperative management.
Similar Technology and library services will bring revolutionary change. Technology adoption is
not a smooth process, but, yes. For success Library to run it, to understand peculiar feature is
very important in real life, technology development and dissemination.

Kannappanavar and Vijayakumar (2001), hardware survey are University of Agricultural

Sciences and software library facility in Karnataka. The study in the IT network, information
services and access barriers review And its application as a capital INFL1BNET and ICARIT-
based communications services to their customers, and the provision of library automation.

Neelameghan, A. (2002), mentioned shortcomings against the background of the and

applications and talk Derive benefits and support, informational problems especially in rural
areas and the use of ICT development communication Countries. Case illustrates the
development of information technology and the use of ICT Hosting.

Mote, H.V. (2003), the importance ICT emphasize submitted to a file. This is the National
Institute of Plant, Liuchow, one in India Twenty three Academia House Committee for Scientific
and Industrial Research (CSIR). How it is Lucknow Special Libraries Association (LUSLIC) is a
joint development of needs of the scientific community and help the application and impact of
ICT research.

Gangatharan M. (2004), deal with a broad range of strategic management wealth of

information resources, its importance, and consumers benefit In this information age,
information management skills required to achieve Explosion. Information management is to
"improve the quality of the key Reliable source of information Info "is different parts:
Information content, information technology, information about the crew and Information related
facilities. Information management is the strategy: Identification, management, cost,
development and utilization value.

Bilawar, Bhairu Prakash (2004), Think of the benefits the library requires information and
communication technologies. The study focused on the nature of the information and
communication technology and emphasizes computer and different modes of mass
communication Internet, so that library and information services have an impact. Speed IT
revolution in the decade before the file, and as a global library system to operate at our
fingertips. It is as a future vehicle Developed.

Jeevan and Nair Saji (2004), presented the results of a survey conducted by George’s
Trivandrum, Kerala, is expected to premiere library through ICTs These libraries. Science and
technology, research libraries, while according to eighteen Trivandrum is based on the central
and state governments involved Investigation. All 18 libraries, IT, services played a positive role
in enhancing Customer Satisfaction meet consumer demand, as well as the image of the entire

Suku and Pillai (2005), the results of a survey proposed to assess Kerala University Library
Automation. Structured questionnaire Data room librarian / library are used to elicit core library
six universities. The main library automation is of various elements of the investigation IT
infrastructure, such as indoor activities, such as information and they use the service, human
resource development and budget. The study also involved Position in support of the activities of
INFLIBNET centre automation University Library. Library automation is that it will be very
slow in Kerala Most University Librarian for various reasons, such as lack of library the lack of
enough qualified professionals. 50% of the university library Kerala is the introduction of
integrated automation housekeeping activities. LAN The facility is available to their services. All
libraries, without any exception, Automation are not only a full range of activities using a
personal computer. That the survey is also shows in acquiring new technical training courses for

Wijayasundara,Nayana (2005), and reporting needs of the library Meet the information,
guidance and personal needs, the protagonist himself Customers. Due to rapid changes are in the
world can be found in the entire library system Information and communication technologies.
Cholin (2005), provides an overview of the various IT implementation Providing efficient access
to the university library resources in India Colleges and universities. The study conducted in
universities in the group of 54 (81.8%) of the library reactions and the study was from the
received Cover. The study also factors Manpower University: network tools, databases
Development, etc. I can predict universities across the country time Info net provides access to
academic resources. Research reveals there are various stages of development of university
libraries in India applications the tools of their daily activities every day to do this.

Singh,K.P. (2006) ,in cantered study ICT in libraries and information Defence Research and
Development Organisation (DRDO) and the Council Scientific and Industrial Research, New
Delhi (CSIR), India showed that most of the DRDO and CSIR library and information centre has
been the use of ICTLIS almost all areas of activity. However, some in libraries and information
Similarly LASTEC library, DIPR library and DRDO as the centre, these are the basic stages of
the adoption of ICTs in their LIS Isa Library Activities.

Jange and Samy (2006), studied the use of the Internet, such as Indian Institute of Technology
in the Data Source Library. Use Questionnaire survey, the data collected from the National
Institutes of Technology has spread across the country. The results show that the library mainly
in the latest books and magazines Library continuous control measures. Search engines are the
ultimate model Search for information and help colleagues to obtain the required information.
The results show the importance of the NIT has accepted the library to the Internet Library
operations and services. Librarians have to readjust themselves, Services and resources to adopt
new technologies and production skills Organizational structure has been put into the best use of
its resources.

Singh,Kapila and Pateria ,(2007), brown pointed out that the concept of the library Due to the
impact of information and communication technologies and changes very quickly. Now I'm the
only library it’s not really see the printed collections of digital resources. The Forcing libraries
are to digital information technology. Taking all Libraries knowledge as they are, need to
redefine or redesign Cyber centre in Erie, briary companies, virtual libraries, digital libraries.
There is no doubt Technology library that does not change the basic ingredients came. That
technology in the interests of library users faster access to information and found that,
Communication and the naming of the library, but it can be there is hardly a major print media
library will hold a vein in the community.

Rameh Babu, Vinayagamoorthi and Gopalakrishnan (2007) reported ICT skills in

engineering education institutions in the survey of librarians Tamil Nadu. Its main objective is to
determine the type of ICT skills available by librarians. ICT knowledge of the operating system
are packages and Programming language, library automation software network awareness,
knowledgeAlso online facilities / services, and technical skills and management skills. The
results show that the company purchases the most librarians Information and Communication
Technology and the basic skills to be more focused on web-based and digital Library services.

Minishi-Majanja, Mabel, K and Ocholla, Dennis N. (2007), Joint Presentation, information

and communication technology has become the LIS education and training centres. Then Kenya,
the study aimed at mapping and auditing part of a PhD research project the diffusion of
information and communication technologies and the nature of the LIS education and training
programs Africa.

Bhatt, R.K, and Bhardwaj, Rajesh Kumar (2009), India, India's resources and network
application of ICT in the library. In then this case, the flow of information to a different platform
and resource sharing Networks, consortia and open access and open source, including Discussed

Rahemana, Ibrahimi (2009), bring to light the computer entry the library has had a profound
impact in the field of IT systems. Change Calls for change in the practice and teaching of the
theory. Iranian LIS program and considering the changes in the IT and ICT, This article is a
review of the literature Strategic cross-border education programs.

Sharma,Chetan (2009),pointed out that IT plays a key role Academic libraries. The presence of
a high impact on the state's IT Resources Library. This study described the availability of IT
infrastructure and network Haryana, India, Dental School library resources, and to emphasize the
the reason, questions, and IT application solutions.
Singh K.P., Sharma,Neeru and Nandi Negi (2009), pointed out that the study Analyze the
results of a research project conducted by the author And NODIA the use and availability of low-
income countries is expected to communications technologies. The study People from various
industries such as government, according to the 25 low-income countries, Majority businesses,
public and private organizations and low-income countries in the Pan-German such servers,
PC's, printers NODIA basic hardware facilities, Copiers and internet connection.

Murugesan,N. and Balasubramani,R.(2013), to emphasize their research. Automation for the

status quo, ICT infrastructure for the use and availability of Database management software,
network connection type and availability of Use Research library facilities in Tamil Nadu,
multilingual and anti-virus software. They are on the side of the digital acquisition; new trends
are recognized around the world. Two the main resources required to establish and operate a
digital library collections Technology infrastructure and staff. Science and technology
infrastructure, including: Computers and software and network connections to other equipment.
Staff Various tasks associated with creating and need to be addressed the management of ICT
based services.

Colin, Darch and Peter, G. Underwood (1999), Information and communication technologies,
and trying are to outline not understanding the development of the library outside of South
Africa The context of the post-apartheid era. Higher education and other libraries across this
divide, The Eliminating inequality.

Brindley,Lynee (2002), ICT's focuses on the potential of Lynn Electronics Academic use. ICT
Application Notes: cooperation and partnership in response to the needs of information users
international agreements, emphasizing International electronic distribution of resources for

Elisam, Magara (2002), for analysis of a variety of applications Uganda is the way to use the
digital library to submit to the company. With purposive sampling strategy adopted qualitative
methods. The study about service applications and practical experience has been limited to
Analysis of evidence. The results indicated the vast majority of applications to the company
Integrated access network and information are sharing between the various The Company, It was
observed that Uganda does not make the current ICT systems In order to reach the wider
community. I recommend Library Services need to be integrated into the strategic objectives,
coupled with the company with the knowledge and skills.

Elgohary (2003), Research establishment entry-level survey Librarians and describe the
relationship between the United States Library of Florida study from research libraries, education
and work in the library views the entry-level libraries, through their online survey supervisor.
The Lord The purpose of this study was to research libraries, the future of libraries, to help
prepare and equip their knowledge and skills needs. In addition, its purpose is to determine
Needs of existing and potential research librarian entry-level skills. The study Academic
knowledge, skills, management and marketing skills, information Academic and research
librarian’s technical skills and skills Florida library.

Okiy, R.B. (2005), university libraries in LIS literature review Problems (the most advanced
facilities of a country to display) application of ICT in Nigeria He also noted that the application
of information and communication technology in the surrounding Charney University Library
Obstacles militating against the effective application of ICT university library Competent,
adequate funding, inadequate power supply, shortage Human attitudes to ICT facilities operation
and maintenance of lukewarm And the Nigerian government to provide low level of ICT
facilities Nigerians in computer knowledge.

Ikoja-Odongo, Robert (2006), Health Research ICT in Uganda, access to information

dissemination. The project focuses on Realization of research, teaching and learning practices
through information repository in health planning and management, anxiety ICT applications
Services in Uganda. The current state of ICT applications, the extent of the application is and
emphasizes the role of the problems faced by thematic analysis.

Anisur, Rahman (2006), emphasizes the current state of ICT Growth and development of
information and communication technology refers to the case of Bangladesh Evolution is
intended to provide information about the explosion of A good library and information services
in Bangladesh. Documentary sources and direct observation of the present study is the main
method. In order Bangladesh needs Special communications infrastructure. In addition, there is
an urgent need to make Electronic communication environment to ensure that an appropriate
decision Construction, provision of information, the use of information and communication
technologies Communications, marketing, products and publications, as well as e-business

Faezeh, Sadat Tabatabaee Amiree and Bentolhodah, Khabbazan (2009), tries to outline a
"third wave of change." Science and ICT innovations have Innovation and growth. ICT is one of
the affected areas Due to changes in the results of educational libraries. This article discusses the
Digital library education and application methods.

Adeyinka, T. (2009) Pointed out that the ICT explosion Manual-based library system in the
early 20th century, has been presented Academic research, special and public libraries less
relevant. Use and Implementation of ICT, is heavily dependent on the attitude of librarians in the
library in the digital age side. In this study, the relationship are between behaviour in some
Nigerian librarians choose to use and application of information and communication technology
various libraries.

Dr. Daniel Emojorho (2009), evaluated the effect of Delta State University library services,
enhance communication, Abraka, Nigeria. Later research design was adopted. However, Library
staffs, library operations were included in oral communication; the most it encourages users to
do the study said. There are low levels of ICT used watched.

Effie, F.E. (2011),Krubu and Kingsley explains more Pay Computing technology,
communications technology and mass storage technology Evolving modalities are designed to
library Access, retrieval, storage, processing and dissemination of information to the user. ICT is
In particular, in the form of academic library and affect all areas the library collection
development strategies, library construction consortium. ICT offers the opportunity to provide
value-added information services and access to their customers a variety of digital-based
information resources.

Alice, M. Okore (2011), sought to determine the effect of his article, Included / socio-economic
characteristics of the population (rank, years of experience, and gender) the use of ICT in
educational exchanges. The study was further investigation Questionnaire design and the use of
production data.
Dr. Yacob, Haliso (2011), the use of information and communication technologies to improve
service description Accommodation librarian. It is observed that the increase in Nigeria library
the use of information and communication technologies. Information complain about the poor
community of scholars Services provided by the library. This study investigated the possible
factors Nigeria to the southwest, is responsible for the poor utilization of information
technologies. The Studies have shown that a lack of information and communication technology
acquisition, organizational commitment Most ICT as a barrier, and the lack of information and
communication technology strategy, the arbitrary power the lack of funding to significantly
affect the use of ICT. The study suggests that Libraries and university officials to join hands in
order to ensure.

Manir, Abdullahi Kamba (2011), study of information and communication technology can
help improve Education Library, Library and Information Resources to raise awareness And
services. Africana Library is but also to improve the use of information and communication
technology a positive effect on the use of information on research and development. Key the
main factors in the success of the implementation of the availability and good Service, quality
resources and adequate communications infrastructure level. The document also highlights the
reasons why it is taking snail application of ICT Nigeria and the pace of development libraries
provide solutions to the drug Library development in Africa.

Husain, Al-Ansari (2011), especially discusses the application of information and

communication technology Library of Kuwait. Purpose of this study was to investigate the
applicability in a variety of Kuwait's professional library operations and services. This study
provides a basis for Data on the current state of the application of ICT. The library is very Be the
automatic components. The library catalogue is considered the most popular Automation region.
More than a quarter of the Library will still use manual Activities and services of the library.
Insufficient staff, lack of information and communication technology Training programs, and
their organizations within the library are a low priority the main barriers to ICT applications in
special libraries. This indicates that the further Development. This is the first study of ICT
applications in a particular country Library of Kuwait.
2.3 Conclusion:-

In the second chapter literature review we are studied about importance of

reviews and how the reviews are useful and also helpful for the researcher in research any paper
or thesis. In over all reviews the scholar had seen the most important thing that Modern ICT
leads challenges for lacking behind by librarians in Organizing in Internet resources, also ICT,
can handle functions and activities most effectively.

It can be concluded that all these literature review showed positive importance Use of
modern information communication technology and information specialists, library attitude
.Activities in various technical fields, to improve the quality of library services. All ICT in
education, the library is part of the cover, emphasizing the literature review Research, and
consulting and find different investigators concluded.

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