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The ten qualities of dogs

1) It is able to bear the pangs of hunger, and suffices on very little. This is the quality of
the ‘Saabireen’ (the patient ones).
2) It has no home for itself. This is the quality of the ‘Mutawakkileen’ (those who
repose their full trust in Allah).
3) It sleeps very little during the night. This is the quality of the ‘Muhibbeen’ (the true
lovers of Allah).
4) When it dies, it leaves behind no inheritance. This is the quality of the ‘Zaahideen’
(those who have renounced and forsook loving the adornments and wealth of the
5) They never abandon and desert their owner. This is the quality of the ‘Saadiqeen’
(the faithful slaves of Allah who remain loyal and never displease their Creator).
6) It is satisfied with even an inferior place or position. This is the quality of the
‘Mutawaadhi’een’ (the humble ones).
7) If somebody seizes or robs it of its place, it seeks another place. This is the quality of
the ‘Raadheen’ (those who are pleased with the decree of Allah in all
8) It does not harbour enmity in its heart when it is hit (especially by its master). This is
the quality of the ‘Khaashi’een’ (those who are humble due to the fear of Allah).
9) When food is placed before it, it waits for a while, suspiciously staring at the food.
This is the quality of the ‘Masaakeen’ (those who have adopted poverty willingly
and do not rush after the wealth of this world).
10) If it leaves or departs from any place, it doesn’t turn to even look back. This is the
quality of the ‘Mahroomeen’ (those who are deprived from the mercy of Allah due
to their reluctance to turn back to Him and return to His obedience after having
distanced themselves from Him through sinning).
(Translated from Sadaa’e Khatme Nubuwwat no.11/ July 2009 edition)

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