Activity of Articles.

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Choose the correct definite or indefinite article: "the", "a", "an" or

"x" (zero article).

1. I bought       pair of shoes.

2. I saw        movie last night.

3. They are staying at        hotel.

4. Look at        woman over there! She is a famous actress.

5. I do not like        basketball.

6. That is          girl I told you about.

7.        night is quiet. Let's take a walk!

8.        price of gas keeps rising.

9. John traveled to        Mexico.

10. Juan is        Spanish.

11. I read          amazing story yesterday.

12. My brother doesn't eat        chicken.

13.        Love is such        beautiful thing.

14. I live in        apartment.        apartment is


15. I would like        piece of cake.

16. I was in        Japanese restaurant.        

restaurant served good food.

17. Sara can play        guitar

2. Complete the following sentences with the correct

adjective in the chart.

Selfish (egoista), bad tempered (mal humorado), tough (duro),

crafty (astuto/a), sensitive (sensible), sensible (sensate/a), strict
(estricto), trustworthy (confiable) dull (aburrido/a), shy
(timido/a), mean (cruel), reliable (de confianza), stubborn
(ostinado) silly (tonto), nice (agradable,alegre), cheerful (alegre)
(sympathetic (simpatico/a), clumsy (torpe) loyal (leal), gentle

1. Jane is incredibly_________________ she always arrives on time and

does her job well.
2. It´s impossible to say anything to him. One word and he starts crying.
He is so______________
3. I wonder why he is so_______________. He has got lots of money but
he hates spending it.
4. When she was a child. Her parents were incredibly _____________.
Whenever she did the smallest thing wrong. They would send them to
5. Anny is such a __________ girl. She is always laughing and smiling.
6. Come on Maria! You can´t go on a country walk wearing high heels. Do
be ______________ for once.
7. I will give you a lift home if you are __________to me.
8. She was so _______________and understanding when I told her my
problems. I immediately felt better afterwards.
9. In westerns, the hero is always _______________he always beats his
enemies and can put up with any hardship.
10.That´s the second cup you have broken this week. Why do you have to
be so____________?
11.I think he is an extremely______________boy. He laughs at stupid
things and never concentrates in class.
12.Children are often really________________. They hide behind their
mother´s when guests come.
13.Don´t be so ____________.Cathy you´ve got to learn to share things
with other children.
14. She is 100%________________. I would leave my money, car,
anything for her to look after.
15.Why do you get angry all the time? You are so_____________
16.When I broke my leg, the nurse was so_____________ that she hardly
hurt me at all.
17.Bob is my best-friend. He remained_______________through all my
18.She is such a____________ person with his boring little job and his
boring little life.
19.He is terribly___________. Once he has made up his mind, it is
impossible to get him to change it even if it’s obvious that he is wrong
20.The general was really______________ just when the enemy thought
it had won the battle, he played his best card.
3. Read the following reading and choose what the correct
preposition for each space is.

  at      during      for      for      for      from      in      in      into      of      of     
of      of      of      of      of      out      over      over      up  


New research shows that people who read a lot live longer. The study was
carried   by researchers   Yale University   the
USA. The researchers said reading keeps the mind active, helps reduce stress
and makes us take better care   our health. The researchers said
that books help the brain more than newspapers and magazines, but any
kind   reading will help us to live longer. Ever reading   
half an hour a day could help us to live longer. In the study, researchers
looked   the lifestyles   3,500 men and
women   a 12-year period. They looked at their reading habits,
health, lifestyle and their education. All   the people were at least
50 years old at the start of the research.

The study is   the journal 'Social Science and Medicine'. It found
that people who read for   to 3.5 hours a week were 17 per cent
less likely to die   the study’s 12-year research period than those
who read no books. Those who read   more than 3.5 hours a week
were 23 per cent less likely to die. Researcher Becca Levy said: "Older
individuals, regardless   gender, health, wealth or education,
showed the survival advantage of reading books." She suggested people
swap watching TV   reading to live longer. She said:
"Individuals   the age   65 spend an average   
4.4 hours per day watching television. Efforts to redirect leisure
time   reading books could prove to be beneficial."

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