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The artifact that I chose is a song called '' La flor de la Canela '', composition of the

great Chabuca Granda. To get a little in context and to know who he is, he was born into
a well-to-do Abancay family in 1920 and became one of the greatest propellers of
Peruvian music. She is the first person / woman that breaks with the conventional and
traditional rhythm of the Peruvian waltz in those times (I mean 1950 approx.); in
addition the language that uses in its songs is not the typical language of the old waltzes
of hall. I know it is popular because it is known as '' our second hymn '', it has been
translated into many languages: Its voice and its work have spread beyond the borders
of the country and has been sung by performers from all over the world. It marked a
great important point in the history of Peru, for the unique rhythm at that time and the
lyrics that are directed and inspired by a dark-haired lady, which made Peru move away
from any type of racism and introduce diversity without no type of problems. This
generated the origin of the popularity of Afro-Peruvian music. I know this song since I
have use of reason. Since I was little I listened to them on the radio, on TV or sing for
my family, since my father and my uncle are musicians. I was able to instill Afro-
Peruvian music and its great historical value, and every time I listen to it, it really makes
me think about how proud I am of my country, its diversity, its values, its history,
because you could say it is a cultural heritage in every sense of the word.

-Sistemas de Bibliotecas. Paedriática (2001). Cincuenta Años de la Flor de la Canela:
1950-2000. Retrieved from:
-Caretas (1999). CHABUCA. Canela en flor. Retrieved from:

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