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Actividad de inglés – Presente simple

Jairo Andres Florez.

1. Completar las oraciones con los verbos


A. Ricki goes to english lessons twice a week

B. The Us president lives in the white house
C. We always travel the bus to work at eight in the morning
D. This bicycle costs over €500
E. He enjoys playing computer games eith his friends
F. Most people in france haves their summer holiday in july and agugust
G. Nigel and Bruce studies for exams in the evenings
H. The moon travel round the earth at 3683 kilometres per hour.
I. How do you feel today? Are you better?
J. I don’t understand this question. Can you help me ?

2. Completa las entrevista usando el presente simple

Gabi teschner, a German Exchange student is spending three months in the USA.

Interviewer: What do you notice (notice) about students in the USA?

Gabi: They get up very early for school.
Interviewer: what time does school start in Germany?
Gabi: we also begin at eight o’clock but in the USA the school day is last longer. Also the
timetable is not give much time for breaks and lunch.
Interviewer: What do you think of American food, Gabi?
Gabi: I like the breakfasts because they are similar to Germany but the school lunch is not
taste very good. It’s always burgers or pizza and fries
Interviewer: And what do students do in their free time?
Gabi: sport is very important in the USA so they plays baseball or football after school.
Interviewer: Do you play these sports in Germany?
Gabi: Yes, I’m women’s football team but we are not use an oval ball. Our footballs, or
soccer balls, are round.

3. Corige las oraciones. 3 son correctas

1. Everyone has a mobile phone these days = Correct
2. What time does you get up? = do
3. I doesn´t believe everything in newspaper
4. Do they like meeting people? = Correct
5. The postman bring the letters in the morning = brings
6. The children like the cake = Likes
7. How often does he goes to the gym? = correct
8. It not feel very comfortable = feels
9. My sister study modern languages at university = studies
10. What similarities you see between the two nationalities? = correct

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