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Use of a Combination Biomarker Algorithm To Identify Medical

Intensive Care Unit Patients with Suspected Sepsis at Very Low

Likelihood of Bacterial Infection
Jennifer H. Han,a,b,c Irving Nachamkin,d Susan E. Coffin,f,g Jeffrey S. Gerber,b,c,f,g Barry Fuchs,e Charles Garrigan,d Xiaoyan Han,a,b
Warren B. Bilker,b,c Jacqueleen Wise,b Pam Tolomeo,b Ebbing Lautenbach,a,b,c for the Prevention Epicenters Program of the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention
Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine,a Center for Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics,b Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology,c Department
of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine,d and Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Medicine,e Perelman School of Medicine, University of

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Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA; Division of Infectious Diseasesf and Center for Pediatric Clinical Effectiveness,g Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Sepsis remains a diagnostic challenge in the intensive care unit (ICU), and the use of biomarkers may help in differentiating bac-
terial sepsis from other causes of systemic inflammatory syndrome (SIRS). The goal of this study was to assess test characteristics
of a number of biomarkers for identifying ICU patients with a very low likelihood of bacterial sepsis. A prospective cohort study
was conducted in a medical ICU of a university hospital. Immunocompetent patients with presumed bacterial sepsis were con-
secutively enrolled from January 2012 to May 2013. Concentrations of nine biomarkers (␣-2 macroglobulin, C-reactive protein
[CRP], ferritin, fibrinogen, haptoglobin, procalcitonin [PCT], serum amyloid A, serum amyloid P, and tissue plasminogen acti-
vator) were determined at baseline and at 24 h, 48 h, and 72 h after enrollment. Performance characteristics were calculated for
various combinations of biomarkers for discrimination of bacterial sepsis from other causes of SIRS. Seventy patients were in-
cluded during the study period; 31 (44%) had bacterial sepsis, and 39 (56%) had other causes of SIRS. PCT and CRP values were
significantly higher at all measured time points in patients with bacterial sepsis. A number of combinations of PCT and CRP,
using various cutoff values and measurement time points, demonstrated high negative predictive values (81.1% to 85.7%) and
specificities (63.2% to 79.5%) for diagnosing bacterial sepsis. Combinations of PCT and CRP demonstrated a high ability to dis-
criminate bacterial sepsis from other causes of SIRS in medical ICU patients. Future studies should focus on the use of these al-
gorithms to improve antibiotic use in the ICU setting.

A ntibiotic resistance represents a major public health chal-

lenge, and strategies to promote the judicious use of antibiot-
ics are urgently needed. The intensive care unit (ICU) is a health
the timing of sample testing, the selection of cutoff values, and the
selection of the gold standard for determining sepsis.
While severe bacterial infections typically trigger the produc-
care setting in which rates of antibiotic use are particularly high (1, tion of multiple cytokines and other inflammatory proteins (25),
2). Given the diagnostic challenges in this critically ill patient pop- very few studies have assessed the utility of a combination of bio-
ulation, the use of empirical broad-spectrum antibiotics is fre- markers in the diagnosis of bacterial sepsis. The measurement of
quently initiated (or the range of antibiotics used is broadened) in multiple biomarkers may provide a more accurate strategy to di-
the presence of systemic inflammatory syndrome (SIRS) and of- agnose bacterial sepsis in the ICU setting. In addition, for the
ten continued for prolonged courses despite the absence of clinical critically ill patient population in whom timely administration of
and microbiological data supporting a diagnosis of bacterial infec- empirical broad-spectrum antibiotics significantly reduces mor-
tion. Inappropriate or excessive antibiotic exposure leads to the tality, the greatest clinical utility of biomarkers may be to support
emergence of bacterial resistance, increased health care costs, and
antibiotic-associated adverse events, including adverse drug
events and Clostridium difficile infection (3, 4). Received 22 April 2015 Returned for modification 2 June 2015
Several studies have evaluated the diagnostic utility of various Accepted 30 July 2015
biomarkers, including ferritin, haptoglobin, interleukin 6, C-re- Accepted manuscript posted online 3 August 2015
active protein (CRP), and procalcitonin (PCT), for suspected sep- Citation Han JH, Nachamkin I, Coffin SE, Gerber JS, Fuchs B, Garrigan C, Han X,
sis in the ICU patient population (5–15). PCT has been the Bilker WB, Wise J, Tolomeo P, Lautenbach E, for the Prevention Epicenters
Program of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2015. Use of a
most-well-studied biomarker and has demonstrated the most
combination biomarker algorithm to identify medical intensive care unit patients
promising results to date in the diagnosis of bacterial infection in with suspected sepsis at very low likelihood of bacterial infection. Antimicrob
a number of settings (16–21). However, recent meta-analyses have Agents Chemother 59:6494 –6500. doi:10.1128/AAC.00958-15.
suggested that PCT alone may be insufficient to accurately differ- Address correspondence to Jennifer H. Han,
entiate bacterial from nonbacterial sepsis or other causes of SIRS Supplemental material for this article may be found at
(22–24). Similarly, previous studies assessing the use of PCT alone /AAC.00958-15.
or in comparison to other biomarkers for the diagnosis of sepsis Copyright © 2015, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.
have had variable performance characteristics (5–15), likely due to doi:10.1128/AAC.00958-15
differences in patient populations, the type of assay performed,

6494 Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy October 2015 Volume 59 Number 10
Biomarkers and Sepsis Diagnosis

clinical decisions to discontinue antibiotics when no bacterial in- TABLE 1 Candidate biomarkers
fection is identified. Therefore, we conducted this study to assess Biomarker Assay range, ng/ml
test characteristics of a number of candidate biomarkers for iden- ␣-2 Macroglobulin 0.5–1,875
tifying critically ill patients in the ICU setting with a very low C-reactive protein 0.01–50
likelihood of bacterial sepsis. Ferritin 3.06–50,000a
Fibrinogen 5–813
MATERIALS AND METHODS Haptoglobin 0.1–500
Study design and setting. A prospective cohort study was conducted in Procalcitonin 0.05–200
the 24-bed adult medical ICU (MICU) of the hospital of the University of Serum amyloid A 1–700
Pennsylvania, a quaternary care academic medical center. The initial Serum amyloid P 0.1–250
source population included all patients located in the MICU from January Tissue plasminogen activator 28–5,000a
2012 to May 2013. a
Values for ferritin and tissue plasminogen activator are in pg/ml.
Study population. A patient was considered potentially eligible for the

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study if, on ICU admission or at any time during the ICU stay, the patient
was identified as having presumed bacterial sepsis. Specifically, patients surement of nine positive acute-phase biomarkers in serum. The assay was
were required to meet established criteria for SIRS as well as have new performed as per the manufacturer’s instruction and using a Luminex 200
empirical antibiotic therapy initiated and blood cultures ordered, thereby reader (Luminex Corporation, Austin, TX). At the time of measurement,
indicating the suspicion of bacterial infection (26, 27). Daily screening of serum samples from all four time points for each patient were included in
all MICU patient orders was performed using the hospital computerized the same measurement test run. Each analyte was measured in duplicate,
order entry system (Sunrise Clinical Manager; Allscripts, Chicago, IL). as suggested by the manufacturer. A single lot was used for all measure-
SIRS was considered present when patients met at least two of the four ments with the Bio-Rad assay, and results were recorded as the mean for
following criteria within 4 h of the enrollment blood culture collection each measurement.
time: body temperature of ⬎38°C or ⬍36°C, heart rate of ⬎90/min, re- The study was approved by the institutional review board of the Uni-
spiratory rate of ⬎20/min, or a white blood cell count (WBC) of ⬎12,000 versity of Pennsylvania. Because routine blood tests are performed at least
cells/␮l or ⬍4,000/␮l. New empirical antibiotic therapy was defined as twice a day in the MICU for patient care, and because residual blood
either the initiation of new antibiotic therapy in a patient previously not volumes from these samples are held in the central receiving laboratory,
on any antibiotics or the broadening of antibiotic therapy (determined by the requirement for informed consent was waived.
an infectious diseases-trained physician, E.L.) in a patient who was already Data collection. Variables recorded at baseline included demographic
receiving at least one antibiotic. information (e.g., age, race), comorbidities, and length of hospital and
Subsequently, patients were considered eligible for enrollment unless MICU stay prior to enrollment. Comorbidities included hepatic dysfunc-
one of the following exclusion criteria was present: (i) a code status of do tion, malignancy (hematologic and solid tumor), diabetes mellitus,
not resuscitate; (ii) cardiopulmonary arrest, with the requirement for re- chronic kidney disease (including the requirement for hemodialysis), and
suscitation; (iii) initiation of broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy for a doc- pulmonary disease (i.e., chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or chronic
umented bacterial infection in the 5 days prior to enrollment, as the algo- bronchitis). Hepatic dysfunction was defined as ⱖ2 of the following: total
rithm would be of low utility in these patients (e.g., antibiotic therapy bilirubin concentration of ⬎2.5 mg/dl; aspartate aminotransferase or al-
would not be discontinued, regardless of biomarker results); and (iv) the anine aminotransferase level more than twice the upper normal range; or
presence of an immunocompromising condition, including human im- documented diagnosis of cirrhosis. Finally, the acute physiology and
munodeficiency virus (HIV) infection with a CD4 count ⬍200 cell/mm3, chronic health evaluation (APACHE) II score was calculated for all pa-
immunosuppressive therapy after organ transplantation, neutropenia tients upon enrollment (29).
(⬍500 neutrophils/mm3), chemotherapy, receipt of ⱖ20 mg/day of pred- Definition of infection. At 72 h, the definitive diagnosis of bacterial
nisone for ⱖ2 weeks in the preceding 3 months, or cystic fibrosis. infection was determined by the investigators using established Centers
Last, patients were excluded if they were receiving new or broadened for Disease Control and Prevention criteria (30). Medical record review,
empirical antibiotic therapy for ⬎4 h past the time point when baseline including vital signs, provider notes, and laboratory and radiographic
biomarkers were measured, given the potential effect of antibiotic therapy results, was performed by two infectious diseases-trained physicians (E.L.
on decreasing PCT values (28). and J.H.H.) who were blinded to the results of biomarkers testing. Dis-
Biomarker measurements. Blood samples for biomarker measure- cordant results were adjudicated by further discussion between the two
ments were obtained from residual blood samples of tests performed dur- investigators. This assessment of bacterial infection at 72 h served as the
ing routine clinical care. Candidate biomarkers were measured at the time gold standard for determining the test characteristics of the biomarkers.
when a patient met all eligibility criteria (baseline) and then daily for 3 Statistical analysis. Descriptive statistics, including comparisons be-
days (at 24 h, 48 h, and 72 h). tween patients with bacterial sepsis versus other causes of SIRS (i.e., non-
The timeline range for selecting a residual blood sample for biomarker bacterial sepsis or noninfectious SIRS), were calculated to characterize the
measurements was as follows: baseline, i.e., 12 h before empirical antibi- enrolled MICU patient population. Continuous variables were compared
otics were started or broadened to 4 h after; 24 h, i.e., 4 h after empirical using the Wilcoxon rank sum test, and categorical variables were com-
antibiotics were started or broadened to 36 h after the baseline sample; 48 pared using Fisher’s exact test. Subsequently, the values of each biomarker
h, i.e., 36 h after the baseline sample to 60 h after the baseline sample; and were plotted for patients with bacterial sepsis versus those with other
72 h, i.e., 60 h after the baseline sample to 90 h after the baseline sample. If causes of SIRS and assessed visually to explore various cutoff values. Cut-
there were two or more residual blood samples in the timeline range, the off values were then selected for biomarkers that appeared to most opti-
one closest to the exact time point of interest was selected. mally discriminate between patients with bacterial sepsis and those with
Nine candidate biomarkers were measured at each time point (Table other causes of SIRS. Performance characteristics (e.g., negative predictive
1). PCT levels were measured using the Vidas Brahms PCT assay value [NPV], specificity) were determined for various combinations of
(bioMérieux, Durham, NC), a one-step immunoassay sandwich method time points (24 h, 48 h, 72 h) and cutoff values for these biomarkers. The
with fluorescent detection. The remaining eight biomarkers were mea- discriminatory ability of the biomarker algorithm was quantified using
sured using a Bio-Plex Pro human acute phase 5-plus-4-plex panel com- the C statistic or the area under the receiver-operating characteristic
plete kit (Bio-Rad Laboratories, Hercules, CA). This assay is a bead-based (ROC) curve (AUC). ROC curves were generated for individual biomark-
(xMAP technology) multiplex assay that allows for the simultaneous mea- ers as well as for combinations of biomarkers and their interaction.

October 2015 Volume 59 Number 10 Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 6495
Han et al.

TABLE 2 Characteristics among medical intensive care unit patients with bacterial sepsis and other causes of SIRS
Variable Bacterial sepsis (n ⫽ 31) Other causes of SIRS (n ⫽ 39) P
Mean (SD) age (yr) 60.8 (18.4) 54.4 (16.6) 0.14
No. (%) non-white race 17 (55) 23 (59) 0.81
No. (%) female sex 8 (26) 16 (41) 0.21
Mean (SD) ICU length of stay prior to enrollment (days) 1.7 (2.9) 2.2 (2.9) 0.15
Mean (SD) hospital length of stay prior to enrollment (days) 2.5 (3.6) 3.8 (4.6) 0.30

No. (%) with:

Respiratory disease 6 (19) 4 (10) 0.32
Hepatic dysfunction 4 (13) 17 (44) 0.008
Malignancy 2 (6) 13 (33) 0.008
Diabetes mellitus 13 (42) 10 (26) 0.20
Chronic kidney disease 8 (26) 13 (33) 0.60

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Mean (SD) APACHE II score on enrollmenta 21 (9.0) 23 (9.0) 0.61
Mean (SD) ICU length of stay after enrollment (days) 17 (27) 6.7 (6.9) 0.08
No. (%) of in-hospital mortality 5 (16) 10 (26) 0.39
Scores were unable to be calculated for 12 patients with bacterial sepsis and 6 patients with other causes of SIRS due to missing arterial blood gases.

The goals of the identified biomarker combinations were to maximize versus 26% for bacterial sepsis versus other causes of SIRS, respec-
the NPV, given that the highest utility of the derived algorithm in the tively; P ⫽ 0.39), ICU mortality (P ⫽ 0.53), or 14-day mortality
MICU population would be to identify patients at low likelihood of bac- (P ⫽ 0.28).
terial infection in whom empirical antibiotics could be safely discontin- The mean (SD) times elapsed from the baseline biomarker
ued, and to maximize the specificity, in order to identify the combination measurement to the follow-up time-point measurements were as
of biomarkers that would characterize a significant number of patients
follows: 24 h (mean, 24 h; SD, 5.2 h), 48 h (mean, 48 h; SD, 6.4 h),
without bacterial infection as test negative.
For all calculations, a 2-tailed P value of ⬍0.05 was considered signif- and 72 h (mean, 71 h; SD, 7.4 h). Mean (SD) values of the nine
icant. All statistical calculations were performed using commercially candidate biomarkers for patients with bacterial sepsis versus for
available software: SAS version 9.3 (SAS Institute, Inc., Cary, NC) and those with other causes of SIRS are shown in Table 3. While mean
STATA version 13.0 (StataCorp LP, College Station, TX). values of haptoglobin at the 48-h time point and serum amyloid P
at baseline were significantly different between the two groups of
RESULTS patients, only CRP and PCT demonstrated significantly higher
A total of 286 patients were screened for eligibility, with 70 (24%) mean values for patients with bacterial sepsis than for those with
patients fulfilling all study inclusion criteria. Reasons for exclu- other causes of SIRS at all of the measured time points (Fig. 1; see
sion included the following: lack of SIRS criteria (n ⫽ 5); antibi- Fig. S1 in the supplemental material for the associated scatter
otics received for ⬎4 h past the baseline biomarker measurement plots). Therefore, CRP and PCT were selected as the most prom-
time point (n ⫽ 5); cardiopulmonary arrest (n ⫽ 5); immunosup- ising biomarkers for differentiating between bacterial sepsis and
pression (n ⫽ 147); current receipt of broad-spectrum antibiotic other causes of SIRS in the study population, and NPVs and spec-
therapy for a recently documented bacterial infection (n ⫽ 25); do ificities, along with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for the combi-
not resuscitate status (n ⫽ 7); and the inability to obtain residual nations of PCT and CRP at differing time points and cutoff values,
blood samples for all time-point measurements (n ⫽ 22). were calculated. Table 4 summarizes the combinations of time
A total of 31 (44%) patients had bacterial infection, as de- points and cutoff values for PCT and CRP that maximized NPVs
termined via medical record review (with 96% agreement be- and specificities.
tween the two investigators on initial independent review). The Figure 2 depicts ROC curves for the individual biomarkers as
source of infection was determined as blood (n ⫽ 14; 45%), well as for the combination of PCT and CRP (and their interac-
pulmonary (n ⫽ 10; 32%), urinary (n ⫽ 3; 10%), spontaneous tion), all at the 24-h time point. The combination of PCT and CRP
bacterial peritonitis (n ⫽ 2; 7%), mastoiditis (n ⫽ 1; 3%), and at the 24-h time point demonstrated a higher AUC (0.810) than
Clostridium difficile infection (n ⫽ 1; 3%). Etiologies of other the 24-h PCT and CRP individually (AUCs of 0.782 and 0.759,
causes of SIRS included conditions such as hepatic decompen- respectively).
sation, diabetic ketoacidosis, alcohol withdrawal, pancreatitis,
infections due to Candida spp., and cardiogenic shock. Charac- DISCUSSION
teristics of the study population with and without bacterial sepsis We conducted a prospective cohort study to evaluate the utility of
are shown in Table 2. Patients with bacterial sepsis were less likely nine biomarkers in differentiating bacterial sepsis from other
than those with other causes of SIRS to have hepatic dysfunction causes of SIRS in the MICU patient population. The results of our
(13% versus 44%, respectively; P ⫽ 0.008) or malignancy (6% study support the use of a combination of PCT and CRP, with the
versus 33%, respectively; P ⫽ 0.008). The mean APACHE II score highest achievable NPV of ⬃86% and specificity of ⬃80%, de-
on study enrollment for patients with bacterial sepsis versus for pending on the specific time points and cutoff values utilized.
those with other causes of SIRS was 22 (standard deviation [SD], SIRS is common in the MICU population, and, given the asso-
9.0) versus 24 (SD, 9.0), respectively. There were no significant ciation with reduction in mortality (1, 2), patients with SIRS will
differences between groups in all-cause hospital mortality (16% often receive early empirical broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy.

6496 Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy October 2015 Volume 59 Number 10
Biomarkers and Sepsis Diagnosis

TABLE 3 Biomarkers among medical intensive care unit patients with of antibiotics are often used to treat MICU patients with a non-
bacterial sepsis and other causes of SIRS bacterial etiology of SIRS, contributing to overuse of antibiotics in
Mean value (SD) with: this setting. Thus, there is a need for reliable diagnostic biomark-
ers as an adjunct in the overall clinical decision-making process
Bacterial sepsis Other causes of
Biomarker (n ⫽ 31) SIRS (n ⫽ 39) P
for differentiating bacterial sepsis from other causes of SIRS.
Given that the greatest clinical utility for biomarkers in diag-
␣-2 Macroglobulin (mg/dl)
nosing bacterial sepsis specifically in the MICU setting would
Baseline 126 (52.1) 115 (41.8) 0.41
24 h 101 (43.0) 102 (34.6) 0.66
likely be to facilitate the discontinuation of empirical antibiotics in
48 h 101 (43.8) 101 (46.4) 0.90 patients without bacterial infection, the goal of our study was to
72 h 102 (42.0) 104 (48.8) 0.89 derive a combination of biomarkers with a high NPV. In addition,
a high specificity was important, so that a significant number of
C-reactive protein (mg/liter) patients without bacterial infection would test negative using the
Baseline 113 (98.2) 52.0 (56.9) 0.01 algorithm’s cutoffs. Previous studies assessing the use of biomark-

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24 h 134 (64.5) 73.2 (65.8) ers for the diagnosis of bacterial sepsis have demonstrated variable
48 h 123 (75.3) 59.9 (49.0) ⬍0.001
performance characteristics (5–15), including NPV values rang-
72 h 99.9 (72.4) 51.3 (43.7) 0.004
ing from 35% to 97% and specificity values ranging from 55% to
Ferritin (ng/ml) 91%. The heterogeneity in these results, which has been noted in a
Baseline 210 (609) 331 (610) 0.05 recent meta-analysis (24), is likely a result of differences in patient
24 h 229 (374) 304 (453) 0.47 populations (e.g., inclusion of surgical ICU patients), the type of
48 h 361 (824) 396 (705) 0.48 assay performed, the timing of sample testing, the cutoff values
72 h 219 (550) 483 (850) 0.11 selected, and selection of the gold standard for infection. In addi-
Fibrinogen (␮g/ml)
tion, despite the fact that sepsis is a complex process associated
Baseline 56.6 (278) 12.3 (34.8) 0.63 with the production of a number of inflammatory biomarkers, the
24 h 6.76 (3.91) 23.3 (71.3) 0.96 majority of studies have focused solely on the utilization of PCT
48 h 6.62 (3.63) 7.42 (7.13) 0.85 (5–9, 11, 12, 14, 15).
72 h 5.83 (3.07) 7.72 (6.13) 0.33

Haptoglobin (mg/dl)
Baseline 83.0 (30.2) 69.6 (59.3) 0.07
24 h 87.1 (47.4) 73.7 (78.7) 0.09
48 h 93.5 (47.0) 73.3 (79.1) 0.02
72 h 96.9 (59.4) 77.9 (75.6) 0.07

Procalcitonin (ng/ml)
Baseline 23.1 (49.9) 2.97 (8.11) 0.01
24 h 26.1 (49.3) 3.60 (8.24) ⬍0.001
48 h 22.3 (42.0) 5.26 (15.3) ⬍0.001
72 h 11.5 (19.7) 4.52 (15.1) 0.009

Serum amyloid A (␮g/ml)

Baseline 13.8 (16.9) 37.8 (27.9) 0.08
24 h 10.7 (4.25) 10.7 (11.7) 0.75
48 h 14.7 (13.8) 10.0 (5.70) 0.36
72 h 9.93 (4.10) 10.1 (7.70) 0.80

Serum amyloid P (mg/liter)

Baseline 490 (36) 331 (45) 0.02
24 h 37.9 (15.0) 35.2 (21.7) 0.22
48 h 41.7 (17.6) 34.3 (18.9) 0.05
72 h 43.1 (18.7) 35.2 (18.1) 0.09

Tissue plasminogen activator

Baseline 7.82 (5.30) 8.06 (5.65) 0.95
24 h 5.63 (2.76) 6.81 (5.15) 0.79
48 h 5.52 (3.36) 6.98 (4.92) 0.37
72 h 4.90 (3.26) 7.81 (8.46) 0.06

However, patients with bacterial sepsis can present with nonspe-

cific signs (e.g., fever, tachycardia), and it can be difficult to dif-
ferentiate bacterial sepsis from other causes of SIRS (i.e., nonbac- FIG 1 Trend of PCT and CRP concentrations during follow-up time point
terial sepsis or noninfectious SIRS). As a result, prolonged courses measurements in patients with bacterial sepsis versus other causes of SIRS.

October 2015 Volume 59 Number 10 Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 6497
Han et al.

TABLE 4 Performance characteristics of combinations of PCT and CRP in diagnosing bacterial sepsis
PCT (ng/ml) and CRP (mg/liter) combination NPV (95% CI) No. of test negatives Specificity (95% CI)
24-h PCT ⱖ0.5 and 24-h CRP ⱖ40 85.7 (72.7–98.7) 24 63.2 (47.9–78.5)
48-h PCT ⱖ0.5 and 48-h CRP ⱖ50 83.3 (70.0–96.6) 25 64.1 (49.0–79.2)
48-h PCT ⱖ1.0 and 24-h CRP ⱖ40 82.4 (69.6–95.2) 28 71.8 (57.7–85.9)
24-h PCT ⱖ1.5 and 24-h CRP ⱖ40 81.1 (68.5–93.7) 30 78.9 (68.5–65.9)
48-h PCT ⱖ2.0 and 48-h CRP ⱖ40 81.1 (68.5–93.7) 30 76.9 (63.7–90.1)
48-h PCT ⱖ2.0 and 24-h CRP ⱖ40 81.6 (69.3–93.9) 31 79.5 (66.8–92.2)

In the present study, we focused specifically on medical ICU cohort. For example, a PCT of ⱖ0.5 ng/ml and a CRP of ⱖ40
patients and determined biomarker values prospectively at multi- mg/liter, both measured at 24 h after the onset of suspected bac-
ple consecutive time points. We identified a number of combina- terial sepsis, demonstrated an NPV of ⬃86% in our study and

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tions of PCT and CRP cutoff values and measurement time points designated ⬃63% of patients without bacterial infection as testing
for differentiating bacterial sepsis from other causes of SIRS in this negative using this combination of biomarkers. Similarly, a PCT

FIG 2 Receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) curves at the 24-h time point for PCT (a), CRP (b), combination of PCT and CRP (c), and combination of PCT
and CRP with interaction (d).

6498 Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy October 2015 Volume 59 Number 10
Biomarkers and Sepsis Diagnosis

of ⱖ2.0 ng/ml and a CRP of ⱖ40 mg/liter measured at the 48-h The funding agencies had no role in the design and conduct of the
time point demonstrated an NPV of ⬃81% and a specificity of study, collection, management, analysis, and interpretation of the data, or
⬃77%. preparation, review, or approval of the manuscript.
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