Grade 7 1st Half Quarter Test

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Galbreath International School

Tugas, Getafe Bohol Tel. No. 514-9088

1st Half Quarter Test, 1st Quarter

Speech 7 Score/Trans.

Name: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parent’s signature

__________________________________________________________________ July 30, 2019
Direction: This rubric is to be filled out only by the teacher. Under the total column place the number value that best represents the
20% 15% 10% 5% Total
Eye Contact Maintains Maintains eye Only occasionally Has no eye contact
20% consistent eye contact with most of looks at audience. with audience.
contact with entire the audience; most
audience. of the time.

Volume/Projection Speaks loudly and Speaks loudly Speaks softly Cannot be heard.
20% comfortably to be enough to be heard causing some
heard by entire by most audience audience
audience. members. discomfort.

Rate/Pacing Varies rate and Uses appropriate Speaks too rapidly Rate causes
20% pauses for natural rate but many have or lowly; pauses confusion for
effect throughout some pauses that may interfere with audience.
presentation. do not create smoothness of rate.

Organization Followed the order Kept at 3 or more of Kept less than 2 of Did not follow the
20% of the outline. the areas of the the 5 areas of the outline guide.
outline in order. outline in order.

Delivery/Enunciation Strongly showed Showed good Low of confidence Lack of confidence

20% confidence and confidence and and uttered the and the delivery
uttered words uttered words words nervously. was poor.
clearly and clearly and
correctly. correctly.


Prepared by:
Teacher John rex Pogoy
Good Luck!

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