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Técnicas y procedimientos para trabajos

12 marzo, 2018 por Seguridad Minera 2 comentarios

En principio, todo trabajo en una instalación eléctrica o en su proximidad que conlleve

un riesgo eléctrico deberá efectuarse sin tensión, afirma la Secretaría de Salud Laboral de
Castilla y León, salvo en los siguientes casos:

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 Las operaciones elementales (por ejemplo, conectar y desconectar) en instalaciones

de baja tensión diseñadas para su uso por el público en general. Estas operaciones
deberán realizarse por el procedimiento previsto por el fabricante y previa
verificación del buen estado del material.
 Los trabajos en instalaciones con tensiones de seguridad, siempre que su
identificación sea clara y que las intensidades de un posible cortocircuito no
supongan riesgos de quemadura.
 Lucy, Michael, and Sylvie are talking. Listen and check (√) the correct answers.

1. Sylvie is 3. Lucy's math teacher is

0 Lucy's friend. 0 pretty great.
0 from Toronto. 0 very interesting.
0 Michael's classmate. 0 really good.
2. Sylvie's last name is 4. They are all
0 Marso. 0 in the cafeteria.
0 Marceau. 0 in the same school.
0 Marcoe. 0 in the same chemistry class.

 Complete the conversations. Use the correct form of be.
 1. A: Where ___ _ you from, Teresa?
 B: I'm from Mexico City. How about you?
 2. A: _____ David in your class this semester?
 B: Yes. We're in the same Spanish class.
 3. A: What _____ your math class like?
 B: It's really interesting, and the teacher's great!
 4. A: _____ ·- Maria and Brian from Canada?
 B: No, I’m from England.
 Circle the correct word.
 1. A: Nice to meet you, Rich. And what's (his I their I your) last name, again?
 B: (Her I My I Its) last name is Parker. It's nice to meet you, too.
 2. A: This is my new friend, Elizabeth. Everyone calls (me I them I her) Beth.
 B: Hi, Beth. We're the Johnsons. (Your I His I Our) first names are Frank and Judy.

 Complete the conversations.
 1. A: Where ________ you work?
 B: I work in a restaurant. I'm a chef.
 2. A: What ________ he do, exactly?
 B: He's a pilot for Global Airlines.
 3. A: Where does she ________ to school?
 B: She goes to the University of Colorado.

 Correct the mistake in each set of sentences.
 1. Carmen is a salesperson. She works for an airline. She serves drinks to passengers.
 2. I work for World Travel. I'm a receptionist. I take people on tour.
 3. Sam and Jerry are in the entertainment business. They play music. They are servers.

 Complete the sentences with at, in, late, on, or until.
 1. I sleep ________ 10:00 on weekdays.
 2. John gets home ________ at night on weekends.
 3. They have lunch ________ Saturdays around 1:00 P.M.

 Read the e-mail. Then check (√) the correct answers.
 Hi, Ernesto!
 In your e-mail message, you asked me: "What do I do every day?"
 Well, l·'m a student at the University of Michigan. I really like my classes. I study computer science
and Chinese. I go to school around 8:00 in the morning on weekdays. Around noon, I have lunch with
some classmates. On Mondays and Fridays, I work out in the gym before my classes. And in the late
afternoon, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, my friend Daniel and I have part-time jobs. We work in the
school cafeteria. And I study in the library every weeknight until about 2:00A.M. I'm a full-time
student, and I don't have time to watch TV. And what do you do? Send me another e-mail, please!
 Your new e-friend,
 Chris
 1. Ernesto is Chris's
 0 classmate.
 0 new friend.
 0 best friend.
 2. Chris is a
 0 part-time teacher.
 0 full-time student.
 0 TV announcer.
 3. Daniel
 0 works in the library.
 0 exercises every day.
 0 is Chris's friend.
 4. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, Chris
 0 writes to Ernesto.
 0 works with Daniel.
 0 doesn't study at the library.

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