Examen Final 3 API 580 Con Respuestas

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3er examen final API 580

1. Loss of fluid to the external environment

a. Loss of fluid to the external environment
b. Container loss at the port authority
c. Risk related to containers
d. B&C

2. RBI may include methodologies to assess the effectiveness of the management systems in
a. Mechanical integrity
b. Total asset integrity
c. Plant integrity

3. ______________ refers to a prescriptive methodology that has resulted from the

application of risk analysis techniques at many different types of facilities
a. Quantitative risk assessment (QRA)
b. Qualitative risk assessment
c. Semi quantitative risk assessment

4. Aqueous chloride solution is carried into a sensitized stainless steel vessel, the following
cracking mechanism takes very rapidly depending on temperature.
a. Sulphide stress corrosion cracking
b. Leak can occur
c. Chloride stress corrosion cracking

5. If a very aggressive acid is carried over from a corrosion resistant part of a system into a
downstream vessel that is made of carbon steel, the result would be
a. Rapid corrosion could result in failure in a few hours or days
b. General corrosion over a period of time could result in metal loss
c. No deterioration will take place since carbon steel is resistant to aggressive acid
6. A physical condition or a release of a hazardous material that could result from
component failure and result in human injury or death, loss or damage, or environ-mental
a. Hazard
b. Loss
c. Failure

7. Reliability efforts, such as reliability centered maintenance (REM), can be linked with RBI,
resulting in an integrated program to
a. Reduce downtime in an operating unit
b. Reduce operating time of a unit
c. To reduce risk by mitigation activities

8. Who should be consulted to define the equipment deterioration mechanisms,

susceptibility and potential failure modes?
a. A metallurgist or corrosion specialist
b. A metallurgist and corrosion specialist
c. A metallurgist only
d. Corrosion specialist only

9. The type of failure mode that likely to occur due to SSC

a. Small holes to rupture
b. Small holes
c. Cracks
d. Only rupture

10. Effective inspection program can be derived for RBI from

a. Proper NDE method best suited for deterioration mechanism
b. Inspection on coverage
c. Inspection frequency
d. All the above
11. Is a risk management activity that may lead to risk reduction?
a. Inspection
b. Evaluation
c. Analysis

12. Consequence is always ___________ for safety aspects

a. Negative
b. Positive
c. Neutral

13. Probability of failure is normality expressed

a. Just as details
b. Mentioned in frequency
c. Cannot be measured

14. _________________ to be established to judge acceptability of risk could he an objective

of the
a. Risk criteria
b. Risk plan
c. Risk analysis

15. The following types of pressurized equipment and associated components covered by RBI
a. Rotating equipment
b. Turbines
c. Pressurized pumps

16. Following are the common mechanical deterioration mechanisms except

a. Fatigue
b. Stress/creep rupture
c. Tensile overload
d. Intergranular corrosion
17. _____________ is usually not the primary objective of a RBI assessment, but it is
frequency a side effect of optimization
a. Reducing inspection costs
b. Increasing inspection costs
c. Increasing frequency of inspection programs

18. In process plants are established to detect and evaluate deterioration due to in service
a. Inspection and testing programs
b. Condition monitoring programs
c. Preventive maintenance programs
d. In-service inspection programs

19. The type of failure mode that likely to occur due to mechanical and metallurgical
a. Small holes to ruptures
b. Cracks
c. Catastrophic ruptures
d. Leaks

20. RBI as an integrated management tool that complements_____________

Correct Answer: PHA, RCM

21. _______________________ may result in the calculated corrosion rate appearing

artificially high or low
a. Clerical error
b. Measurement error
c. Inspector error
d. At scanning

22. Provides a basis for risk evaluation, risk mitigation and risk acceptance
a. Risk evaluation
b. Risk estimation
c. Risk identification
23. Following is the unit of measure of consequence that is least developed among thoe
currently used for RBI assessment
a. Affected area
b. Cost
c. Environmental damage
d. Safety

24. The amount and type of codes and standards used by a facility can have
a. Significant impact on RBI results
b. No impact on RBI results
c. Less significant impact on RBI results

25. Hazard identification in a RBI analysis generally focuses on identifiable failure mechanisms
in the equipment (inspectable causes)
a. Other potential failure scenarios resulting from events such as power S failures or
human errors
b. Other potential failure resulting from events such as flammable fire due to leak from
c. Environmental impact caused due to toxic

26. RP 580 significantly targeted at the application of RBI in the _____________ and
___________ industry

Correct Answer: hydrocarbon, chemical process

27. __________ curves are referred for the deterioration mechanism for carbon and low ally
steel materials
a. Nelson curves
b. PH concentration curves
c. Schmidt curves for sulfide corrosion

28. In RBI program discrimination between equipment items on the basis of significance of
potential failures
a. Failure analysis
b. Determining failure modes
c. Consequence analysis
d. A&B
29. Following are the critical variables for deterioration mechanism except
a. Material of construction
b. Process operating
c. Start up and shut down conditions
d. Insulation

30. Potential hazards identified in a PHA will often affect the

a. Probability of failure side of the risk equation
b. Consequence of failure side of the equation

31. _______________ uses logic models depicting combinations of events

a. Quantitative risk analysis
b. Qualitative risk analysis
c. Process hazard analysis

32. Thing or activity with a potential for con-sequence

a. Source
b. Hazard
c. Toxic

33. When in accurate or insufficient failure data exists on the specific equipment item for
quantitative probability of failure analysis then
a. General industry, company or manufacturer failure data used
b. Process hazard analysis failure data may be used
c. Process and toxic concentration analysis may be used

34. _______________________ provides a consistent methodology for assessing the optimum

combination of the methods and frequencies
a. RBI
b. REM
c. PHA
35. Utilization of RBI provides a vehicle for ____________
Correct Answer: See paragraph with the explanation

36. No deterioration found in the inspection program but still failure can occur under the
following conditions
a. During plant construction period
b. As a result of change or process upset condition
c. All the above

37. Following will cover the functional failures except

a. Heat exchanger tube failure
b. Pressure relief device failure
c. Rotating equipment failure
d. Static equipment failure due to process environment

38. The RBI program for environmental consequences, typically focus

a. On acute and immediate environmental risks, rather than chronic from low-level
b. On acute and immediate chronic risks than immediate environmental risks
c. Non threat environmental risks

39. Failure mode can primarily affects the

a. Magnitude
b. Consequences
c. A&B

40. Following are not the residual risk factors for loss of containment
a. Human error
b. Natural disasters
c. Fundamental limitations of inspection method
d. Toxic fluid containment
41. Equipment reliability is especially important if leaks can be caused by
a. Secondary failures, such as loss of utilities
b. Primary failures such as leak due to severe corrosion
c. Tertiary failures due to valve gland packing leak

42. RBI may include methodologies to assess the effectiveness of the management systems in
a. Mechanical integrity
b. Total asset integrity
c. Plan integrity

43. The primary audience for RP 580 is

a. Inspection and materials engineering personnel
b. Maintenance personnel
c. Only inspection personnel
d. Only materials engineering personnel

44. Qualitative analysis is done and the outcome will be

a. Exact number
b. High, medium and low or range
c. Only in report

45. The data validation step stresses the need for a knowledgeable individual
a. To comparing data from the inspections the expected deterioration mechanism and
b. To compare the results with previous measurements on that system
c. Similar systems at the site or within the company or published data
d. All of the above

46. The ability to state the rate of deterioration precisely is affected by the following except
a. By equipment complexity
b. Type of deterioration mechanism, process and metallurgical variations
c. Inaccessibility for inspection, limitation of inspection and test methods
d. Lack of coverage of an area subject to deterioration
e. None of the above
47. Method used for consequence analysis should demonstrate the ability to provide
a. Just an analysis
b. No output is required
c. The required level of discrimination between higher and lower consequence
equipment items

48. Some failures have potentially serious consequence, but if the probability of the incident is
low, the
a. The risk may not warrant immediate action
b. The risk may warrant immediate action
c. The risk may warrant appropriate mitigation action

49. ___________ produces inspection and maintenance plans for equipment that should be
implemented to provide ___________
Correct Answer: RBI, reliable and safe operation

50. In most consequence evaluations, a key element in deter-mining the magnitude of the
consequence is
a. The volume of fluid released
b. Amount of surface area exposed due to toxic release
c. Physical area impacted by release

51. Process to find, list, and characterize elements of risk

a. Risk estimation
b. Risk evaluation
c. Risk identification

52. Act of mitigating a known risk to a lower level of risk

a. Risk reduction
b. Risk mitigation
c. Risk evaluation
53. Potential source of errors in RBI analysis regarding data quality are the following except
a. Assumptions in equipment history
b. Outdated drawings and documentation
c. Inspector error
d. Advanced inspection methods

54. Small hole, crack or rupture are examples of

a. Failure modes
b. Failure
c. Loss

55. Potential source of errors in RBI analysis regarding data quality are the following except
a. If the base line thickness were not performed the nominal thickness may be used for
the original thickness
b. If original thickness not available, averaged at thickness readings may be used
c. If the original thickness not available, maximum at thickness readings may be used

56. Probability side of the risk equation is normally managed by

a. Plant inspectors or inspection engineers
b. Maintenance planning engineers
c. Process safety personnel
d. A&B

57. Who can provide useful input (such as the spectrum of process conditions, injection
points, etc). To aid materials specialist in the identification
a. Process specialists
b. Plant operation specialists
c. Asset integrity experts
d. Inspection engineers

58. Termination of the ability of a system, structure, or component to perform its required
function of containment of fluid (le loss of containment)
a. Failure
b. Risk
c. Outcome
59. Toxic releases in RBI are only addressed when they affect
a. Personnel
b. Equipment
c. Process

60. _________________ represents the next generation of inspection approaches and interval
setting, recognizing the ultimate goal of inspection is the safety and reading operating
a. RBI
b. PHA
d. RCM

61. In general, the probability of failure is determined by

a. Deterioration mechanism
b. Effectiveness of inspection program
c. Consequence detailed
d. A&B

62. Most of the damage from thermal effects tends to occur in

a. Close range
b. Wide range
c. Large distance
d. None of the above

63. Occurrence of a particular set of circumstances, is called an

a. Event
b. Consequence
c. Risk
64. The programme that focused on maintaining the mechanical integrity of pressure
equipment items and minimizing the risk of loss of containment due to
a. RBI
b. PHA
c. Rem
d. Hazop

65. Following are the non-inspection mitigation actions except one

a. Replacement or upgrade
b. Equipment redesign
c. Maintenance of strict controls on operating conditions
d. Risk management by monitoring deterioration

66. Following are some of the recognized risks which cannot be managed by inspection alone
except one
a. Equipment nearing retirement
b. Failure mechanisms (such as brittle fracture, fatigue) where avoidance of failure
primarily depends on operating within a defined pressure/temperature envelope
c. Consequence-dominated risks
d. The suitability and current condition of the equipment within the current operating
envelope will determine the probability of failure (POF) of the equipment from one
deterioration mechanisms

67. In the event of a leak the potential failure of an isolation valve could
a. Increase the inventory
b. Decrease the inventory
c. No harm to inventory

68. The suitability and current condition of the equipment within the current operating
envelope will determine the ___________ of the equipment from one or more
deterioration mechanisms
a. Probability of failure (pot)
b. Consequence of failure
c. Total risk
d. Relative risk
69. Deterioration rates can be expressed in terms of
a. Corrosion rates for thinning or susceptibility for mechanisms where deterioration
rates is unknown
b. Corrosion rates for thinning only
c. Immeasurable quantity
d. Discrete numbers
e. Susceptible rates only

70. When equipment has low deterioration rates as an inspector what you decide in lieu of
internal inspection
a. On-stream inspection
b. Out of service inspection
c. External inspection

71. Sec occurs when equipment is exposed to environments

a. Conducive to certain cracking mechanisms
b. Unfavorable to certain cracking mechanisms
c. Unbeneficial to certain cracking mechanisms

72. Generally a qualitative analysis using braid ranges requires a ____________ from the user
than a quantitative approach
a. Higher level of judgment, skill and understanding
b. Lower level of judgment, skill and understanding

73. RBI requires the commitment and cooperation of the

a. Total organization
b. Inspection
c. Maintenance
d. Materials engineering

74. ______________ is usually not the primary objective of a RBI assessment, but it is
frequently a side effect of optimization
a. Reducing inspection costs
b. Increasing inspection costs
c. Increasing frequency of inspection programs
75. Deterioration for specific process equipment is not available, this can be sourced from
a. Published data
b. Experience with other similar equipment
c. Previous inspection data
d. All the above

76. ___________ delineate initiating events and combinations of system

a. Event trees
b. Fault trees
c. Logic trees

77. Qualitative assessment is done on the basis of

a. Knowledge of operating History
b. Inspection plans
c. Possible material deteriorations
d. All the above

78. The following are the risks identified by RBI assessment that may be managed by actions
other than inspection. Except one
a. Modification of the process to eliminate conditions driving the risk
b. Modification of operating procedures to avoid situations driving the risks
c. Chemical treatment of the process to reduce deterioration rates/susceptibilities
d. Identifying and detecting deterioration and predicting future states with advanced
inspection technique(s)

79. The primary work products of the RBI assessment management approach and
implementation of RBI provides
a. Overall reduction of risk and acceptance of current risk
b. Overall increase of risk and acceptance of risk
c. Overall reduction of risk and negligence of current risk
d. Overall increase of risk and negligence of current risk
80. Act of mitigating a know risk to a lower level of risk
a. Risk reduction
b. Risk management
c. Risk mitigation

81. If a QRA has been prepared for a process unit the analysis can borrow extensively from
this effort
a. RBI consequence
b. RBI likelihood
c. RBI probability

82. RBI is based on

a. Sound, proven risk assessment and management principles
b. Risk mitigation principles
c. Hazop principles
d. PHA principles

83. If operating condition have changed, deterioration rates based on inspection data from
the previous operating conditions
a. Valid till the equipment exists with any change
b. May not be valid
c. Can be valid with some correction by engineers

84. Other functional failures are usually covered within

a. RBI
b. RCM
c. PHA

85. Process used to compare the estimated risk against given risk criteria to determine the
significance of the risk
a. Risk evaluation
b. Risk estimation
c. Risk identification
86. The type failure mode that likely to occur due to pitting
a. Small hole sized leaks
b. Small holes to ruptures
c. Cracks
d. Catastrophic rupture

87. _______________________ deals with total risk involve only with the equipment
a. QRA
b. RBI
c. PHA
d. FTA

88. Consequence analysis will aid in preparation of

a. Risk ranking of equipment
b. To understand the probability of failures
c. To understand about equipment history

89. If multiple inspections have been performed, which inspection may best reflect current
operating conditions?
a. Most recent inspection
b. Base line inspection survey
c. Process conditions
d. Corrosion survey

90. An analytical tool that organizes and characterizes potential accidents in a logical and
graphical manner
a. Event tree
b. Event
c. Outcome
d. Consequence
91. Reliability efforts, such as reliability centered maintenance (RCM), can be linked with RBI,
resulting in an integrated program to
a. Reduce downtime in an operating unit
b. Reduce operating time of a unit
c. To reduce risk by mitigation activities

92. Limitation of any negative consequence or reduction in probability of a particular event

a. Mitigation
b. Reduction
c. Residual

93. The primary product of a RBI effort should be

a. An inspection plan for each equipment item evaluated
b. Mitigation plan for each equipment item evaluated
c. Residual risk assessment plan for each equipment item evaluated

94. When some risk identified as acceptable then one of the following is not required
a. Risk reduction
b. Risk evaluation
c. Risk mitigation
d. Risk control

95. The reduction in the ability of a component to provide its intended purpose of
containment of fluids
a. Deterioration
b. Damage
c. Degradation
d. Thinning

96. Maintenance impact will generally be measured in monetary term and typically includes
a. Repairs and equipment replacement
b. Method of cleanup
c. Safety systems
97. Combination of the probability of an event and its consequence
a. Risk
b. Failure
c. Loss
d. Reduction

98. The consequences of environmental damage are best understood by

a. Cost
b. Release
c. Volume of fluid
d. Toxic concentration

99. The following assumption can be made that significantly impact the calculated corrosion
early in the equipment life
a. If the base line thickness were not performed the nominal thickness may be used for
the original thickness
b. If original thickness not available, averaged at thickness readings may be used
c. If the original thickness not available, maximum at thickness readings may be used

100. Consequence side of the risk equation is normally managed by

a. Inspection alone
b. Process safety personnel
c. Management
d. B&C

101. Methods that use engineering judgment and experience as the bases for the
analysis of probabilities and consequences of failure
a. Quantitative risk analysis
b. Qualitative risk analysis
c. Process hazard analysis
102. Quantitative risk analysis logic models generally consist of ___________ and
a. Event tees and fault trees
b. Product trees and loss trees
c. Likelihood trees and consequence trees

103. The event may be

a. Singular or multiple
b. Certain or uncertain
c. Loss or gain
d. Negative or positive

104. Systematic use of information to identify sources and to estimate the risk
a. Risk
b. Risk analysis
c. Hazard analysis

105. Through _____________ inspection activities are focused on higher risk items and
away from lower risk items
a. RBI
b. PHA
c. REM

106. If the material of construction and internal/external conditions are the same
a. Inspection results can be related from one equipment can be related to the other
b. We cannot do that since we do not know about it
c. Need to consult Equipment Engineer for final decision

107. Outcome of an event

a. Consequence
b. Risk
c. Event
108. The models are evaluated _______________ to provide both qualitative and
quantitative insights about the level of risk and to identify the design, site, or operational
characteristics that are the most important to risk
a. Probabilistically
b. Statistically
c. Linearly
d. Logically

109. Is key to performing deterioration mechanism identification

a. Understanding equipment operation and the interaction with chemical and
b. Understanding equipment operation and process upsets
c. Understanding equipment operation and its safety protective measures

110. Deterioration susceptibility and rate can be done

a. By grouping the same material of construction/similar process/environment
b. Not possible to group under any circumstances
c. By random inspection method

111. Qualitative consequence analysis of failure can be estimated separately for each
unit, system, equipment group of individual equipment item
a. On the basis of expert knowledge and experience
b. On the basis of available data
c. On the basis of process and environmental conditions
d. No basis required since it is qualitative

112. Risk presented in quantitative risk analysis as a

a. Precise numeric value
b. Form of risk matrix
c. Form of event tree and fault tree
113. The risk assessment programme which focuses on process unit design and
operating practices and their adequacy given the unit’s
a. RBI
b. PHA
d. RCM

114. _________________________ in a safety context is hazard

a. Source
b. Toxic

115. RP 580 intended to promote consistency and quality in identification, assessment

and management of risks pertaining to ______________ which could lead to _________
Correct Answer: material deterioration, loss of containment

116. Depending on the methodology employed in qualitative analysis, the categories

may be described with words such as
a. High, medium or low or may have numerical descriptors
b. High, medium or low only
c. Numerical descriptors only

117. ___________________ are the primary inputs into the probability of failure
a. The deterioration mechanisms, rates and susceptibilities
b. Loss of containment fluid
c. Fluid toxicity and its concentration
d. Damage mechanisms and its severity

118. The type of failure mode that likely to occur due thinning
a. Larger leaks or rupture
b. Only rupture
c. Metal loss
d. Cracks
119. ______________ depict ways in which the system failures rep-resented in the
event trees can occur
a. Event trees
b. Fault trees
c. Logic trees

120. A process to assess risk, to determine if risk reduction is required and to develop a
plan to maintain risks at an acceptable level
a. Risk management
b. Risk mitigation
c. Risk control

121. The program that I focused on understanding failure modes, addressing the modes
and therefore improving the reliability of equipment and process facilities
a. RBI
b. PHA
c. REM

122. For qualitative RBI analysis it is important to establish a set of rules to assure
consistency in
a. Categorization or classification
b. Segregation
c. Ranking

123. When the inspection program is optimized based on an understanding of risk, one
or more of the following cost reduction benefits may be realized. Except one
a. Ineffective, unnecessary or inappropriate inspection activities may be eliminated
b. Effective necessary or appropriate inspection activities may be eliminated
c. On-line or non-invasive inspection methods may be substituted for invasive methods
that require equipment shutdown
d. More effective infrequent inspections may be substituted for less effective frequent
124. In RBI most of the probability assessment will be
a. Only quality assessment
b. Only quantify assessment
c. Blend of quality and quantify assessment

125. __________________ is not a substitute for a process hazards analysis (PHA) or

a. RBI
b. PHA
c. REM

126. Results from quantitative analysis logic models are validated by

a. Expert judgment
b. Inspection engineer
c. Maintenance engineer
d. Operations personnel

127. RBI is focused on a systematic determination of

a. Relative risks
b. Absolute risks
c. Comparable risks
d. Total risks

128. Probability of failure analysis is made from

a. Loss of containment that occurs due to deterioration mechanism
b. Consequences of the failure
c. Done just with previous experience
d. All the above

129. The risk prior to mitigation activities

a. Unmitigated risk
b. Known risk
c. Mitigated risk
130. Coordinated activities to direct and control an organization with regard to risk
a. Risk management
b. Risk evaluation
c. Risk control

131. Damage mechanisms where deterioration rates are immeasurable or unknown are
a. Stress corrosion cracking
b. Hydrogen induced cracking
c. Thinning
d. All of the above
e. Both A and B

132. Results of quantitative consequence analysis are usually expressed in

a. Numeric
b. Ranges from high to low
c. Frequency
d. Occasion

133. For a typical inspection program if excessive inspection is applied the

a. Level of risk may go up
b. Level of risk may go down
c. Level of risk remain the same

134. A RBI analysis shares many of the techniques and data requirements with a
a. QRA
b. PHA
d. Event tree
135. ___________________ are often necessary to establish susceptibility of
equipment to stress corrosion cracking
a. Literature, expert opinion and experience
b. Cracking mechanisms
c. Damage mechanisms
d. Fluid toxicity its constituents

136. Risk presented in qualitative risk analysis as

a. Precise numeric value
b. Form of risk matrix
c. Form of event trees and fault tree

137. If the probability and consequence combination (risk) is nigh enough to be

unacceptable, then
a. A mitigation action to predict or prevent the event is recommended
b. A mitigation action to predict or prevent the events is not recommended
c. Warrant to analyze risks involved

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