Enterpreneurship Assignment 2

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Group B MGT 504

1. Why do you think Miss Madhuri didn't better anticipate that her
passion for Protect My Photos might quickly wane? Describe what you
believe are the keys to ensuring that a person is truly passionate about
a business idea before moving forward with the idea.

Protect My Photos was a fully automated online photo backup service launched in 2014.
It was user-friendly software that was able to gain customer satisfaction in a short period
of time. Despite of the growing popularity of the business, Miss Madhuri, the owner and
her co- founders decided for its closure. Madhuri as cofounder stated that there were
three main reasons why protect my photos failed. Firstly, the company could not make
any decision regarding its management and then it did not grow as fast as anticipated,
and lastly Madhuri admitted the she and her management team grew bored with running
an online storage company.

Passion to an entrepreneur means a strong drive to change an idea or a method into a

profitable venture. Passion in business must go hand in hand with profitability to be a
successful entrepreneur. The case above says that Miss Madhuri lost her passion in her
business. She had not anticipated that her passion for Protect my Photos might fade so
quickly. The business was doing really good in a very short period of time. She had
enough ideas and creativity as well that could satisfy the customer to a high level.
Eventually, its customer satisfaction rating was also high and CNET called it "best photo
backup ever’’. Since the business was doing good, she did not anticipate that her
passion for her business might fade away. But with th pace of time she realized that just
because people say they're convened about something doesn't mean they'll spend money
to do something about it. As a result the business didn’t grow as fast as anticipated.
Some of the reasons for this can be:
 Lack of proper business vision
 Failed business analysis
 Increased dependence on Best buy
 Lack of feasibility analysis

Group B MGT 504

 Lack of preservance and persistence when things went tough

Before thinking about starting a business, we need to ask you if we possess the passion
that is necessary for us to succeed. Owning a business is not like being an employee and
having our tasks mandated for us in advance. We will need to create our own goals that
are supported by the strategy and initiatives we design. Then we must carry out this
strategy in order to make it work. The work does not stop there because we will need to
sustain this effort in order to keep a successful business. There is no letting up as an
entrepreneur if we hope to get to the top and remain at the top. Some of the keys to
ensuring that a person is truly passionate about a business idea before moving forward
with the idea are listed below:

 Degree of motivation
The entrepreneurial motivation is the process that activates and motivates
the entrepreneur to exert higher level of efforts for the achievement of
his/her entrepreneurial goals. Greater the passion, higher is the degree of

 Level of commitment
Commitment is very powerful when it comes to goal setting. It gives motivates
and inspires the entrepreneurs to keep their persistency and help them overcome
all obstacles. If the person is passionate about his business, his level of
commitment is high.

 Confidence in their vision

A successful entrepreneur believes in his abilities. The vision that he carries and
the confidence within ensures the passion about his ideas. He is not scared to
explore un-chartered territories, take risk and take difficult decisions.

 The ability to overcome obstacles

Group B MGT 504

To initiate a business idea and work on it with continuity and persistence is a

tough task. There are a lot of obstacles to deal with. If an entrepreneur is truly
passionate about his ideas, he has the ability and confidence to face all the
obstacles in this way and successfully overcoming them.

The ability to listen to feedback on the limitations of the organization:

The purpose of giving feedback is to improve the situation. One of the keys to
ensuring that a person is truly passionate about a business idea before moving
forward with the idea is his ability to listen to feedbackon the limitation of the
organization and act accordingly.

 The ability to learn and target the result

A great entrepreneur must be able to effectively communicate, sell, focus, learn,
and strategize. An ability to continuously learn is not just a
key entrepreneurial skill, but also a very valuable life skill. Growing
a business requires a sound strategy based on inherent business sense and skills.

 Preservance and Persistence

One of the most common reasons for entrepreneur failure and business closure is
a lack of determination and persistence. Those who are not determined
to persevere until they succeed tend to jump from one idea to another when
encountering difficulties. Hence a passionate entrepreneur has the quality of
preserving and persistent.
The above explained points therefore give us a glance on the qualities and
abilities that we can overview on a person to ensure that the person is truly
passionate about a business idea before moving forward with the idea.

2. Do you think it would have been difficult for anyone to have remained passionate
about Protect My Photos and the service it was offering? 
Yes, I think it would have been difficult for anyone to have remained passionate about
Protect my Photos and the service it was offering. Passion is a simple yet profoundly all-

Group B MGT 504

encompassing narrative to describe the essence of a true entrepreneur. Passion, in my

opinion, is the chief driver of successful entrepreneurship anywhere in the world.

In the context of Protect my Photos, no one is thinking about their future backup rather
everyone is doing work for the moment only said by Miss Madhuri owner or co-founder
of Protect my Photos. This is the only reason the passion in them has lost and it would
have been difficult for anyone to have remain passionate in that organization. Reasons
why Protect my Photos lost passion are as follows:

 Lack of motivation
Entrepreneurs are known for their tenacity and commitment to lofty ideals, long
hours, and success. They are hard workers who go into a project passionately and
find success because they can convince other people of the value of their ideas. A
key factor in sustaining this kind of energy, creativity, and drive is motivation.
The role of motivation in entrepreneurship is foundational to their ultimate

 Lack of vision
Having vision provides a sense of purpose and direction for the business. Vision
will help to define the short-term and long-term goals, and guide the decisions
that we make along the way.

 Lack of ability to overcome obstacles

To initiate a business idea and work on it with continuity and persistence is a
tough task. There are a lot of obstacles to deal with. If an entrepreneur is truly
passionate about his ideas, he has the ability and confidence to face all the
obstacles in this way and successfully overcoming them.

 Lack of good support team

This type of entrepreneurs is passionate about their business, they like what
they’re doing. But what would take that energy away? It’s most likely due to

Group B MGT 504

their inability to groom a support team to take care of the business. Building a
support team is an important part of growing an organization.
These are the factors that lead Miss Madhuri and her team bored and less
passionate about their work.

3. In what ways did Miss Madhuri and Protect My Photos reflect the
classic definition of entrepreneurial firm?
A business that is privately owned and operated with a small number of employees and
has relatively low volume of sales is called a small business. It can be started at a very
low cost and on a part-time basis. Small Business Management refers to management of
such small businesses. A firm which undertakes risky ventures and engages in product-
market innovation is called an entrepreneurial firm.

Entrepreneurial firms are companies that bring new products and services to market by
creating and seizing opportunities. Google, eBay, and Apple are well-known, highly
successful examples of entrepreneurial firms. Having recognized an opportunity,
companies of this type create products and services that have worth, that are important to
their customers, and that provide a measure of usefulness to their customers that they
wouldn’t have otherwise.

In above mentioned case Madhuri as cofounder stated that there was main three reasons
why protect my photos failes and they are firstly the company could not make any
decision regarding its management and then it did not grow as fast as anticipated, and
lastly Madhuri admitted the she and her management team grew bored with running an
online storage company.

Hisrich (1990) defined that an entrepreneur is characterized as “someone who

demonstrates initiative and creative thinking, is able to organize social and economic
mechanisms to turn resources and situations to practical account, and accepts risk and
failure”. And in this case it is clearly mentioned that even if you have proper resources

Group B MGT 504

and management and you don’t have enough passion then any successful ongoing
business will fail. So miss. Madhuri and protect my photos reflect classic entrepreneurial
firm in such a way where there was no entrepreneurial traits which are:

 Initiative
It is an inner urge in an individual to do or initiate something. Entrepreneur is an
innovator who explores new ways of working to initiate and accelerate the
process of economic development. He is always on the lookout for opportunities
and is ready to exploit them in the best interests of the organization.

 Motivation & Persistence

An entrepreneur is self-motivated towards achievement, is never disheartened
by failures and is dedicated to what he does.

 Commitment to efficiency
An entrepreneur is always keen to devise new methods aimed at promoting
efficiency, making work easier, simpler, better and economical.

 Idea generation
An entrepreneur generates new ideas through vision, insight and observation and
also through environmental scanning and market survey.

 Creativity
Creativity refers to richness of ideas and originality of thinking and ability to
produce something new through imaginative skill.

 Innovation
Innovation means doing new things or doing things in a new way. It includes
new processes of production, introduction of new products, creation of new
markets, discovery of a new and better form of organization and the like that
enable the organization to gain competitive advantage in the market.

Group B MGT 504

So this is how Miss Madhuri and Protect My Photos reflect the classic definition of
entrepreneurial firm.

4. How could Protect My Photos have been saved?

Storing your photos online gives you an excellent way to back-up all the pictures on
your computer in case of an unexpected loss or damage to your hard drive or computer
files. Online photo galleries usually have very easy-to-use systems that are excellent for
organizing your photos. Furthermore, Protect My Photos could have been saved by
providing the customers the following facilities:

 Comprehensive and Reliable Data Protection

It solves this problem by automatically transmitting changes in files and
databases across the Internet to a secure, offsite facility for more continuous
backup. The effort by your staff to achieve this level of backup is minimal just
“set it and leave it,” greatly increasing reliable data protection for your

 Automatic and Secure Offsite Electronic Vaulting

You think you’re doing everything right. You back up your data on a regular
basis. You ensure your backup equipment and configurations are up to date
and working properly. You test your restores. Yet, when a sprinkler pipe
bursts in your building and spills water over your servers and backup media,
you lose all of your critical data in one night.

 Better Control Over Restoring Data

If you experience a site disaster and need to immediately get your data up and
running at a different location, traditional backup and recovery methods can
require more time and effort than is feasible for businesses with limited
technical staff. No business, large or small, can afford to be without access to
its critical data for hours, let alone days.

Group B MGT 504

Further, solutions that allow you to control retention scheduling and policies
for data on a per-server (or per-folder) basis, allow you to select the level of
protection appropriate for the criticality of specific types of data on a per-
server or even per-folder basis. You can also retrieve all versions of data
quickly over the Web from a catalog of historic versions.

 Improved Security For All Sensitive Data

Your corporate server manages large amounts of sensitive data — customer
records, employee records, intellectual property, and more. These are vital
information assets you never want to expose to external parties. A recent
survey by the Enterprise Strategy Group indicates that only 7 percent of
companies always encrypt their data. Yet, by failing to secure data through
encryption, businesses unintentionally leave their data vulnerable to
competitors, thieves, hackers and just plain human error.

With online backup and recovery, stored at a highly secure, offsite location,
your data remains safe. The best online backup and recovery solutions encrypt
all of your data before it is transmitted over the Internet, sends it through a
secure communication tunnel and then keeps it encrypted in the offsite
location, so only authorized users with the correct keys can decrypt it.

 A Complete Data Protection Solution

Data protection is not a single activity or one-time event. It’s a multi-step,
complex workflow of interconnected processes that extend far beyond simple
onsite backup, including:
 Backup
 Removal
 Storage
 Recovery


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