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Each level of unit has deployment frontages and depths.

These distances apply regardless of the formation the

unit has adopted, e.g. a defending company must cover 1-1.5km of frontage regardless of whether it is in line,
wedge, or “V”.

Distance Platoon (m) Company (m) Battalion (km)

Defence frontage 400-500 1,000-1,500 4-7

Defence depth 150-600 500-1,000 1-3
Operational attack frontage 750 1-2
Attack frontage 1,000 2-3
Depth of attack (immediate objective) N/A N/A 2-4
Depth of attack (subsequent
N/A N/A 8-15

The Defence frontage combined with the defence depth define the area the unit is responsible for defending.

The Attack frontage is the distance the unit is responsible for when attacking, although the troops only operate
within the Operational attack frontage. That means there will be gaps in the attack.

Depth of attack only applies to battalions and above. It is the distance to the unit’s immediate objective and
the subsequent objective.

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