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I uarrix

a rampholdels

O Power-Trac sysrem3
72 83

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86 87

It Lampholdelacces6oli€s

O Pow6.-Trac Systcfi Accersodes

!t cl

a Lamp Pertormance Data

Halo Power-Trac The Number 1 Name In Track Lighting Systems!

Halo is the largesl manufacturer 0f track lighting systems. As lhe industry leader,
we understand y0ur needs. Whatever your requirements, a Halo Power-Trac Lighting
System will get the job done.

Power-Trac offers you flexibility, versatility and the widest variety of choices,.. six Power-Irac
Lighting Systems and hundreds of lampholders... the broadest selecti0n of Power-Irac System
and lampholder accessories t0 meet any lighting application,

The Halo concern lor excellence is a part 0f every Power-Trac product. 0uality
material and sound construction provide the right blend of lorm, function and
perl0rmance that you have c0me t0 expect from Halo. All products are UL listed
and CSA certified.

Choose Power-Trac! lt gives you the design freedom

you never thought possible.
Lampholders... Sale,
DurablG, Depcndable!
Contacls n the 0u ck Loc [4tlunlng
Adapter are spring l0aded t0 assu.e
proper connection li/ilh Power Irac

Halo Power.Trac LamPholders

,F} The exc us ve 0! ckLoco Mounlng
[4ocl]an sm makes lhe lamPho der
easy to instal A lwires and swiv"ol
Meet Your Need For StYle' stops aae concea ed

Function and Quality Lam0h0 der r0lale 358'and adlLlst

up to g0'lrom lhe hor zonta Pro
"**{* vid ng precise, effect vo ght ng

r{ control.
Extruded a urninum slem has long
lasting I n sh. Lamp sockds wilh
n Dke plaled brass screw shells
won t ox d ze. Relamping is easy

Power lrac lampho ders rneet

exacllng IJL standards and Prov ds
oplimurn safety. Black Co ex Baff "o
a Halo exc us ve teduces glale
prov des v s[a comlotl and
Ch00sing a lamph0lder begins by analyzing the lighting effect desired enhances appeaTance

The luncti0n; the l00k; and the lighting etfecl required, are what must
be considered.

Lampholder design relates t0 lamps by size, shape, and functi0n Hal0

offers hundreds 0f lamph0lder ch0ices in a wide varlety 0f designs,
wattages and finishes.

Each lamph0lder provides maximum efficiency when used with the

recommended la mp. The wide \/ariety 0f lamph0lders include
A larnps, R and PAR lamps, PAR16, PAR20, PAR30 compact halo' \
gen lamps. Low V0ltage lampholders accommodate PAR 36, l\,'18t6
and MRll lamps.

Power'Trac lampholders 0ffer t0tal freed0m of design. Ftom task and

accent liqhtlng t0 general illuminati0n Halo lampholders pr0tiide the
rig ht touchl

Accessories Enhanse Control!

Create any lqhtino ellecl, inlensity
and color hue w th vetsal le colot
liters enses, balles ouvels and
ba rn door shutlers.
More Design Freedom With
Power'Trac Lampholders!

Hal0 0llers both slandard line vollage

and lol,li vollage designs and a l/vide
ranoe ofwatlages and lin shes.
Wide Variety of Finishes!

Larnpho ders are ava lable in

loday s new co l)n A mond,
Gray, and Biack Chrome.A so
the slandard White MatlB
B ack, Bronze Anlque Brass
Brass and Chrome.

Hundreds of Lampholder Ghoices The extens l/e choice of co Drs,

shapes and slyles oi Na o Po!,ver Trac
lam0h0lders DIlBrs lhe s0lul0n lor
the most derrranding res dential
commerc al or rela I merchand s ng

Total Freedom!
Any lrntpho der can be used w th [iin attrre Single
Circuillla 0 2Iw0l rcLr I 0r F0Lrr C rcu I PDwer Trac Systems An adluslab s D0ntacta t0ws
selecl 0n 0f th, c rcuil p0s l Dn f0r lr.lin aiLrle and lla 0 2 app cati0ns lls, 0|he Lg63
Adapler a ows amph0 ders l0 be used w th FDUr C rcu lTrac
_ -__ .
o -!:

The lndustry's Number l Track Lighting System

Hal0 P0wer-Trac is the m0st c0nvenient and versatile system f0r =G
creating cust0m designed lighting. Power Trac is highly efflcient in any o -
space where c0ntr0lled llghting is required because it brings llght t0 -
the exact l0cati0n desired. Halo Power'Trac Lighting Systems include
Miniature Single Citcuit Trac, S ngle Circuit Raceway Trac, Halo-2
Tw0 Circuit Trac, F0ur'Circuit Trac, Recessed Trac and Recessed
Trac Housings. G
The Power Trac System offers maximum versatility. Whate\/er y0ur
requirements this system helps y0u get the l0b done with more
confidence. lt gives y0u lhe design freed0m y0u never th0ught p0ssible
All P0wer Trac Systems are dimmable gjving y0u the additi0nal c0ntr0l
needed t0 create dramatic liqhting effects. E
Great Efficiency and FlexibilitY "/Hal0 Mlnialure P0wer Trac is ava lab e
in seveI finishes Colors lo malch
Ha o Power-Trac lampholders can be c0nlemporary tradll0nal, or h gh tech
snapped n at any po nl oI Power Trac decors l]a o 2, Raceway, and Four
Secllon Circuil Trac come in Wh te and tr/atle
B ack. Fecessed Raceway and
Recessed Nousing come sla
ln While.

Ensured Safe Operation

Power Trac ampho der adaplers
are mechanically and visually
keyed An ntegra mechanical
leatute assuteS safe eleclT ca
operation when the polarty rq
I nes ol lhe Power.lrac Seclion
and the polarty marks of

the lampholder adapler
are aligned.
l, Four circuit
A sophisticaled, heavy duly
system. Four separate 20A c rcuils
pr0vide lourt mes the capacity,
four times the conlrol, lour limes
the convenience ln each Power-
Trac seclion.

O Rcco3s€rr R.cew.y
Single Circuit Raceway
Power'Trac lor recessing into
plaster or tils coilings provides
clean line inslal{ation. F0r slraight
runs 0nly.

Six Power-Trac S to Choose

I O Rcc.rsGd Houdng

Low Protile, single circuit track. ltro venions available. uniqua
Economlcal lo inslall and extremely recessed channel that accom,
vsrsalile in application. Especially
well suiled l0r resldential and light
-tr modales eilhor lllinialure or
Halo-2 Power.Trac sections.
C8n be used |'tith any ceiling
male ak and can be formed
L,l orX configurrlions.

o Singlo Cllcult R.cGw.y

lnlegral raceway allows addili0nal
A fu I array ol accessories provides
greal l/ersal lily n meeling a wide
circuih to be fsd lrom one outlel range ol eleclr caland mechan ca
bor. Very efficienl f0r c0mmerclal o
or longJun installations.
o instalation needs

o tl
(, a

o H.lo-2
v j

Two circuit flexlbilily wilh lhe o -3

p0pular miniature prof ile. Designed II
so one or two circuls can be
individually switched. Provides
ndependent control ol several (,
Power.Trac lampholdels on a o
single lrac. lJses all Power Trac
F o
lampholders. Perf ect f or com-
mercral, resldenlial or relsil
merchandising applications.
Add Style to Your Kitchei
Designing With Light:
RISIilINTIA voLtage lamps are perfed choices
lo provlde the righl ighltojudge
"doneness' and inctease the ey€
appeal ol food n the kitchei.
Pendant mounted Power-Trac
Power-Trac can help y0u set a mood, exptess your personal $yle, help dellvers full, wel.locused
llum nation on work surfaces,
y0u with y0ur tasks. lt will make interiors more inviting. range burners and gr ll.

Power.Trac Veisatile, Flexible, Simple

Halo Power-Trac all0ws y0u t0 design individual lighting effects and
dlrect the light where it is needed. Each Power-Trac system has 0ne 0r
m0re circuits that all0w lamph0ldBrs t0 be snapped in at any p0int
al0ng the Trac f0r great efficiency and flexibility.

Power'Trac Systems can be m0unted on, suspended from or recessed

into a ceiling. Configure Power-Trac in a straight line, a T, a square 0r
any pattern that fits your needs with the full line 0f P0wer'Trac
accessories. lt's simple t0 install and built t0 lastl la scallopins

Hundreds ol Power'Trac Choices

A br0ad spectrum 0f lampholders further enhances the efficiency and
individuality 0t y0ur lighting. Select fr0m a wide variety 0l styles
ranging from c0ntemp0rary t0 traditi0nal in c0l0rs and finishes t0
match any decor. Especially pleasing are the art dec0, high'tech and
studi0 series and the versatility offered by out Gray, Black Chrome I u"ro'-
and Almond Finishes.

wall Washing Lends a Special Ambiance !tccL

to Any Room tccct
Create drama in any room by washing the walls with light. There are !ttct
three wall washing methods... Uniform Wall Washing fl00ds vertical Rend€ring
surfaces with 0\/erall light-adding t0 the drama and spatial aspects 0f
the interi0r. This meth0d flattens a surface, minimizing texture, hiding
surface blemishes and visually enlarging the room. Trac and
lampholders should be m0unted 3'or more from the wall.

Scall0ping draws the eye t0 a particular area and adds alchitectural

interest where there is n0nB. Achieve scalloping by placing lamp-
h0lders at regular intervals to define the elliptical patterns 0f
their beams.

Rendering (non-uniform wallwashing) ls achieved by aiming the

lampholder to an acute angle t0 the wall. This technique provides
texturing and a pleasing light-to-dark gradati0n. The light fr0m Pertccl Fol Renovatlon,/
the lampholders increases surface c0ntrast and enhances wall Power.Trac is lhe righl cholcefor
surface texture. lighling when converung spaces
into new uses. Think of the
Backlight for Drama possibil!t es: new ljving spaces
lrorn basemenls, alt cs and
A lampholder in a weighted base adapter 0n the fl00r casts interesting garages; great f reedom l/lihen

shad0ws 0n the walls or ceilings. Backlighting p0siti0ns the light remodelifl0 lhe family room;
crealing a medla cenler;or
source behind an object, such as a h0useplant, t0 create dramatic installlng an ofiice io your
silhouette effects.




Designing With Light:

G00d lighting builds traffic, attracts customers and sells merchandise.
Whether highlighting primary display areas or focusing attenti0n f0r
special events Hal0 P0wer-Trac will pr0ducB a warm, inviting stole
atmosphere that makes customers feel good about being there and
makes sales happen.

Power-frac Wdcomes the Ongoing and

Everchanging Nature of Retail Displays
Power-Irac sections can be surface m0unted... pendant m0unted 0r
recsssed into the ceiling. A wide selecti0n 0f access0ries give gleater
flexibility in light directi0n, intensity, p0siti0n and color hue

Halo-2 two circuit and Hal0 F0ur Circuit Trac Systems pr0vide multiple
lighting functions which are individually contr0lled fr0m separate
circuits. They offer the advantage 0f bBing able t0 switch individual a MRl6
Low Vollagc
circuits within the track f0r maximum flexibility. Perfect f0r general and
accent lighting, night lighting, call sy$ems and display signs
systems als0 all0w greater l0ad density. In display windows,
a single F0ur Circuit Power'Trac secti0n can provide up t0 60 Amps
ot lighting.
o Stardald Voltage
lncandGsccnt LanrP
Showcase Ploducts in the Best Light
Power-Trac accent lighting is ideally suited for display lighting needs
It brings 0ut the be$ sBlling leatures of the merchandise Choice of
lamps including the newest technology 0esigner 16, PAR20, PAR30
and MRll meet the varied requirements 0f any display enhancing
pr0duct f0rms, textures and details,

. Jewelry St0res LowV0ltage Lampholders bring 0ut every facet

and lustre of precious stones.
o Showcases-MR1l and MRl6 lamph0lders create an atmosphere 0f
elegance and add m0re sparkle with less heat. They make crystal
sparkle with radiant elegance. 0ther lighting systems can't c0mpare
o Clothing Stores/Boutiques-The whiter, brighter light from MR11,

MR16 and c0mpact halogen PAR16, PAR20 and PAR30 lampholders

make fabric colors and textules come alive. Purples and reds are
m0re vibrant, blues richer. Texture is defined . . . fabrics have "feel"
r Grocery Stores & Fl0ral Shops-Natural appearance is criticalwhen
food is displayed. Low Voltage lampholders give f00d extra appetite
appeal. Excellent c0l0r renditi0n lets the natural hues and textures 0f
fresh produce, meats and candy attract cust0mers lhB cooler beam
0f these lamps reduces heat build-up 0n perishables, lessening the
chance of spoilage. lt will keep plants and fl0ral arrangements
looking tresh.
Designing with Light:

Power-Trac Bring SPaces Alive -
Sh0wr00ms vie f0r attenti0n. A key t0 building traffic and assuring l-,.1-1
success 0f a sh0wr00m is its invitation for clients t0 c0me inside
Good lighting design makes a showroom stand 0ut in a cr0wd

Power-Trac enhances the texture, c0l0r 0r sparkle 0f the pr0duct

Concentrate PARl6, PAR20, PAR30 lampholders to give the showrooms
the sense of vitality it needs. c-/=
P0siti0n lamph0lders t0 make p00ls 0f light 0n the fl00r t0 beck0n the
visit0rs t0 walk thr0ugh t0 see what's inside. Use lamph0lders t0
identify centen 0f interest and attenti0n, and otherwise c0mplement
the basic mood of the showroom.

Good Lighting Enhances Oflice Ploductivity

Create a pleasing office environment with good lighting which will
increase pr0ductivity and b00st m0rale 0f empl0yees. Power-Trac
Systems all0w you freedom of choice in meeting your goals.

Executive Offices
Use Power'Trac Systems t0 wallwash 0r accent the dec0r 0f executi\/e
offices. Y0u can otfer a comfortable lighting balance and provide a

pr0f essi0nal, upscale envir0nment.

Meeting Rooms/Conference Rooms/Board Rooms

Flexibility is essential in c0nfersnce area lighting. In a normal
c0nference area various lighting effects are necessary for group discus'
sions, luncheons, audio/visual and speaker presentati0ns.

Power-Trac Lighting Systems pr0\/ide the llghting necessary f0r all

these activities:
. General lighting with variable illuminati0n.
. Perimeter wall washers t0 enlarge the room and balance out recessed'
. Sp0tlights t0 highlight speakers 0r accent display materials

Lobbies/ReGeption Aleas
use Power-Trac Systems in lobbies and recepti0n areas t0 set a m00d,
accent architectural features, highlight p0ints 0f
intersst and set ttaffic patterns.
Bling Arl to Lighl
Galleries and museurns contain
requ re lghling lhat iluminales
objets d?rt, Ienders exact color and
textures. Halo lowvollaqe lamP'
holders can be counled on lo add
dimension and provide vhual lmpact.
They are perlecl Ior light ng heal
and iade sensllive objeds sLlch
as painlings, tapeslries and
Lamps Make The Difference Lamp to lampholder tt.tlix
The direclion lhat I ght takes is
ln Effective Lighting inf uenced by the deslgn ol the amP
helf, by lhe shape oi lhe ampho d"r n

wh ch t[e lamp s used or bolh.

The Matrx gives an overvie!v ol
the Ha o Power Trac Lampholder
select ons by Lamp type toheP
y0u choose lhe c0Ilectlghtng efiecl;
and by sly e -to he p you make a
bo d decoralive slalement or b end
tastdu ly with your decor

Ch00sing the c0rrect lamp is a significant factor in pr0ducing the

desired lighting effect. The lighting functi0n and effect sh0uld be
determined pri0r t0 selecting a lampholder. Lighting for general, accent
and wallwashing require unique light distributi0n. C0ntr0l is the key f0r
efficient, effective lighting. Each meth0d is achieved with specific
design 0bjectives. Some ol these are inherent in the lamps. Usually, it
is a c0mbinati0n of lamp and lamph0lder that maximize efficiency and
creates the desired effect.

Each Power-Trac Iampholder is designed and engineered t0 provide

maximum performance when used with the recommended lamps.

A-lamps require reflect0rs t0 effectively c0ntr0l or direct light where
y0u need it. Certain P0wer-Trac lampholders with built-in reflect0rs
enable them to be used with con\/enti0nalAiamps.

R & PAR Lamps

R and PAR lamps are available with several types 0f distributi0n
paiterns ranging from vety narrOw t0 wide. Power-Trac lampholders I

use these lamps t0 achieve accent or wall washing effects General

lighting may be achieved by using fl00d lamps with wide beam spreads.

PARl6, PAR20, and PAR30 c0mpact hal0gen lamps offer better beam
c0ntr0l and a brighter, whiter light than standard reflect0r R-Lamps.
The c0mpact lamps pr0vide the versatility necessary for any Iighting
applrcation. These lamps are right for merchandising and display
accent lig hting.

Low Voltage Lamps

Low v0ltage lamps have greater beam spread c0ntrol than standard
120V PAR lamps. A 50W low voltage lamp may often be effectively
substituted f0r a 150W flood lamp. That represents a savings 0I 660/0 in
energy c0sts. L0w \i0ltage lamps are extremely useful f0r accent lighting

The compact MRll is the latest in l0w \i0ltage techn0l0gy. The right
choice for merchandising display windows, sh0wcases, art galleries, 0r
any accent lighting applicati0n. Use lampholders with lvlRll lamps any'
where heat, c0l0r, temperature, or spill light are critical t0 dramatic effect

The MRll and l\4R16 Iamp reflectors have a dichr0ic c0ating which
c0unteracts damaging ultra-vi0let radiati0n and heat. Several Halo
Power-Trac lampholders use these lamps.
c c
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PAR 16

o 3a


@ MRll

o !2001
Sol d Slate Adapter. For use w llr
@ l20VTrac and 12716 12160,
t2761 t2736 L2l00 and t2765
Lam0holders 0lherLampholdl]rs
w ll not Iuncl on il lhey are nse ed
nlo 120[] Use !vilh S ngle
Circu lTrac only.

Color codes P. fi,lB

133 rnrn 34 mm 51 mm

a L2716
LowVo tage G rnbalR ng Lampholder.
@ For use w th up to 50W 12V 1,.'1fr16
lam0. Musl be used with 12001 So id
Slale Adapter.
cororcodes P MB, B, C

40 mfil 7E mrn lg/ mm

'Md m!m Exlemrcn

Ll00 Fitets/
Lenses 1200 Baflle,
L1!55 Concentrator,
Llg60 Barn 0oors

o L2717
GrribalR ng Lamph0 derw th lntegral
@ S0lid Stale l2VTransformer F0r use
wiltr 75w l2v i,lRl6 Lanps

Colol Codes P lvlB B, C

48 mm 54 mnr 124 mm

110 0 Filters/
Lenses, L2l0 Baifle
11955 Concenlrator,
llgfitl Barn
a L2760
Low Voltage [4:cr0 Sty e Lampholder.
@ For use wilh up to 50W 12V l,llF16
Lamp. [,lust be used w lh L2001Sold
Slale Adapter.
color cod6s P [,lB

8g mm 60 mm 162 mm

Ll00 Series Color
F llers/Lenses.

o L27rO
[4icr0 Style Lamph0lder w th nlegral
@ S0lid Slate l2VTransl0rmer. F0r use
with 75W l2V N.{F16 Larn0

Color Codcs P, MB

89 nrm 60 nrm l7l mm

Ll00 Ser es Color

F ters/Lenses

o L276'1
Low Vollage Cylinder. For use w th
@ up lo 50w l2v i/F16 Larnp. l,4usl be
used with 12001 S0lid State Adapler.

Color Code6 P, MB

I w
4Vs' 21/1"
105 rnm 64 nrm 152 mm \
1100 Ser es Color / .

F ltsrs/Lenses

lndustry's 0nly s0lid slale transformer. The 12001 adapter is lightweight

(only 5.7 oz.), compact and quiet and may be dimmed with standard o L2771
Cy nde. Style Larnpho derwilh
incandescent dimmers. lt accepts this full range 0l unique Hal0 l0w' @ ntegralSo id Slate l2V Transl0rmer
v0ltage lamph0lders t0 provide great flexibility in both style and functi0n. For use wilh 75W 12V M R16 Larnps.

Color Codes P, [48, B, C

The featherweight l0w-voltage lampholders, used with the Halo 12001
s0lid state adapter, pr0vide all l0w-v0ltage lamp benefits: better 5V2" 33h' 87/a'
beamspread control, less heat and l0wered energy c0sts. 140 mm 95 nm 225 mrn

Specify 12V [/Rl6 lamph0lders with their ch0ice 0f 20, 42, 50 or 75W accessoriGs tr
lamps with very nanow spot t0 flo0d beamspreads, 0r the 12V PAR36 Ll00SeresColor (\
Flllers/Lenses. , \,/
lampholders in 25 0r 50W lamps and beamspreads from very narr0w Llg55 Concentrator
spot (VNSP) to very wide fl00d (VWFL).

These lamph0lders will operate economically and efficiently in

any installati0n calling for precise, c0ntr0lled lighting.
a L2756
LowVollage Prolector w th
(v) ntegra
S0Ld Stale l2Vlransl0rrier Lens and
Slruller System shapes lighl beam nt0
any slraighl s ded shape. llses 75W
MRl6 Lamps
color codes P. lrlB

C5h" 3111" l0lB"

?44 rnm 89 mn 2/6 rnm


o L2rr5
Low Vl] lage Slud o Lampholder l,!ilh
o L276s
Llse\ailh u0 lo 50W l2V PAR36 Larn'.
@ @ Nluslbe used wilh 12001 Fealures
Barn Door Shulters nlegra Solid
State l2VTranslormer FDr use w lh Snap 0n Lamp Conneclor
75Wl2V l\iF16 Lamps. color codes P MB
color codes P. [48 LWE'
L E 5114"

5" 3', 108 mm 133 nrn 165 mm

127 mm lg/ mm

1275 louver 1200

Co or F llers {1276
Clips required),
11965 Barn Doors

o L2740
Coripaci Larnpholder w lh ntegra
o L2711
Low Volla0e H gh Tech Lampho der
@ @ l,ilh lntegralSo d Slale l2V
So id Slalc 17VTraIsiormer For use
wilh up to 75W l2V l',4F16 Lamps Iransformer JDr use wllh rtt 1o 35W
l2V MRll Lamp.
Color Codos P, lr,4B, BZ, C B
Color Codes P, [,lB
L E'
5112" l5/a" lwE'
244 mm
33/s" 13h" 65/3"

86 rnm 34 mrn 168 mm

1100 Fiters/ Lenses,

11955 Concenlralor
11962 Barn Doors,
L75 louver

o L2720
Low Vollage High Tech Lampho der
@ w th lnlegralSo id Slate l2V
Transformer For use wilh up 1o 75W
l2V [4R]6 Lamp.

Colol Codes P MB

75'$" ?1/r" 55/s'

5q mnr 63 mm 142 mm

Ll00 Ser es F llers/ /
Lenses 11966 Barn
o L2736
Low Vo 1a0e G mba l] ng Fl]r usc
w r up 1o 50W 12V PAR36 Lamp
Used w lh 12001S0l d Slatl] Adapl"r
Fealures an easy to insla Snap 0n
Lam0 CoIneclor.

Color codes P, N4B, C B

a i3 mm lTl nn 1/5 mm

SItI I STA II Accessories

123 6 C ips, 1200
Fitsrs L2l5 & L2l2 '
Louvers, Ll96l Barn 0ol]rs

o L27tO
Lo\4 Vo lage Perforaled Shad, ll gh
@ Iech Lampholder wilh lnlegra So id
Slale l2VTransf0rrner. F0r use l, th up
1o 75W12V lr,18l6 Lamp

Colo. Codes P NrlB

76 mm 155 mm

o L2700
LowVo la0e Perforaled Shade Nigh
@ Tech Lampholder For use w th up to
50Wl2V NrlRl6 Lam0 Must be us,'d
wllh L200lSold Slale Adapler

Color Codes P, lr,lB


0 /6 mm 155 mm

High Tech lampholders with clean \/ertical, lines 0r perforated shades
provide high impact lighting effects. Hal0 P0wer-Trac lamph0lders
accommodate MR11 and MR16 lamps that deliver a crisp, white light t0
accent and highlight dramatically. Perfect f0r merchandising displays 0r any
accent lighting applications. Sleek, Studio Lamph0lders are ideal f0r displays where a theatrical l00k is
desired. Equipped with built-in barn d00r shutters f0r beam shaping. Uses
the p0pular N,4R16 lamp. The Framing Project0r is an ideal way t0 f0cus special attenti0n 0n
paintings and artwork. The "Framing Project0r' uses a s0phisticated 0ptical
system wlth adjustable shutters t0 shape the light beam into any three 0r
four-sided pattern.
o 11760
L0w V0liage l\,ficr0 Slyle Lafirpho der.
@ For ose with up to 50W l2V l!,1R16
Lam!. lncludes lnleoral 12V

colol codes P. MB

/0 mm 137 nrm

1100 Filers/Lenses, . .\,
Llg55 Concenlrator.
1200 Baflle.

a L1770
Euro Slyle LowVotage Larnpho der
@ For use i{ith 42W 50W and 75W
[4R16 12V Lamps. lnlegral 12V

colol codes P, l,.lB, GY

ln5 mm 48 mm 1fi5 mm

AcccllortGs .,
Lloo series color ' '-L

o L1762
Lo}lVollaqe Cylnder. For usew th uo
@ to 50W 12V [,1R16 Larnp. lncludes
lntegral l2VTransf ormer.

Color Code3 P, IllB, BZ, C

140 nrm 95 mnr 184 mm

Acce..orle. // \
Ll00Fiters/Lenses,<\ )..
t200Bafile,11955 .j.1.
Concentrator, Llg62
Barn Doors.

o Ll763
Low V0ltage Cy inderwlh lnlegrall2V
@ Transf0rmer. Larnp is regressed wilh
L{a e Black Coi ex Bilflle. F0r use
with up lo 50W 12V [,1n16 Lamps.
Colol coder P, [48, Alt4,0Y

140 mm e5 mm 213 mm

1100 Frllers/Lenses,
11955 Concenlralor.
11962 Barn Doo$.
o Ll765
Low V0llage Cy tnder. For use wilh up
@ to 50Wl2VPAR36 (Ha o Z3)Larnp.
nc udes lnlegral l2VTranslormer.

Golol Codet P, MB

165 mm 133 mm 222 nn

Acc...drie. \
1200 Color Filten ,a \
L275 andlll, \\,,/l'
Louvers, [1965Barn '' .i,/-

o 11766
LowVoltage Cylnder. For use wilh
@ 25W PAR36 5.5 Pinspol Lamp.
nc odes lntegral Translormer.

Color Coder P. [,{B

165 mm 133 mm 222 nn

1200 F lters, 1275

and 1272 Louvers.
Llg65 Barn Doors

o L1742
Classic Low Vollage Foundback
Cylinder. For use wilh 42W 50W and
75W MR1612V Lamps. nlegrall2V

Color Codor P, [{B

I w
11h" 85h"
184 mm 127 mm 2lg mm

Acce!!od6. . ').
or \
LI00 Series Co
Filhrs/Lenses, ./
11963 Barn Doon
Hal0 L0wV0ltage Lighting is energy efficient, using 20,42, b0 or 7bW
MRl6, or 25 0r 50W PAR 36/46 lamps that replace standard voltage lamps o t 1713
LowVollage Lampholder For use
0f two 0r three times their wattage. This cuts energy c0sts and will als0 @ wilh up 1o 50W l2V PAB38 Lamps
reduce air-c0nditi0ning needs. These lampholders 0ffer m0re precise nc udes lntegral Translormer.
beamspread c0ntr0l. The l0w v0ltage lamps also ha\/e a l0nger rated life, Golor Coder P. BZ

saving on relamping c0sts. L0w v0ltage Iighting installati0ns will pay f0r
themselves in energy savings. 53/a" 43h"
146 mm 121 mm 203 mm

N0te: Care must be taken when dimming low voltage fjxtures. Damage t0
the transf0rmer and sh0rtened Iamp life can result if an improper dimmer
1975 Barn Door
is used. Please c0ntact the fact0ry f0r rec0mmendati0ns. Shutlers.

LowVollage La'npholder. For ose
wilh 25W PAR46 (5.5V) Pinspol
oi 30W (6V) P nspol. lncludes
lnlegral Traoslormer.

Color Code. P, MB

lS7 mm 171 mn 203 mm

1200 Co or Filters.
1275 and 127? loLrvPrc
I r-as+
For Lrse w th 50W PAF30 and 75W
R30 Larnps B aDk Coi cx BalfLe

color codes P, I'lB B, C GY BC

146 rnm ltl mnr 209 mm
'Md mLrm tulersLirr

1963 Barn 0ollrs ./
(1163 3 lows use ol .
L20ll Ser es F llers/
Louvers )

o 11540 I mss
For use !vilh 045W 0s0W 0150W and
CDmpacl For uso w tlr 50W PAR20,
:0/50W 820 and l00W R25 (Ha o 0250W PAR38 Larnps or 75W l20W
Zl0) Lamps and l50W PAR3B Lamps Coordinates
wilh llTB 55T Recessed Fixlure
color Codes P MB, B

colorcodes P, MB B, C CY BC

517" 33h" 63/c"

140 rnm 95 mm l/l rnm 63r" 514"
171 min 133 rnm 232 mm

Llg62 Barn Doors. Acc€ssories

(11962 a ows use l]f L2 00 Series Co or
1200 Ser es F lers/ F llen/Lenses,
Louvers.) 11965 Barn Doors "

o 11541 o L274(,
Compact LowVo tage Lampholderwlh
A Lamp or R.Larnp Matle B ack
@ lnlegralS0 d SIale 12V Transf0rmer.
Co lex Balfle For usew th l00WAlg
or l00W 825 (Halo Zl0) Lamps. Use w th up lo 75W l2V l',lBl6 Lamps

Color Codes P, lrlB, BZ ColorCodes P M8, BZ, C B

L E'
3jlr" s5/s" 33h" 15h"
178 mm 95 mm 140 mrn 95 mnr 244 rnm

1100 F ters/Lenses,
11955 Concentralor ,/
11962 Barn toors,
1275 Louver.

I rrs+z
For use wilh 75W R30 Lamp Black
o L1742
D assic f0u ndback Cy lnde.. For Lrse
@ wllh 42W. 50W and 75W t4R16 l2V
Co lex Balle
Lamps. lnlegral l2VTranslormer
colol codes P MB, BZ Alr.l

w color Codes P. l,4B


184 mm 127 mrn 2lg mm 1lr" 5' 85h"

184 mm 12/ mm 2lg mm

Llg63 Barn Doo rs

Ll00 Series Co or
F llers/Lenses,
11963 Barn !oors

I lrsla
R Lamp or PAR Lamps Matte Black
Coiex Baflle. F0r use wilh 150/30{JW
R40 l50W PAR3B tamps
color codes P MB,BZ

S" 5lE" 1011,"

229 mm 149 rnm 26/ mm

11964 Barll Doors



! tQ,

I rzzs
Vlenti Foundback R.Lamp
ntermediale Base FDr use wilh
25W R14 (Ha o Zll) Larips

Colol Code P


) vze
Vienl Roundback R Larnp orA LamD
Built ln Rd edor For use wrlh
30/50W fl20 or 60WAlg Lamps

Colo' Codes P, l'/B B

l" 33h" S5/d"

178 mm gb rnm 244 mm

I lrssz
C0ntemp0rary Be lSlraped Roundback
Cylinderw thYoks Slem. F0r usewilh
75W n30, 75W PAR30 or l00W R25
(Halo Zl0)l00WAlg Lamps. Black
Co lex Balfle.
colol codes P/B, AM/B

6r/16' 51h' 85/r"

167 mm 130 mm 219 mm


I lrsss
Bell Shaped Cylinder wilhYoke Stem
For use w th 50W R20, 55W PARI6
75WA19 or 50W PAR20 Lamps. B ack
Coiex gallle.

Color Code5 P/8, AIIUB

51/a' 348"
133 mm gB mm 190 mm

t.' ../

I lrsso
Classic Roundback w th Vienti Stem
For use with 75W R30 75W PAR30,
100WA1S or l00W R25 (Halo Zl0).
Elack Co lex Baffle.

color codes B, AM/B, P/B

615h6,' \Vs" 83/16"

176 mm 130 mm 208 mm
'Md m!mExlsnsion

' \ .4/////r-

I lrssr
Vienll Slem. For use with 50W R20,
75W A1g, 55W PARI6 or 50W PAR20
Larnp. Black Coilex Bafile

colol codc3 B, Altl/B P/B

51h6tt sla" 6s16"

138 mm 98 mm 167 mm


I lrszs
Deco Roundback Cylinder. For use

\ w ih 50W R20, 50W PAR20, or

55/75W PAR16 Larnps
^ Colol Codes P, B, BC, MB

55h" lVr"
119 mm 152 mm 183 mm

I t|.2;
I t z+r
c.-= Versalile Cylinder. F0r use wilh 75W
R30, 100W R25 (Halo 210), 75W
E. PAR30 or 100WA1S.

t4J Colo. Codcr e MB, AM

: 6UE" 43/8"

175 mm lll mm 203 mm

- I
>z I r.zc
c-f A.Lamp, R-Lamp or PAR Lamp. For
use wilh 50W n20,50W PAn20 or
< 75WArS.

@ Colo. Codo8 P, MB, AM

51/1" 31h"
134 mm 38 mm 141 mm


o L7.t$

Colol Codc6 P, MB, AM, B

61 43h"
1i5 mm lll mm 203 mn

. \.'..<.4.

ll no
Contemporary R and PAR Lamp
Cylinder. For use with 50W R20, slw
PAn20, 60WA1S. Black C0ilex Ballle.

colol code! P, MB, Al\,1, B

51/1" 31h" 5sh6"

133 mm 98 mm 141 mm
I r.zoa
R.Larnp, l\,latle B ack C0ilex Ballle.
For Lrse w th 75W R30. or l00W R25
(Halo 210) Lamps.

Golor Codes
P, AB, B, BZ, C, [,I8, AM, GY

65/s" 4ls"
168 mn 124 mm 222 nn
'Melm!n Frlens on
11963 Barn Doors. . i. ./ .

I rze+
R Lamp, ER Larnp or PAR LamP. Malle
Black Coi ex Baffle For use wilh
150/300W fi40 or !50W PAR3B LanPs.

coro' codes P, MB BZ ,

203 mm l4g mm 251 mflr

Llg64 Barn 0oon.


! lzer
n.Lamp, lllatle Black Co lex BaffLe
For use w th 40 R16lHalo Zg) Lamps

color codes P. BZ. AB B,C

133 mm 64 mm 2ll mm


) tzsz
R Lamp, i,latte B!ack l0ilex Ballle.
For use wilh 30/50W R20 or l00W
R25 (Halo 210) Lamps

Color Codes
P, I.{8, BZ, AB B, C, A[,I, GY

14ll mm 95 mm 184 mm

Accelsorics ,/ ..

11q6, Barn Illron



The simple, sleek lines 0f the Hal0 Cylinder blend with any decor or color
scheme making them ideal f0r b0th residential and c0mmercial interi0rs. I lrzoz
For use l,l/ilh l50W PAR38/3 l,4ed um
This series is available in sizes which acc0mm0date R-Lamps and PAR
Side Prong Lamp.
Lamps and energy saving l0w ti0ltage lamps. For precisely directed light
Color Codcs P. MB
beams, the lamps are recessed int0 the lamph0lder unit. The cylinder
is offered in ten striking finishes t0 meet any dec0r requirement
and m0st units feature a l\,4atte Black C0ilex Baffle for improved, 165 nrm 133 mm ,7? nn
'Max m!n tnens on
glareJree spotlighting.

lR 1200 Color Fiters

1275 Louver (1276
Cli0s requ red)
Llg65 Barn Doors.

I lrzea
ScoopWa lWash Cylinder For use
w th 75W R30 Larnps

Color Code P

200 mm 121 nn ?55 mm

! lrzos
ScoopWallWash Cylinder For use
w lh 150 to 300W R40 or I50W PAF38

Colol Code P

91h" 51/d' 113h"

251 mm l4S mm ?98 mm

a Ll765
L0wV0 tage Cylinder. For use 11ith up
to 50Wl2VPAR36 (Halo Z3) La'np.
ncludes lnlegral l2V Iransf 0rmer.

colo. codes P, MB

61/1" 5V1" 83h"

165 mm 133 nrm 222 nn

1200 Color Fillers,

L215 and L212
Louvers, L]! 65 Barn

o Lr766
LowVollage Cylinder. For use wilh
@ 25W PAR36 5.5 Pinspot Lamp.
lncludes lntegnl Translormer.

cotor cod€! P, MB

E1/r" 51/1"
165 mm 133 mm lJ? nn

1200 Filters, 1275

and 1272 Louvers,
11965 Barn Doors.

o L2765
Use i./ith up to 50W 12V PAR36 Lamp
Must be used with 12001. Fealures
Snap 0n Lamp Connector.

color codes P, [,lB

4Vt" 5la' 61/r"

108 mm 133 mm 165 mm

1275 Louver,1200
lolor Fillers (1276
fl ps requ red),
Llg65 Barn Doors
o L2761
LowVollage Cylinder. For usewith
up lo 50W l2V [,1R]6 Lamp. [.{ust be
used w th 12001 Sol d Slale Adapler

colol Code5 P, ltlB

lns mm 64 mm 152 mm

Ll00 Series Co or .


o L17€'2
L0w V0 la(le Cyl nder. F0r use \lith Ll!
@ 1lJ 50W 12V MRl6 LamD nc udes
lnlegral l2V Iransf ormer
color Codes P tr48, 8l C

140 rnm 95 mm lg4 mm

Ll00 Flters/Lenses
1200 Balf e 11955 . '
Concenlrall]r Llg62
Barn loors

a tl763
LowVo tage Cylinderwlh ntegra l2V
Transformer. LamD s te0ressed w th
Malle B ack Co lex Balj e For use
!! th up 10 50W l2V M Rl6 Larnps
Color codes P, ltlB, AM, GY

511" 33h" 83/r"

140 firm 95 rnm 213 mm a
Cyl n der Slyle Larnpho der w lh
ntegra Slr id SIate l2Vlransformer
For use w th 75W l2V MRl6 Lamps.
Ll00 tilters/[enses,
Llg55 Concentralor color Cod€s P. lr,i8 B, C

119fi2 Barn lnnn

511" 33h' 81iA"

140 mrn 95 mm ??5 mnl

Ll00 Series Co or
F llers/Lenses.

11955 Concenlralor

) vza I

Vienti Step Cyl nder. A Larip or R'


Lamp Bu 1in Rellector For use 1/1lilh

30/50W R20 or 60W Alg Larnps
coro. codes P, l,-48 B

63h', 33ta'. (
172 mm 95 mrn 232 mm

a L7o4 I r-zao
For use wilh 75W F 30, 75W PAR30,
R Lamp or PAR Lamp. For use wilh
100WAlS,l00W R25 tamps
150/300W R40 or l50W PAR 38
Lamps colo. codes P, l'48 AM

colol codes P, tulB LvvE'

611' Ajls" S3k"
165 mm lll mm 213 firm
I0" 51/8" 121r"
254 mm l4g rnm 318 nrm


L20l Accessory
Holder,11964 Barn

I t zrs
For use w th 50W R20 50W PAR20
75W41g Larnps

color codes P, t!48, AM

133 mm 98 mm 175 mrn


IONTI[lINT AtS I r.zae

For use with 75W R30 75W PAF30,
l00W R25 (Halo Zl0), 75W Al!
Lamps Black Coiex Baflle.
color codes P NrlB A[,1 B

165 mm lll rllm 213 mm

For use !l/ilh 50W F 20, 50W PAR20
60WAlg Lamps. Black CD lex Ball e.

Color Codes P MB A[,4 B


133 mm gl] mrn l/5 mm

- I lzer
R.Lamp, l',la1te Black C0 lex Baff e.
For use wilh 40W Rl6 (Nalo Zg) or
30/50W R20 Lamps

Color Codes P, BZ B, C

5*' 3" 8r,r"

143 mm /0 mm 210 mm


) ttsz
F Lamp tr/alte Black Colle]( Ball e.
For use w th 30/50W R20 or l00W
R25 (Halo 210) Lamps

Colol Codes P MB, BZ,I C

65h" 35h' g3/s"

168 rnm 92 mm 238 mnr

llg6? Barn lnors

I r-zaa
R-Lamp. [4alle B aDk Coi ex Ball e
For use wilh 75W R30 l]. l00W F25
(la o Zl0)Lamps.

color codes P, ilB, BZ, B C

222 nrt 124 rnrn 203 nrm

Llg63 Earn nonrs

Clean and precise, C0ntinentals are a splendid ch0ice f0r c0ntemp0rary

interi0rs. Designed t0 fulfill the needs of both residential and c0mmercial ) ttz+
R-Lamp l)r PAR Lamp Matl,D Black
applicati0ns, these Iamph0lders are available in sizes for lamps ranging
C0i ex Baflle. F0r use ldith 150/300W
fr0m 40 t0 300 Watts. Their distinctive shape is c0mplemented by a wide R40 or l50W PAF 38 Lamps

selecti0fl 0f finishes. [.4ost unjts are supplied with a black C0ilex baffle t0 Color codcs P, lr,'lB BZ

reduce glare. lwE^

l0r/8" 1ls" 125k'
The'Economy Continental,'1704, is 0ffered in tw0 finishes f0r 25l mnr l4g mrn 321 rnm

c0mmercial applicati0ns. A malte black access0ry h0lder, 1201, that

accepts the L2l2 and L275 Louvers a nd the 1200 series of color filters,
11964 Barn 0l)l]rs
provides a choice 0f lighting effects at an ec0n0mical c0st.

Especially adaptable f0r residential use, lhe small but s0phisticated 1726
Vienti Step Cylinder blends with any color scheme 0r dec0r. C0nstructed
0f a lightweight p0lymer, with a ch0ice of popular finishes, this versatile.
lamph0lder acc0mm0dates b0th R"lamps and standard A lamps.



) ttzo
Vienti R LarnD nterrned ate Base F0r
use w th 25W Rl4 (Halo Zll) Lamps.

color code P

130 mnr 70 mrn 184 mrn


a L721
Vienl A-Larnp or R Lamp Bu ll n
o Ll710
EuroVenlil,4d A Lamp, A zak
Rdleclor For Lrse !,v lh 30/50W A urn num Felector. Lialte Black i/ n
R20 or 60W Al! Lamps Balle For use wllh 100WAlg Laml)s
color codes P. B color Code P

63h" 33t', g3/,r"

l/l mm 95 mm 248 mm 146 mrn l2l rnm 203 nrm

'Mar mrm ErkN m

Lg75 Barn Doon.

o ttTt l
Euro V enti M di R Lamp Matle Black
Co ex Baifle For use w th 100W F25
(Na o Zl0) or 50W R20 Lamps
Color Code5 P, B, C

5xlt" 4jlt"
146 rnm l2l mm 203 orm

Lg75 Barn Doors. .'',/
E@ P nchbacks are an rmpressive addlti0n t0 either c0mmerc al 0r residential

selt rgs. A large selecti0n 0f sizes and ftnishes further extends their iighling
design p0ssibilitles. The Vienti pinchbacks, made in a lighlweight, high impacl p0lymer, are rdeal
f0r residential lighting as they acc0mm0date b0th R and A lamps.

The Euro,Vienti lVidi is intended for either residential or commercial

systems. These are the same impeccable design, in a t0ugh zinc die-cast
b0dy that use R lamps, and ec0n0mical Low V0ltage lamps.
Even larger in scale, the Eur0-Vienti l\.4axi is ideal for commercial
installati0ns such as restaurants, 0ffjces 0r b0utiques. For use with R and
PAR lamps, these eiegant lamph0lders are made from a zinc dje-castjng t0
handle the t0ughest requirements.

a L1712
Eur0 Vienl l,l
d F Lafltp, l,]lalle B ack
Coiex Ballle For use wilh 75W R30

Color Code P

6r/3" 4Vt"
162 mn l2l mm 203 nl

Lg /5 Barn ll]ors

o L1713
turo V enti M di PAR Larnp, Energy
o L1722
@ Saver l2 Voll FDr use w th 25/50W
Euro V enti Max R Larnp or PAF
Lamp, Matle B ack Co lex Baffl"'
PAR36 I2V For use w th l50W PAF38 or 75W
color Codes P. BZ R30 Lam!s.

Colo. Codes P Bl
sqr" Ajh" 8"
146 mm l2l mrn ?03 mm
l/5 rnm l5C mm

Lg75 Sarn Doors

o L1724
Euro Vienl [4axi R Lamp and PAF
Lamp tr/alte B ack Baffle For use
w lh l50W F40 Larnps

color Code P

L w
1tl"' 614''
175 mm l5g mm 2?0 mm

Lg70 Barn Doors

a Lt545 -1-
R Lamp DarkWood !!ilh Polshed
Brass Shade For [se Vliih /5W
R30 Larn ps

Color Code B


203 rnm l3/ mfir 2b4 mm


I lrs+e
F LanD, 0ark Wood !! th Aflt que
Brass Shade. For usow lh i5W R30
La rnps

color codeAB

8" l0r/0"
203 mn 137 mrn 264 irm

o L1547
R-Lamp DarkWood w lh
Pa nted Strade For rse with 75W
830 Lamps.
color Codes P. AM


203 mrn 137 rnm 284 rnm

o It522' I lrsee
R.Larnp, L ghlWol]dw lh
Po shed Brass Lam0lrolder, Clear
0pl c G ass Shade For use wilh Painled Shade For use w th 75W
l00W Alg C ear Larnps R30 Lamps

color Code P

L w E'
6', 101/4" 3" 5318" 103/0"

184 mm 152 mflr 2n0 nm 203 mm 137 mm 264 mfil

! lrszo
Anlque Brass Lamphl] der Ehhed
0pt c Glass Shade For use with 100W
Al9 Frosted Lamps
ltt 6' I Dj/a'
184 mm 152 nm 260 mrn

C0mpatible wjth c0untry 0r 0ther traditj0nal furnishings and a unique

accent f0r c0ntemp0rary styles, Hal0's Brass and Glass collecti0n offers
refreshing design possibilities. Distinctive beaded brass fittings in p0lished
0r antiqued finish c0mbine with clear 0r translucent shades in a very
versatile selecti0n. Exclusive t0 this c0llecti0n is the pendant fixture in
c0mbinati0ns 0f p0lished brass with clear glass shade, 0r antique brass
with etched glass shade.
The Halo Balustre Collection has been especially desiqned f0r th0se wh0
seek a cust0m look in track lighting. Combining the warmth and richness
0f well-turned 0ak with shades 0f c0nt0ured metal, these lamph0lders
add richness to traditjonal and c0ntemp0rary inte 0rs. These lampholden
use 75W R30 lamps, making them ideal for today's residential and
c0mmercial settings where an inn0vative style is desired.

I lrss+
Anl que Brass Pendanl, Elched
0l]lc G ass Shade For rse w lh
100WAl9 Frosled Lam0s
L w
6tr' 10" 85'
165 mrn 254 mn 2159 mm

I lrsse
Po shed Brass Pendanl C ear 0otic
G ass Shade. For use w Ih 100W
Alg C ear.
Color Code E



I lrsro
R Lamp For Lise w th 40W Rl6
(fa o Zg) or 30/50W 820 tamps.

color codes P, AB 08, B

130 mm 108 rnm

I lrsrt
R Larnp For use w th 75W 830 or
l00W R25 (fa o 210) tarnps

colorcodes P, AB 0B 0C, B

l5C nrrn l4g rnm ?22nn


I lrsrz a 1710
Trad t ona Lampho der, Shade nler or
R Lamp or PAR Lamp. For use w th
150W R40 or l50W PAR:8 Larips BakedWh le Enamel For use !vith
75W R30 l00W 825 (Ha o 210) or
color codos P AB, 08, B
l50WA2l Larnps
L w E' colo. Codes AB B
71tr" I lvr'
l9l rnm lS1 ?57 mm
t5h, 53h" 101/3"

lg4 mm 146 mrn 25/ rnrn


O lzrr
Trad t ona Lafirplro der, B ack loi ex

Bali e For use wllh l00W R25

(Halo 210) or l00W Alg Lamps I
ColorCodesAB, B

3tlr" t0'
178 innr Bg mm 254 mrn
o tt52a
Pr) shed Erass Lam0hl) der, Gresn
Nldal Shade. For rse w th l00WA1g
Frosled Lamps.

Color Code B

lis mm lR7 mm 754 mm

o L1524
Po shed Brass Lampho der
Handblown Green Cased Glass
Shade. For uso w th l0 0Vl Alg
Frosted Lamps


Create dramatic en\/ir0nments with this charming c0llecti0n. Remin scent

0lt mes past, the flared lampshades will add a styl sh f0cal p0int
l0 many settings. Als0 included in this series is the p0pular 1710 and 1711 lamph0lder in
polished or antique brass. To reduce glare, the 1711 is litted with a lvlatte
Black Coilex Baffle. Combining a n0stalgic form with functronal design, the Halo Classic
Collection is rem niscent 0f b00k-lined r00ms and lustr0us leather
furnishings.0lde brass, 0lde c0pper 0r antique brass finishes have
a heritage 100k, while the white versi0n 0ffers an alternati\ie f0r
contemporary settinqs.
) l*ttt
R.Larn0 Matle B ack Co lex Baff e

For use w th 40W F16 (Ha o lg)

Lil rnps

Color code P

55/8" 231s" 83h"

143 rnm 60 mrn 213 mm

) tzzz
R Lamp Matle B ack i]oilex Baffle
For Lrse w lh 30/50W R20 or l00W
R25 (Halo 210)Lamps

Cololcodes P BZ AB B C

63/a" 35/€" gVr"

1/1 rnm 92 mm 241 mm

c L7r5
For use w th 50W F20 50W PAB20,
) Lzza
R Larnp Matle B ack Co lex Baflle
60WA1g Lamps. Black Co lex Baff e For use w lh 75W 830 or l00W F25
color Codes P, lrlB, I Al'l (Ha o Zl0) Lamps

Color Code F

5316" 33h"
132 mm 95 mm 156 mJr ll3/d"
232 rnm ll4 mm 2Bg mm

ll vts
For use wilh 75W R30 75W PAR30:
75WAl9 100W R25 (Halo Zl0)
Lamps. B ack Co lex Balf e

Colo. Codcs P, l,4B B A1,.1

6r5/1d, 415htj'
l/E mn 125 mm 203 mm

'lYla{mum Exlens on

'ils, w lh Hi o sockel dknder Hr999

Halo Power-Trac has it all ... Spheres, Squares and S0ft Squaresl A classic
design for track lighting, Halo Spheres add the elegance 0f a pure ge0metric
f0rm t0 all interi0rs. For commercial use, the larger melal fixtures acc0m-
modate R lamps 0r PAR lamps. A Matte Black Coilex Baffle reduces glare.
This crisp, angular design is at its best in t0day's c0ntemp0rary interi0rs.
Halo Squares pr0vide a strikingly clean-cut l00k rn 0ffices, restaurants, and
st0res. ln residential settings Squares c0ntribute a precisi0n, high{ashi0n
l00k l0 kitchens, dens, livinq and dininq r00ms.
Clean, c0ntemp0rary lines and subtle, rounded corners make Halo Soft
Square C0ntinental Lamph0lders right f0r any setting. The variety of sizes
and the selecti0n 0f finishes fit in well with any dec0r. Matte Black Coilex
Baffle prevents glare.


)c, N Lamp tr4alte Black Co ex Baff "'.

For use l! th 30/50W F 20. 75W 830
or l00W R25 (Halo ll0)
Color Codes P. AB, B C

5" D"

I lzea
R Lamp PAB Lamp,l,,lalle B ack
ln cr Baff P For rsP W th l50W
R40 or l50W PAR3I

Color Codes P B, C

178 mrn 203 mm 267 mm
O LrToo
FDr use w th 30 to 300W R.Lam|]s or
l50W PAR38 Lamp Mlay be used \a th
1200 Ser es l]efleclon and L ghl
Coloi Code5 P MB. 0Y BC

l?l mm 54 mrn 184 mm


I r.rzos'
!se wilh Med t]m Base Lamps up to
150 Watls (showll w th L2 g5)

Colol Codes P MB. B I

168 mm

a f7(}()
Llse w th R or PAR Lam0s. For use
w lh 30 300W l] Lamp or 150 PAR38.
color Codes P MB, AL

15? mm 67 mrn 244 mm

The utm0st in simplicity, ec0n0my and versatility, Hal0 [Jniversal series
lamph0lders lend a quality 0f their 0wnt0 restaurants, offices, 0r st0res.
)@ Universals can be used with access0ry shields and reflect0rs sh0wn 0r they
cal] als0 be very effective unshielded. Perfect f0r residential as well as c0mmercial applications, the Universal
series is available in several finishes for great design versatility. Reflect0rs
in four styles are available f0r the lJniversal. lVix 0r match t0 achieve the
desired visual impact.

o 1t735
For use with up lo 75W PAF16
< 50W PAF20. 75W PAR30 and l50W
PAR38 Lamps.
Colo. Codes P MB

-- nh"
L---r--l 23h"
/0 mm 48 mrn

)@ );

I r.zrs
G.Lamp 'Bare Bu b' Look does nol I I
or swivel For use wilh G25 C30, or
040 Lamps.
Color codei B C

130 mm 54 mm l4q nrm

f) (



-I r-zeo
Accessory L ghl Shleld, use w th
PAR38 Lamp only

Colol Codes P N4B

92 mm l4l mnr

'Max mum tulens 0i

1200 Color F llers,
L212 and L215

O ezo
Accessory L ghl Shield use w lh R30
Lamps on y

Color codes P, MB

33/ft" AVt"
8l mm l14 nrnr


! r-zso
Relleclor, nterlor Baked White Painl
For use wilh 60W Alg Lamps

Colo. Code P

79 mm 132 mm
! r-zsz
ReJ eDtor, lnterl0r P0lished Slippled
A Irn num For rrse w th 100/15nW
A21S lver 8ow Lam0s.
Color Codes P MB

60 mm 182 rnrn


! ueo
Rellect0r, lnleri0r Baked Wh le Pa nl.
For use w th up lo l00WAlg

Color Code P


) tzez
Rdlector, lnlerior Baked Wh le Painl.
tor use w th up 10 l00WA1g
Color Codc P

l0l mm 1/0 rnm

.?. <



I uss
Accessory Belows for 1100, L]/00
and 11703. For us"' w lh Lamps Llp
to l50W

Colol code l,]lB


< 6q

o L2736
For use w th up to 50W l2V PAR3E
@ Lamp Musl be used with 12001 So d
State Adapler. Features an easy.lo.
nstal Snap 0n Lamp Connector
color Codes P MB, C B

21h" 43/a" 61h"

73 mm l2l mm 175 firm
'Ma m!m ExlemioD

1236 l] ps t200
Fiters, 1275 & 1272 '
Louvers, Llg6lBarn

! lrzao
G nbal R I(] Lan]0holder
50W PAR30 Lamps.
FDr use w lh
G mbal R ng Lamphl) der For use w th CI(
15lW PAR 3B/3 Side Prong Lamp
Color Codos P, LlB, C, B, 8C
color codes P, LIB

31/8" 315h6'1
33/a' 5',
g/ mm 107 rnm
S5 rnrn 125 mm 20S mm

Llg6lBarn 0oors
(Allows lhe use oi
t278 Cl ps, 120 0
Co or F lers 1275
L?ll Co or F iers
C Jhe llel I oLrver
& t275 Louver), 1230 Clips.

o Lr73A
For use wilh 045W 0g0W and 0150W
PAR3B Lamps or 75W, l20W and l50W
PARS I Larnps

Color Codes P, [48 B C, BC

51h" 5" Qll'

130 mm 125 rnm 241 mm

1200 Ser es Co or -' .
F llers/Lenses
Llg6l Barn Ill)on
Simpl c ty 0f f0rrn and advanced lamp techn0l0gy make Ha l0 Power Trac
0imba R ng Lamph0lders ideal f0r c0mmercialand accent lighting
app icat 0ns. The l00k adapts t0 a variety 0f settings. The deep return
0f1he girnbal ring enhances the high tech look. GimbaL Ring lampholders are designed to acc0mm0date a wide variety 0f
PAR, lamps as we I as the MRl6 l0w v0ltage lamp. These lamph0lders
accept l0uvers, c0 0r filters, and 0ther access0ries that aid in creating the
perf ect liqhtinq eff ect.

a L2716
Low Vo tage Girnba F ng Lamp-
@ holder For use w th Llp to 50W
l2V MRl6 Lamp l',lust be used wilh
L200lSo d Stale Adapter
coro' cod€s P MB, B, C

48 mm 54 mm 66 nm

Accessorie5 , "''
Ll00 llers/Lenses,
F "
1200 Baflle, Llg55 Corcen
tralo r, 11960 Barn Doors.

o L2717
nlegralSo d Slale l2V Iranslormsr
@ For use \|ith 75Wl2V MRl6 Lamps.

Color Codes P, lL4B B, C

17/r" 2h' AlE"

48 mrn 54 mm 124 mm

Acce3Borie3 /,.
Ll00 Fiters/Lenses, "
1200 Ball e, Ll!55 Conren
tra to r 11960 BarI Doon
I lrzsz
0uarlz Larnp Wal Washer Prov des
unilorm i uminall0n wilh shsrp cut01j
al lop and boltl]m For uss wilh
l50WT 4Iungslen Ha ogen Mrni
Candelabra Base Lam0. (Hal0 +250).

Colol Codes P MB

35i8" 51h"
S2 mm 76 mrn l4g mm

Lg77 Barn 0oors

I lrzss
ouarlz Lamp Wa lWasher. Prov des
unrl0rm llum nati0n wilh sharp cul0ll
at top and botlorr For use w th 0250
I\,lC TC4 i,{ n Canlungslenl]alogen

coloi codes P, l'/B

35h', 3',
92 mm 76 mm 152 mm

L!78 Barn Doors

! lrzsr
A Lamp WallWasher w th I ack
Louver Prl]vides broad unilorn'r
I urnination. For use w th 100WAlg
or l50W A2l La rnps

Color Code P

121 nrm ll2 mm 146 inm

)m, i/l/A tt t/t/A SHIHS

Hal0 Wall Washer fixtures are used t0 create architectural interest, add t0
the spatial dimensi0ns of an interior and enhance wall surface texture.
The 11768 and 11769 Cylinders use R lamps t0 provide a pleasingly soft wall
washing effect. The l0uvered 11751 uses economicalA lamps for creating
broad uniform illuminati0n. The 11752 and 11753 tungsten-halogen lamp
units pr0duce unif0rm illuminati0n with sharp cut-Off at t0p and b0tt0m.

EconomyWa lWash Cylinder For use
w th 150/300W R40 or l50W PAR/38.

slh" 51h" 11W
251 mm 149 mm 2gl] rnm

Scol]p WallWash Cylinder. For use
wilh 75W R30 Lamps

Colo. Code P

11h" 5" 87s"
200 mm l2l mm 225 mrn
o L777
LowVollage Lam0holder t0r use wilh
@ 25W PAR46 (5.5V) Pinspot or 30W
(6V) P nspot nc udes nlegra

Color Cod€s P. l',48

197 mm
171 mm 203 mm ffiq
1200 Color Filters
1215 aft L212

I lzze
High lnlensily Spol. For use with
Mediurn Side Prong l50W PAR38/3 or
200W PAB 46/3 Larnps.

color codGs P, [,18

53h" rlh' 6v1"

137 mm 171 mm 165 mm
acco66orios ll
1200 Co or llers, /
I?n ann lrh

I r-zse
High lnlensily Sp0l l,{ogul Fnd Pr0ng
Lamp Use wilh ltlogu End Prong
300W or 0500W PAF56 Lamps.
Colol Codo6 P [,lB

178 mm 213 mm 302 mm
1300 Co or F llers,
(300W max.), 1372
): .l

a L1775
Stud o wilh Barn 0oor Shutlers. For
I r.zsz
Proledor Lampholder, Beam
use w ih 55W PAR16 and 75W Adluslmeni lrom 15' spol lo 40'
PABI6 Lanps. llood. For use wilh 75/l00WAlg
Frosled Lamps.
L w
Colol Codcs P, MB

127 mm 76 mm 203 mm
o' 15/r' 113h"
?29 mm 0? mm 2C8 mm

o u27'f 5
L0w Vollate Studi0 Lampholder with
@ Barn Door Shuilers. lnlegnl So ld
Slale lzvTransformer. For use wilh
75Wl2VMRl6 Lamps.
Color Codci P, MB

142 mm 76 mm 1S7 mm

I r.zss
C ose Mount Economy, uses
i!,led um Base R Lamp or PAR
Larnp (300W Llax.)

Colo. Code P


o ut756
Low V0llage Pr0ject0r wilh lnlegra
@ S0lid Stale l2VTransi0rmer. Lens and
Shuiler Syslern shapes ighl beam
nlo any straight s ded shape thal
exactly llum nates a painling or pr nl.
Uses 75W or 50W 12V LlF16 Lamps

colol cod€s P. MB

S5/r" 3V1' 101/i"

244 mnr 89 mm 276 mm

Acce.sorioc , ',,

lt5n lris ',/t

The projector is an ideal way t0 f0cus special attention on "Collector 1,>
Items."For both residential and c0mmercial applicati0ns, Halo offers o L1762
Cylinder Lampholder. For use wilh
several choices t0 meet y0ur lighting requirements. The 12756 Low l50W PAR 38/3 l',{ediurn S de
V0ltage "Framing Pr0ject0r" uses a s0phisticated optical system with four Prong Lamp

adjustable 'Frame-ln" shutters which permit shaping the light beam into Colol Codcs P MB

\iirtuaily any three or Iour-sided pattern. Ihe cylindrical 1757 utilizes a

6Vr" slt"
sliding s0cket and lens to provide beam adjustments with the use 0f an 165 mm 133 mm 222 nn
inexpensive general service Alamp.

1200 Color F llers,

1275 Louver lL2T6
C ips required)
Miniature srze, dec0rat0r fin shes, push-in
c0fnectors, ec0n0my, all c0mbine t0 rnake Mtnialtre
Irac perfect l0r residential 0r c0mmercial use.
l\,4 niature Trac is 0nlylr/6" deep by 13/s" wide.

It4iniatl.]re lrac is ava lable in eight fin shes l0 meet
1900 1901 t 902 1903
afy dec0raling need;While, [.4atle B]ack, Alm0nd, 0ul ElBoxCover Can be used at Live EndConneclor To stada run. Fhxrb e Connector To connecltwo Stra ghl Conneclor To tonnscttwo
Anlique Brass, P0lshed Brass, Br0nze, P0lished afy e erlrca leed c0nnecli0n p0int Co or codes:P, [48, AM lrack seclons alany ang e up lo lrack seclions endh end Lg03
Aluminum, Wood Grain. {Lve Slraishl, L TorX) S ze:5" sq 90'orwal lo cei ng or p lched dliers lrom mn conneclor Lg08 n
(127 mm) Screws inc uded. ce lnq aD0 icalons lhalil pr0vides a cenler leed oplon

Connectors Co or codes:P, MB, AM Color codes P MB and s longer

Coorcodes P MB AM
C0nrecl0rs simply push int0 lhe ends 0f the Trac,
e minat fg splicing. L's T s X s and the Flexible
C0nnector all0w track t0 be assembled in alm0sl
any paltern.

T0 ensure sale 0perali0n the enttre lrack system
s fu ly p0larized and gr0unded. Gr0undifg is
acc0rnp ished ari0matical y by a separate s0lid
c0pper gr0und c0nduct0r ln the 1rack. The !r0und
c0nduct0r maiftains c0ntinllity t0 the building s
gr0unding system thr0ugh the gr0und c0nlact fingers
in each ol lhe oonnertnrs
L904 L905 t906
Specilications Conneclor To ronnectlwo lracl Connerlor lra*
L T To X Connsclor Io connect Jourirack 0ulel Bor lor NP wirh T Bar
The structural channel is exlruded aluminurn wlth seclions ala
glrtang e secli0ns n10 a T c0nl guralon seclons nlo a cross configuralion celinq L90l 1903 LS04 L905or
Co or codes:P. MB. AM CoorcodesrP MB Coior codes P MB Lg06 connedor a so required 4"
.060" n0minalwalllhickness. C0nduct0rs are s0 id
(102 mm)x 4" (102 mm)x l,s"
c0pper buss bars encased in rigid extruded PVC (2S mm) Coorcodes P MB

insL at0rs. P0larized c0nnect0rs and efd caps are

m0lded Lexan9 Electr cal capacity s 20 AMPS.
Ha 0 l\liniature Trac is UL listed, CSA certified.
A visual p0larity line 0n P0wer Trac units indicates
pr0per electrica installati0n. Simp y line up p0 ar ty
0n P0wer Trac and lamph0lder adapter.

r.650 1652 L9{'a L909 t9so L951

2'Trac Aclualhnglh20rs" 8'Trac. Actua knglh 921'6" M niJo ner. A low prolie conneclor Floaln0 Can0py and ConnectoL Cord and Ptug Conneclor. l2' three !!ire Way Cover lor Pendanl
(51.lcm) Color rodesrP, MB PAL, (234 rm) Color codes P, MB PAL, to dean y and cr sp y join t,vo Track can be ronnecled lo exisling wire cord w th qroul]ded pug Assemb y Kl Forlrackto bewred
WBZ AB B AM W 82,48, B, AM stra ght lrack seclons end.l0.end ouUetbox localed anywhere a onq i\,lax fium capacly I0AMP through siem (one lor each iye end
1651 L653 (Nole:Ihe tS08 s not a teed the trark. C0mes willr can0py Color codes P, MB AM used). Color codes:P, MB
4' Aclual knqth 441s" l2'Trac Actua/ hnglh l40ls" po ol )C0l0r codes:P, M8, AM cover c0nnector, dead end and
(ll2lcm) Coor codes P MB, PAL, (356 cnr) Coorcodes:P, MB, BZ mountirq hardware.4'lr" (105 mm)
W 82,AB,8,AM x 41i4" (108 mm)x131s" (35 mm)
Color codesrP, M8. AM


C0nduit C0niinuali0n Kil. Conshlhg tte End Conduil Fller 0esDned I BarAllachmenl C i0 A lows track Pendant KitAssembly. Io suspend
0f one lell condullllerand one lo accellstandardr,l" trade sze 1o beaikched lo nvededlee lrack irom ce lng 0rderaslolowsl
r g h t c 0n d u i I f il I e r. To conlinue a condLr lllter (nolsLrpp
ied) Use cei ng. 0rderasfolows: 2 lih l0r 2'Trac 2 kh l0r4'Irar;
2 kits lor
AB run around obsiruclons. Des gned when hed ng h lra* lhrough 2'Trac 2 klslor4'Trar 3 kls lor 8'Trartand 4 t ls l0r
3 kils lor
Anlique Brass l0 accePl'r"1rade sze cordurl 8'Trar aod 4 kils J0r l2'Tmc l2'Trac lnc. one lS"lhreaded
litier (nol ncluded) Coloa codes q MB slee slem, can0py and mounlinq
Color mdes P MB hardware. Maybe Lrssd on
nverledT c"l ngs wilh T bar clips
Colorcodes P MB

l4a 48" Ske Stem For rse

with 1992 Can b? led ruland
Ihreaded. Coor codes q MB
Hal0 Raceway Irac pr0vides eleclr cal flexibility al
a lracti0n 0f the c0st 0f c0nventi0nalwir fg 0n l0ng
rnear runs. This ec0n0mical sin0le-clrcuit raceway
lrack is lhe m0st versati e track system 0n lhe

lntegral Raceway
T!p p0rli0n 0f track is designed as a raceway. W ll
carry llp t0 6 #12 AWG c0nduc10rs. Can be used t0 t900 L9tt Lgt3
0ul elBox Cover Can be Lrsedal Live End Conneclor To starla run. Slraighl C0nnector. To conneclhro
feBd additi0nal secti0fs 0f track fr0m the 0riginal any eledrca leed connectirln point Co or codes: P, lvlB lracksecloN end.lo.end.
fe€d p0int, mifinrizing installali0n time and c0st. (Lve Slraishl, L Torx) Sz"o 5"sq Co or codes P, MB
(127 mnr) Screws nc udEd
Rac€way covers are in cluded. Co or codes:P. MB

C0nnecr0 . siTply push inl0 the prds 0t t1e I ac,
e mifating spl cing. L's T's X's all0w lrack t0 be
assembled in any pattern.

Separate Ground Wire

P0r,{er-Irac has separale insulaled c0pper gr0und
0r earth c0nducl0r, des gned t0 rnaintain p0sltive
gr0uird c0nt n!i1y between amph0lders,lrack and
the building's grounding syslem.

Power-Trac Raceway Trac is ava lab e in white 0r
matle black t0 prOvide design flexibility.

Specilications L914 L9t5 t9t6

L Conneclor To connectlwo lracl T C0nnector. To c0nnectlhree track X Conneclor To c o nn e c I lo ur I ra c k
The slruciural channel is extruded alL]minurn w th s-oci ons a1a righlange seclions inlo a T conligumiion sections nlo a cross contguralion
Color codes: P. l'rB Co or codes:P MB
.070" n0minalwall lhickness. Width is l%" and
lre ght s l5/61'C0nducl0rs are s0 id c0pper buss bars
ercased in rlgid extruded PVC insulal0rs. C0nnect0rs
and €nd caps are rn0lded 0t LexanP Elect|cal
capac ty is 20 A[/PS. Ha 0 Raceway Trac slJL
listed, CSA certified.

L6tt,16t2, L6t3 l6t I L96l t9a4 1993

Su rce Mounled tmck (nc udEs 4'Tracl. Aclua lenqlh 441!" L!e Fnd 0Esigned lo accspl Atlachnrenl
T Bar Cl p. Alows Pendanl K I Assembly To suspend
dead end mouning hardware and (ll2 rm) Color c0d"os P MB slandard li" lrade sze condril sudace mounl RacewayTrac lo be trark lrom ceirng 0rder as Io lows
race\aay cover) 0ulklbox cover 16t2 I ter (nol supp ied). Use when anached lo nverled 1ee ce lng 2 k ls lor 2'Trart2 klls lor 4'Trac:
ve end conneclo. orio ner
8'lack Aclual knglh 921h" Ieeding Io surlace mounlRaceway 0rder asl0lows 2 khlor 2'Tmr 3 k ls lor S'Trac;and 4 kits lor12'
conneclors musl be ordered (234 rm). Color codes P MB trac lhrouglr sudace condril 2 klstor4'Trac 3 kih lor 8'Trac Irac ncludes one lS" lhrcaded
separately. syslem Coorcodes:P M8 slee $em canopy and mounling
t6r 3
hard\lare Maybe used on nveded
12'Tract Aclua l"onglh 1401s"
(356 cm) Co or codes: P, I'i8 TcelngswilhT-bar clps
Color codes:P MB

48" Ske Slem Forusewith 1993.
Can beled cLrland threaded
lo or codes q MB

llal0 2 P0wer-Trac syslem pr0vides two separate
20 A[/P c rcuits. Each c rcu t can be independent y
swilched. PrOvides maximum f exibi ily, wilh a
miniatrr€ pr0f le. Suitable for a w de range 0l
c0mmeruial, merchandis n! and residenlial

Ith sir"
\(l ta o.z powe' I aL is orly b' oeep 0y I B" wide. t900
0utetEor C0ver. Can be used al
Lve Fnd Connecior To slan a run
FexJo ner To ronneclMo lrack
Slraight L C0nnector
Same as Ha o /Vllniature Traol T0 connecl
any e eclricalleed connecl0n 00inl Co or codes P MB s€rlons alany ang e up to g0: f/vo trark seclions end to end 0r at
(LNe, Slra ohl L,TorX) Sze 5"s0. g0'
Finishe5 Color codesrP, MB a ang e. Coor codes: P MB
{127 mm). Screws nc uded
Hal0 2 Trac is available in lw0 f nishes, white afd Coll). codes q MB A[,{

malle b ack.
C0nnecl0rs pL]sh easi y nt0 the ends 0f the track,
elminal ng spl cing. P0laIty arr0ws 0n c0nnect0rs
assure pr0per electrical installali0n. Just align
arrows w th polarity life 0n track and push in. N0
tabs t0 break 0lflSaves lime, eff0rt ard expefses.

T0 ensure safe 0perati0n the eflire track syslern
s 1! ly p0 ar zed and gr0ufded. Gr0!nding is
acc0mplshed aut0matically by a separate s0l d

c0pper gr0und c0nduct0r I the lrack.

Specilications t94sR r.94st t946 L947

RighlT Connector To ronneclthree Lell T Connecior Connecl three XC0nnecl0r T0 c 0 n ne c I I 0 u r I r a c k C0nduit C0nnect0r A ive end
StructLrra channel is extruded aluninum wilh trark secti0ns inlo a rghthand lracksedons nlo a hflhand seclons n10 a cross conftguralr0n. c0nneclorlor usewlh surtace
.060" nominalwa I th ckness. C0ndtct0rs are s0lid
Tconlguralon loor c0d"os P MB T configuralion. T0 reverse poarily C0l0rrodes P MB condu I Oes gned h accepl
ol cenl8r lrack secl lln ol'T" ton $andard l/i'l condr titIng (nol
c0pper brss bars encased n rig d extruded PVC lguralon Coorcodes P MB nclrd"od) Colorcodes:P MB
nsulat0rs. P0laIzed c0nnectOrs and end caps are
m0 ded 0l Lexan9 E ectrical capac ty is 20 AMPS
per c rcuit when pr0perly
balanced (See wiring
detai pages 84-85.) Hal0 2Trac s IJL isled,
CSA certil ed.

lnsiallation ol Lampholders
All Ha 0 P0wer-Trac larnph0lders can be used with
Ha 0-2 P0wer Trac Syslem C0nnectin0 amph0lders
is simple. An adjuslable c0nlact al ows select 0f 0f
lhe c rcuit p0siti0f. Lift 0r l0wer the c0ntact llnti il
t0uches the plastic stOp 0f th€ assembly. F0r circuil
+1 m0ve c0ftaclt0 the d0wn p0s ti0n. F0r circuil
#2 rn0ve c0ntacl t0lhe up p0siti0f.
M niJo ner. To jo n lwo slraDhl Wir"o Way Cllverlor Pendanl T EarAlhchm"onlC 0 Alowslrack Condrit Conlinual on Kll ncudes
tracksections ?nd 1o end. Noia Ass"qnb y Kl F0rlracklo bewired lo be atarhed lo nvenedlee kJland r !ht condrd connectors.
ieed point. Co or cl]des:q MB lh.ough slem (0ne for ive end cei rng. O.der as lo lows: 2
kih lor Colorcodes:P MB
used) Color rodes:P. MB 2'Tract2 klslor4'Tmc 3 tih lor
8' Tract and 4 k ls lorl2' Trar.

4'Trrc Aclua englh 42%l' Pen danl Kit Ass"mb y To suspend
lo or rodes:P MB trackfrom ce lnq 0rderas lolows: MB Mafle Black

L642 2 k h lor 2'Tmci2 kih 1or 4'Iraci

8'Trac Aclua lenglh 905,s1' 3 klsiorS'Trac and 4lihlor12'
Colffcodes P, i'I8 Trac nc udes one l8" llreaded
stee slem canopy and firornlrng
t643 hardware May be used on nverled
i2'lac Aclt]a kngth 1385i"
TceiingswlhT bar c hs.
lo or rodes:P MB
Co or codes:P MB
F0rr circuits give ample capacity l0r any lighting
need, all0wifg grealer l0ad d€fsity (m0re watls per
f00t 0f lrac).The exlra capacity can be used t0 make
l0fger r!rs frorn a single i€ed p0in1 by spread ng the
l0ad belween the circuils. Additi0na circuils can be
rlrn thr0!gh lhe integra raceway all0wing even
0ng eI runs.
F0ur Circu t P0wer'Trac 0flers greater flexibi ily. L9()0 L92t L923 L924
0LrlletEox Cover. Can be used al Lve End lonneclrrr To stad a run Slra ghl C0nnecl0r T0 c0nnectlwo LConned0r C0nnectsIwolratk
F0ur circrits can be ind vidually switched t0 c0ntr0l any e eciricalieed connetlon po nt Color rodes:P,l'rB end
lrack serlons endto seclons a1a rhhlanq e
m0re light ng ltrct
0ns. lise 0f the Lg63 C0nvert0r (Live Straqht, L TorX) Sre 5" Color codes P MB Cotor codes: P MB
sq (127 mnr) Screws ncuded
all0ws any Ha 0 P0wer-Trac lamph0lder (excepl
Color rodes:P, MB
llr0se requlring 12001 adapler) i0 be used with F0!r
C rcu t Trac.

The Trac lnstal s qu ckly and easily, cutting

irlstallailon cosls and saving 1ne

Ihe struclural extruded aluminum channel is
availab € in matte black and wh te

Four Cirsuit Operations

Hal0 F0!r CrrcuilTrac al Ows greater dens ty by
carry ng up t0 60 AMPS, on 3,phase 4 wire system
0r 40 Al\,4PS 0n sing e phase 3 wire system. See
l!ir ng delail pages 84 85. Fu ly p0larized and
grornded throughout. L925 t 926 t954
T ConnBclor To connecllhree track X l]onneclor To connerlfoLrrtrack PendanlKll To suspend track Jrom
Specilications seclons nto a I C0nlguralon seclions inlo a ffoss conlguralon lhe celng 0rder as l0lows:2 kls
Color codes P, MB Co or codgs:P MB 2'Irac klslor4'Traci3 kls
The structural chaffel is exlruded alurninum 1or 2
lor g'Irac 4 kisll)rl2'Trar.
w th 070" n0mina wal thickness W dth is l%1' 18" lhread ed steel stem, one
Height s l3tu." C0ndtct0rs are s0l d c0pper buss ranopy and mounlng hardware
Coorcodes P MB
bars encased n rig d extruded p0lyv fy irsulat0rs.
C0nireclors and end caps are mclded of Lexan9
l-lal0 F0ur CircuitTrac is IJL isled, CSA certtfied.

C0fn€cl0rs simply push int0 the ends 0f the 1rack,
s im nalif! sp iclng. L's, T's, X's al 0w track t0
be assembled in alm0st any paltern. Saves lime
and eilnri

Single C ruillo Four Circull Condu lConneclor A Live End

Conv"orlor w th Swlch Ihs adapler Conneclol foa use w1h suriac€
is designed lo Jlhlo lhe lrac in condul. Des gned lo accepl
elheroJtriro dreclions Facng n slandard.!" trade sie condu I
one dir"oclon lmakes contaNlwth l lter (nolsupp ied).
crcLr ls laod 2,wlh a 3 oosit'on Crllor rodes:P, [,18
swlch (on oil 0n)Ned to seect
the desiredcrlu1 T0 c0nnectlhe
Itlurewllr circuih 3 or4. the
adaders r"mov"d lrom the lrac.
luned 180: and s lhen r-'meded
inlo lh"o lrac Coorcodes:P. [,18

L621, L622, L623 l62t MB [,lal1e [943

tuu Crcullrac (indrdes dead 4'Trac Aclua enqlh 42?,,!"
T.BarAflachmsnlC ip. A lovys lrack
end and moLrnting hardware) Live (108.S rm) Color codes P MB lo tre altached 10 n\]srledtee
Eid or Jo ner Conneclors mLrsl be
\622 ce log lrder as lolori/s:2 kis lor
8'Trac Aclua lenqlh g0l!" 2'ftar 2 k ls ior 4'Irac,3 kilslor
(230.8 r/n) Coior codes:P MB 8'Tr(rc and 4 klsior12'Trac
1623 Co or codes:P MB
l2'Irac Actua lBnqlhl38,,r"
(352 T rnr) Color codes:P MB
Reces6ed Raceway Power.Trac
Single Circtlil Recessed Raceway P0wer-Trac is
designed t0r installati0n in plaslerb0ard ceilings 0r
l0r dse w trr lile ceilings in straighl .uns 0nly.
Available in 4'and 8'lengths.

Recessed Raceway Trac is lrf32" deep and
Sltt" wide.
It is avallable in a white finish.
The system includes 0nly tw0 c0nnectOrs, a Ll93lP
Live End C0nnect0r t0 start a run and a Ll933P
Straight C0nnect0r which c0nnects lw0 secti0ns 0f
straighl track end to end.

lhe structural channel is extruded alurninum with
.070" n0mlnalwall thickness. C0nducl0rs are s0lid
c0pper buss bars encased in rlgid extruded p0lyvinyl
lnsu at0rs. C0nnect0rs are m0lded 01 Lexan9
Recessed Raceway Trac is LJL listed, CSA cert fied.

For tlse with 6 #12 AWG conductors.
Recessed flaceway Trac will acc0mm0date the
l0ll0wing access0ries: Lg32 Cr0ss Tee Adapter Clip,
1934 Cr0ss Iee Adapter Clip, Lg35 Recessed
l]0tlsing Hanger, t93B Cr0ss Iee End and 1939
kthing Iab. See f0ll0wing page f0r descrlpti0n.

Ll63l-4' Recessed Raceway lt93tP lt933P

Trac. Color mde:P Io slai a iun Coorcode:P Col]necls lwo seclons ol slraighl
L1632-8' R"ocessed Raceway lrac end lo end. Co 0r code:P
Trac.Coorcode P
Recessed Power-Tras Housing to F0r a c ean, flush t0 cei ing "designed rn" track Lighlwe qht h0rsing is easy t0 nstal . C0mplete
Achieve the "Designed-ln" Look ighting 100k. Un qLe Recessed P0wer Trac H 0! sing systein can be instal ed by 0ne pers0n bef0re rnakifg
acc0mrn0dates Hal0 [Iin ature (s ngle c rcu t) eleclr cal c0nfect 0ns. Firsl, lhe P0wer.Trac h0!s fg
0r Na 0.2 (lwO c rcu t) P0wer-Trac sect 0fs. lt is is inslalled t0 the fin shed ceil ng. P0wer supp y
c0rnpatible w th drywall, suspefded standardrs,ir6" 0r c0rfect 0rs are made. Then the l\,4iniature 0r Hal0-2
q16"I grid, legu ar ce lings and n0sl 0thercei ing P0wer Trac secli0ns are p aced in the h0using
rnateria s. See drawings A, B, C.
Recessed P0wer-Trac H0using can als0 be used as a

0lfered in 4'0r B' efgths Channe lenglhs can

be l eld cul l0 suit applicati0n. H0using wi lacc0m
raceway with Lg37 Raceway C0ver access0ry. This
all0ws addili0na P0wer Irac sect 0ns l0 be fed fr0m
rn0date stra ght runs L, T, 0r X c0ffigurat 0ns. 0ne 0Ltlet b0x. Pertecl f0r c0mrnerc al 0r
Syslen al ows p0wer feed c0nnecl 0ns fr0m live insla laiinnsl
ends or cofr€ctl]rs.

Cciling Typc

Ceiling Detail Housinq ayouts conlom lo Drywall Mounlas sho14n.llse Lalh nglab
slandard ceiing grid firoduhs and l0 ceilinq supp0rl
t0 laslen N0using
lracklenqlhs Housing may be members Sel housins so iknses
spared on modrlar or non modu ar over a0l nished ceiing.

Standard Tile Mount as shown. lse Recessed Tegular Tile Mounlas shown Uss necsssed
Hl]usrng llanger lo suspend H0usinq Hanger t0 suspend h0usln!.
hoUsirg Sd horsing so langss
overaDiinished cEilnq.
I si'"
orrrrrro oow' rdc l-cJS rg is '
I dpeo drd
I 33r"w de

| ,,,,,.n
i Ava lable n wh te
I Cdnnectors/Hdusinds

) | ll l:tl,'::l ili,:,1fii',:,.;;;::i;',':1"'' Lt9('1

tve End Connector !ousnq To
Strashtl]onnectorand Uous nq To
tConneclor Hors ns
tull lrackseclonsal g0'ang
To conned

I oattern
slan a run Lg0l llr L94lrequ red lo
cl)mpele nsla alon Coll)rcode P
cllfnecltwo M nialu.e Power'Trac
sedolls endto erd CoLor code:P Lg04 l)r t943 reqriredto comlele

/ Lt943 nsta lalion Co or code P

H0-s rq is elILded alJrirJr ,&'rh 070" n0nird To connecl lwo Hao 2 Powl)rTrac
serlons end to end Io or code:P
| *o Il' ckre'r D0 .r zeri c011eclOrs and prd cap.
uo no ded Lexan9

119('5 Lt906 1930

T lonn"'clor Housing. To connecl X ConnEclor HoNing To connecl Nous ng End Cap Perrnlls lrac
three lrack seclorls nlo aI config lourlrack ssclons nto a cross a djLrslment at end olslra g[truN
Matinn 1905 945R trlC45l conlquration 1906 or 1946
required lo comp ele inslalkliln required 1o comdde inslalktion
Coll)r code P

Halo Recessed Po\,verIrac housing Lt65l t932 L934 L935

sccommodales MiniaturE orNalo 2 4'Becsssed Channs. Color code P CrossleeAdaplerCip Use n Cross Tee Adapler C ip Use in Reressed Nous nq Naoger Use

Lt652 lrackhous ng qroove lo assemb e lrack horsing gro0ve l0 assemug lo suspend frecessed PolverTrar
jt;" cross lee. For use w th ,r16" cross 1ee For use w th NoLrsng
8' Recessed Channe. Color code:P
Ch cago i',lela lic 200 System, ChicagoMelai c Tempra 4000
Naliona Ro lns Mls Mt System, Sysiem Nationa Ro lng M !s
Donn Corporalion 0X Syslem. StK Sy$ein,0onn l]orporal on
Centic lee Sy$em

Ei iit; ;l;t
llE ' it
Racsvray Cover. Cover alows [r0ssTee End Fl)r trse when cross talhngTab Use t0 sLrspend
Recessed Housing 1o be used lee s cLrl P0p r vel t0 cr0ss k0 Recessed Po\4"or Irac Nolsing l0
and insen n10 tS32 LS34 cross carryin0 channe
6 #12 AWG wires.4' en0ths.0ne
cover s requ red loreach oflhe
Wiring Details for Power-Trac Systems

Miniature lrac L65O Series
This single circuil, l0w-pr0file Trac is ideal f0r
applicali0fs where there is need f0r 0ne lighling
circuit. Sh0llid m0re circuit c0ntr0l be reqIlired,
swilched feed p0ints can be made at additi0nal

Raceway Trac L61O scries

Ihe lw0 inlegrated raceway channels in the t0p 0f
this Trac all0w additi0nal circuits 10 be fed 1r0rn a
single feed p0int. Ihis feature rnakes this pr0duct
well-suited f0r c0mmercial, museum and gallery
Llse 0r anywhere a high degree 0f circuit c0ntr0l is
needed with a minimum 0f 0utlet b0x l0cati0ns. Each
0J lhe tw0 raceway channels will carry 3 #12 AWG
wires. Gr0l]ndlng is c0ntinu0us thr0ugh the inslllated
s0lid r0pper gr0und buss s0 additi0nal gr0unded
wires are unnecessary. Raceway c0vers ate included
with all Raceway Trac sectors.

Halo-2 L641 Series

Ihis lw0 circuit, l0w
prOJile Trac is designed 10
pr0vide lw0 separate 20 AMP circl]its each prOvidif0
up t0 2400 watls 0n a single phase 3-wire balanced
system. Whef wiring f0r tw0 circuits, use three
c0nduct0rs plus gr0und. A c0mm0n wiring meth0d is:
L Single Phase,2 Circuils with single phase,3-wire
syslem, Trac pr0vides 2'20A circuits, each with
t,,yo switch legs, when iaired acr0ss b0th h0t linss.
(See sketch.) E ,oo

4-Gircuit Trac L62O Series

This is the m0st flexible 0f lhe Trac syslems. The 10ur l.x
circuits can be used f0r different types 0f electrical
services in additi0n t0 general and accent lighting.
The lntegraled tw0 channel raceway 0n t0p olfers
all the advantages lnherenl tn Raceway Trac wilh the
added feature 0f 4 circuit c0ntr0l. S0rne c0mm0n
methods oi wiring are shown below:
1. Single Phase, 2 Circuits with single phase, 3.wire
syslem, Trac provides 2 20A circuits, each wlth
two switch legs, when wired across b01h h0t lines.
(See skelch.)

2.Ihree Phase, 3 circuils (balanced)wilh three

phase, 4-wire syslem. Irac pr0vides 3-20A circuits,
0ne wrri 2 swircn legs when wire0 as sh0wn.
Circuit l Glrcuit I

circuit I Circult2
2 Svilch

Circuit2 Cl.cula3
Power-Trac Layouts P0wer Trac secli0ns can be surlace 0r pendant 2. Sh0uld special lengths be required, Trac may
m0unted individually 0r j0ined t0 l0rm c0ntinu0us easily be cut in the field. lnstructi0ns are included
runs 0l any length. The Trac syst€m als0 allows with each Trac seclion.
the f0rmali0n 0i any L, T, X 0r any reclangular 3. Up0n c0mpleting the lay0ut, l0cale the electrical
grid pattern by using the appr0priale c0nnectors. ieed p0ints (0utlel b0x l0cali0ns).
l\4iniature and Hal0 2lrac have a flexible c0nnecl0r a. Generally, the feed p0int is l0caled at the
which permits angular lay0uts from 0-90' 0n a beginning 0f a run requiring the use 0f a Live End
ceiling 0r c0ntinl]0us c0nnecli0n fr0m wail t0 ceiling. C0nnectOr and an 0utlet B0x C0ver. lf m0re than
Y0u may plan using the f0ll0wing guidelinesl 0ne length 0l Trac is nesded, a c0nnect0r musl be
L lrac pattern desired. N0rmally lhis
Lay 0l]t the 0rdered f0r each additi0nal secti0n.
plan is based 0n a 4' m0dule since TraI c0mes in 4J b. The electrical feed may be made al any
8'and l2' lenglhs. (2'js available in l\,4iniature Trac c0nnecti0n p0int (except L90B and Lg4g [.4ini
Series 0nly). Note that the m0dule is measured trOm J0iner and 1942 Flexible J0ineD. F0r exarnple, at
the center 0l the oullet b0x 10 the center 0i the a Straight C0nnector 0r al an L, T, 0r X. 0utlet Box

c0nnect0rs. The 1908, [949 Mini J0iner is an C0vers rnust be 0rdered separately.
excepti0n h0wever (see diagram al righl). 4. ltemize the c0mp0nents as sh0wn and 0rder.

Cotnponenr lnl Rrc.w.y 4-Cl.cull

3-8' Tracs 3 L6r2 311652
4 4'Tracs 4,1651 4.1611
2-0ul et Box Covers
4rl'Cnnnednrs 4 t914 4.11904'
2'T'Conn€ctors 2tsrs 2 t1C05"


2 8'Tracs ?.t61') 21r652

l'0ullet Box Cover t-1s00 r,ts00
1'L'Conneclnr 11904 1.LSt4 t.Ltg04* 11924

Straight 4-Circqll
2 8'Trans 2 t612 ,11652
L- l.0ulht Box Cover r1900 11900
lLive r.tq01 t.Ltg0t*

End Connector 11911 11s21
Connector Power Feeds and Accessories
Rec45ed RocessedBouslng
Raceway l-Circuir 2-Clrculr
LC01 LC11 ts41 11931 Ltg0l" t]sOt" tg2l
Slra qhl Feed LS03 LSl3 LS43 |933 Lrs03 11S43 1923

'L'Feed LS04 Lg t4 1943 Lts04* 11904* tg24
LS05 t915 Lg45L Lrg05- f905" 1925
'X'Feed LS06 tst6 LS46 L1S0E.. r908" 1926
Live End Conduil Feed 1980 1981 LS47 tg82
0u1el Box Covea 1900 r900 LS00 tcl]n
T.Bar Allachment Clip tg83 984 t083 ts85
Pendanl Kil LSS2 tss3 LSS2 LS54

Floal no Cano0y Feed LS0S

Flexible Feed 1902 1942'

Cord and Plug Feed
tg08' t94C',
Cofdu I Cnnl nualion Kit LSTS LSSS

0ulel Eox forT Bar le nqs Lg07

Pendanl W re,,,/ay Cover tSSl LSSl

"HoNinsm y Noneleclrca

Halo.2 4-Cncult
3 8'Tracs 31652 3 t612 3 t642 3 |652
l0ulelBox Cover | 900 t.Lct0 I 901t ru00
r 005 | 915 1t945R lf905" Its25

qomponenr Mini Raceway Halo.2 Hossing 4-Circuit
4 t652 4 6r2 4 t642 4 t]652 4 t822
l0uld Box lover 11900 Its00 rrs00 INOO
l'X" Conneclor r1900 r tgr6 I C46 r clln* 1Lc?fi
o L2t1, L212, L22O, t221,
L231, L241
@ L2oo
Accessory Baii e For use !,lilh Ll/60
l2l1 N/edium P nk Co Dr F ter 11762, 12510 and 12716 arnpho ders
Filler D ameier 4rrli6" (119 mm) Reduces g are and spi
1212 Warm Red Color Fi ter.
Colo. CodG MB
0 ameter 4r1r6" (llg mm)
L22O Day ght B Lre Co or F ller
Diameler 4r1i r6" (llg mm).
L221 Med um Blue l]olor Filer.
F ler ! arneter 411,r6" (119 firm).
L231 Med um Amber Color Fiter.
Diameler 4r'i6" (llg mm)
L241 lvied urn Green Co or F ller
F her Dlameler 4r',r6" (llg mir).

O t3t2, L32O, 1330, L33!, L341 i:9 1275, 1276

L3r2 Warm Red Co or F ller L275 cube cel Louver For Llse
Filler Diameler 651r6" (160 mm) w th 1777, t778 L201and L2B0
l32O Dayl ghl B ue CD Dr F 1er 1276 Accessory Spr ngs A ows
D ameter 65/16" (160 rnm) 1275 Cube Ce Louver lo be used
L33O Slraw Color Fi ter Fi ter w lh t1765, tl/66 11767 and 12765
Dlarnete. 65ii6" (160 mm)
L33r tr{edium Amber Co or F ller.
Fiter D arnBler 651r6" (160 rnm).
L34'r i,ledium Green Co or F ter
F ter D arneter 6s/rE" (160 mm).

o llro, tl1t, Ltt3, t115

Ll1O Spread Lens. Provides an even
Qf r-zor
Accessory Holder lor L7 04 Economy
beam spread from tr/Rl6lamps Continenla Ho ds up h two 1200
espec a ly uselu in wa I vrash ng ser es co or Ilters or one f llet
Ll1t Soft Focus Lens Smoolhs lleg and one L2l2 Lou\rer or L2/5 Cube
u ar beam pallern wh le ma nla n ng Cel Louver.
h gh conlro ed i uminal on leve s
color cod6 MB
and bBam ang es of i,lBl6 amp
Lll3 Dilluse Spread Lens Prov des
a syrnmetrical broadening 0f larnp
bearns Su table lDr a w de uniform
d slribulon of ighl s reqLr.Bd
Ll15 L near Spread Lens Fans ihe
l',trR16 beaflr lo produce a w de
rectanou ar lluit nation 0altern

a L2',rO,
L near Spread Lens Spreads
i$ r-zzz, r-szz
1272 Sma B ack Louver Minimizes
PAR38 amp I ghl beam 55' 271i' glare ol lght beams. For use w th
each s de of cenler t Droduces a 1777, L/78 arnpho ders, 1201
w der. even llum nation Iorwa I Accessory Holder and 1280 Hood.
washing l)r d sp ay lght n9. 1372 Large Matle B ack LoLlver
L215 Radia Spread Lens. Spreads l',1inirnizes glare of ighl beams
PAR38 lamp ght beam 30' n a I For use willr L/39.
d recl ons 15" on al sides of cenler
Srnooths the beam 0alterI and
reduces g are

o Lr12, Lr30, Lt31

2" lolo r llers lor use wilh M Rl6
(4) 1236, L27a
L236 Accessory Clips. For use w th
Larnpholders Lll2 Fed Ll30 L2l36 arnpho der A lows L20l
Yellow Ll31-Amber. series c0l0r I l1ers, 1272 L0uver and
1275 Cube Cell Louver to be used
wilh 12736 iampho der.
127a Accossory Spr ng Cl ps for
1200 ser es c0 0r f llers. 1272 Louver
and [275 Cube Cel Louver w lh L]738
and 12738lam0holde.s



A variety 0f attenti0n gettinglighting effects are p0ssible with the P0wer-

Irac color filters. This ec0n0mical access0ry ls available in several color
htles t0 meet your dec0rating needs.

Use 1100 Series C0l0r Filters/Lenses with MR16 Lampholders.

I lrsss
Beam Concenlrator. Concenlrates
The 1200 Series C0l0r Filters and 1272 L0uver are f0r usg with 1201 and
beam ol l',lRl6/FL lamp to produce
1280 holders as well as f0r 1777 and 1778 lamph0lders. 1200 Series a welLdel ned round spol ol ight.
Comes w th three aux iary roLind
Color Filters may also be used with 11765, 11766, 11767, 12765 and
beam lemplales for choice of
12738 lampholders. beam angle size For 11760 11762
11763, 12716 12717, 12510,
Use 1300 Series Color Filters and 1372 L0uver with L73g lamph0lder. 12524, l2l 11 aft L2140.

colol code L.4B

1256 ) uzo, trzt, r:rzz, ttzs, ttzt,

lris Accessory for 12756 ow vo tage L125, L127
Fram ng Proiector. AdiLrslab e r s 2" Dichroic CoLor F llers For use
accessory al ows project on of with [.4F18lampho ders and lvlRl6
c rcular ght beam nstead of lamp recessed flxtures. i,llake
slra ghl sided beam. a powerlu lghting statement
by inlecling sofl or nlense hues to
accenl any space. Ll20 Fed; L12l
Amber 1122 - Ye lov/ 1123-0reen;
1124 Daylighl Blue; 1125 B Lie
Ll27 Cosmelc (2700"K).

1975, 1976
L975 Accessory Ba rn Door
O Lreoo
Barn !oor Shulten. Fih L2/16,
Shutlers. Fits Ll7l0 Ll7ll and Ll7l2 t2717
1976 Barn 0 oor Shutlers. Fils
Colol code MB
11122 and 11124 .

Colol codc l',lB

1977 Earn Door ShLrtlers For use
I lreer
Barn Door Slrutlers Flls 11738 and
$/ilh 11752 0uarlz lamp wa wash t2738 w th 1278 Cl 0s FihL2736
lampho der. w lh 1236 C ps
1978 Barn Door Shulters For use Lt962 Barn Door Shutlers.
w th 11753 0uartz anp walLwash Fils 1732,1762, t/66,11762 Ll/63
arnpho der a 12111
11963 Earn !oor Shutters.
Coloi code ful8
Fils 1733, 1763, 11542 and []742
11964 Barn Door Shulters
Fih 1704, 1734 L/64 and 11543
L'rgo5 Barn Door Shutlsrs.
F h 1855, 11765, 11766 t1767
and 1276 5
colol Code MB
I lsra, rcae, uee (! lrsza
Exlension Wands. For use lvith any LowVoltage Canopy Adapler. Al ows
Larnpho der and lrac M6y a so be use of L2001So d Slate Adapter
used wilh 12001 So id Slale Adapter or ampho ders w th fltegral so id
lg 67 or Lg 6B Sw tches or. !vilh slate lransformer n canopy mounl
Lg63 L!18 18"
n 4 C rcu tTrac. nstal al ons Mounls permanenlly
lenglh; 1936 36" lenglh Lg4B lo junclon box 531s" (137 rim)sq
48" englh colol codes P MB
Colol Code! F lviB

I r.erz
Slope Adapters A lows use 01
! lrszl
We ghled Base Adapter For porlable
extens on wands on sloped or use May a so be used wilh L20ll
cathedra cei ngs 0" 90: Ada0te. and lol/v vollage arnplr0lders.
Padded base 53,s" sq. (137 nrm).
colo. code3 P, MB
Complele wilh 6'(183 cm) 3 w re
cord w lh 3 prong groLrnded p ug.
Fotary sw hh
Color Codos P l'.lB

I lese ) ttzt
Showroom Adaoler F xture A ows Irac Adaoter Tr m. For use w th Na o
can0py m0unted I xlure (chandelier H7, HlR, H2l and H44 recessed
elc ) to be suspended fiom single hous ngs A owsTrac lampho ders 1o

circuil lrack. W ll ho d up to 35 bs be used w th recessed nstal ations.

I xlure can be sw tched on and oll LJp h l50W max rnum. B ack Co ex
via track or by po l cha n on adapler. balJ ew th whrle lr m r ng

Color CodG P

) tstz
CC amp Adapler. Can be mounted
I t-ssz
PendanlAdapler A ows any cha n

on pipe up lo 2" dia (51 rnm) or any hung f xture up to 35 bs to be

f al prolruding surface Comp ete suspended from lraDk
wilh 6' (183 cm) 3 wire cord w th
color codGs P MB
3 prong grounded 0 Lrg

Colol Code l'/B

1| rczs I rser
canopy Adapter Mounls permanenlly Sign Hangerw th hook. Wi hodup
lo out et box 4ri?" sq (114 mm) lo 35lbs.
Allows any ampholder lo 300W
color codes P. tlB
max mum h be converled to canopy
lnstalLal on.

colol cod€s P. LrB

$9 rsos
Larnpho der Conl/erler Converts al
allrpholders lor rse w th o d sly ?

160 and Ll60 series track

Colol Codes P, N4B

S r.see
0ul elAdapler Prov des a recep
lac e lor swag ghls or other
eleclr Da equipm ent Accepls
3 prong qrounded p rg l5 amps
max mum Use wilh single c rcu I
IraD Dn y.

Color Code P

S leez
Lampholder Adapler w th sw tch
Converls ampho ders lo on/o{l
s\{ lched un 1 llse with sing e
D rDU t trac on y [4aximum of

300 watls

Color Codes P MB

Ihe Hal0 P0wer'Trac line otfers a creatively designed and engineered

ighting system f0r t0day's needs.lhe wrde selecti0n 0f access0ries ft lsoa
LamphD der Adapler w lh D mrner
al/ailable pr0vides even greater flexibility in lighting directi0n, intensity,
Sw lch Converts ampholder 1o a
p0siti0n and c0l0r hues-all0wing highly individualized lightinq desi0ns. d mmer and o[/011 swilched un I

These accessories c0mplement b0th c0mmercial and residential units W I cDnlrD up to 150W amp
Cannol be used w th Low Vo lage
(refer t0 individual access0ry f0r specific applicati0n), and can be utilized un 1s For use w th s ngle c tcuit
by either the lvliniature 0r Raceway Trac. lrac on y
Color Codes P. MB

S r.eee
Culling Gu de llse Ior f eld cull ng
ol Ha o Power'Trac w lh slandard
hacksaw. Assures square cuts
on Halo Llin alure 0r Faceway
Power-Trac P0wer-Trac lamph0lders use many lamps designed T0 calculate track m0unting distances, aiming
t0 achieve a wide range 0f lighting'effects. The angles ard f00lcandle'reeds, f0ll0w tle criter a
Lampholders t0l 0wrng lighting pert0rmance dala a l0ws c0rpar. 0ullined in the example pr0blems w0rked 0ut as an
s0n 0f wattages, f00tcandle levels, beamspreads, aid 10 using ihe aiming angle lables. F0r uniform
and distances for mounting lamps. wall illuminati0n, the lamp performance data als0
A sll]dy 0f the illIlstrated track applicati0n diagrams inc udes a spacing c0lumn f0r lhe listed lamps.
and the c0ffesp0nding standardlzed c0de letter key Note that similar results are otfered tr0m differenl
will facilitate reading 0f the data charls. lamps. A c0mplete study 0f the data, p us referral t0
lamph0lder styles, will effecl the best rh0ice.

Lamp Pcrlormance Data


o2() MRl6/VllsP Llt. 70 r 50 7183 1116163 ttt41s8 l1 2 251 t11
(falo 232) 3,000 t0 90 12 2913 122688 tl 312Stt1
135322 21241 222850 22 413211
16357331576 ) 3 3 l0 32 12 541 777
O2O MRlo/ilSP Rdted Lll6 132i0 14
(l]alo 230)l2V ESX 2,000 1597 t6
10 2838 ?8
12 3 2A 2 10 14

o2l' MRi6/FL Llle 37.60 r 37.Oo 3l 41

(l]alo 235) l2V 8AB 2,000 14 17
10 1l

25YYRt4 R.rod llle t5

(Halo Zll) 1,500
tl 14

2swPAR36 Ratcd Lilc 3.7o x 4.60 10 300 I 2S7 16818 14225
P nspol 5.5V 1,000 l5 133 12 132 19363 1E102
?n 75 1E 74 1 1? ltA 1851
25 48 20 48 21547 21t31
25W PAR36 I{sP Ratod Llfe 6 125 ? 5 ll5 3 111 ? 148
12v 2,000 870 215S 564 366
t0 45 3S36 733 431
{ 12 31 411 24 s20 524
2 124 fi5
12\ 2,000 4 31
E t4 t0 l5

PAR36 VWFL Rared Llle
12V 2.000 1g t1
16 1l

2sw PAR46 Rated LilG 3.7o x 4.60 10 552 I 547 1654J 14418
P Npol 5.5V 1,000
t5 245 12 243 1S241 16186
20 137 t6 137 I t2 135 18104
{t 25 88 20 88 21587 21467
A Aiming angle.
D D stance t0 fixture lr0m wal 0r fl00r.
FC Maximum f0otcandles 0n wall 0rfl00rwithfthe
effective vlsual beam (EVB). Ihe effective visual
beam is 200/o of maximum.
L Effeclive vlsual beam length in leet.
W Effeclive vlsual beam width in feet. Spacing, the
rnaximum dislance between fixlures f0t unlf0rm
illL]minali0n. Spa cin g is f0r 2l unif0rmity.

Lamp Performance Data


4OW Rl6/FL 11 5 5 3 4 4 4
15 3 t] 55 2 t6 4 4 3
(Halo Zg) r,000 588 556/6 4661 37565
3 t0 t0 7 3 I rn I 5488 44787
Q42 Rt6/Yl{SP n.aed Ltte 9o x 7o 7 225 26201 24243 2 35t
lrz o 222) 3 000 t0 | 2S8S 26r08 3 159
13 65 31250 3 I 61 483
{ -- 10 43 4 t5 32 4103s 557
o42 MRt6/lt5P R.ted Life 7 1?l 26105 2413n 2

(l]a o 220) EPZ l2V 5,000 10 59 2S41 2658 387
t3 35 31276 3832 449
16 23 4 t5 11 4 l0 21 5 3l

o42 MR16/t{Fl Raied tifG 4 131 3 160 2 204 I 346

(Halo 225) EYS l2V 2 500
6 6l 558 3 91 286
834 129 4 5l 338
1t ,7 g t8 533 422
o4sw PAR3a/
Rated Ule 6 r3S 24203 3 204 2 119
2,000 878 36S0 5 14
10 50 4 I 51 738 444
"<il t2 35 5 tn 3? 923 5?8
Q45W PAR3A/ Rrred Llle 4 113 3 132
CAP/FL 2.000 650 547
o50wMRt6/l{5P Rated tite 16.40 r 17.oo

1 208 7618fi 24238 2 361

(Halo Z2l) EXT l2V 3,000
10 r02 3S8) 36105 3 t6l
t3 fin 41246 485q 4S0
16 4n 41530 51038
O5O MRl6/l{Fl RatGd Life 4 211 3 24S 2 324 1 563
(Ha o Z2E) EXZ 12V 3,!00 6C4 554 3 144 2 141
853 146 4 363
{ t0 34 q28 552

050 MRt6/Fa
Rated Lile 4 106 3 r33 2 1S3 I 395
(ua o EXN l2V 3,000
841 5t 386 290
827 124 448 344
{ t0 l7 g t5 5 3l 425
sOWPAR36Y SP Rated tfie x 6.20 t0 201 18203 16197
t2v 2 000
t5 89 21290 ?q88 2671
20 5n 3 16 51 31250 2840
{ 25 32 32n33 3 t5 32 3]t?5
Lamp PerlorErance Data


,t9.50 x
50w PAR36 l{SP R.ted Lite t1.lo /18822?6168 3224214 27 233021
(l]alo Z3) 1092333975 433695 43
l2V 2,000
l3544441242 544854 4845?
{l 16365551521 155r034 55463
3 144 3 104 2 150 I 2S7
t2\/ 2 000
552 538 361 2 14
126 7 19 438 333
50w PAR36 VWFL R.ted Ltto 67 45 63 121
12v 2,000
31 28 30
24 16 t8 l3
60 4q 64 ?3
34 2t 28 32
17 t8 14
55 PAR',t6/ Rated tife 7 104 3 373 14124 2 1Sl
caP/t{sP 2.000 10 4 2653
5l 134 384
i3 30 769 3830 448
"( t6 20 g4l 4 t0 t9 530
55 pARl6/ Rated Llle 3 116 2 162 1 311
CAP/NFL 2,000
42 542 312 ?78
.{ ?. 23 121 441
t0 15 s t3 526 4 i9

75 PARi6/ Rrred Lile 7 151 361404 34115 ? 2t?

caPll{sP 2,000 1n 11 4S626 46/8 3 121
-{ 13 45 512358 5844 468
16 30 6 15 22 10 6 10 28 544
75 PAR!6/ Rared llfe 4 t3l 3 160 2 232 1 448
CAP/I''FL 2 000 658 558 3 r03 2 112
-{ 833 t29 458 350
10 2l 0 t8 537 478
50 PAR2I'/ Rdted Llle loo r too / 104 94 2 4 113 2 1t5
caP/lrsP t0 5l 3C
41 4650 378
.,(l 13 30 412 23 5828 444
----- t6 ?0 5 15 t5 6 ln l8 528
5l, PAR20/
Ratcd Lite 81 sc 2 138 1 212
36 36 3 6l 268
"(l ?0 t8 434 330
t0 l3 1l 522 411
50 PAR30/ Raled Lilo I 141 26125 24156 2 235
caP/llsP 2,000
t0 0g 3S56 4669 3 tn6
t3 41231 5839
"(l 16
21 5 t5 2A 6 t0 25
50 PAR30/ Rared Llte 100 x 100 4 113 3 144 2 206 I 40fl
650 55) 332 2 1n0
828 126 452 344
75 PAR3i'/ Rated LifG
---- l0

211 28152
g t6
533 425
2 363
caP/t{sP 10 3985
2.000 106 361n6 3 161

,,(l l3 63 41248 5860 4 9t

1E 42 5 t5 3l 61038 558
7s PAR30/ 4 104 3 226 2 3?0 2 154
2 000
686 581 3 142 368
848 142 480 439
'(l l{t 3l 925 5 5l 525
Lamp Performanse Data


o75 MRlG/tfSP Rated Lilo 1 251 2 2 2 6)76 2224384 22 2513211
{Halo 240) 3.500
r0 146 3 3 3 9123 4 3 3616243 32s5322
1386444126S 5 5 4 I 9l 54 4143522
{ 16575551544 665r058 64 5S2633
O75 MRI6/FL Rarcd Lil. 4 148 3 tgg 2 301 1 645
(Ha o 245) 3.500 666 512 3 134 2 t6l
837 131 415 372
10 24 917 548 440
75W R3(' SP Rated life 4 142 3fi8 70 695
2 000
645 542 3C 3t/
4 825 7)1 25 l7 10

Rated Lite 44 36 46
2A 68 27 43
t6 t3 7 t0 t9

75W ER3(' 4 lt4 3 132 /8

2 000
650 541 35
828 1?4
.{ 28 20

75W PAR38 SP Ral€d Llfe 6 155 34215221 3 221 2 197

(coolbeam also) 2.0t0
887 369643 580 388
.{ t0 56 485454 141 447
12 3q 5103465 9?5 532
R.ted Lile x 4r-ro 4 |6 3 r35 83
2,000 652 549 47 38

3'{t""' 82C 125 21

Rat6d Lite I ?05 37113 35186 3 ts4
2 000
t2 gl 4t!85 4195 4 tOs

{t t6
2 202
952 68448 841 I 390
12 29 8n1A 4 5{t

Rared ute 24668 11 671 33 48
2 000
l/ I I 7 12 899 t8 21

I t0 t0 t0 s t0 10 1? 12

r20w ER4(' 5 116 3412244 31305 2 135
845 514071 5478 360
.{) <.-- 8ln?l I 10 434

t5('w R40 5F Rat6d Llle 32.7o r 32.70 I 12u 4 6 110 5 441474 22255
10 59 5C497 566J7 31027
t3 35 1122tI 7836S 4 57 tfl
"{ 16 23 I t5 t8 i] t0 g t0 23 1l 531 12

t50w R4(' FL 667t6 s3 465 70 56 2 0

2 000
29 i0 10 t0 33 7 ltl I 39 78 349
16 14 t4 42t
"<) t3 17 15 I l0

t50wPAR3a 5P' Rared Ltfe I ts2 37163 35r8n 3 tsO

(r50w PAfi38/3Sp) t2
86 5 10 8ft 4ts2 4 107
t6 5956
{ll 2A
6 6 13
I t6
3l 6 lt 37
Lamp Pertormance Data

\ \ \
'l5OW PAR3a Fl' Rated Lll€ 6 117 554 5 113 5 4 4 410864 220U532
(rs0w PAR38/3FL) 2,000 952 776 844876 64896 3 80 144
12 2S S S I 11 23 11 10 S I21 11 8 450S55

or5ow PAR3a Rared llle 100 x 100 10 3S0 28386 26383 243045
CAPlsP 3,000 t5 173 4 12 112 39170 36r35 1
20 s8 516Si 41296 4876S
--- 6 ?0 r,1 6 l5 F2 5ln40 l,
or50w PARSA Raied lllc I 114 46137 441885 3 151
CAP/FL 3.000 12 51 7961 5761 I 485
200w PAR46/ Rated UIG



34 7 l{t

3n tl 554

3ltsP 2,000 15 164 5 12 155 5S161 4612S6
2A 6 t6 8t 612S0 68125
25 59 82056 81558 i1046 10

200wPAR46/ Rared ulc 8 201 2 5 4117t) 2545182 3 186

3MFI 2.000 1283377108341 6733 4 105

16504991349 5S8956 567

o250wPAR3a 5P Rared Lro
r0 400
t6r7 filtt0 lt
38 641
6.000 15 178 3 t? 150 39174 36r3563
,0 rl]n 41684 41208 487ff84
----- 25 64 52054 61563 510 48 10 5

O25OWPAR3aFl RrlcdLile 8101 6 6 6 6r21 60 4170644 314fi6

6,000 12 45 r0 10 I I54r0 I 7 55 10 7 7 4828
t6 25 t3 t3 12 l2 30 t3 tl t0t0 2t14 11 t0 5 52 10

3l,l'w R4(' sP R.tod Lllo 37.Oo x 37,Oo 81435551122655 5137 14 3 163 1

2,000 12648861060977 770r06 492 10
16 36 11 1l 913 35 11 10 I 9 42 13 I 55912
2A 23 13 t3t2t6 23t4 12 1l fi 28 l5 t0 641 14

Ratcd tifc x a2.Oo 54 t0 t0 t0 637SS 167872216

2,000 31 14 14 13 32 10 13 12 49810S3S6
1t 1t 11 16 tq l, t7 t6 34 10 12 11 4 54

PAn56/ Ratcd Lltc 13.30 x t 2.9o l5 364 3 r, 36n 3q360 36?81 5
2t{sP 2,000 20 2n5 4 1F, ?n? 4 12 211 38158 1

25 5 20 t2S 5 t5 t2S 4 t0 tot

{t PAR56/
---- 30

15 1S2 3 6
6 82S8 355623634
61889 51270
4 6 f2

5 6 6
2Ft 20r08 4 8 812 132 4 7 7 S r31 4 7 q

4 ule
25 69 511 10 10
3fr 48 n 13 17 )n
510 912 14 6 8 12 28 11 12

6 t? 1l 15 47 7 11 10 15 18 13 t5
598 6133E71 324355

2WFt 2 000 15 52 114 13 12 55 8 13 t3 g 53 I t0 58888

?n 1g 1n 19 18 16 31 11 17 17 12 33 11 15 13 / 45 ]]rl tl
l{umerical lndex cat. o. N0.
Page Car.l{o. Page N0 t{o.
car. page N0 Car. o. page N0.
148 1513 L'r32 37 1949 71 tT7i3 21,41
Lt to 88 37 73 L7722 41
Ll tr 73,11 L1724
tt't2 88 36 tg lt730 82
Lt t3 88 36 gl Lt735 5/
Lt t5 88 36 s0 Lt73a 62
L12(' L96l L1742 21,24
L121 8g L747 27 79 lt75t 66
t t22 89 L743 21 L1752 66
Lt23 8S L716 21 11753 66
L124 89 L747 LI'BO
Lt25 8q 71 L1762 20 33
Lt27 89 10 s0 Lr7G3 20,33
Lt 3ll 88 30 s0 t'r765 21,32
Lt3l 88 30 Lt766 21,32
8q 30 8q L1767 31,71
88 30 8S Lr76a 31,6/
L2lO 88 L77l 52 8S tr769 3t 67
L2t I 80 52 t3 \1770 2A
ur12 L7r4 73 L1775 7n
L2',t 5 88 52 15 lt90t 83
88 52 1g ft 9(l3 83
88 21.74 13,17 79 Lt9('4 83
75 Li905
88 53 1t 83
88 53 1992 13,11 Lt93t 8l
L217 B8 24 75 Li933 8l
89 Lt943
58 731511.t9 L.tsto 48 1t955 80
88 t3 Lt5t I 48 1r 960 8S
88 13 It5t2 48 Lt95t 8S
88 73 Lts20 Lt962
L1522 lt 963 8q
58 73 11524 49 1t 964 89
58 13 Lt525 2E Ll965 8S
5g 73 lt52a 4g Ll966 18
59 73 Lt 534 Lt973
5q 73 L't 536 45 L1974 c0
59 L9t I 15 Lt540 24 t6
88 15 lt 54l 24 L27l I t8
88 75 Lls42 12716 16 63
Ll543 14 utl1, 17,63
88 19t 6 75 Li545 44
L34t 88 Lgt7 s0 tt546 r9,62
88 Lgta g0 lt5a7 62
s0 7g Lt54A L274l) 18 24
L61l 75 7S l't 55(' 26
16t 2 75 19 Lt55t 26 17
/5 1S Lt552 26 u276'1 11,32
19 79 Ltss3 26 12765 19,32
Ll63l 8l L277(, 17
79 83 Li632 81 ur77l t/ 33
L64l 83 tt 65',1 83 r8,70
77 83 Lt652 83
73 83 l't7('3 56
t3 83 LtTto 40
73 83 atTlt 40
73 L94l Ll7l2 41
56 7t
36 1t
L7tO 48 11
L7t I 48 77
L7t 5
40 s0

Liqhling SPaciolties
460 J@nchoTok; Mrneolo, NV 11501
(5I6) 741-633i ' fot (516) 194-96t9

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