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Actividad de aprendizaje 5

Actividad de aprendizaje 5
Evidencia 7: Dialogue: “Coordinating trucking”

Sandra Lorena Camacho
Carlos Alberto Espinosa

Componente Bilingüismo

Tecnología en Negociación Internacional

Mayo 2020
Actividad de aprendizaje 5

Evidencia 7: Dialogue: “Coordinating trucking”

Charles: Hi Lorraine, how are you?

Lorraine: Hello partner, I´m fine thanks.
Charles: I want us talk about the means of ground transport to use to dispatch our
Lorraine: Ok. It´s a very good idea.
Charles: I have in mind to use a truck, because is a means transportation
cheaper than others.
Lorraine: Ok Charles it´s a good idea. what kind of container we’re going to use?
Charles: We’re going to use a 40-foot container.
Lorraine: I´m agree.
Charles: Do you have all the documents to transport our product in order?
Lorraine: Yes. Yesterday I finished leaving everything in order to avoid
inconveniences in the transport of our product to the port.
Charles: Ok coworker, that´s right.
Lorraine: oh! Charles we must take into account the time of arrival of the ship for
the offices of the containers to port.
Charles: Of course partner.
Lorraine: Well done. See you later!
Charles: Take care, God bless you!

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