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Instructions to Candidates for getting started with AEMTC

T r a i n i n g We b i n a r s u s i n g Cisco WebEx system

Dear Candidates,

Welcome to a new way of learning. We shall be conducting training

using Virtual classroom sessions through the Cisco Webex webinar

You shall be nominated for the Course by Fleet personnel

executive from AESM (India) office. Link to join the Webinar will be Attached in the email.

There will be three sessions per day. Timings of the Sessions per day :
0900-1020; 1120-1240; 1400-1520

Requirements to join the Webinar :

1. Computer / laptop / tablet
2. Webcam, mic and speakers. A dual headphone with mic and
ear piece will also suffice. If you have a laptop then that will
have a camera, mic and speakers which are inbuilt.
3. Internet connection with approx. speeds of 3.5mbps or greater.

Joining a Webinar Session :

1. Be punctual
2. Be seated in a quiet room where you will not have any disturbance. Each session will be for
approx. 60 minutes + 20 minutes for Question and Answer.
3. Be presentable, hair groomed, wearing a decent shirt / T-shirt.
4. At the Start time, click on the link. Use Google Chrome / Firefox internet browser for best

The Webex user interface is simple. You will be asked whether you wish to download the
Webex app. You could choose that or you could ignore and instead click on “Join from your
browser”. See Guidance below.

Get Started Joining a Meeting, Event, or Training Session with the Webex Web App

The Cisco Webex web app lets you join meetings, events, and training sessions, using only your web browser.
There's nothing to download or install. The web app puts basic meeting, event, or training functionality at your
fingertips, making it easy to view and interact with others.

Join a Meeting, Event, or Training Session

The Cisco Webex web app supports the following browsers:

 Chrome

 Chromium

 Edge

 Firefox

 Internet Explorer

 Safari
Join from an Email Invitation

When you receive an email invitation to a Webex meeting, event or training session, it'll look something like this.

1. Click the green Join button in the email invitation.

2. At the bottom of the new browser window that opens, click Join from your
browser or Join by browser.

Join from the Meetings Page on Your Webex Site

1. Select Meetings from the left navigation panel in your Cisco Webex site, and click the
name of the meeting you want to join.

2. Enter the meeting password provided in the email invitation, if necessary.

3. Select the drop-down arrow on the right side of the Join Meeting button, and then
select Use web app.
Join Using the Search Bar on Your Webex Site

If you're signed in to your Webex site and know the meeting, event, or training session information, such as the
Personal Room ID or meeting number, you can use the search bar at the top of your Cisco Webex site.

1. Click on the search bar and enter one of the options to search for the meeting.

2. Enter the meeting, event, or training session password provided in the email invitation.

3. Click the highlighted area.

4. Select the drop-down arrow on the right side of the Join Meeting button, and then
select Use web app.

Connect to Audio and Start Your Video

You can easily connect your audio and video before you join a meeting, event, or training session.

1. Select the audio connection options under Join meeting.


Choose how you want to hear the audio in the meeting.

o Use computer for audio—Use your computer with a headset or speakers. This is the
default audio connection type.

You can change your headset, speakers, and microphone.

o Call me—Enter or select the work or home phone number that you'd like the meeting
to call.

o Call in—Dial in from your phone when the meeting starts. A list of global call-in
numbers is available after you join the meeting.

o Don't connect audio—You won't hear any audio in the meeting through your
computer or phone. Use this option if you're in the meeting room but want to use your
computer to share content in the meeting.

3. To join the meeting with your audio muted, select Mute .

You see when your microphone is muted. Select Unmute when you want to
speak in the meeting.

4. To join the meeting with your video turned off, select Stop My Video .

You see when your video is off. Select Start My Video when you want to show
your video.

5. Select Join meeting.

The Webex web app is easy to navigate, with shared content or video in the center and meeting controls

There will be two faculty who will be the Hosts of the meeting. They will conduct the session.

Etiquette during the conduct of the webinar session

1. On the right side of your screen are all the course candidates. Please locate where your name is in
the list.
2. Ensure that your audio is muted so that there is no disturbance to the host when he is conducting
the session.
3. There are navigating buttons at the bottom of the screen, that help you to participate in the webinar

1st Button : Audio Mute / Unmute. Red colour means Mute and black colour means Unmute. Keep
Audio muted. In case you wish to speak, click on the “Raise Hand” icon next to your name on the
right-hand side. The icon will turn light blue. This will notify the Host that you wish to speak. When
the Host gives the signal for you to speak “unmute” and speak in the microphone. When finished
again “mute”.

2nd Button : Video On / Off. Red colour means Off and black colour means On. Keep video ON,
unless your internet band-width falls, whereby switch it off to conserve on the upload streaming.
When you switch off, your picture will no longer be visible to the host or the other candidates.

3rd Button : Share screen. If the Host invites you to share screen then you can click and then share
your screen.

4th Button : Participants - The view of list of participants can be brought On or Off.

5th button : Chat. When you click on “chat” on the right hand side lower portion Chat box will open
up. You can type in a question – this could be addressed to only the Host or you can address to all
the candidates including the host. The chat will be a running chat where you and other candidates
can see comments by host.

6th button : More Options

7th Button : Leave Meeting

Share Screen with Others

To share your screen or an application with other participants, select Share Content .

See Other Participants

To see who else joined the meeting, event, or training session, select Participants .

Chat with Other People

If the host settings permit it, you can chat with other people in the meeting, event, or training session.

Select Chat with All to chat with everyone in the meeting.

To chat privately with someone, hover over their name in the Participants panel and select beside their
Switch to the Desktop App

If you need more functionality, you can switch seamlessly to the desktop app on Mac and Windows. Select More

options , and then Switch to desktop app.

The are some buttons on the left hand side mid-screen. They are :

1st button : Ask to annotate – in case you wish to highlight some point on the PPT or
document being shared by the host, you can click on this button. When the host activates it,
you can use your mouse to highlight the specific text by underline or circling it. At the same
time you will need to activate the mic and speak as what is your comment/request.

2nd button : Ask to Control – to request control of the Host’s shared content. Wait for the
Host’s consent to control his shared content.

3rd and 4th button : Zoom in or Zoom out – in case you wish to increase the font of the text or
image on the screen.

4. Make the session interactive by asking questions either through chat or by raising hand and then
speaking when permitted.

5. The Host will ask questions in-between or call a poll, please enthusiastically answer the questions

6. At the end of each session will be a Q&A session. Each of you must participate in it.

7. Before closing the session the Host will give you an assignment. Complete the same and send it
over email, before the commencement of the next session.

Thank you and wish you a good learning environment.

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