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(Acceptance Criteria: Ref. Sec 600 of MORT&H)


The work shall consist of construction of Dry Lean Concrete (DLC) Sub-base for Cement
Concrete Pavement in accordance with the requirement of technical specifications and in
conformity with approved lines, grades and cross-sections.

Equipment / Machinery Requirement:

1. Batching & Mixing plant

2. Slip form paver
3. Texturing & curing machine
4. Water tankers
5. Dumper
6. Concrete Saw
7. Cement pump
8. Front end loader


Test certificates from manufacturer shall be presented for each lot of cement or

cement testing shall be carried out in our site laboratory and result will be submitted. Joint test
shall be carried out for the approval obtained from the engineer’s representative for every
200cum of material. Water shall be tested as per requirement of IS: 456 and approval obtained
in advance.

Cement shall be procured in polyethylene bags and loaded manually in to hopper of cement
pump. From hopper of pump it will be pumped to the Silo of the Batching Plant.

Combined grading of aggregates (Coarse & Fine) will be carried out at laboratory attached with
the plant, at least daily and adjustments in Mix proportions will be made for aggregates
components, accordingly.

All approved aggregate shall be stacked separately at plant site in stack 5.00 Meter clear
distance apart and shall be identified by placards marked ‘APPROVED’ placed on top of the

The Minimum Cement content in the PQC shall be not less then 350 kg/cum of

concrete. If the Minimum Cement content is sufficient to achieve the desired strength, it will be
increased as necessary. The average compressive & Flexure Strength of each consecutive group
of 6 cubes & 6 Beams made in accordance with Clause 903.5.2.1. The compressive strength of
Cubes will not be less than and 40 MPA at 28 Days. The Flexure strength of beams will not be
less than and 4.5 MPA at 28 Days. Mix design as per the stipulations of ‘MORT&H’ and as per IS:
10262 will be carried out at the Laboratory and will be submitted to Engineer’s Representative
for approval.


a) Preparation of surface

Manual brooming shall done to clean DLC surface before laying separation membrane.
Separation membrane will be laid for the first hour of paving be fore start of paving works
and shall be continuous process thereafter ensuring sufficient membrane in place at all
times of paving. Separation membrane will be fixed on DLC surface by concrete nails.
Separation membrane will be prevented from damage by aggregates falling from tippers
carrying concrete by manual brooming, ensured by close supervision.

b) Concrete production

Concrete shall be produced in the batching plant, which is capable of proportioning the
material, by weight, with each type of material being weighted separately. The Batching and
mixing shall be carried out in a forced action central batching and mixing plant, which has
automatic control. The control fully computerized so as to ensure accurate proportioning and
mixing. The accuracy of weighing scales of the batching plant will be within +/- 2 percent in the
case of the aggregates and +/- 1 percent in the case of cement and water. Additives will be
introduced into the mixture in diluted form. Loaders will be used to load aggregates from stacks
of approved material into bins. Batch plant bins will have a storage capacity of 35 cum each.
Water will be obtained from the bore wells at the plant site. Water will be stored in the water
tank of 120 KL capacity. Mixing time shall be established to the Engineer’s representative.
Concrete will not be produced when ambient temperature fall below 5 deg centigrade or
exceeds 35 deg C. Following measures to control temperature within 30 deg C will be adopted.

i. Mechanically water will be sprinkled to cool the aggregate.

ii. Cover will be provided for aggregate to be used in next 24 hours.
iii. Chilled water will be used for preparation of concrete. For this purpose water chilling
plant of capacity 15000 L/hour capacity and storage of 50000 L will be used.

c) Transportation

Plant mix concrete shall be discharged immediately from mixer,

transported directly to the point where it is to be laid and protected from the
weather by covering the tippers/dumpers. The concrete will be transported by
sufficient numbers of tippers/dumpers of 6 cum capacity. The number of the
tippers will be adequate in number so as to feed the paver to work at a uniform
speed of 1 RM/min. and in an uninterrupted manner.


a.The work will be carried out with ‘Wirtgen SP 500’ or equivalent Paver of laying capacity
5.0 meter of main carriageway will be laid manually.
b. Prepared sub-base course shall be checked before laying of PQC and Cracks wider than
5mm will be repaired with concrete prepared from aggregates lower than 10 mm size.
c.Surveyor will fix the alignment for every day’s work, one day in advance, and get it
approved from Engineer’s Representative.
d. Prior to start of paving, string line will be set, approx. 200mm above PQC top levels on
each side, on longitudinal profile, on stakes placed 10 met apart.
e. Air and concrete temperature shall be measured and recorded in the concrete docket,
at the plant site as well as laying site. No concrete will be done when the concrete
temperature cannot be maintained below 30 deg cent & when ambient temperature
is more then 35 deg cent. Plant operation will be stopped based on feed back from
laying site.
f. Test Station at Laying Site will be maintained 80 to 100 meter. Ahead of the Paver and
will be shifted forward as the work progresses ahead.
g.Concrete production shall be stopped as per advice from paving site.
h. One copy of docket will be handed over to Engineer’s Representative at laying site and
the other copy will retained by us.
i. Traceability of concrete received from the batching plant will be maintained by
recording data as shown on Traceability form.
j. The concrete shall be deposited in front of Paver by the tippers.
k.Concrete shall be spread by JCB placed ahead of the Paver with in the paving area. Then
it will be spread by plough of the Paver to the required level of surcharge.
l. Concrete ill be vibrated and compacted by group of vibrators housed in the vibrator box
at the spacing of 40cms. Capable of providing variable output for achieving required
level of compaction.
m. Dowel bar location shall be identified by paint g on DLC. Tie bars shall be located by
taking reference from the dowel bar marking.
n. Dowel bars at transverse joints shall be inverted by vibration plastic concrete and shall
be placed at mid – depth of the slab by dowel inserter. Similarly tie bars at longitudinal
joints shall be inserted by vibration into plastic concrete and shall be placed at mid-
depth of slab by Tie Bar inserter. Concrete at all these location shall be simultaneously
vibrated & finished.
o. Finishing of concrete surface at the required level shall be carried out by Oscillating
Beam, which will be guided by the sensor.
p. Texturing shall be done by brush operated from texturing machine. Depth of the
surface texture shall be maintained at 1.0 mm, which shall be tested with the
Engineer’s Representative, and his approval shall be obtained.
q. Rate of evaporation from surface of concrete will be monitored at an interval of 01 hr.
during laying. If rate of evaporation exceeds 01kg/sq.meter / hr., evaporation
retardant will be used to minimize the effect of surface evaporation. If rate of
evaporation exceeds 2kg/sq.meter / hr., work will be stopped.
r. Barriers will be provided at each end of the paving site to prevent entry of vehicles.
Entry points will be guarded during day and night.
Curing shall commence as soon as the completion of finishing operations of
concrete surface. Curing shall be carried out, by spaying approved curing compound at the
spray rate recommended by manufacturer. After 3 hour of spraying of curing compound, moist
Hessian shall cover concrete surface without causing damage to curing compound film. Hessian
shall be used and will be kept moist for 14 days by regular sprinkling of water from flexible pipe
attached with a water tanker. Water tankers will be deployed round the clock for providing
water for curing. Water will be available from the bore wells along the length of the road.
Hessian of 16-guage thickness will used and stock to cover 40000 sq meter areas will be

I. Joint cutting will commence at the earliest possible after paving. (When the pavement
can withstand the weight of concrete saw and saw cutting does not dislodge
particles / aggregates from the side of the joint)
II. Initial cut shall be with 3 mm thick diamond saw blade. This cut will be washed out
immediately and a temporary seal shall be installed. 4mm thick Armour board shall be
used as a temporary seal.
III. Widening of the joint to a width of 12 mm will be taken after 2 to 3 weeks by cutting
with 10 mm thick saw blade operated by concrete saw. Widened joints shall be
washed immediately after the cut.
IV. Joints shall be cleaned with compressed air and shall be dried completely before filling
with sealing compound.
V. 15 mm thick Armour board shall be provided at the bottom of the groove and masking
tape shall be fixed on each side of the joint.
VI. Sealant shall then be filled specified depth and finished by tooling specified shape.


I. Trail paving will be conducted at outside the road alignment or our

campsite at km 32+700 LHS

II. Polyethylene film shall be spread over the prepared DLC surface.
III. Paver shall be set up accordingly, by providing stakes guided sensor string
line at the required target levels.

IV. Mix shall be prepared as required by specification and as per approved

mix design.

V. Mix shall be carted to the laying site as per approved method in covered

VI. Spreading, compacting & finishing shall be carried out in the manner
approved before.

VII. Paving shall be carried out over two days and all transverse & longitudinal
joints will be constructed as required by specification.

VIII. Curing shall be carried out as specified & as per approved method.
Insertion of dowel bars 7 tie bars, surface texturing shall be done as specified and
as per approved method statement.

IX. Length of laboratory pave shall be kept as 60-70 meter.

X. Target level for the trial shall be fixed prior to paving.
XI. Suitability of moisture content of mix shall be examined during the trial
length construction to ensure that maximum density and compressive strength related
to corresponding water content are achieved.

XII. Achieve levels will be compared with the target levels.

XIII. Sealing of joints shall be done as specified and as per approved method.
XIV. Tests on trial shall be carried out as specified vide clause 602.10.5 of
MOST specifications. Cores shall be taken to determine density of concrete & to check

XV. Approval of engineer’s representative will be obtained before proceeding

with the main work.


Testing will be carried out as per table enclosed (encl. –III). Level

Conformance of finished DLC will be ensured by taking levels at specified grids and
compared with the target levels. Concrete testing records will be maintained as per format
enclosed (Encl- IV).


The tolerances for surface regularity, level, thickness, density and strength

shall conform to the requirements given in clause 903.5. Control of quality of material and
work shall conform to the specification as laid down in section 900 of MOST

No heavy or light commercial vehicles like trucks, buses etc. shall be permitted
on the PQC sub-base after its construction.


I. Water will be obtained from the bore wells situated at our Camp Sites so that it will
not affect near by localities.
II. The Batching Plants are situated at our Camp Sites and water sprinklers will be
installed to minimize Dust & Cement in the localities.
III. Fuel Storage and Refuelling Site are in the Camp Sites and Strict Supervision will be
maintained to stop Spillage or Leakage to any near by water bodies.
IV. Our Mechanical Staff will maintain Batching Plant & other related Equipments
regularly to reduce Noise & Atmospheric Pollution.
V. The constructions Vehicles, Machineries and Equipments will move in our designated
area so it prevents compaction of any type of vegetation and plants.
VI. All workers will be suitably provided with safety guards &equipments at the site.
VII. Safety Signals & Sign boards will be provided at every 250 m at the Construction Site.

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