UNIT-1: 2 Marks

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1. Explain bowditch rule for balancing traverse.

2. Write uses of Theodolite.
3. Define: (1) Trunnian axis & (2) Telescope normal.
4. Explain face left and face right observation of theodolite.
5. List the fundamental axis of theodolite.
6. Define Latitude and Departure.
7. Explain Transit Rule for balancing of traverse.
8. Explain transiting and swinging of telescope.
9. Give classification of theodolite.
10. Explain any one method for prolonging a straight line with theodolite.
11. Define (i)Face left observation (ii)Transiting
12. Define (i)Line of sight (ii)Horizontal axis


1. Enlist fundamental axis of theodolite and give relationship between them..

2. Explain: Bowditch rule and Transit rule.
3. The co-ordinate of two points A and B are as follow Point-A : 400(N) and 350 ( E )
Point-B : 600(N) and 50 ( E ) Find length and bearing of line AB.
4. Draw line sketch of transit Vernier theodolite and indicate important parts on it.
5. Write about uses of theodolite.
6. How will you measure deflection angle using a theodolite?
7. Explain the term Consecutive Coordinates.
8. Describe the general procedure for measurement of horizontal angle using a theodolite.
9. How will you measure vertical angle using a theodolite?
10. Explain steps for change of face in theodolite.
11. Differentiate between Transit and non-transit theodolite.
12. Differentiate between consecutive co-ordinates and independent co-ordinates.
13. Describe the method of prolonging a straight line with a transit theodolite.
14. . Explain the relationship between different axis of transit theodolite.
15. Give function of any six parts of total station.


1. How will you measure deflection angle using a theodolite?

2. How will you measure vertical angle using a theodolite?
3. Explain step by step procedure to measure horizontal angle with repetition method.
4. Describe the general procedure for measurement of horizontal angle using a theodolite.
5. Differentiate between Transit and non-transit theodolite.
6. Describe the method of prolonging a straight line with a transit theodolite.
7. Give function of any eight parts of total station.



1. Explain trigonometric leveling in short.
2. Explain direct method of observation of trigonometric surveying.
3. Define trigonometric leveling.

1. A theodolite was set up at a distance 100m from a tower . The angle of elevation to
the top is 12036’ and angle of depression to the bottom was 2012’. Find height of the
2. Derive an equation to find RL of tower when instrument axis are at different level .
3. Derive an equation for horizontal distance and height when base of object is
accessible in trigonometric levelling.
4. In tangential method, write formulae for finding horizontal distance between
instrument station & staff stations for all the three cases.


1. Draw sketch and give equation for base of object inaccessible for instrument stations in
the vertical plane as elevated object
2. Draw sketch and give equation for base of object inaccessible for instrument stations not
in the same vertical plane as elevated object
3. Derive an equation to find RL of tower when instrument axis are at different level .
4. Derive an equation for horizontal distance and height when base of object is accessible in
trigonometric levelling.
5. Write short note on trigonometrical levelling.

1. Explain : Principle of tacheometry.
2. Give characteristics of tacheometer.
3. State advantages of tacheometric survey.
4. What is anallatic lens?
5. In which situations the tacheometric surveying is mostly used ?
6. Give characteristics of tacheometer.
7. Describe situations where tacheometric survey is useful.
8. Define (i)Staff intercept (ii)Height of instrument
9. Enlist limitation of tachometric survey.

1. Staff intervals on staff kept at 60m and 120m distance were observed 0.6m and 1.2m
respectively. Calculate constants of tachometry.
2. Enlist methods of tachometry and explain any one in detail.
3. State the situations in which tacheometry should be adopted.
4. Write short note on anallatic lens.
5. Draw different shapes of stadia diapharm used in tacheometric surveying.
6. Write and explain principle of tacheometer.
7. Explain fixed hair method of tacheometry.
8. Explain any one method of finding constants of a tacheometer.

2. 4 MARKS
3. Give advantage and disadvantage of Anallatic lens.
4. Derive the equation for horizontal distance & RL of staff station by tangential method of
tacheometry when both the angles are of elevation.
5. Staff held vertical on point A , observations taken on staff were 1.5 & 3.5 m. Vertical
angle +5° and +7°38’ respectively. RL of axis is 100 m. Find out RL of point A.
6. In a tangential tachometry two observations were taken on a staff held vertically at B.
For a vertical angle 2050’ staff readings was 1.25m and for vertical angle 30 staff reading
was 1.80m .Find RL of instrument station A and staff station B and distance AB . RL of
instrument axis is 100m and height of instrument is 1.40m
7. Derive an expression for horizontal distance and difference in elevation in tangential
tachometry when both the angles are angle of elevation.
8. Derive the expression for horizontal and vertical distances by tangential tacheometry
method when both the angles measured are those of depression.
9. In tangential tacheometry two observations were taken on a staff held vertically at B. For
a vertical angle - 50 30’ staff reading was 3.50 mt. and for vertical angle -90 48’ staff
reading was 0.50 mt. Find R.L. of instrument station A and staff station B and distance
AB. R.L. of instrument axis is 51.60 mt. and height of instrument is 1.20 mt.



1. Enlist the types of curve.

2. Enlist the obstacles in setting out simple curves.
3. Find out radius of curve having long chord 150m and mid ordinate of 8m.
4. What do you mean by Degree of Curve ?
5. List types of curves.
6. Give advantages of transition curve.
7. Draw sketches of vertical curve.
8. Define Degree of Curve by chord definition.
9. Define Normal chord and sub chord in setting out of simple circular curve.
10. Write formula for relation between radius and degree of curve.
11. Write advantages of transition curve and enlist its types.
12. Define (i)Tangent length (ii)Point of intersection in curves.

1 Enlist requirements and purposes of transition curve.
2 Derive an expression to calculate perpendicular offset distance from long chord for
setting out curve.
3 Describe method to set out simple circular curve when point of intersection is
4 Explain two theodolite method for setting out curve
5 Explain summit curve with sketch.
6 Explain valley curve with sketch
7 A simple curve has 200m radius and 650 deflection angle. Calculate
8 (i)Length of curve (ii) Tangent length (iii) Mid-ordinate.
9 Explain method for obstacles in setting out simple circular curve when Point of
Tangency (T2) is inaccessible.
10 Differentiate between compound curve and reverse curve.
11 Describe any one method for setting out curve using chain and tape.

1 Calculate length of parabolic curve joining two uniform grades of +1.2% and
-0.8% with rate of change of grade is 0.15% per 100 m.
2 Calculate mid -ordinate, long chord , length of curve and tangent length from
following data Deflection angle 400 Radius of curve-200m
3 are to be measured on long chord at 10m interval.
4 Calculate coordinate of curve having long chord 150m , and mid ordinate 8m.
5 Calculate offset from long chord at 10m interval to set out a curve of 50 .Length of
long chord is 100m and length of chain is 20 m .
6 Draw simple circular curve and show component parts on it. Define any three
components from it.
7 Define the terms : (1) Point of intersection (2) Sub chord (3) Forward tangent (4)
Versed sine of curve.
8 Derive equations to calculate the following.
(1) Length of long chord (2) Mid ordinate.


1 List the methods for setting out simple circular curve and describe any one.
2 Calculate ordinates from 100 mt. long chord at 10 mt. interval for a curve with radius
of 150 mt.
3 Calculate the coordinates of a curve having long chord 160 m and 8 m mid ordinate.
Ordinates are to be measured on long chord at 10m interval.
4 Draw elements of simple circular curve with notations and write name of each
5 It two tangents meet at 120° & if the are connected by a curve of radius 300 m,
1 Tangent length.
2 Length of long chord
3 Apex distance
4 Versed sine of curve.

1. Give uses of total station.
2. Explain : EDM.
3. Enlist parts of Total Station (any eight).
4. What is ATR ?
5. Explain procedure to take measurement in Total Station.
6. Give advantages of ATR facility in Total station.
7. Enlist the switches on display bead of total station.
8. Write Full form Of EDM and its function.
9. Enlist principle of EDM.


1. Write a short note on EDM instruments.

2. Write short note on Robotic Total station.

1. Explain the types of total station.
2. Enlist switches on display board of total station.
3. Enlist uses and disadvantages of total station.
4. Explain set up procedure for total station in field.

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