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Submitted To:

Prof. Ahmed
Submitted By:
Sikander Babu BB17012
Zohaib BB17033
Sufyan BB17061
Atif BB17063
Hamza BB17065
Shehryar BB17135
Title: SHRM in Coca-Cola
Class: BBA 5th
Section: Morning “A”
Course title: SHRM
Department: BBA (HONS.)
Submission Date: 02-03-2020

University of Punjab Gujranwala Campus


1. Executive Summary:................................................................................................................5
2. Introduction:.............................................................................................................................5
3. Mission Statement:...................................................................................................................5
4. Vision:......................................................................................................................................5
5. Products:...................................................................................................................................5
Soft Drinks:..................................................................................................................................6
Waters & Hydration:....................................................................................................................6
Juices, Dairy and Plant-Based:....................................................................................................6
Coffees and Teas:........................................................................................................................7
6. Company Profile:.....................................................................................................................7
7. Coca-Cola Pakistan:.................................................................................................................7
8. Human Resource Management:...............................................................................................7
9. Organizational Structure:.........................................................................................................7
10. Hierarchy of Organization:...................................................................................................9
11. HR Hierarchy:.......................................................................................................................9
12. Strategic Human Resource Management:..........................................................................10
13. Corporate Strategy:.............................................................................................................10
Disciplined Portfolio Growth:...................................................................................................10
Lift, Shift and Scale:..................................................................................................................10
14. Competitive Strategy:.........................................................................................................10
Competitive advantage..............................................................................................................10
Target Market:...........................................................................................................................11
15. SHRM Tools:......................................................................................................................11
Strategy Map:.............................................................................................................................12
HR Score Card:..........................................................................................................................12
Digital Dashboard:.....................................................................................................................12
16. Nature of Job Analysis:......................................................................................................12
Job description:..........................................................................................................................12
Job specification:.......................................................................................................................12
17. Recruitment process:..........................................................................................................13
Succession planning/Internal Recruitment:...............................................................................13
18. Testing:...............................................................................................................................13
Employment Test:......................................................................................................................13
Behavioral Test:.........................................................................................................................13
19. Selection:............................................................................................................................13
20. Interview:............................................................................................................................14
Nondirective Interview:.............................................................................................................14
Structured Interview:.................................................................................................................14
Video Interview:........................................................................................................................14
Technical interviews:.................................................................................................................14
21. Interview Format:................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
22. Training and development:.................................................................................................14
23. Performance management and appraisal:...........................................................................15
Steps in appraising performance:...............................................................................................16
24. Orientation of Employees:..................................................................................................16
25. Compensation:....................................................................................................................16
26. Conclusion:.........................................................................................................................17

To all those who have supported, encourage, challenged, and inspired us. And specially to our
Beloved Parents, honorable teachers and friends for all their guidance love and attention which
has made it possible for us to make it up to this point and as well as the internship supervisors
who bestowed us with the courage, the commitment and the awareness to follow the best
possible route, by their unmatched style and by the best possible training.
Thanks to ALLAH Almighty for giving us such a beautiful opportunity and enabling us to
complete our report without his order nothing is possible. Then to our parents who supported me
financially and encouraged me morally and thanks to our friends who assisted me in this effort.

We present salute to individuals who helped us in shaping this report and all my teachers who
taught us throughout our academic career. we wouldn't be in this position to finish this report
without the help and support of our academics. We must first express our gratitude towards our
advisor some teachers. Their motivation, support, attention to detail, hard work has set an

Lastly, We provide my regards and blessings to any or all of those that supported us in the
slightest degree throughout the completion of this project, we could not have imagined having a
better advisor. The preparation of this report was a massive undertaking but the Vision
Technology’s highly qualified and experienced staff helped me and provided me all information,
advice and suggestions which was necessary for this report.
1. Executive Summary:
Coca-Cola has more strengths than weaknesses, and this is evident in the firm's high level of
success. This success is largely built on the firm's leadership capabilities, and these are fostered
by a strong HRM program. Coca-Cola attracts top people, helps them to adjust to challenges in
the marketplace, and seeks to retain this talent primarily by providing managers with ample
opportunities to grow, given the multiple products and geographic units.

2. Introduction:
The Coca-Cola Company is the world’s largest beverage company. The Coca-Cola Company
markets four of the world’s top five soft drink brands Coca-Cola, diet Coke, Sprite and Fanta.
And now currently the company has offered two new products in this market, Sprite 3G and
Fanta Citrus. Sprite 3G is doing its business successfully and meeting the expectations of the
management by capturing market share of “Dew” quickly but on the other hand the second
newly introduced product is not meeting the expectations and still struggling to find out a proper
place in the market but it is expected that the company may stop its production of this product in
near future. Their beverage offerings encompass nearly 400 brands, including coffees and teas,
juices and juice drinks, sports drink sand waters as well as carbonated soft drinks. With
operations in more than 200 countries, they have a diverse workforce of approximately 50,000
individuals. Together with their subsidiaries and bottling partners, they strive to be an integral
and contributing member of each of the communities where they operate.

3. Mission Statement:
“Our Roadmap starts with of our mission, which is enduring. It declares our purpose as a
company and serves as a standard against which we weigh our actions and decisions”

“To benefit and refresh everyone it touches and to create values for our shared owners on a long
term bases by building a business the Coca-Cola company trademarks.”

4. Vision:
Our vision serves as the framework for our Roadmap and guides every aspect of our business by
describing what we need to accomplish in order to continue achieving sustainable, quality

People: Be a great place to work where people are inspired to be the best they can be.

Portfolio: Bring to the world a portfolio of quality beverage brands that anticipate and satisfy
people's desires and needs.
Partners: Nurture a winning network of customers and suppliers, together we create mutual,
enduring value.

Planet: Be a responsible citizen that makes a difference by helping build and support sustainable

5. Profit: Maximize long-term return to shareowners while being mindful of our overall

6. Productivity: Be a highly effective, lean and fast-moving organization.

7. Products:
Soft Drinks:
 Coca cola
 Sprite
 Fanta
 Schweppes
 Appetizer
 Fresca
 Barqs

Waters & Hydration:

 Dasani
 Smart Water
 Power Rade
 Vitamin Water
 Zico
 Topo Chico
 Aquarius
 I Lohas
 Ciel

Juices, Dairy and Plant-Based:

 Minute made
 Innocent
 Simple
 Fairlife
 AdeS
Coffees and Teas:
 Georgia coffee
 Costa coffee
 Peace Tea
 Gold Peak
 Honest
 Fuze Tea

8. Company Profile:
The Coca-Cola Company is the world's leading manufacturer, marketer and distributor of non-
alcoholic beverage concentrates and syrups, with world headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia. The
Company and its subsidiaries employ nearly 31,000 people around the world. Syrups,
concentrates and beverage bases for Coca-Cola, the Company's flagship brand, and over 230
other Company soft-drink brands are manufactured and sold by The Coca-Cola Company and its
subsidiaries in nearly 200countries around the world.

By contract with The Coca-Cola Company or its local subsidiaries, local businesses are
authorized to bottle and sell Company soft drinks within certain territorial boundaries and under
conditions that ensure the highest standards of quality and uniformity.

9. Coca-Cola Pakistan:
Coca-Cola Pakistan entered the Pakistani market in 1953 with the first plant being set up in
Karachi. In 1996 Coca-Cola Beverages Pakistan Limited (CCBPL) was established Pakistan will
see three new plants open in the next 18 months in Karachi, Multan and Islamabad. Company
Products are Coca-Cola, Diet Coke, Fanta, Kinley, Minute Maid Pulpy, Sprite and Sprite 3G.

Human Resource Management:

Human Resource Management is a very important aspect of development in every organization,
creating this management department is considered to be the first to the development and success
of the company. Especially for a global multinational company like the Coca-Cola Company, it’s
the people factor that creates such a global company and for it being a global company it is
almost impossible to have a global unify policies and regulations for all its branches over the
world. Human Resource Management of the company focused on recruiting and retaining the
best heads so as to maintain its top most position in the competitive beverage market in the
whole world.
10. Organizational Structure:
An organizational structure describes how activities are coordinated , allocated and supervised so
as to achieve the goals of the organization. The structure defines how an organization describes
authority through allocation of resources utilization. Organizational structure in Coca-Cola is
mainly decentralized but centralization is also used.

The organizational structure of Coca-Cola is designed in such a way so that it can change with
the customer needs. It uses a decentralized system which is further divided into two types:

 Bottling Investment
 Bottling corporate

These systems are further divided to match the different regions to within which the company
operates. These regions are further divided into geo graphical regions so as localized decision
can be made. The adaptation of decentralized structure gives powers and decision making to
local managers as well as regional managers.

On the other hand the top level management at the headquarter gets the time to focus on long
term planning for the organization as well reviewing the decisions made by the local

Besides the decentralization. Coca cola also use centralization decision making style applied in
Coca Cola Company. Centralization is the authority to make important decision is retained by
top level manager like CEO of the coca cola company. The function is to ensure that decision are
consistent with the objective of the company, it also can avoid duplication of function in
organization. The top manager will take a long time to make decision and it hard to be
implemented in every department. The top level has authority to do any decision without consult
with employee and get any permission from others. The top level managers in coca cola take part
in make decision for package positioning, trade discounted, advertisement, price reduction and
distribution. While in recruitment, the top managers will approves the vacancies and human
department are responsible to conduct an interview process follow the policies of company to the
employees and outsider.

11. Hierarchy of Organization:

Rizwanullah Khan (General
Fahad Qadeer(Public

Amara Ashraf (HR Manager)

qasim Mahmood(technical

Usman Butt (Director Supply



12. HR Hierarchy:
13. Strategic Human Resource Management:
According to Coca Cola Company, employees are their assets. Therefore the company makes
sure that they are happy and satisfied with their jobs. For example, the company provides them
with bonuses, social security and etc. The culture of Coca Cola is of a leaning one, i.e. it makes
sure that it is able to create a learning capability for its employees. The company is trying to
become a fast moving o S rganization with being lean and highly efficient. The company tends
to focus on retention and acquisition of highly knowledgeable and skilled employees, so that
they are able to retain their leadership position within the market.

14. Corporate Strategy:

Disciplined Portfolio Growth:
Our strategy for disciplined portfolio growth centers on continuous innovation, leveraging the
system to lift, shift and scale leading brands around the world, and utilizing M&A as an enabler
to further our growth strategy.

Lift, Shift and Scale:

Our global distribution footprint in over 200 markets allows us to
experiment with new beverage solutions around the globe and lift,
shift, and scale winning concepts quickly and efficiently into other
regions. Further leveraging our competitive advantage in the

15. Competitive Strategy:

Competitive advantage
Competitive advantage, an advantage over the competitor which is gained by offering consumer
the greater value, by either lower price or by providing more benefit that justify higher price.
Competitive advantage is an ability of a company to perform in one or more ways that the
competitors cannot or will not match. A company must have a sustainable competitive advantage
because it benefits the company in longer runs. Competitive advantage gives customer advantage
for example if Coca Cola deliver its product better than any other competitors then customers
will choose Coca Cola over other companies.

At The Coca-Cola Company, we continuously leverage our global
network and use the insights gained from innovation centers based in
various regions of the world to offer more personalized product
solutions for consumers, such as tailored formulations and ingredients to match consumer tastes
and lifestyles, broader packaging options and more.

Target Market:
Coca Cola applies the demographic factor to achieve its target market for example it advertise
for youths to like the Coca Cola in new generation terms. Coca Cola need to better understand
the impact of Coca Cola business and its value for the customer. Coca Cola works in large
international chain of retailers and other type of business to create mutual benefits. Customer
look forward cost reduction of Coca Cola and improvement of sales to give better quality for
diverse group of consumers.

16. Job Advertisement:

17. SHRM Tools:
In Strategic Human Resource Management Tools, Managers use several tools to translate the
company’s strategic goals into human resource management policies and practices. These tools
include the:

 Strategy Map
 HR Score Card
 Digital Dashboard

Strategy Map:
A strategic planning tool that shows the “big picture” of how each department’s performance
contributes to achieving the company’s overall strategic goals.

HR Score Card:
HR Score Card is a process for assigning financial and non-financial goals or metrics to the
human resource management related chain of activities required for achieving the company’s
strategic aims and for monitoring results.

Digital Dashboard:
Presents the manager with desktop graphs and charts, and so a computerized picture of where the
company stands on all those metrics from the HR scorecard process.

18. Nature of Job Analysis:

Job analysis is the procedure for determining the duties and skill requirements of a job and the
kind of person who should be hire for it. Job analysis consists of two products in Coca Cola:

 Job description.
 Job specification.

Job description:
A list of job duties, responsibilities, reporting relationship, working conditions, and supervisory
responsibilities of one product of a job in Coca Cola.

Job specification:
A list of a job’s human requirements that is requisites education, skills, personality, and so on-
other product of a job analysis.

Coca cola company HR department check its own job description and job analysis in which they
get the information about employees work activities, human behavior and performance standard.
19. Recruitment process:
Succession planning/Internal Recruitment:
Their basic focus is on internal recruitment. They maintain a talent bank for meeting internal
hiring needs. They only do external hiring in case of sudden recruitments. They forecast their
future needs and collect the data of applicants in advance. They have an offer to drop resume for
any job at their website. They collect resumes at their every territory. To fulfill their talent bank
they visit universities and colleges Previously the Multan territory visit BZU and IUB and collect
the data. They take interviews of 350 candidates and selected only 3 applicants. Their major
focus is on quality and their standards of recruitment are high Last time their selection standard
was 85 % marks in masters.

20. Testing:
Employment Test:
An objective and standardized measure of a sample of behavior that is used to gauge a person’s
knowledge, skills, abilities Coca cola conduct various types of tests for different needs. First of
all they conduct aptitude test to check academic knowledge. They also conduct the work sample
test for technical seats.

Suggestion: it is of a multinational standard it need no improvement although they should

check practicality about current job

Behavioral Test:
The behavioral test comes at end. Conducted only for final candidates. A survey shows that they
conduct about five tests for one recruitment. Tests are conducted on both region and head quarter

21. Selection:
he selection process will vary depending on the position the applicant is applying for However,
in most cases a combination of any of the following tools will be used

 Interview
 Group exercises
 Presentations
 Psychometric tests
 role-play's/situational exercises
 Group discussion.

In coca cola for Selection there is HR department but only they involve only in major hiring
Mostly the labor and middle level management is hired by the plant authorities. They follow
the decentralization approach. The country Manager is responsible for all matters. There is a
proper selection process according to the international standards. Coca cola gets data by both
manual and online application form. They offer different ways to apply for job at their
website. They have a separate department which only deals with these matters. This is called
Data bank department conducted by HRIS of the Coca cola. They have not yet adopted the
polygraph, graphology, Bib and other advance sources. Their major focus is on the
Background investigation.

22. Interview:
Nondirective Interview:
The applicant determines the course of the discussion, while the interviewer refrains from
influencing the applicant’s remarks.

Structured Interview:
An interview in which a set of standardized questions having an established set of answers is

Video Interview:
Coca-Cola does not conduct interviews at regional level. They mostly conduct video interviews
which are basically taken by Head office.

Technical interviews:
However some technical interviews are conducted at regional level. Mostly labor and technical
staff are selected at regional level.

23. Formatting of Interviews:

It’s a panel interview held by a team mentioned above which is a formal interview and have
numbering criteria and each question has some values

Suggestions: they should conduct one on one interview or skype interview which will increase
their efficiency
24. SWOT Analysis:

25. Training and development:

“Training process of employees is essential part of every employee, without training we won’t be
able to know about the employee’s procedure of work. Rules and regulations of the firm,
sometimes when new technology is introduced, it is the responsibility of a firm to train its
employees. After recruiting the fresh employees, we train them for three months and also pay
them salaries, after three months they become part of the firm”, says coke. The company gives
training to the existing employees also; it depends upon the condition of the employee.

26. Performance management and appraisal:

Coca cola’s performance appraisal is annually done’ says HR manager, they further tells that we
appraise the employee on their performance on achieving the goals of the organization. we set
goals at the beginning of the year and the employees are given goals to achieve, if the employee
meets the goals then we appraise him/her.

Steps in appraising performance:

 Define the job.
 Making sure that you and your subordinate agree on his or her duties and job standard.
 Appraise performance.
 Comparing your subordinate’s actual performance to the standards that have been set
 Provide feedback.
 Means discuss the subordinate’s performance and progress, and make plans for any
development required.

27. Orientation of Employees:

According to Coca Cola, orientation is a systematic and planned introduction of employees to
their jobs, their co-workers and the organization. Employees are oriented in coke by:

 General information about daily work routine.

 A review of the organization’s history.
 A detailed presentation, perhaps in a brochure of the organization’s policies, work rules
and employee benefits.

28. Compensation:
Our compensation objective is to improve performance of employees and convey a message to
employees that company is loyal with employees’ says Coke. HR department manager says that
employees are our assets; therefore, we are careful about their health and benefits. We give the
following compensation and benefits.

 Basic salary.
 Bonus.
 Medical facility.
 Pick up and drop.
 Gratuity fund.
 Social security.

We get many advantages from our employees because they are satisfied working within our
organization. (Coca Cola)
29. Conclusion:
Overall Coca Cola is a leading group in everything but it lacks in some aspects which are
mentioned and we have suggested all about them according to SHRM When HR expands its
traditional administrative role, it can have a significant impact on an organization's value
creation. To properly align HR with an organization's strategy, it first needs to be organized so
that it can play a role in the strategic planning of the organization. It is human capital that
leverages all other areas of an organization. Therefore, the HR department needs to ensure the
human asset is effectively aligned with the strategy that is chosen by the organization.

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