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Assignment - 2

Submission date: 24.3.2020

Name:HuXingxin ID:201620060411
Question 1: Write down the full form:
1)VSWR(Voltage Standing Wave Ratio); 2)D-AMPS (Digital Advanced Mobile Phone
System), 3)GSM(Global System for Mobile Communications), 4) CDMA(Code Division
Multiple Access), 5) BIOS(Basic Input Output System), 6) USB(Universal Serial Bus),
7)CAD(Computer-Aided Design , 8) EDA(Electronic design automation), 9)HDL(High-
Density Lipoprotein), 10)PLD(Programmable Logic Device), 11)FPGA(Field
Programmable Gate Array), 12)DSP(Demand-Side Platform).

Question 2: Explain D-AMPS for 3 users with diagram.

The picture (a) is the diagram of D-AMPS for 3 users.

Question 3: Explain POST operation.



Submit data to a specified resource for perocessing requests(such as submitting a form or

uploading a file).The data is contained in the request body.POST requests may result in the
creation of creation of new resources and/or modification of existing resources.
Question 4: Draw the block diagram of ADC & DAC.




Question 5: What are the types of HDL available in electronics? What are uses of HDL?


The types of HDL available in electronics: Verilog HDL VHDL

The uses of HDL: describe the structure and behavior of electronic circuits and most commonly,
digital logic circuits.

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