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‘TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS. Dividing (1) by (2), we get tan 2 8 een ean ae 14 tan? 2H @ sin += (Gi) Squaring the given equations and adding, we get (ein x + sin y+ (cos x + 008 y= +B > sin’ x 4 sin? y + 2 sin x sin y + cos? x + cost y + 2.c0s x cos y =a? + Gin? x + cos? x) + (sin? y + cos? y) + 2(cos x cos y + sin x sin y) = 42 + BF 141+ 2(cosx- yao = Leoste-y=at 4-2 > cay SHB? ae Example 27. Show that cot 5 —3 cot 3 Example 28. Prove that cot A — tan A= 2 cot 2A and deduce that tan 0+ 2 tam 20+ 4 tan 40+ 8 cot 8a» cot 0. = F2sin Acos) iim 196 Now cot a — (tan a +2 tan 2a + 4 tan 4a) = (ot a ~ tan a) ~ @ tan 20 + 4 tan 40) = 2 cot 20 ~ (2 tan 20+ 4 tan 40) (asing (9) 2 (cot 2a tan 2a) ~ 4 tan da = 2 cot da) ~ 4 tan 4a (using (9) (cot 4a: — tan 40) = 4 (2 cot 80) (sing (0) cota tana +2 tan 2a + 4 tan 4a + 8 cot Sa. Example 29, Ftd te one of tan % (cern) Solution. We know that tan 2x = 22 Teams Putting x = © fn the above identity, we get = 1-¥=2y oP +2y-1-0 Sees 22 FARIRE 2808 | eI = tan E = V2 ~ 1-2 -1, Since & tis inthe fist quran an is posive # tan B= VE ~1. Erample 30. Prove tat ten B= Ba Be 1E a = Es 15 _ OVS + NT +1) 8-1 B-Gs+D 2b +28 +343 +YS41_ WF +28 +44 208 3=1 2 = B45 4246 = +3 +a +V6 = RES, FUNCTIONS Example 31, Prove that : jeer 6) gin E+ sin 3% wT i 1 i) sin 12° sin 48° sin 54° = 1. Gi) fi © in B® Solution. (9 sin 2+ sin 3% ion. () LHS. Hsin fod = sin 7h ~sin SE = sin 18° ~ sin 54° = sin 18° - sin (90° — -= sin 18° ~ cos 36° = (ii) LHS. = cos? 66° sin® 6° = cos (66° + 6°) cos (66° - 6°) [os cos? x = sin® y = c0s (x + y) cos (x - y)] B-1 Br a, 7 = 008 72 cos 6 = sin 1°. 2 (i) LHS. = 1 sin 48° sin 12°) sin 90° ~ 36%) cos (48° ~ 12°) ~ cos (48° + 129) cos 36° 4 eos 36° 2 J le0s 36° ~ cos 60°) cos 36 (42 tReet Wnt a1 ae 4 el $6-v= Example 32. Prove that : 08 36° cos 72° = Gi) cos 6° cas 42° cs 66° cs 78°m (00s 36° cas 72° cas 108° cos 144° = = (i) cos 6° cas 42° cs 66° cos 78°= 1. Solution. (i) LHS. = cos 36° cos (90° ~ 18°) cos (90° + 18°) cos (180° - 36+) ‘cos 36° sin 18° (~sin 18°) (cos 36°) (cos 36° sin 18°)? i) LIS. = cos 6° cos 42* cos 66" cos 78° J. @ os 66° cos 6°) (2 cos 78° cos 42°) = {loos (66° + 6) + cos (66° ~ 6°] [eos (78° + 42°) + cos (78° — 42°)] (00s 72° + cos 60°) (cos 120° + cos 36°) = $ (sin 18° + cos 60°) (cos 120° + ens 26°) #3) ad 198 ; ariEuanics x1 Example 33, (0) Find the values of sin © sin 2E sin 3 sin & (i) Find the sei fe coe (NCERT Exemplar) Station, () sin an 2% sin sin AE won fan (38) (0-3) 2n x sin E sin 2% sin AE sin ns won $28} = (sin 36° sin 72°) = (sin 36° cos 18° ese S fone i 10-245 10425 7 Cape 2-05 5. Texi6 ~ ToxI6 "16 Gi) As tan 63° ~ tan(90° — 279) = cot 27° and tan 81° = tan (90° ~ 9) = cot 9° tan 9° = tan 27° ~ tan 63° + tan 81° (tan 9° + tan 81°) - (tan 27° + tan 63°) = (tan 9° + cot 9°) - (tan 27° + cot 27°) : cost _ sin? cos? 9* Also tan'9* + cot 9" = Sooo eiage 7 ain 2 eee Fao coe 7 Tein ooe Gn Similarly, tan 27° + cot 27° = 2 = 2 sin 54° = sin (90° - 36°) = cos 36°) ase wes crags tam 9° — tan 27° — tan 63° + tan 81° a T Gos36) ~(s-ea) 5-1 V5+1, =p WEDD _g. 24 i xample 3, Prove hat co A om 2A co 4A cos 20-1 A = SHEA, 15 ou 8% gg BE one, fi the ote of os os 2 cE cs os con BE. Solution. L.H.S. = cos A cos 2A cos 4A... cos?*=1 A gent sin A cos A) cos 2A cos 4A... com 2-1 A Fax BIA 00s 2A cos 4A... cos 21-1 A Sane ‘cos 2A) cos 4A... cos 2-1 A seg (sin 4A. co 4A) 608 2-1 = gedag @ sin 4A 0 4A) com BA cos EA "TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS 199 Faux (SIM BA cos 8A) .. c08 24-1 A - Piste cass Ayn eee ag Orin BA cos A). cos 2-1 wana (2 sin 2°-1 A cos 2"-1 A) = =RHS. Eom To find the value of cos cos 2% cos $* cos SE. he 2 ees Pen ew Oa oF os? ‘compare it with cos A cos 2A cos 4A ... cos 2"-1 A, Hore, A= Zand 28-1 = 92 ie Mt = Bie n= 6, in HE +The vale of given expresion = 020A. gs Bxampe 3. fxn x= 5, fd the ae of sn 3 Salution. Given sin = 2. sin Sr =3sinx— 4 sin? x= 3. 3-4. 3 7 Example 36. Ifa +B = 5, fad the maximum and minimum values of ino sin Solution. sina sin B = sin asin ($a) (a+ B =F given) sin a cos $2 sin a cos a) = 3 sin 20 lO) We know that 1 < sin 2a< 1 for all ae R ten 1 = -1elenoast 3S pain tas F = -}ssinasinps 2 (using ©) ‘Maximum value of sin «sin Bis $ and its minimum value is ~ > Example 37. Find the range of the function f(x) = sin’ x + cost x + 1 Solution. Given f(x) = sin’ x + cost x1 Note that domain of function f= R. (fla) = (sin? x)? + (cos? x2 41 (sin? x + cos? xP - 2 sin? x cos? x +1 Ss x cos x? + = P- 4. @sinx cos 241 4 ine 2-4 sintax. 200 We know that -1 < sin 2x <1, for ally © R > OSsint 2r< 1 02—Fsin? 22-2 1 = 222- = S sfo)c2 = range of function f= [3,2]. ‘Example 38. If sin x = $ and 0- ctxei- (3) 4 = cosx-t 4, 3 Since 0 x lies in first or second quadrants but x does not lie in the first quadrant, therefore, x lies in the second quadrant — cos x is —ve. cot x= waar ret (1) =H sonx-- 4 + cos x sve) es Ec 2g Buy® ties inthe Ese z Rexena $cc 59 jie first quadrant, therefore, sin 3, cos 5 and tan 3 are all +ve. (y sin 5 is +¥e) (cos 5 is 4ve) 202 MATHEMATICS —xt : je-2yis 8-215. Soa) , 82/8 _ (E2IEE _ [ar ier je-2Jis “s-2Jis ) @-0 Y 4 =44 5. Sls EXERCISE 3.6 Very short and short answer type questions (L to 8): 1, Tsin x= 2, find the value of cos 2x. 2. If cos x = ~2, find the value of cos 2x. 3. Iftan x= 4, find the values of : @ tan (id sin 2 (i) 08 2s. 4. tesin = 2, find the va of in 3 5. Ifcos x ~~ 2, find the value of cos 3x 6. Prove that : (9 008 2x +2 sin? x (i) (c0s x ~ sin xP = 1 - sin 2 cos 2x i) warlany TE teins 7. Prove that : stn (a S825 = oot me (ey 1s 22 02x tag y, Tein 2x + cos 23 1 1 te ssin @ J@+sina) 9. Prove that co x cm 25 cn x con x = SHS FU cove: tat 2 CIE a A, Prove that 1 + cos? 2x = 2 (cost x + sin! 2). 12, Prove that : (ay tan ($+) =tan x + sees 13, Prove that tan x + cot x = 2 cosec 2 and deduce that tan 75* + cot 75° = 4. ‘TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS 14. Prove that : tan x + tan (Ex) + tan ( (@ 00s + 208 (4x) cos (¥+) 15. (9 IF S82 = SS, prove that «sin 2x +b cos 2x =b (ip Ie tan? x = 2 tar? y +1, show that cos 2x + sin? y = 0. cos y=x+ eave (eee 16. 1f2 cos y= 1+ 4, prove that cos 2y 3 - 2 sin 2y 7 Iftan y= 3 tan x prove that tan (x + y) = 2S 2H 18. Prove that : (0) cos Ax = 1-8 cos? x + 8 cost x (ii) sin 5x = 5 sin x ~ 20 sin’ x + 16 sin’ x. yaa Bs)» cot 24-3) = Boe 20, Evaluate without using tables: 19, Prove that cos! + co 2 cos 224" sin 224° (i) 2 cos? 15-1 (iif) 8 cos? 20° ~ 6 cos 20° (fo) 3 sin 40° — 4 sin? 40°. 21. Prove that: an ( cos $+ cos =F (Gi) sin? 24° ~ sin? 6° = St (ip sint 72° ~ sit or = B=) (@ sin 6° sin 42° sin 66° sin 78° = G cos © cos 7 cos *# cos E=-F (NCERT Exemplar) Hint (i) LHS. = cos 36° cos 72° cos 144° cos 288° 8 36° cos (90° — 18°) cos (180° ~ 36°) cos (270° + 18°) = cos 36° sin 18° (cos 96°) sin 18° = -tonae sino = [EL 23, Given hats £12 and nis quadrant sate witout ewe of able, the aes fin ose 208 i MATHEMATICS — x1 24, Gen that tn = 2, cany= 2 and yn th ste quadrant cule boa the use of tables the values of (0 sin (e+ y) {i) 0s 4, x lies in second quadrant (CERT) (2 cons =, sis in third quant cea 3.7 TRIGONOMETRIC EQUATIONS ‘An equation involving trigonometric functions of an unknown real number is called a ‘trigonometsic equation. For example, cos x = 2, cos x= sin 2x ete. A solution of trigonometric ‘equation is a value of unknown that satisfies the equation. Since all trigonometric functions are periodic, usually the trigonometric equations have unlimited number of solutions, The solutions lying between 0 to 2x (0-<.x <2n) are called principal solutions. A solution generalised by means of periodicity is called a general solution. 3.7.1 Solving sin x = 0, cos x = 0 and tan x =0 (0 We know that sin x = 0 when x or when x = —1, -2n, -3%, Thus, sinx=O=x=nn ne L (i) We know that cos x = 0 when x = 3 Thus, cos x = 0 when x is an odd multiple of Hence, cosx=0> x= (Qn+DE,neL Gi) We know that tan x= 0 when x = 0,7, 2R, Thus, ten x= 0 x= 07, ne L f Altematively tan x =0 = 28% 9 Ssinx=0sx-nmneL 3.7.2 For all real numbers x and c sin x = sin 0. implies x= nn + (-1)" a, ne I. Proof. Given sin x = sin a > sin —sin a= 0 = 2.c0s 22% sin cos “48-0 or sin 5% =0 288 2x=2nnt2a,nET = xennta,nel (0 Given sin? x = sint a > costs _ Teste, 2 2 = cos 2x = cos 20.528 -2nn 20 ne T = rensanel (ii) Given cos? x = cos? a = Incose _Incos2ee Treosde Trem2e deco? costa, 2 2 Treas 1" Trewza "1 > Treostr” Trewta 1+ cos 2x=1+ cos 2a = cos 2x = cos 20 2x=2nnt2a,nE1 xennia,neL 3.7.6 Solving a cos x +b sin x = c, where |c| < Ja? +5? Given a cos x + bsin x= , Me eae Since lel ¢ Va¥ +7, we have -1< Tyo sh. (it) Given tan? x = tan? => 206 MATHEMATICS — x1 ‘Thus we can find a real number B(0 <6 <2) such that cos B = Ta Similarly we can find a real number «(0 < a < 2n) such that cos 0 = & ee Ee < i ‘Thus the equation (1) can be written as cos x cos of + sin x sin ct ~ cos cos (x= a) = cos 8 => x-a=2nntB,nel = xe2QnntatBnel REMARKS 1. To find the general solution of sin x = ¢,-15 5 1. First find the smallest number «(0 < a < 2) such that sin « = c, then the general value of x satisfying the equation sin x = sn a is given by. xeme+ CI a,neL 2 To find the general solution of 8 x = 6-15 ¢< 1. First find the smallest number « (0s a < 2) such that cos o = o, then the general value of x satisfying the equation cos x = cos a is given by xe 2ne ta, nel = 3: To find the general solution of tan x = ¢, ce R. First find the smallest number o. (0 < a < 2x) such that tan & = c, then the general value ‘of x satisfying the equation tan x ~ tan at is given by Xem+a,neL Vee eae ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES Example 1. Find the principal solutions of the following equations : (sin x= 3 (i) sin Gi) cos x = We know that sin = xa = sin EH and sin (ii) Given cos x = 1. = . We know that os © ‘TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS Stee Tie inp ees Example 2 Fd the principal slutos of the flowing equation () seex=2 (i) cot x=-V3 (NCERT) (iii) cosec Solution. (#) Given sec x= 2 = cos We know that cos = = mast ara The praca soitone are and 28, (ii) Given cot 8 Stn r= - Fe ‘We know that tan = The principal wore ae SE and TE an 6 Example 3, Solve 2 tan? x + sec? x = 2 for 0S x < 2k. (NCERT Exemplar) Solution. Given 2 tan? x + sec! x =2 > tant x + (1+ tanta) = 2 9 tant x =1 |The rng ston are 7 and = anxed = = ortanz=-4 Sima ae s Case L When tan x = zat aye wulacs gre We know that tn £=L and tn (n-+2)= tan = 5m tan = 7. ‘The principal solutions of tan x = are The pia eaters oan 2=— ae 38,18 Hence, the solutions ofthe given equation for 0 x < 2x are 1 5n 7R ang Me aa ol Bxample 4. Find the general solutions ofthe following equations: (0 cm 3x =0 (9 tan (2042) 0, Solution. (9 Given cos 3x =0 = 3x=(@n+1) Enel = = reQreD Bnet (@ Given sin (2-3) =0 x- Em net = xomt Enel (9 Given an (224%) =0 921+ Za menet 3 r= Einet Example 5. Find the general solutions of the following equations : 1 B @sinx= B (i) cos Py 2 ‘The smallest number in [0, 2x) whose sine is 2 Solution. (() Given sin x = 4 general solution is x= me + C1 E, we Ai 3 G@ Given cos x = ‘The smallest number in [0, 2x) whose cosine is 5 is ¥. = 0s 3, general solution is x= 2+ ¥, ne L (i) Given tan x = WB. The smallest umber in (0, 2x) whose tangent is V3 is tan r= tan &, general solution is.x = nn + E, ne 1 (vcerr) (it) tan x= YB (NCERT) ‘TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS 209 NOTE In, F is one such value of x for which sin x ‘One may take any other value of x z for which sin x = “2. the solutions obtained will be the same although these may look different. Example 6, Sole the filling equctions 0 car GB timx+120 Gi) ower + WE =0. Solution. (9 Given cos x = - > x=cos are eine) cos ss dent net (i) Given 8 tanx +1<0 > tan x = tinea E= (x-4) stn 3% sx-m+ % ne = tnx =tan & m+ Ene (it) Given cosec x + YZ =0 = cosecx=- YZ = sinx = sin : a ne = sing = sin = xenn+ CY 7 L Example 7, If cot x + tan x = 2 cosec x, then find the general value of x. (NCERT Exemplar) Solution. Given cot x + tan x = 2 cosec x cox, sine 2 _, costatsints 2 Sinz” osx Sinz sinxeosx ~ sing eee Sinvoosx "sins ~ cose, =1 cosr= 1, i ‘The smallest number in [0, 2x) whose cosine is + is ©. cos x= cos 5. The general solution is x = 20%, ne L Example 8 If sin? x sec x + JB tan x = 0, find the general value of x Solution. Given sin’ x sec x + y tan x =0 = sintx, a5 tan =0 sin x tanx+ J tan x =0 tan x (sin x + 3) tan x=0orsinx =—\5. ita MATHEMATICS — xt But sin x 1ssinxs1) tan x =O0-2=m, ne 1. Hence, the general solution is x = nr, n ¢ I. Example 9. Solve the following equations : (2 sintx=1 (i) 4 cost r= (i) 3 cot x-1=0, i Prd a sint = Solution. (9 Given 2 int x= 1 = sint r= 2 = sine = ramet, net (i) Given 4 cost x= 1 = cost x= 4 cos E = xematz nel (Gi) Given 3 cot? x-1=0 = cot x= 4 = tantx=3=tor fant x= 3 tan? = remek net Example 10. Find the general solution of the equation 5 cos? x + 7 sin? x ~ 6 = 0. (NCERT Exemplar) Solution. Given 5 cos? x + 7 sin? x ~ 6 = 0 =9 5 cos? x + 7(1~ cost x) = 6 = ~2eostx=-1 = cost x= 1 5 cost x = cost ® 2 cos? x =—1 Feet x= cost = xemtSnet Example 11. Solve the following equations : @sin2x=-F (ii) tan 3x = 1 Solution, (9 sin 2x =- 4 = Example 12. Solve for x3 cos? x —23 sin x cos x3 sin? x =0. Solution. Given 3 cos? x ~ 25 sin x cos x ~3 sin? x = 0 => 3 (cos? x - sin? x) - J3(2 sin x cos x)= 0 Beas 2x— VB sin 2x = 0345 cos 2x = sin 28 Example 13, Soe the following equations jor x, 0S x 4x = 2nn + 2x, n€ 1 = x-mtznel sx-more MATHEMATICS — x1 Farther, we note that the solutions x = x i. x= x, 2m, ... are included in the solutions, Sx=(@n4+1) 5 or2x=nnnet x=Qn4+1) Forr= nek Further, we note that the solutions %, 2%, SE, ... are included in the solutions (2 + 1) on taking m = 2,7, 12, But the solutions 1, 2, 3m, ... are not included in (2n + 1) ‘Hence, the solutions are (2 + 1) 75, nm, € Example 15. Sole the following equations: (cos 3x = sin 2 (i sin 3x + c05 2x = 0. Solution. (cos 3x = sin 2x = cos 3x = cos ($23) = ax-2m (Zax), ner > Sx=2nn+ E-2x0r3x=2m—-F422,0e1 2me , % oez=2ue- 2, nel = 3° 70 3 (in 95-062 = 0-0 2x=—tn 33 = (: wm enamee(Soa:) net > 2xa2ne+ 24 3x0r2x-2m—-%-3z, ne x Que oe xactne- Forr= 2-5 net 2m x x=2nn- Zor aynek z :e It may be noted that two sets of values x=-2na- = ye Lorx=2nn~ 5, ne Tare the same, Example 16, If see x cs Sx +1 = 0 where 0 tan 2x (tan 2x +1) =0 sme bm onde — A tom SE peer eer ar orx= Be Binet Example 18. Solve : tan x + tan 2x + V3 tan x tan 2x = 3. Solution. Given tan x + tan 2x + y3 tan x tan 2x = V3 tnx ttn 2x ig > tanx + tan 2c = VBC tan x ton 2) = xt ne = tan (+22) = 5 = tan Sx = tan 5 = wam+ Enel x= SrEnet Example 19. Solve the following equations: (@ tam x + tan 2x + tan 3 = ton x ten 2x tan 3x (tan «+ on (E42) + n(x) = 3 Solution. () Given tan x + tan 2s + tan Sy = tan x tan 2x tan 3x > ten x + tan 2 =~tan 3x + tan x tan 2x tan 3 tan x + tan 2y = tan 3x (1 ~ tan x tan 2x) tans stand tan xtan 2s tan 3: = -tan 3x = 2 tan Sr = 0 tan 3x =0 5 3e= me ne L tan 3x = tan(x + 2x) = -tan 3x x= Bnet. tan Etane | 1-tan tans tang + Sttnz , Sete _ io Beans "Tene tan x + (/ittanai + (Stans) +5 + tans Stan) = Dtanslt+ vBtans) tenr+ tat Taian? tanx—3tan’x + Stine 1S 9g, Stanz— tan? ae Example 20, Sole the following equations: ( sin 2x + cvs x (NCERT) i) cos 3x + cos x — cos 2x = Solution. (i) Given sin 2x + cos x=0 = 2sin x cos x +eosx=0 > cosx @sinx+1)=0 eee cera (el ees = s-0n+n E on rant (ap 2 nal (ii) Given cos 3x + cos x ~ cos 2x = 0 ere eee, re => 200s 2x cos x - cos 2x = 0 = cos 2x (2 cos x-1)=0 Bo aero 0 a ere oot > dea Qn+ IF or x= 2nd Tne > eos = reQn+t) E or r= 2d Ene. Example 21. Solve the following equations (@) sin 2x — sin 4x + sin 6x = 0 (ii) sin x + sin 3x + sin 5x = 0. (xceRT) (NCERT Exemplar) Solution, (i) sin 2x - sin 4x + sin 6x = 0 = (sin 6x + sin 2x) - sin 4x = 0 => 2 sin 4x cos 2x - sin 4x = 0 = sin 4x (2 cos 2x - 1) =0 freer = sin dr =0 or cos 2e= 1 = cos % = dx ann or 2x=2nt Tne xa or x=mat Enel TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS 215 (i sin x + sin 3x + sin 5x =0 = (in 5x + sin x) + sin3x=0 = 2sin 3x cos 2x + sin3x=0 = sin 3x (2 cos 2x +1) = = sin3x = 0 or cos 2x 2n = 3x=nnor2x=2nnt 22 net > x= Borx-nnt Enel 3 Further note that the solutions x= nz + 3, » ¢ Tare included in the solutions x= “%, mel ‘Hence, the solutions are x= “, ne 1. Example 22. Solve the following equations (4sin xcs x+2sinx+2csx+1=0 (G8) cos x + sin x = cos 2x + sin 2x (Gi) sin x tam x — Solution. (i) Given 4 sin x cos x + 2sin x +2cosx+1=0 = 2sinx Qeosx+1) +1 Qcosr+1)=0 = Qeosx +1 sinx+1)=0 > 2csx+1=0o0r2sinx+1 tan x = sin x. 25 mame 2 cexa nes C1¥ 7%, 4 a x-2ms F m+ (-1) einel (id) cos x + sin x = cos 2x + sin 2x = (sin 2x ~ sin x) ~ (c0s x ~ cos 2x) = 0 24% sin BEE yin EHR = 20s 24 - 4. Solutions are x = 2nnorx= +E ned, => (ein® x ~ sin x) + (sin x cos x ~ cos x) = 0 sin x (sin x~ 1) + cos x (sin x -1) = 0 (ein x ~1) (sin x + e082) = 0 sin x—1=Oor sin x + cos x=0 sin x= Lor tan x =-1 : ® on sin x= sin # or tan x = tan SE = xenn+ (iy Borran+ Ene (ay E orx Enel But x = mm + (-1)" 4, which is an odd multiple of 5, is not possible because then tan x is not defined. Hae, he sion ae x= e+ Ene Example 23. Solve : sin x — 3 sin 2x + sin 3x = cos x ~ 3 cos 2 + eos 3x. Solution. Given sin x — 3 sin 2x + sin 3x = cos x ~3 cos 2x + cos 3x (Gin 3x + sin x) ~3 sin 2r = (cos 3x + cos x) ~ 3 cos 2x 2 sin 2x cos x ~3 sin 2x = 2 c0s 2x cos x ~3 cos 2 sin 2x(2 cos x ~ 3) = cos 2x (2 eos x ~ 3) (2 cos x ~ 3) (sin 2x ~ cos 2x) = 0 cos x = 2 or sin 2x = cos 2x. cos x= 3 is not possible sin 2x = os 2x > tan 2e = 1 tan 2c = tan 25 2r=ne+ Syne a i r-Bihne xample 24 Solve: sn x~2 sin 2x + sin 3x = cos x ~2 cos 2x + cos Sx. (NCERT Exemplar) Solution. Given sin x ~2 sin 2x + sin 3x = cos x2 cos 2r + cos 3 (sin 3x + sin x) ~2 sin 2r = (cs Sx + cos x) ~ 2 cos 2 2 sin 2x cos x ~2 sin 2x = 2 ¢08 2x cos x ~2 00s 2 2 sin 2x(cos x - 1) = 2 cos 2x(cos x = 1) (cos x =1) (sin 2x~ cos 28) = 0 cos x = 1 or sin 2x = cos 2 cos x= Tor fan 2r=1 puugurgy cos x = cos 0 or tan 2x = tan = x=2mt0,neLor2rv=ne+ Ene a = xe2mors= Se nel zi Example 25. Find the general solution of he equation 2 sin? x ~ sn x = 1. Hence, find the values beeen 0 to 2x satisfying the given equation. Solution. Given 2 sin? x ~ sin x = 1 => 2 sin? x~sinx—1=0 = Qsinx+1)Ginx-1=0 “TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS Tn = sinx=sin 2 orsin x= mm * = 5 m+ CIP or ze mm + C1 oe x 7a Un oe 57a, UE ie, 2,58 Woe «The values between 0 and 2x are %, 28, UE. Now x= ans (1p Ea x= a and x=nn+ (IV Foxe ‘Example 26. Solve the following equations: (2 cost x-+3sinx =O (NCERT) — (i) 3 tan x + cot x = 5 cosee x. Solution. (() 2 cos? x + 3 sin x = 0 => 2 (1-sin? 2) +3 sinx=0 2 sin? x -3 sin x-2=0 = Qsin x +1) (sin x-2)=0 -1ssinx<1) => B sin? x + cost x =5 cos x = 3(L ~ cos? x) + cos? x = 5 cos x > 3-Dent x =5 cos x Zoot x+5cosx-3=0 > Reosz-1) (con x+3)=0 cwsx= For cosx= But cos x = ~3 is not possible (es -1 $008 x 1) t 2 & ax= Zone cose Laos 5 dont Enel Example 27. 1f 2 sin? x = 3 ons x, where 0 Sx < 2x, then find the oalues of x. (NCERT Exemplar) Solution. Given 2 sin? x = 3 cos x = 2(1 ~ cos* x) = 3 cos x Deas? x +3 cos x-2=0 => (2 cos x-1) (cos x +2)=0 1 = csr ormsx=-2 cos x= 3 x But cos x = ~2 is not possible =1scosxs1) . cooze bac Foret Ene a 3 a egs Raoxn tmnt Snel sxetnsox= 2,8 As OSz<2n, 3 x Sn Hence, the values of x are 5,5, ‘Example 28. Solve the following equations : (i) sin 30x = 4 sin a sin (x + a) sin (x0), where a my & (i) 4 sim x sin 2x sin bx = sin 3x. Solution. (?) sin 301 = 4 sin (sin (x + 0) sin (& ~ 0) = 3sin 4 sin’ a= 4 sin a (sin? x — sin* a) = 3sina—4ssin® a= 4 sin asin? x4 sin? (putting n= 0,1) MATHEMATICS — xt > Ssing=4sina sin? x 3 3=4sintx (sin 40 a8 4 nn) = sintz- 8 4 (G9 Given sin x sin 2¢ sin 4 = sn 38 4 sin x sin Gr ~ x) sin Gr + 2) = sin 3x = 4 sin x (sin? 3x ~ sin? x) = sin 3x sin? > xennt Enel 5 me +e sin (x= y) sin (e+ 9) = sin? x - sin? y) 4 sin x sin? 3x —4 sin? x =3 sin x —4 sin? x 4ssin x sin? 3x = 3 sin x sin x (4 sin? 3x ~ 3) = 0 = sin x gus Ate =o or sint 3x = 3 => sin x= Dor sin? 3x = sint & > x=nmorSr= mnt 3, where n, met = re nmorx= MLE, where n, me 1 Example 29. Soe: tan (x+5) = 3 on (2-2 Solution. Given tan (x+%) = 3 tan (--4) Ea 2 coo[xe treme Cy Enel ore Ze cy Enek ‘Example 30, Sale the following equations: (0G cosx+sinz= 2 (NCERT Exemplar) (if) Bos x-sinx=1 i) tan x + see x= VB. Solution. (i) Given 3 cos x + sin x = V2, which is of the type a cos x +b sin x ~ Dividing both sides by Y(W3P-+1 = Vi = 2, we get eos tee oe Beosz+ teins = “TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS = cos x cos E+sinxsinE 5 EAR sant E nelax=2mtt+E ne amt mela xn dmmetes, net am + 4% or x= 2mn- S+¥,ne = EB orxetm-E+Enel Se 2 (io Given 4B eos x-sinx=1, which is of the type 4 cos x + b sin x = ¢. Dividing both sides by {GBP + = 1H =2, we get 8 1 1 Beosx-F sine 5 x= nm + xed 2,ne = orx=2nn- incl > cos x cos Z —sin x sin 5 00s (s+) = 008 § a 5 5 > x4 Eazmt Enel ox-2me Genel = x=2nn+ E,dne- Enel a sing, 1 (iii) Given tanx+ sex =(3 > A+ =, cons #0 = sina + 1= VB cose WB cos x—sin x = 1, which is of type # cos x +b sin x = ¢ Dividing both sides by V(/3)+() = V4 = 2, we get 8 ce 1 x Beosr—fainz =} = cos x 008 | sin sain = = cos xa2nnt = x-tnn+ %,2nm-5,nel Bot cos (2ne~) ~ 6 0 we rect these values. Hence, the solutions are x=2ne+ Zeb eagle Find te mt gener ie of ang teen er = Land 8 = 1 Solution, Given tan x = -1 and cos x= J 220 4. The numb ain (0, 2) stitying both the given equations is 25 ‘Thus, the value of x in [0, 2x) satisfying both the given equations is 2. ‘2. The most general value of x satisfying both the given equations is 2m + eae 7 EXERCISE 3.7 Very short and short answer type questions (1 t0 7): 1. Find the principal solutions of the following, equations es @sinz= Bi) cos x (i) nx = (i) wnz=—Fe (0) one =—t (i) cosee x =-1 (ip secx= -E (oii tanx=-1 (ix) B ensec x= -2 Find the general solutions of the following (2 10 18) equations: 2 (H singx=0 (a sin 33-0 (ip sin (++ B)=0 (9 0s (2+ @tn-0 tan (x- 3. @ cose (i) cotx= Gi) sec x= 2 (@) sine) cate =-1B_—_ (od) comes =-2- 4 Gsinx+1-0 (i) 1+tnx=0 — (i) Ssecxt2=0. 50 tant (+5) =0 (i) 4 cost x23 (ii) 3 cose x = 4. 6. @ sin2x= 4 a 2x 3 (i cos3x=-% (i) an 3 7.() sec3x=-s2 (ii) cote =-1 (i) cosec 3x 8. (i) cos 3x = cos x Gi) sin 9x = sin x. 9. () tan 3x = cot x Gi tan x + cot 3x = 0. 10. (9) 2 sin x cos x= sin x (i) tant x~ 8 tan x ML ( sinx=tanx (i) se@ x= 1+ tan x, 12. () coset x = 2 cot x (i) tanx + cot x=2. 13. tan x + cot x= 2secx Gi) cos 3x + cos x -2 cos 2x = 0. 44. () sin 2x + sin 4x +sin6x=0 (fi) sin x—sin 2x + sin 3x = 0. 35. () cos x+sin x= cos 2x + sin 2x (if) 2 sin? x= 3 cos x. 16. () 4cot x-4sinx—1= (i) 2sint x + WB cosx+1=0. a7.) cosx+sinx=1 (i) cos x-sin x +1=0. (NCERT Exemplar) 18, () (secx + tan x=1 (id) cosec x = cot x + 8. TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS 2a 3.8 PROPERTIES OF TRIANGLES 3.8.1 Law of sines or sine formu ‘The sides of a triangle are proportional to the sines of the angles opposite to them i. eget Gn inB~ in” Let ABC be a triangle. Since the sum of the three angles of a triangle is m all three of the angles can’t be obtuse. Without any loss of generality, let 2B be acute, We shall consider three cases: () Lis acute (i) AC is obtuse (i) ZC is a right angle. A “ in © » ¢ ‘ » 7 4 5 oe 8 cb B # CIO) ST @ co) i Fig. 333, Draw AD 1 BC (extending BC if necessary). Then in each figure, AD a AD sin B => AD = AB sin B =e sin B 2) Now in figure (), AB = sin C= AD = AC sin C= sin C tn figure (i), AB = sin (nC) = sin C= AD = AC sin C= b sin In figure (9, AZ =1 = sin % = sin C+ AD = AC sin C = 5 sin C ‘Thus in all three cases, AD = b sin C +-@) From (1) and (2), we get AD a Similarly, we can show that > Hence, 2p = ta eee 3.8.2 Law of cosines or cosine formula In any AABC, wed Ps conn Btto8 Gi cos p= 22S Let us prove part (ii) Lot ABC be any triangle. Since the sum of the three angles ofa triangle is x, all three ofthe angles can't be obtuse. Let 2B be acute. We shall consider three cases : 1) ZCis acute (i) ZC is obtuse (i) ZC is a right angle csin B=b sin C= ma Gi) cos C @ o Fig. 3.34 Draw AD L BC (extending BC if necessary). Fe eee ee ‘Note: Properties of Glangles is noticed in he ylabus of CBSE. I's Included in the syllabus of COBSE. In all three figures, we see that c? = AB? = BD? + AD? Now let us find the values of BD and AD. In fgue (9, 22 = sin Co AD = AC sin «Bsn In figure (i), AB sin (wx - C) = sin C => AD = AC sin C ~ B sin C. Thus in all three cases, AD = b sin C (2) ‘Again, in figure (), BD = BC - CD = a ~b cas C (: SB =o C= = ACeasc= 80050) In figure (i, BD = BC + CD =a + b cos (nC) = a—b cos C. (Bees @-O= D=b eos e-0) In figure (ii), BD = BC = a= ab cos C. (+: c08 C= cos % = 0) Thus in all three cases, BD = a ~ b cos C @ Substituting the values of AD and BD from (2) and (3) in (1), we get ( sin ©)? + (a —b cos CP = b? sin? C + a? + B cos? C- 2 ab cos C 42+ 8 (sin? C + cos! C) ~2ab cos C =a? +b? - 2ab cos C este Zab Parts (and (i) can be proved similarly. (lease do it!) 3.8.3 Projection formulae In any triangle ABC, @a=beosC+ccosB (ii) b=ccosA+acosC (iii) c=acosB+bcos A. Let us prove part () RHS.~ b cos C + ¢ 0s B fePid Aree = 2ab cos C = at + B-2 = cos C= =b (using cosine formulae) Paved | Saas 2a 2a Pei Prete at Eee 2 Sg LHS, Hence, « = b cos C+ ¢ cos B. Parts (i) and (ii) can be proved similarly ‘These results are called projection formulae, 3.8.4 Area of a triangle 1 ies ea Area of ABC = 3ab sin C= 4 be sin A= 1ea sin B. Let ABC be a triangle. Since the sum of the three angles of a triangle is x, all the three angles cannot be obtuse. Without any loss of generality, let 2B be acute. We shall consider three cases : (0 ZCis acute (i) ZC is obtuse iif) ZC is a right angle.

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