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Introduction to Android Development

Fall 2016
September 28, 2016 - December 16, 2016

Time: 6:00 – 9:00 PM
Location: Director’s Room, UF Housing Offices

Tiffanie R. Smith Dave Stanton
Email: Email:

Course Description: In this 12-week project-based course, students will be introduced to

Android programming and learn to develop Android applications. Topics will include, but are
not limited to, installing Android development tools, creating user interfaces, and utilizing
location based services.

Course Learning Outcomes: The primary learning outcome for this course is that students
will be able to design and create Android apps. Students will do so by leveraging the Java
programming language, the Android SDK, and Android Studio developer tools. Students will
gain fundamental knowledge essential to not only Android development, but mobile
development in general.

Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to: o

1. Understand the purpose different development tools for Android
2. Design a graphical user interface
3. Integrate an applications with pre-existing third party libraries
4. Access location based services
5. Utilize Android Studio to create simple and complex applications
6. Plan, prepare and build an original Android from concept to working program.
7. Publish an application to the Android Market

● Murphy, M. L. (2010). Beginning Android 2 (p. 49). New York: A press. (Will be
● Lee, W. M. (2012). Beginning android 4 application Development. John Wiley & Sons.
(Will be provided)
● The NewBoston:

Tentative List of Topics:

● Running and modifying an Android application
● Installing Android SDK and other development tools
● Understanding activities and linking them with intents
● Fragment interaction
● Understanding the layout components of a screen and handling screen orientation
● Designing the user interface
● Displaying images and menus using Views
● Saving user preferences
● 3rd Party Libraries
● SMS Messaging and Email
● Interfacing with location-based services
● Developing Android Services
● Publishing applications

● 50% ---------- Programming/ Pre-Class Assignments
● 10% ---------- Class Participation
● 40% ---------- Final Project
o 10% ---------- Final Project Updates (2)
o 25% ---------- Final Project Submission
o 5% ---------- Final Project Presentation
**No Final Exam

Programming Assignments: At the end of a section, students will be given programming

and/or writing assignments that will be due at the end of the Thursday class period.

Project Updates: There will be two project updates. For each update, students will submit
their final project files. The submissions will be graded to ensure that each student is making
satisfactory progress toward finishing their app.

Final Project Submission: Each individual will submit their completed project including all
code and assets.

Final Project Presentation: Each individual will give a presentation that describes their final

Grading Scale
Score (Rounded to the nearest point) Grade
100 - 90 A
89 - 80 B
79 - 70 C
69 - 60 D
< 60 F

Policy on Late Submissions:

A 20% PENALTY will be assessed for any assignment submitted after the announced due
date. An additional 10% penalty will be assessed for each day thereafter.

Projects That Do Not Build:

Any project that does not compile will receive a 40% PENALTY. Students will be notified that
their project does not build and will have 24 hours from the time a “Delivered Receipt” is
received to resubmit the assignment. If the assignment is not resubmitted within the
24-hour window, the student will receive a 0.
Tentative Schedule
1. Syllabus and class expectations
2. Getting Started with Android
3. GUI elements
4. Threads and Activities
5. Preferences and Databases
6. Internet and Content Providers
7. Services and Notifications
8. 3rd Party Libraries
9. Publishing Applications

Important Dates:
● November 23-25: Thanksgiving Break (No Class)

Final Project Due Dates:

● Project Update 1: November 17
● Project Update 2: Thursday, December 1
● Final Submissions: Wednesday, December 7
● Final Presentations: Thursday, December 8

Accommodation for Students with Disabilities: Students requesting classroom

accommodation should inform the instructor as soon as possible.

Incompletes: Incompletes will not be granted except under previous agreement of the
professor. Students must inform the instructor of his/her intent to receive an incomplete and
provide adequate documentation to support the request.

Honor Code and Collaboration: Students MUST document all reused code. Failure to
document code found online or provided by other students WILL be viewed as plagiarism AND

NOTE: This syllabus may change depending on the pacing of the class. Any changes
will be beneficial to students and will have minimal impact to student grades, the grading
categories and to the student workload.

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