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ACTIVE DATE 31/08/2016 REVIEW DATE 31/08/2018

This Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS 27) provides an assessment of the hazards and the mandatory controls when testing electrical equipment prior
to placing into service and conducting low voltage electrical work. To comply with the requirements of the Queensland Electrical Safety Regulations 2013,
all electrical installations and/or equipment shall be tested, including any alterations, additions and repairs to electrical installations and/or equipment
prior to being placed in service. The tests shall ensure the equipment is electrically safe when used in its normal state.

Electrical testing inherently involves some degree of risk. It is the duty of the person performing the tests to conduct a thorough risk assessment and only
proceed once all controls from this SWMS have been implemented effectively and has confirmed that risks are at an acceptable level.


Where according to an electrical risk assessment a residual risk of HIGH has been identified for the activities of:
 Live electrical work connecting equipment to supply for further test
 Polarity
 Phase sequence
 Fault loop impedance
 Verification of operation of residual currency devices

Approval is given to proceed with electrical testing provided ALL controls identified in this SWMS are implemented and maintained and workers have
identified risks are at an acceptable level.

SWMS27 Ver. 8 Page 1

Relevant Workplace Health & Safety / Environmental Legislation References

QLD Work Health & Safety Act 2011 QUU WHS Hazard and Risk Management Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)
QLD Work Health & Safety Regulations 2011 PRO379 Energy Lock Out Tag Out Procedure
Electrical Safety Act 2002 AS3017: 2007 Electrical Installations – Verification guidelines
Electrical Safety Regulations 2013 AS/NZS 3000: 2007 Wiring Rules
QLD Electrical Safety Code of Practice 2010 Works QLD Electrical Safety Code of Practice 2013 Managing Electrical Risks in The
WI58 Work Instruction for Arc Flash Assessment and PPE Selection CHE191 QUU Electrical Safety Observer Evaluation Checklist

Hierarchy of Controls: 1 – Elimination 2 - Substitution 5 - Administration

3 - Isolation 6 - PPE
4 - Engineering


Mandatory Controls

Inherent Residual Hierarchy PICO

Task/Activity Hazard/Risk Control Measures
Risk Risk of W
Rating Rating Controls Initials

E 1. Conduct a visual inspection of the location. H 5

1. Mandatory Electric Shock
Requirements Hazard from 2. Follow notification procedures, permits and conduct risk assessment. 5
for all electrical inadvertent
testing contact with live 3. Ensure the area is clear of obstructions so as to allow for easy access and exit. 5
parts or 4. All conductive parts of the electrical installation or materials in contact with 3
undetected conductive parts (such as concrete, water, timber) to be treated as live until tests
voltages prove de-energised
Burns from arcing Any person exposed to, or accessing energised electrical parts, or 3
or flashover applying potential lethal test currents shall be a qualified electrical worker
with current training and competency and QUU authorisations.

SWMS27 Ver. 8 Page 2
Inherent Residual Hierarchy PICO
Task/Activity Hazard/Risk Control Measures
Risk Risk of W
Rating Rating Controls Initials
Explosion from 5. Members of the public or non-qualified personnel shall be prevented from entering 3
gas ignition the work-site by the installation of barriers or fencing suitable for the work location
Exposed live and environment
parts 6. Required PPE and equipment must be used at all times. 6
This includes, but is not limited to:
 Non-synthetic clothing of non-fusible material and flame resistant. Clothing made
from conductive material or containing conductive threads shall not be worn.
 Rubber matts
 Approved rubber gloves insulated to the highest potential voltage expected at
the location.
 Non-conductive foot wear, for example steel capped boots or shoes
manufactured to a suitable standard.
 Eye protection. Non-conductive frames and lenses with suitable impact resistance
and light filtering to prevent damage to the eyes.
7. PPE as required in WI58 for Arc Flash Assessment.
 Remove metal objects from the body that can conduct electricity and retain heat NOTE
such as rings, body piercings and watches.
8. Ensure that the Safety Observer if appointed is qualified and aware of their duties, 5
roles and responsibilities.
A safety observer is not required if:

 The work consists only of electrical testing and

9. The person performing the work has conducted a risk assessment that shows that 5
there is no serious risk associated with the proposed work/s.

 Identify required test instruments and ensure within test date and not faulty.

10. A person in training (apprentice) who has NOT finished a minimum of 6 months of 5
the apprenticeship must not work in the immediate vicinity of live high voltage
exposed parts OR where there is a risk the training person could come into contact
with a live low voltage exposed part.

SWMS27 Ver. 8 Page 3
Inherent Residual Hierarchy PICO
Task/Activity Hazard/Risk Control Measures
Risk Risk of W
Rating Rating Controls Initials

Note this does not apply if the training person is acting as a safety observer and
has been authorised as capable of being a safety observer for 12 months
immediately before commencing the apprenticeship.


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