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Sanciangko St., Cebu City

In Partial Fulfilment of RIZAL 101

( The Life and Works of Jose Rizal )

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In the movie, I’ve learned such particular circumstances about our one and only
noble National hero José Protacio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda or also known as Dr.
Jose Rizal who stood for our independence. Riizal had been very vocal against the Spanish
government, but in a peaceful and progressive manner. For him, “the pen was mightier than the
sword.” And through his writings, he exposed the corruption and wrongdoings of government
officials as well as the Spanish friars. I’ve gained a lot of understanding on how he became the
National hero in the Philippines because, despite of many Filipino people choose to be silent he
still fight against the Spanish government with no fear. He never back down and let his self
became a puppet or a slave to the friars. Rizal and other noble ancestors are the reason of our
being free from colonizers who wants to govern our country.

I’ve perceived that without them we are still of what they’ve called illiterate and
have no rights to become a leader. Philippines would still an imprisoned country that
each citizens have no rights to defend, to be educated and the rights to have freedom.
I’ve realized also that regardless of their social status Rizal did not choose to have a
luxurious life like the most of us have wanted. Even before he became under
surveillance by the Spaniards, he could lived his life as simple as possible. I can call
Jose Rizal as a true man that who is never frightened to all the treats and accusations
from the Spanish government. As the fighting spirit of Jose Rizal of achieving
independence we’re getting stronger many Filipino people were most united, most
spirited to fight for a common cause of freedom.

As I’ve mentioned above, Rizal has a good family status he can just simply choose
a life without conflict. I’ve wondered if Rizal has no intentions at all to save his
countrymen from the unjustified government what would be are life? Could we still have
our freedom? Is there someone could save us from the unequal government? Is there
someone would willingly do the part of Jose Rizal did? Is there a possibility we can
experience their life situations before? Do we still have this freedom country? Many
things that I’ve wondered of just like why Rizal choose the path of being reformist? Isn’t
he afraid? Incidentally, I’m grateful of what he did and of what he believed. Through his
all sacrifices, having courage and challenges of fighting against the government we,
Filipino people who are now living today have our each rights as a human being.

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