Descriptive Essay: You Can Describe Their Appearance As Well As Their Character and Behaviour)

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Descriptive Essay  

Name​: Walid Aamir ​ Class:​ OI-C

Subject​ ​Teacher’s name:​ Harris Nadeem ​ R.N​: 21

Question​:​ Describe the most helpful person and the most unhelpful person you know? (Remember,
you can describe their appearance as well as their character and behaviour)

Nobility, Empathy and compassion have always been highly regarded traits in all societies. One 
of the noble purposes of life is to be of benefit to others. However, as they say, it takes all sorts 
to make a world. The world is full of different types of people, ranging from extraordinarily 
altruistic figures to shamefully wicked personalities to outrightly indifferent. Today I will 
discuss the most supportive and the most unhelpful individuals I have experienced in my life. 
Ahmed Has been useful during my troublesome occasions. he is reasonable, tall and attractive, 
his physical features depict his character very well as he has been really helpful during the 
hectic final term not only assisting me to achieve better grades but also teaching me various 
things that almost changed my view of the world. he is two years younger to me but due to his 
brilliance in studies he’s one of the high achievers of the school I was a new admission in the 
school but his friendship, tone, body language taught me that confidence is key, This 
confidence helped me establish myself in the school premises. He also guided me that I 
needed some extra reading and recommended me some personality development books 
written by Dale Carnegie. my grades improved not only because of early coverage of syllabus 
but due to the change in my attitude, the change in my personality. I wonder what I would 
have been without him. He changed the way I approached people and also the way people 
were approaching me later on. This is because of the element of respect I got to know about. 
His experience and his knowledge about life itself not only helped me in my college life but has 
helped me build my personality for the rest of my life. He has been the most helpful person I've 
encountered in my life. Contrary to this the most useless person I have witnessed in my life is 
my cousin Javad, unhelpful I mean indifferent, apathetic, casual. During all are significant 
family occasions he has been of definitely no assistance. I haven't conversed with him much, 
however, one experience demonstrated that he was quite useless. As much as I know he is 
short, Big nosed and has wrinkles all over his face also he does not look as unhelpful as he is 
At the point when I graduated I had numerous plans in the field of business, I needed a 
privately owned business. My cousin Javad is settled and is proficient in his field. I needed to 
impart my plans to him and needed to take his perspective regarding my matter yet it 
appeared as though he wasn't paying attention to me, this isn't my solitary experience. Once 
My grandmother was really ill We were trying to figure out the problem as she was left home 
alone with Jawad the problem she faced was that she did not take her medications on time and 
she as is a patient of dementia Requiring some assistance but Javad again was indifferent He 
is disregarded in the entire family but he does not change his attitude towards anyone. 

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