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AUGUST 2017 / N°2

Update on
dangerous goods

Cycling for

ISSN 0041-7009

Postal development
on the move
Numbering System

Find every legal stamp issued by

the world’s issuing authorities, with easy
access to online philatelic stores worldwide.

The WNS is managed by the World
Association for the Development
of Philately (WADP), through the
Universal Postal Union.

More information:
2IPD yields new insights for global postal sector

Designing the future of Saudi Post
Cover: Getty Images

22 04
What to expect from this edition of the UPU's
exclusive event for postal chief executives In brief

Dangerous goods update 05 Editor’s note

Riding towards sustainability 31 Digest

Union Postale is the Universal Postal Union’s flagship magazine,

founded in 1875. It is published quarterly in seven languages
August 2017 and takes a closer look at UPU activities, featuring international
news and developments from the postal sector.
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Kayla Redstone (KR) The magazine regularly publishes well researched articles
AUTHORS: Sonam Bernhard (SB), Tripp Brinkley (TB), David Koch (DK), on topical issues facing the industry, as well as interviews with
Fella Rabbahi (FR), Lovisa Selander (LS) the sector’s leading individuals. It is distributed widely to the
DESIGN AND LAYOUT: Die Gestalter, Switzerland UPU’s 192 member countries, including thousands of deci-
SUBSCRIPTIONS: sion-makers from governments and Posts, as well as other
ADVERTISING: postal stake holders. All regard it as an important source of

CONTACT: information about the UPU and the postal sector at large.
Union Postale Union Postale is also published in French, Arabic, Chinese, Ger-
International Bureau man, Russian and Spanish.
Universal Postal Union The Universal Postal Union neither endorses any products
P.O. Box 312 or services offered by third-party advertisers nor guarantees
3000 Berne 15 the veracity of any claims made by the same. Opinions
SWITZERLAND expressed in the articles are not necessarily those of the UPU.
PHONE: +41 31 350 31 11 It is expressly forbidden to reproduce any part of Union Postale
E-MAIL: magazine (including text, images or illustrations) without prior
WEBSITE: permission.


Japan pledges additional support

for disaster risk management
The successful cooperation agree- Recalling the devastating earthquake withstand natural disasters, and help
ment signed between Japan’s Minis- that hit Japan in 2011, the ambassa- our countries recover. This agree-
try of Internal Affairs and Communi- dor reminded members of the fun- ment will help us do just that.”
cations and the UPU in 2013 has been damental role postal services can The UPU’s disaster risk manage-
extended for a further four years. play in case of a national emergency, ment activities have benefited signif-
UPU Director General Bishar A. for example by distributing aid mate- icantly from the agreement, which
Hussein exchanged the agreement rials. saw Japan contribute a total of 1.4
with Japanese Ambassador to Swit- “Building a disaster-resistant million USD in the 2013 – 2016 cycle.
zerland and Liechtenstein Etsuro postal network is extremely impor- This support enabled the UPU to
Honda during the plenary session tant for postal operators and users hold three regional capacity-building
of the Postal Operations Council on alike. And it is very significant for seminars – one each in Barbados,
31 March. providing stable postal service on a Chile and Thailand – and produce a
Under the cooperation agree- global scale. I am honoured that disaster risk management guide for
ment, Japan will continue to support Japan can contribute to such an member countries in four official UN
the UPU’s disaster risk management important mission,” he said. languages. FR
activities until 2021, including a vol- For his part, the UPU Director
untary contribution of 520,000 USD General thanked the Japanese gov-
in 2017. A key focus of the extended ernment for its generosity: “Though
agreement will be to design a techni- we can’t stop the course of nature,
cal assistance methodology to sup- we can do our best to ensure that

port developing countries. we are as prepared as possible to


UPU Director General shakes hands with Japanese Ambassador to Switzerland and Lichtenstein Etsuro Honda after exchanging
the agreement.

Measuring & fostering development

The UPU plays a central role as the primary forum for cooperation between postal stakeholders,
ever striving to build a more globally connected and seamless postal network. To achieve this,
countries must continue to develop their postal services to meet modern needs.

As explained in our cover story, the UPU’s newly devised Integrated Index for Postal Development
(2IPD) maps the evolution of postal services worldwide on four dimensions: reliability, reach,
relevance and resilience. While postal services in several member countries excelled – take top per-
formers Switzerland, France and Japan, for example – there is some work to be done to ensure all
Posts can offer the latest quality global services to their customers.

Readers will learn that in addition to creating new ways of measuring postal development, the UPU
has also been busy in the field, providing member countries with means to grow. On the home
front, the UPU's OSCAR tool is helping propel sustainable development by giving member coun-
tries a way to track and minimize their carbon outputs. Through a campaign launched in 2016, the
UPU has also helped several countries in Latin America reduce carbon emissions, improve postal
worker health and increase service quality by outfitting postal delivery staff with new bicycles.

The UPU is also cooperating with other international organizations to not only further postal devel-
opment, but also leverage the postal network’s role in global development with regards to e-com-
merce and ICTs. As you will read, UPU Director General Bishar A. Hussein made this clear in his
remarks to stakeholders at the recent UNCTAD E-Commerce Week and WSIS Forum gatherings.



E-commerce in Africa: Strategic agreement signed

The Universal Postal Union and Tuni- Experts from the UPU and Tunisia Djibouti and Uganda to assist them
sia signed an agreement in July for have for the past months been in setting up e-commerce platforms
the development of e-commerce in setting up suitable technical and for their Posts.
the country under the Ecom@Africa operational structures that will The objective of the Ecom@Africa
project initiative. enable the roll out of the project. project is to facilitate the develop-
UPU Director General Bishar A. Both parties to the agreement ment of e-commerce through the
Hussein and La Poste Tunisienne recognized the initiative as an impor- postal network in Africa, thus giving
Chief Executive Officer Moez Chak- tant step to enable the Post to con- micro, small and medium-sized
chouk, who represented Tunisian tribute more to the national develop- enterprises (MSMEs) better access to
government, signed the cooperation ment of the country. local international markets. This will
agreement at an event witnessed The initiative has been launched be made possible by simplifying
by Tunisian Minister for Communica- by UPU to assist African countries import and export procedures, with
tion Technologies and Digital Econ- develop and facilitate online trade the support of designated operators
omy Mohamed Anouar Maârouf, using the postal network. The of UPU member countries and other
UPU Council of Administration Chair- signing of the agreement makes key players in the supply chain. FR
man Kenan Bozgeyik and UPU Dep- Tunisia the first country among the
uty Director General Pascal Clivaz. six selected to pioneer the project.

The cooperation agreement for- Others are Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire,

malizes commitment to implement Kenya, Morocco and South Africa.
the Ecom@Africa Tunisian platform. UPU has also received requests from


OSCAR: the tool that measures our future

Postal operators are becoming The reporting for 2016 is still in manage their environmental impact
increasingly conscious of climate process, but indicates an even more efficiently. Noting the global
change and the impact their own higher level of participation from importance of the environment for all
operations have on the climate. Ris- across the globe. This is a good start, industries, he underlined that the
ing to the challenge, the UPU has but there is much more to be done. postal sector had long been taking
developed the Online Solution for Whilst keeping individual country specific, proactive steps to reduce
Carbon Analysis and Reporting, or data confidential and secure on its CO2 emissions.
OSCAR for short. OSCAR, the aggregation of global With more than 600,000 post
The UPU has performed annual and regional averages enables the offices processing billions of items,
inventories of the environmental UPU to paint a picture of the relying on more than 1.5 million
impact of the postal operators in its greenhouse gas contribution of vehicles and 5.5 million staff world-
member countries since 2008. In the postal sector worldwide. The wide to deliver various services,
2015, with the financial support of UPU works together with interna- there is no doubt that the postal
La Poste France and the Japanese tional organizations and actors in sector makes a considerable contri-
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Com- the field to keep the methodology bution towards global greenhouse
munications (MIC), the UPU rolled in OSCAR current and relevant and gas emissions. But the actions
out OSCAR to its 192 member coun- to position the postal sector on the already taken by our member coun-
tries. This free online tool puts sus- global environmental scene. tries show us that there is plenty
tainability at the heart of postal oper- of room to improve, with reduced
ations by enabling Posts to calculate Endorsed by PostEurop emissions and costs as a result.
their greenhouse gas emissions and In this context, the UPU and PostEurop In OSCAR we now have the first
compare their results year on year. have signed a cooperation agree- carbon accounting methodology

With the launch of OSCAR, postal ment with a view to jointly address- tailored to postal operations and the
operators now have access to an easy ing the greenhouse gas emissions by momentum to push forward as a
to use, interactive calculator that PostEurop members, and to ensure significant sector on the global envi-
allows them to evaluate in detail their the widest possible use of OSCAR. ronmental scene. We encourage all
biggest environmental impacts and At the plenary session of the UPU’s UPU member countries to make full
where the most environmental gains Postal Operations Council in March use of the tool. FR & LS
can be had, whether it be by taking 2017, PostEurop Secretary General
measures to save on fuel or electric- Botond Szebeny said that the agree- For more information contact
ity, or by making transports between ment would be a new opportunity
facilities more efficient. OSCAR's for his organization’s members to
platform provides a foundation for
making the link between environ-
mental and economic efficiency, and
by providing a list of KPIs, OSCAR
makes it easy for the user to set
targets and benchmark performance.

Successful first year

In OSCAR’s first year, 64 member
countries made use of the tool to
analyse their carbon footprints.
Among these, Botswana, Bulgaria,
Cambodia, France, Hong Kong,

Ireland, Luxembourg, Morocco,

Monaco and Myanmar were recog-
nized as “top users”, providing
exceptionally good quality of data.

UPU and IPC to cooperate on postal development

The UPU and International Post Cor- while conforming to its principles for An exciting facet of the agreement is
poration (IPC) have signed a new cooperation with the private sector,” increased collaboration on IT solu-
cooperation agreement setting a he pointed out. tions, where there is currently an
framework for collaboration on areas “Both our organizations share the overlap in work, allowing the two
of common interest, such as the pro- same goal of helping our member organizations to identify potential
motion of quality and innovation, Posts to enhance postal service in synergies. A prime example of this
as well as joint work on technological today’s challenging markets and in is end-to-end tracking using radio
solutions, market research and sus- particular to play a greater role in frequency identification (RFID) tech-
tainability. e-commerce delivery,” commented nology. The two organizations will
“The UPU’s foremost aim is to Holger Winklbauer, CEO of IPC. “This now work together to develop an
secure the organization and improve- agreement represents a major step interoperable RFID global tracking
ment of postal services worldwide in our cooperation, aiming at build- network for e-commerce, as well as
and to promote international collab- ing a mutually supportive working solutions for facilitating cross-border
oration in this area. We are therefore relationship for the benefit of the shipments.
particularly pleased to engage in a postal industry worldwide, in a As part of the agreement, the two
partnership that brings measurable context of increasingly scarce organizations will hold a biannual
benefits for the industry by contri- resources,” he added. forum to review the progress of their
buting to the development of acces- IPC is a cooperative association of cooperation, and will supervise the
sible, efficient and innovative postal postal operators from Asia-Pacific, five expert teams responsible for
services in our member countries,” Europe and North America, which implementing joint projects. SB & KR
said UPU Director General Bishar A. offers services and solutions to the
Hussein. “This joint cooperation pro- postal industry. It is also a member

gramme supports the advancement of the UPU Consultative Committee.
of the UPU’s goals and strategy


UPU Director General Bishar A. Hussein and IPC CEO Holger Winklbauer exchange the agreement.

Who’s who at the UPU

New momentum for philately

Name: Lisa Salcedo Pfeiffer
Directorate: Logistics
Position: WNS specialist
Nationality: Ecuadorian and French

Lisa Salcedo Pfeiffer has been work- system’s 190 members, verifying Another perk of the job, she says, is
ing at the UPU since 2015, where she technical information provided by that it allows her to flex her language
began as a support with the Philately the designated operators before hav- skills. Lisa says she often translates
programme, with particular focus on ing the stamps uploaded on the WNS stamp titles into English or French for
the world numbering system (WNS) website. the bilingual website, and sometimes
for postage stamps. She now works Aside from her WNS registration even from Spanish or Portuguese.
as the programme's WNS specialist. duties, Lisa says she is also working to “I appreciate working in a multi-
The WNS was created and developed modernize the system to give it bet- cultural environment. I couldn’t ima-
by the World Association for the ter visibility, as well as improving its gine myself in a work environment in
Development of Philately (WADP) use as a means of combating illegal which I didn’t use different languages
and the UPU in 2002 to combat ille- issues, as a source of expertise and as throughout the day,” she says.
gal stamp issues. It not only serves as a sales platform. Furthermore, the This interest in multiculturalism
a database of all authentic stamps fees paid by member countries for extends to her personal life, where
issued by UPU member countries, but the service allow her team to plan she volunteers her spare time with an
also a directory for philatelists keen training workshops to modernize the association for the integration of
on accessing the world’s thousands philatelic industry at large. migrants, refugees and asylum seek-
of unique stamps. “What I like most about my job is ers.
In coordination with the manager the diversity of tasks. I discover new Browse through the official stamps
of the Philately and International stamps every day and I can combine of issuing postal authorities and visit
Reply Coupons programme, Lisa has both practical and strategic activities online philatelic shops from around
full responsibility for managing the toward the development of philat- the world at

WNS. She registers stamps from the ely,” says Lisa. FR


CA & POC off to productive start

The two UPU bodies have launched With regards to postal financial ser- IB’s proposal to study a priority list of
into their work for the 2017 – 2020 vices, the POC approved the products and services and to present
cycle under new and more effective Postransfer Group business plan, the results at the next session.
working methods. the proposed postal payment ser- Members also took note of the
Changes to the Council of Admin- vices quality of service standards, IB’s presentation of its strategy for
istration (CA) and Postal Operations amendments to two articles of the implementing the UPU development
Council (POC) working methods Postal Payment Services Regulations, cooperation policy for 2017 – 2020.
have been made in response to a and the licensing agreement for The strategy sets out a detailed plan
decision taken by member countries PosTransfer. for bolstering development in the
at the 2016 Istanbul Congress. The Another milestone was the regions, including the formulation
decision directed the councils to approval of a roadmap for the imple- of a level one priority project focused
streamline decision-making pro- mentation of EAD, item-level mes- on operational readiness for e-com-
cesses and decrease the length of sages shared between Posts, Cus- merce. All regions identified e-com-
their respective sessions to five days toms and air carriers to facilitate safe merce development as a priority for
each. and efficient delivery of international the Istanbul cycle.
“The key principles of the reform mail containing goods. This roadmap In another move towards postal
of our Union are faster decision- will be an essential component in development, the IB announced the
making processes and more efficient ensuring that all Posts are able to launch of a new UPU financial inclu-
ways of working. New and innova- exchange this information by 2020. sion technical assistance facility
tive electronic working methods In terms of digital transformation funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates
have been designed to increase the and markets development, the POC Foundation. The facility will bring
participation, representation and decided to amend the .POST Domain together UPU experts and external

integration of UPU stakeholders in Management Policy to make it easier consultants to train postal operators
our work – this will increase the role for organizations to register their in various aspects of financial inclu-
and relevance of our Union in solving .POST domain names and benefit sion. The first training will focus
the challenges faced by the postal from increased Internet presence on digitized financial services.
sector,” said UPU Director General and security of online services.
Bishar A. Hussein, referring to the During the POC session, members Next meetings
new deliverables matrix developed also adopted the revised UPU Regu- The next session of the POC will take
by the International Bureau (IB) to lations and Final Protocols regarding place between 16 and 20 October
help monitor the implementation of international postal operations, 2017. The CA will follow from
Congress decisions, resolutions and which are drawn up by the POC every 23 to 27 October. KR
work proposals. four years in line with decisions taken
The matrix was developed for during the last Universal Postal Con-
both councils and can be monitored gress. These rules will come into
by delegates using a new online effect on 1 January 2018.
workspace application also devel-
oped by the IB. CA’s work launched
The CA’s first session of the 2017 –
Green for the POC 2020 cycle provided a good over-
All deliverables assigned to the first view of the work to be carried out
POC session were marked green as during the period.
completed. Headway made during Following a decision made by
the first session of the year included the 2016 Congress to devise an
several strides forward for postal access policy for wider postal sector

financial ser vices, electronic players to use the UPU’s products

advanced data (EAD) and .POST. and services, the CA agreed to the
Swiss Post prevailed as the top performer due to
its exceptionally high quality-of-service score
2IPD yields new
insights for global
postal sector
In these fast-changing times, postal stakeholders are looking for insights into
what makes a postal operation successful. A newly launched research product,
the Integrated Index for Postal Development, or 2IPD, is the latest UPU response
to this pressing question.

TEXT: The index – which consolidates information drawn from Untapped potential
DAVID official statistics, survey results, and big data from 170 “There is vast untapped potential for postal develop-
UPU member countries – has been in the works for years, ment in many countries in the world, following decades
says Fernão De Borba, Head of Research and Strategy at of declining mail volumes and electronic substitution,”
the UPU. explains Ansón. The outlook for Posts became increas-

The UPU developed the methodology after the con- ingly dire, especially for developing countries, as govern-
cept was floated in 2013. Congress gave the UPU a man- ments lost interest in postal infrastructure investment in
date to release 2IPD on a regular basis last year, and the the context of the digital revolution.
International Bureau has now published the first edition. However, the tide is now turning in favour of the
“This constitutes a major milestone, because now we postal sector as e-commerce volumes grow exponen-
have an integrated tool to comprehensively and objec- tially. “The window of opportunity for the Post has never
tively measure postal development worldwide,” says De been so good for the past two decades,” says Ansón. “If
Borba. “And we can use it to inform our strategic pro- countries and governments understand how to take
cesses.” advantage of these opportunities, they will be able to
The index is already yielding insights that are expected deliver development to postal infrastructure.”
to encourage investments in the Post, helping stakehold- This is where 2IPD comes in. Countries can learn
ers come to grips with the challenges and opportunities about their position on the benchmark, gain insights
facing the postal sector in the age of e-commerce. from the best-in-class, and request an in-depth analysis
“We need to understand the current trends,” said from the UPU of their country-specific results. Countries
UPU Deputy Director General Pascal Clivaz in a speech are already requesting this kind of in-depth breakdown,
introducing 2IPD to postal stakeholders at a conference which can then help them to make strategic choices and
in June. “We need to step back, broaden our vision, and tap into new opportunities, such as investing in the
view postal development from a global perspective.” global e-commerce market.
The index is a step towards this wider view, as it draws In terms of big-picture results, 2IPD scores correlate
on information that is truly global in scale, says José with the level of postal income per capita in each coun-
Ansón, the UPU’s Chief Economist. “We’re using an try. “We are able to predict quite well the level of sales
extremely large amount of data,” he adds. and the level of revenue in each country – real revenues,
Indeed, the index includes postal data gathered taking into account inflation,” says Ansón.
through the UPU’s electronic tracking systems, compris- “This shows that, for those who are lagging behind in

ing more than 3 billion records in 2016 alone. This the index score, there is a big untapped potential in
includes data from each individually tracked item, as well terms of revenue,” he explains.
as dispatches of bags of letters or parcels. In other words, the close relationship between 2IPD
This ultra-rich data produces valuable insights that scores and postal revenue suggests that the index could
benefit not only postal operators, but other stakeholders be a valuable tool for helping Posts understand how to
such as governments and regulators. improve their financial position, using insights gleaned
from the data.
Poland’s Poczta Polska was recognized for its globally
connected postal services

The “four Rs” of postal development Union Postale reached out to the countries that achieved
The index contains results that are sometimes surprising, the best results in their respective regions, to share their
with several developing countries outscoring their indus- insights with readers.
trialized counterparts. However, all top countries share a
set of qualities, dubbed the “four Rs”: excellent quality Switzerland
of service (reliability), international connectedness In the industrialized countries category – and of all coun-
(reach), high customer demand for a full range of ser- tries worldwide – Swiss Post emerged as the top per-
vices (relevance), and the ability to innovate (resilience). former. The reasons for its superior performance include
Scores for each category are based on a wide range “diversified and globalized activities,” an exceptionally
of indicators. For example, resilience draws on data high quality-of-service score, and a focus on developing
including the level of diversification at a given Post, in sustainable business models, according to the official
terms of four main revenue sources: letter post, parcel 2IPD results for 2016.
post and logistics, financial services, and other services. “We are very pleased that the UPU study has shown
“If your revenues are way too concentrated in one or that we are the most innovative postal operator in the
the other of those categories, you have a vulnerability,” world,” says Susanne Ruoff, CEO of Swiss Post. “This
says Ansón. If a postal operator relies on letter mail for emphasizes our efforts towards further innovation and
80 percent of its income, for example, that will affect its the development of interface solutions according to our
resilience score. In these circumstances, the operator’s vision: ‘Simple yet systematic.’”
level of resilience to a technological shock, such as the Domestic and inbound items are delivered in an aver-
acceleration of the mail electronic substitution phenom- age of 1.6 days in Switzerland, compared to 2-5 days in
enon, puts its business model at risk. other high-performing countries. Swiss Post attributes

This is only one indicator among many for resilience. these excellent results, in part, to regular investments in
Together, they are geared towards understanding how new technologies.
well a postal operator is equipped to cope with sudden The Post notes that it enjoys a high level of trust
changes, such as environmental, technological or eco- among Swiss consumers. This trust is crucial for the Post
nomic crises. And although any global benchmark is a as it turns to new opportunities in digital services, to
simplification of reality, it is a useful way of revealing diversify its core offerings. Examples of online services
where a country stands and how it can grow. include “My Consignments”, which automatically noti-
fies customers, by SMS or e-mail, about incoming regis- SingPost also points to its network of parcel lockers,
tered mail or parcels, allowing them to control how, known as POPStations, where consumers can pick up
where and when the delivery is received. For example, e-commerce items at their convenience. Singapore
customers can opt to have their items delivered to a boasts the “world’s densest smart parcel locker net-
neighbour, or on a particular day. works, with more than 140 locations around the island,”
The Post, which already handles shipments of voting according to SingPost. A newly launched service – called
materials and postal ballots, has also branched out into Rent-A-POP – allows small business owners and others
electronic voting infrastructure. E-voting allows voters to to drop items into rented lockers directly.
cast their votes using a personal computer, tablet or "We want to harness technology to give our people
smartphone. The Swiss Post e-voting solution was first new skills and tools that will help them work better and
implemented last year in the Canton of Fribourg. smarter,” says Woo Keng Leong, CEO of postal services
at SingPost.
SingPost was the top performer for Asia-Pacific, and Poland
number eight worldwide. The main reason for its excel- Poland’s Poczta Polska achieved top marks for the East-
lent performance is “superior quality of service and a ern Europe and CIS region, and was rated seventh world-
wide range of postal delivery services,” according to the wide. Reasons cited for its excellent performance include
official 2016 results. “globally connected postal services,” meaning that it
Asked to comment on this outcome, SingPost high- exchanges mail with all (or almost all) possible countries
lights its services catering for the e-commerce market, worldwide. Related to this is a “strong demand for the
including postage-paid envelopes and packing boxes portfolio of products and services in the area of
popular with “blogshops,” small online retailers that e-commerce and logistics.”
reach customers through free blog platforms.

Singapore's superior quality of service and range of

postal delivery services placed it at the top in



Grzegorz Warchol, a spokesman for Poczta Polska, calls The CEO of Mauritius Post, Giandev Moteea, attributes

the results “a very kind surprise,” but also a confirmation the results to “a well-planned and defined strategy of the
that the Post is going in the right direction. “In recent company to re-engineer our delivery sector,” along with
years, Poczta Polska has proven that we can operate suc- a strategy centred on customers and quality of service.
cessfully in the fully liberated market,” says Warchol, call- Moteea adds that the Post has employed several UPU
ing liberalization “the greatest challenge for postal oper- technologies, including the Global Monitoring System
ators in Eastern Europe for decades.” (GMS), and has implemented a postcode and addressing
He attributes the Post’s success to its investments system.
both in basic postal activities and innovative online ser- “To safeguard our current position, we will invest in
vices. “Today we are not only one of the biggest compa- new tools and technology to increase efficiency and
nies in Poland, but also a fully competitive postal and become the favoured delivery hub in the region, with
logistics operator,” Warchol says, noting that the Post’s high focus on the dynamics of constant training to our
share of the parcel and courier market is about 25 per- staff at our postal academy,” says Moteea, adding that
cent. “Online services, meanwhile, are growing mas- e-commerce is becoming an important area for the Post.
sively year-on-year,” he adds. (See “In focus: Mauritius Post,” beside)
The international e-commerce market remains an
important part of the Post’s strategy, notably in relations United Arab Emirates
between the European Union and Asia. The Post has a In the Arab region, the top performer was Emirates Post,
“unique opportunity to become an e-commerce logistics which landed in the 51st position worldwide. The United
hub for the new “One Belt, One Road” initiative,” he Arab Emirates (UAE) boasts the “fastest postal delivery
says, a reference to China’s plans for an extended global service in the world,” according to the 2IPD report, with
trade network. most shipments arriving within just one day.
“The areas of improvement that led to higher service
Mauritius quality and performance were mainly in the line haul net-
In the Africa region, Mauritius Post emerged as the top work,” according to a statement provided by Emirates
performer, and 33rd worldwide. Mauritius owes this dis- Post. One of the main changes is that the sorting of mail
tinction to its excellent quality of service, with an average now occurs in origin branches, instead of the office of
delivery time of 2.1 days.

Mauritius Post emerged as the top regional performer


due to its excellent quality of service, with an average

delivery time of 2.1 days
United Arab Emirates boasts the fastest postal
delivery service in the world

exchange. In cases where the origin branch doesn’t have Investing in technology has also benefited quality of ser-
a direct transport link to the destination, the mail travels vices. “Automation and logistical tools such as electric
in closed bags to the exchange centre, the transport net- stackers, lift-pallet trucks and truck loading/unloading
work’s hub. From there, it goes in the first available car systems have been and will be a major driver for our

to its target location. This arrangement has reportedly operational effectiveness,” according to Emirates Post.
sped things up considerably. Finally, the Post has installed computer-controlled sort-
The Post has also split up services formerly assigned to ing machines, and discussions are reportedly ongoing
divisions at the exchange centre that otherwise had to with manufacturers for high-tech parcel sorting systems
multitask. Better focus and efficiency has resulted from and other solutions.
this kind of specialization, according to the Post. In
another change, the EMS section was split into two
shifts, effectively operating around the clock.

Brazil has overcome its challenging


geography, leading Latin America and

the Caribbean
Brazil “This enabled the company to remain relevant and ben-
The top performer for Latin America and the Caribbean efit from the overall economic growth Brazil experienced
was Brazil’s Correios, which ranked 46th worldwide. Rea- through the years,” he says. “And this also generated
sons for the country’s performance include its global more business for the Brazilian Post, since it has been
postal connectedness and a high demand for its diversi- regarded as a natural solution for the communication
fied services. needs of Brazilian people and institutions.”
Over the past few years, “the number of postal trans- He notes that the Brazilian Post is required by the Gov-
actions (both physical and financial) per capita in Brazil ernment to be present in every municipality, and these
has consistently stayed between 10 and 100 times higher number more than 5,000 in total. “We were the first
than the level seen among its regional peers,” according public organization to achieve this and the capillarity of
to the 2IPD report. our retail network is also a very important asset to attract
“These exceptional results can be traced to Brazil’s business.”
strong historical support for its national postal service “Correios is often cited as one of the most highly
since the company was established from a ministry trusted institutions in the country, a reputation earned
department in 1969,” says Vantuyl Barbosa Jr, Institu- partly through its close proximity to the public,” Barbosa
tional Relations Manager at Correios. remarks. “Post offices and postmen (and postwomen)
“Postal communications received high priority in the became familiar to the public and their presence day by
Government since they were the only affordable means day was appreciated and esteemed.”
of communication for the general public,” he says. “We “The importance of its logistics activities – including

must consider that, at that time and up to 1980s, tele- the transport of voting machines and the distribution of
phones were not available (for technical and economic books to public schools – also helped strengthen the
reasons) to large segments of Brazilian society.” bond with the public,” he notes. This kind of institutional
The gigantic South American territory, with its area of strength likely helped land the Post its top spot in the
over 8.5 million km2, has perhaps the most challenging 2IPD. DK
geography in the Americas. “Services offered by the Post
had to overcome these barriers while catering for a
growing economy,” says Barbosa.
In focus: Mauritius Post
“Agréablement surpris”: pleasantly surprised. That is But the biggest change was in the revision of delivery
how Mauritius Post’s Operations Manager, Michel routes for the door-to-door service by some 300 letter
Peechen, describes his reaction – “with a very good carriers. Mauritius was one of the “rare countries that
dose of humility,” he adds – upon hearing that Mauritius were performing two deliveries a day,” says Peechen.
was the top performer in the Africa region, and 33rd best The two shorter walks were, generally speaking,
in the world. replaced with one longer route (there are still two daily
Mauritius must be doing something right, consider- deliveries in city centres).
ing its undeniably fast average delivery speed of 2.1 Most letter carriers were also supplied with motorcy-
days, a figure that accounts for all domestic and inbound cles; previously their routes were covered on foot or by
letters, parcels, and indeed all physical deliveries – and bicycle. “These changes freed up ten letter carriers for
this within a predictability range of 2.5 days, meaning higher-volume routes,” adds Peechen.
that postal customers in a country of more than 1.2 “All of this occurred against the backdrop of a rapidly
million people can expect any domestic or inbound item changing mail sector on the island nation. As elsewhere,
to arrive at its destination within five days, and generally the country is experiencing a big decline in its inbound
within two days. mail volumes, but e-commerce is helping fill the void.
This figure factors in delivery times to the distant And interestingly, national economic growth is resulting
outlying isle of Rodrigues. Located more than 500 km in growing volumes of domestic business mail,” says
east of Mauritius proper, this remote island dependency Peechen.
with a population of 40,000 is linked by a daily flight Economic change in the country, from a monoculture
connecting the two islands. (Service to the Agaléga sugarcane industry to industrialization and diversifica-
Islands, an even more remote dependency with a popu- tion, combined with a booming banking sector, has
lation of 200 – 300, is not included in the quality-of-ser- meant “we have a very huge domestic mail injected in
vice calculation.) our service,” says Peechen. These changes make the

excellent quality-of-service results in the 2IPD all the
What explains these results? more remarkable.
Giandev Moteea, CEO of Mauritius Post, attributed the This is a success story for the UPU as well, as the Post
country’s remarkable performance in the index to a has implemented a variety of UPU technologies that
re-engineering of the delivery service that began in have contributed to quality of service. For example,
around 2003, when the postal service became a state- Mauritius Post uses the International Postal System (IPS),
owned corporation financially independent from the the software application developed by the UPU’s Postal
government. In an e-mail to Union Postale, he noted Technology Centre for the management and monitoring
that customer-centricity and quality of service have been of mail processes.
“prominently enshrined” in all strategic roadmaps. A five-digit postcode was also introduced to Mauri-
“In 2006, the Post solicited the services of a UPU tius and Rodrigues in 2012, a project that was completed
expert, who spent a month in Mauritius assessing the in 2014. This has helped the islands adapt to e-com-
mail services,” Peechen recalls. Later that year, the visit- merce, as citizens found they needed postcodes to place
ing expert issued a report responding to the swiftly orders online. “Most e-tailers were asking for a post-
evolving sector, especially declining mail volumes. code, and in the absence of postcodes, they were having
The result was an overhaul of delivery services: the much difficulty to obtain their goods.”
number of delivery offices was pared down, as 77 facil- In terms of e-commerce development, the Post
ities were centralized into 44, with medium-sized offices already has an agreement with Customs to process
joining larger ones. This also involved a revision of the e-commerce items immediately upon their arrival in the
routes plied by the vans delivering mailbags to postmen. international mail office. Going forward, the Post is
The process for inbound mail arriving daily at the airport planning to implement the Customs Declaration System
was also changed so that mail was processed that same (CDS), a UPU technology that sends electronic messages
day, and sent to delivery offices early the next morning. about shipments ahead of their arrival, giving Customs

“The streamlining of routes resulted in savings on the time to clear e-commerce items in advance, streamlining
cost of fuel,” says Peechen. The fleet of mail-delivery the process.
vans was reduced by six, and the vehicles were con- The all-embracing goal is to continue to improve
verted for the transportation of cash to post offices for delivery services. “We are sparing no effort,” says
financial services, including the payment of pensions. He Peechen. “We will not be sleeping on our laurels.” DK
notes that this improved the security of cash transport
without the capital outlay required for new vehicles.

the future of
Saudi Post
Within the framework of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030, which covers
various reforms, Saudi Post is witnessing a quantum leap thanks to the adopted strate-
gic planning. Dr. Usamah bin Muhammed Saleh Altaf, acting CEO of the Saudi Post,
explains the most important developmental phases and plans to promote the country’s
postal sector.
INTERVIEW BY: What roadmap are you planning to adopt to achieve The Post introduced Al-Jisr, an item tracking system
FELLA RABBAHI the objectives of Vision 2030? Do you have the capaci- that continuously tracks each operation and step in
PHOTOS: ties and resources needed to overcome these chal- the delivery and exchange process across the King-
SAUDI POST lenges and take forward your projects with a view to dom.
Saudi Post becoming self-financing? The Post has now entered the communications
Since 2005, Saudi Post has adopted strategic planning sector, creating the Jawraa consortium in partnership
and strategic management principles to achieve the with the private sector, thus becoming a founding
defined objectives and develop the postal industry partner of the Lebara company, which specializes in
within Saudi Arabia. To that end, it has introduced a low-cost communications and Internet services.
series of objectives and initiatives in order to imple- And the third and last phase is dedicated to
ment the strategic plan in three phases. “Commercial transformation – Incorporating a com-
The first phase, “Building infrastructure and net- mercial component into business activities” 2015 – 2019.
works” 2005 – 2009, was focused primarily on infra- All of Saudi Post's hard work and effort in the pre-
structure, leading it to put in place an infrastructure vious two phases have contributed significantly to
suited to current needs. One of the most important laying the foundations for the launch of a critical new
parts of that infrastructure is the national address phase for its transformation into a commercial services
system, which has become the main addressing refer- sector that offers accessible, high-quality services
ence in Saudi Arabia. It is a unified and inclusive while ensuring sound financial and commercial perfor-
national address system for all regions, cities, towns mance.
and villages in the Kingdom. Applying the latest As a result, Saudi Post is now ready to implement
addressing developments and standards from around the transformation plan and conduct the studies nec-
the world, the national address project has today gen- essary for its shift into a holding company that man-
erated over five million addresses. Over three million ages a group of subsidiaries, separating service deliv-
individuals and institutions are registered in the ery activities from postal market regulation activities.
national address system. All regulatory requirements for transforming the

The Post also worked to improve transport opera- Post's status to a holding company have been met.
tions, creating the company Naqel to provide supply Currently, it is awaiting the relevant decisions from
chain support to Saudi Post. Its success in privatizing its governing authority to achieve its strategic objec-
one sector of the postal market remains a positive tives, namely, speeding up the restructuring and
example. Naqel is now one of the region’s largest organization of the postal sector and transforming
transport companies. Saudi Post into a viable commercial business.
We now have an infrastructure that includes the
national address, which placed the Kingdom among
17 countries with a uniform and complete standard “ We are in a race
address, and a large network comprising over 600
offices supported by a logistic transport network with against time.”
a fleet of 1,900 vehicles serving more than 2,000 cus-
tomers. The postal sector worldwide is evolving and changing
During the second phase, “Independence and in response to the technological developments and
development of business units” 2010 – 2014, the Post challenges associated with the digital age. What is
finalized the development of its services, adapting Saudi Post doing to meet customer expectations by
them to the needs of transport logistics, commerce, reviewing the nature and quality of the services it pro-
and current and future e-government services. It vides?
began establishing business units that could become We are in a race against time, and the worldwide
independent in the future and acquire business status. postal sector is facing significant challenges as a result
We also launched a pilot project to begin trans- of the technological revolution sweeping the globe.
forming certain segments of the Post into businesses, However, the postal sector has a vast geographical
such as the Postal Services company, which offers ser- reach, which is a considerable asset. It is important to
vices like Wasel Alami, which provides a free address understand that the technological developments and

in the United States to facilitate international online challenges facing the postal sector represent an
shopping; and the Express Mail company, which offers opportunity, not a threat. We consider our customers
express mail services to enable the business units to to be partners in, and even the key to, the transforma-
develop and which offers services such as Moreeh, tion process. From that standpoint, we continue to
used to conduct transactions with government institu- work, as we have always done, to provide services that
tions, and Rehab, which facilitates the delivery of respond to the needs of the digital age and the needs
e-commerce purchases. and wishes of our customers.

“ One of Saudi Post’s biggest

challenges right now is probably
ensuring customer satisfaction, in
particular against the backdrop of
customer expectations on an
international level.”

Saudi Post has created a number of businesses as part Saudi Post has also launched the Parcels Stations ser-
of its commercial and logistical restructuring. How is vice, with which postal parcels and materials are
this affecting citizens? Is the restructure a commercial deposited inside boxes, hence allowing clients to pick
competitive project or a national development project? theirs electronically anytime 24 hours / 7 days.
There are a number of reasons behind the transforma- Makani is another service launched by Saudi Post.
tion: change in demand for postal services, market lib- This is the latest e-government service and e-commerce
eralization, and competition from and participation of application developed for the citizens and residents of
the private sector in areas that had previously been Saudi Arabia. Using this online service, people can
government monopolies. This has had a significant book and buy tickets to a number of sporting, cultural,

impact on the customer. Obviously, adding new busi- social, and entertainment events.
nesses to the market can only benefit citizens. They Saudi Post has worked on improving all of its ser-
will have a wide range of products to choose from, vices to support and develop e-commerce both inside
and they can choose the products that are convenient and outside the Kingdom, in accordance with one of
for them and that meet their needs. the UPU's objectives for the 2017 – 2020 cycle, namely,
As for the second part of the question, the project to ensure that Posts are in a state of operational readi-
is mainly a development project because it makes it ness for seamless cross-border e-commerce. Indeed,
possible to achieve national development objectives we consider e-commerce to be a real catalyst for
and satisfy competition requirements, thus having an change in the postal sector, and it is essential that we
impact on institutional development. keep pace with the rapid changes in that area.

What are the main strategic projects under way and Saudi Post is the sole deliverer of many of Saudi
the measures currently being taken to foster the devel- Arabia’s official government documents to the public.
opment of e-commerce in Saudi Arabia and at the How has this service been extended?
international level? The Wasel service delivery team ensures that all docu-
Saudi Post has created the infrastructure for e-com- ments issued by government agencies are delivered to
merce. We have created the E-mall online market, the the customer's national address.
first platform for providing e-commerce solutions and Saudi Post has signed several agreements with gov-
services in both English and Arabic in the Kingdom of ernment ministries and agencies to provide this service
Saudi Arabia. It enables businesses, institutions and to all citizens and residents in the Kingdom. We began
charitable organizations in the Kingdom to offer and with documents issued by the Ministry of the Interior,
sell their products and services online. such as passports and driver's licences, and then
In fact, the product can be delivered anywhere in expanded the service to include documents issued by
the world. This is the first integrated electronic market the Ministry of Housing, the Ministry of Labour, and so

in the region. It includes a transport and delivery net- on. Since its launch, this service has continued to
work and over 700 service centres, a number that grow.
could grow in the future. The e-market enables all
companies to engage in e-commerce and to set the
rules governing this promising business area. This is
achieved through the regulation of the transport,
delivery, payment and customer service sectors.
As part of transforming its infrastructure, Saudi Post has put in place a national addressing system.

Which financial services and solutions does Saudi Post How would you summarize the current situation and
provide through the Ersal system? How is Ersal per- achievements of Saudi Post, as well as the challenges it
forming? faces?
Ersal company offers its services through a wide range Over the past 10 years, Saudi Post has made tremen-
of branches around the Kingdom. It provides multiple dous progress and achieved many accomplishments in
remittance options at competitive rates, fastest trans- terms of infrastructure, networks, business unit devel-
actions, and best in class service. Ersal offers a variety opment, quality-of-service improvement, and use of
of services such as the cash delivery to the beneficiary commercial businesses.
through correspondent banks and bank agencies in Currently, and in the context of the development
the country of the beneficiary and to the beneficiary's and transformation going on in the Kingdom, our
address in some countries, the direct deposit to the efforts are focused on transitioning to a fully commer-
beneficiary's account at a local bank in the destination cial model, diversifying our sources of revenue, and
country, also Ersal notification service and Global complying with the relevant international standards.
Western Union service in more than 200 countries One of Saudi Post’s biggest challenges right now is
and more than 500,000 agent locations worldwide. probably ensuring customer satisfaction, in particular
I would also like to add that the Kingdom of against the backdrop of customer expectations on an
Saudi Arabia is one of the founding members of the international level. FR
Postransfer Group, which plays an important role in
the development of the postal payment services net- This interview has been edited for length and clarity.
work at the UPU.

UPU World CEO Forum

2017: Bringing postal
strategy to the fore
In 2016 the UPU held its first-ever UPU World CEO Forum, an exclusive event at which
CEOs of designated postal operators gathered in Paris to discuss growth amid disrup-
tive innovations. This year, postal CEOs will gather in Moscow between September
17–19 for a bird's-eye view on the postal market today and predicted strategies for

TEXT: So far, more than 70 CEOs have registered for the 2017 "The International Bureau conceived the idea of a World
KAYLA forum, which will be hosted by Russian Post and led by CEO Forum in recognition of the key role of designated

its CEO Nikolay Podguzov under the theme: "Leading operators in the development of the Post globally," said
multidimensional growth: the hows and whys of postal UPU Director General Bishar A. Hussein, speaking to
strategy". CEOs during the forum's launch in 2016.
This year's forum is shaped to build upon last year's "We believe by interacting on these topics, you will
discussions, but with a more proactive approach to enrich your knowledge of global postal dynamics and
examining current affairs, predicting the postal sector's perhaps provide help for better decision-making for your
next trends and developing a "strategic toolkit" and businesses," he said.
potential business models for CEOs to take home to their In addition to providing a free space where chief exec-
Posts. utives can share ideas and best practices, the forum pro-
vides a unique opportunity for CEOs to network with
their peers.

UPU World CEO Forum

2017 panel topics include:
– Coping with global dynamics:
What's in it for Posts?
– From physical to virtual: Understanding customer needs

– Between the lines: Public service and profitability

– Surviving or thriving: Are Posts meeting expectations?
– From want to need: Bridging the expectation
and delivery divide
– Is trust enough? Successful business models
for modern Posts
2016 success Another area of focus included harnessing innovations to
The 2016 event attracted more than 50 CEOs from the Post's advantage. One such example was the use of

around the world, who came together for focused dis- digital financial solutions, which speakers noted tend to
cussions on strategic positioning in the competitive carry a lighter regulatory burden than traditional cash
e-commerce landscape, and postal products and services services. They suggested that Posts could partner with
in the postal economy. Panels touched on the challenges fin-tech providers to offer these new solutions.
and opportunities presented by the digital economy, the Forum discussions, including Tirole's keynote speech,
development of postal financial services and the harness- also highlighted the valuable part big data use could play
ing of big data, which was the subject of the keynote in future postal business models.
speech given by 2014 Nobel Prize winner in Economic "The Post will have a role to play as trusted interme-
Sciences, Jean Tirole. diaries for data collection and use," Tirole explained.
Discussions among speakers and participants yielded
some interesting results, with CEOs expressing agree- Building on discussions
ment that Posts worldwide would need to transform not In 2017, panels will touch on specific models that Posts
only their product and service offerings, but also their can leverage to their advantage, but within the context of
institutional mindsets. broader discussions on the state of the market, current
"The postal sector is confronted by the biggest trans- macroeconomic trends and the needs of all postal stake-
formation in its history. The digital revolution has turned holders: from customers to governments and regulators,
the postal business upside down, profoundly changing to competitors.
the business model," said La Poste France CEO Philippe Participants in the 2017 forum will also benefit from an
Wahl, who hosted the inaugural forum. extended conference – one-and-a-half days instead of
Some participants concluded that a greater openness only one – allowing them more time for in-depth panel
to cooperation, both with Posts and the private sector, discussions.
should be part of this transition, moving from competi- Those interested in following the forum live can tune
tion to "co-opetition" by offering up two of the Post's into #UPUCEOs on Twitter. KR
key assets: reach and customer trust.
Speaking about India Post's collaboration with Ama-
zon and other e-retailers, former Indian Postal Services
Board Chair Boyapati Venkat Sudhakar noted the Post's FOR THE LATEST INFORMATION ON THE 2017 UPU CEO
reach in semi-urban and rural areas, where demand for FORUM, INCLUDING THE EVENT PROGRAMME, VISIT:

e-commerce goods is high. "It makes no business sense

for them to develop these networks now," he said.

Dangerous goods update

While many Posts have been vigilant in educating their customers about which items
are safe to send through the postal network, ongoing and new safety concerns warrant
a reminder on dangerous goods for postal operators and their clients.


Lithium battery fire in a postal item.

The UPU has worked with partners such as the World Synthetic opioids
Customs Organization (WCO), International Civil Avia- Law enforcement authorities around the world are
tion Organization (ICAO) and International Air Transport reporting increases in synthetic opioid smuggling,
Association (IATA) to continue the development of misuse, and overdose fatalities. Fentanyl is a synthetic
guidelines and standards to reduce the postal transport opioid prescribed to relieve chronic and severe pain.
of inadmissible dangerous goods. This is an area of Pharmaceutical grade fentanyl is 50 to 100 times more
growing concern, as the volume of small packets and potent than morphine. A similar drug, carfentanil, is 100
parcels continues to increase with the expansion of times more potent than fentanyl. Other variations
e-commerce. include acrylfentanyl and tetrahydrofuran.
To ensure the safety of postal workers, the postal Although there is no basis to suggest that the
supply chain and the general public, goods such as postal supply chain is a primary conduit for synthetic
explosives, flammable liquids and toxic substances are opioid smuggling, mail is being used to transport a
prohibited for transport via the Post. portion of the illicit drugs. This poses a threat to postal

The UPU’s Postal Security Programme is in close employee safety. If a postal item containing powdered
contact with Posts and international partners to stay fentanyl or carfentanil were to break open during mail
abreast of the latest postal security concerns. In processing, personnel in the area could face significant
recent months, two particular dangerous goods have risks to their health. There have not been any reports
come to light as growing safety concerns: synthetic of fentanyl exposure involving postal employees, but
opioids and inadmissible lithium batteries. police officers and other first responders have experi-
enced accidental overdoses through workplace contact.
The battery in the recent fire was quite large – more
than 20 kg. It was not installed in equipment, and it
had a power rating of more than 600 watt-hours. It was
clearly prohibited in all categories of postal items.
The frequency of prohibited lithium batteries in
postal items is a topic of increasing attention within
IATA, ICAO and other aviation groups and government
regulators. At a recent ICAO meeting, members of the
organization proposed requiring civil aviation authori-
ties to approve and oversee dangerous goods training
for Posts. This issue is still being considered, but postal
operators are reminded of the provisions of article RC
An amount of carfentanil equivalent to that of one grain of 119bis of the UPU Parcel Post Regulations: “Each
salt – inhaled, ingested, or absorbed – may be enough to kill designated operator shall establish procedures and
an adult. (Photo: Tripp Brinkley)
training programmes with a view to controlling the
introduction of admissible dangerous goods into its
Exposure to synthetic opioids quickly results in symp-
postal services, in compliance with national and interna-
toms including confusion, dizziness, excessive drowsi-
tional rules and regulations.” Aviation safety cannot be
ness, shallow breathing and loss of consciousness.
compromised. If Posts do not have effective measures
The equivalent of one grain of salt – inhaled, ingested
in place, it is reasonable to expect additional require-
or absorbed – may be enough to kill an adult, meaning
ments from regulators.
medical treatment must be provided quickly. Effects
To aid in employee training and public awareness, the
of most synthetic opioids can be counteracted by rapid
UPU – in partnership with ICAO, IATA and the WCO –
administration of the drug naloxone. Some Posts have
developed a public awareness campaign complete
even acquired naloxone auto-injectors or nasal spray in
with materials available for use by any postal operator.
order to be prepared for possible employee exposure.

To date, more than 40 designated operators have added
The risk of fentanyl exposure in mail processing is
their logo to the “Keep me safe to get me there faster”
very low, and it is even more unlikely that an employee
posters and pamphlets to complement employee train-
would inhale, ingest or absorb a lethal amount of the
ing and public education efforts. Those looking for
drug. However, Posts should be aware of the symptoms
information on joining the awareness campaign may
and have a plan in place to react appropriately, if
contact Sonam Bernhard ( TB
necessary. Additional information on illegal drug traf-
ficking and dangerous goods in the postal supply chain
Tripp Brinkley manages the UPU’s security programme.
is available on the UPU’s Trainpost website.

Lithium batteries
A fire is bad enough when it happens in a postal facility.
Most are quickly extinguished, and personnel in the area
are usually never far from an emergency exit. Passengers
on aircraft do not always have those options, and the
passengers and crew on a recent 10-hour transatlantic
flight were unaware there was a poorly packaged or CAMPAIGN VIDEOS:
defective lithium-ion battery in the cargo hold below
them. Fortunately, the battery did not catch fire until get-me-there-faster/learn-more/
it had been offloaded, but it was still in the air cargo
container when the fire was extinguished by the quick
actions of an employee. If the fire had occurred mid-
flight over the Atlantic Ocean, the results may have
Currently, only 27 postal operators have been author- UNION POSTALE MAGAZINE 4/2015:

ized by their civil aviation authority to accept lithium

batteries in postal items. Even when authorized, the lith- union_postale_4_2015_en.pdf
ium batteries are only permissible when properly
installed in equipment. Further, only relatively small TRAINPOST COURSE ON DANGEROUS GOODS:
batteries are allowed: two batteries (maximum four
cells) with a power rating of 100 watt-hours or less.

Riding towards
Mail carriers in Latin America are saddling up on newly purchased bicycles in
a UPU-sponsored bid to fight climate change. Early results of the pilot project –
a collaboration with the Postal Union of the Americas, Spain and Portugal (PUASP) –
also suggest benefits for the health of postal workers and financial bottom-line of

TEXT: Twelve countries took part in the approximately 130,000 E-bikes in Ecuador
DAVID USD programme, with funds from the UPU (100,000 Some of the most encouraging results so far have come
CHF) and PUASP (30,000 USD) allowing Posts to pur- from the streets of the Ecuadorian capital, Quito, where
chase some 350 conventional bicycles and 46 electric or six new electric bicycles purchased through the pro-
“e-bikes”, along with other necessary gear, such as hel- gramme are helping mail carriers on their rounds in the
mets, locks and baskets. mountainous metropolis.
This is the first time that the UPU and PUASP have
worked together on a project geared specifically towards

greenhouse gas reduction, which is becoming an increas-

ingly urgent priority.

Results across the region

The UPU and PUASP are currently reviewing the project’s
impact through a series of questionnaires, including one
sent to participating countries before the project’s launch
and four to be disseminated during 2017. It is still too
early to determine the extent to which fuel consumption
and greenhouse gas emissions will be reduced overall,
but the preliminary data gathered has been positive so
Promotional postcards were circulated as part of the campaign
Several countries have reported an increase in their
deliveries. During the first quarter in Honduras, for exam- The e-bike use a “pedelec” (electric pedal) system, which
ple, routes with conventional bicycles saw a 60 percent involves an electric motor activated when the passenger
increase in their deliveries, while e-bike routes enjoyed a starts pedaling. One retailer described the pedelec as an
33 percent boost. Postal workers formerly made their experience akin to riding an ordinary bicycle, but with the
deliveries on foot or using public transport. wind always at your back.
The preliminary results also suggest physical and men- The motor does not replace physical exertion, but com-
tal health benefits for workers. A number of countries plements it. “They are useful for the geography of Quito,”
reported that mail carriers using bicycles experience less says Gabriela Zurita, Director of Communications and
physical exhaustion. Chile, which acquired nine e-bikes, International Affairs at Correos del Ecuador. The hilly land-
noted “improved quality of life and weight loss”, while scape is an important consideration in a city perched high
Venezuela reported that “personal motivation of post- in the foothills of the Andes, and the Ecuadorian capital is

men increased” following the purchase of 13 conven- certainly known for its steep, narrow streets.
tional bicycles. “The e-bikes can reach a clip of 30 km/h and operate
using a rechargeable 250 Wh lithium battery that can last
for up to 12 hours, depending on the specifics of the
route,” says Zurita.
The mail is carried in saddlebags mounted on a rear rack.
Mail carriers sport a helmet with integrated safety light
and a Correos-branded jacket with reflective features for
Correos del Ecuador reports that e-bikes have allowed
triple the amount of mail to be delivered, while reducing
transport costs. Less time is spent in traffic jams, for exam-
ple. Moreover, the Post is reporting health benefits for its
workers. “Postmen using the e-bikes underwent a thor-
ough medical examination before the start of the project
and receive a monthly check-up,” says Zurita, who has
noted improvements in the physical condition and mood
Colombian postmen show off their new bikes
of postal workers. (Photo: 4-72 La Red Postal de Colombia)

Greener deliveries
“We are doing everything possible to work on this goal,”
With their vast fleets of gas-burning vehicles, postal oper-
says Adams Morales, who is charge of sustainable devel-
ators are among the biggest polluters on the planet,
opment at Correos de Costa Rica. The Post anticipates a
which makes it especially important for them to reduce
total reduction of 1.76 tonnes of CO2 per year with its 25
their emissions.
new bicycles, which it is using in ten localities across the
There are over one million postal vehicles on the road
country. Savings on gas and other expenses are also
worldwide, and hundreds of airplanes charged with mail
expected to reduce costs by roughly 18,500 USD annually.
crisscross the globe daily. The global postal sector was
responsible for at least 62 million tonnes of greenhouse
“Pedal for a sustainable future!”
gas emissions in 2014 alone, mostly due to transportation

“The Latin America bicycle project is also a way for Posts
by Posts in industrialized countries, according to UPU esti-
to position themselves as key players in the fight against
climate change,” says Fernanda Perez, Project Manager at
The Latin American bicycle project is a step towards the
PUASP in Montevideo, Uruguay.
UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a set of
Indeed, public relations campaigns by Posts in the
objectives adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2015.
region have featured the initiative on radio, in social media
One of the SDGs requires countries to take urgent action
and on posters, many with the slogan “¡Pedaleamos por
against global climate change.
un futuro sostenible!” (“Pedal for a sustainable future!”).
“As a result, more people know what the postal sector
can do to contribute to combat climate change,” explains
Perez, who goes on to point out that it is important for
society and customers to know that the postal sector is
Twelve Latin American working to reduce CO2 emissions.
The project is also a way for Posts to raise their profile
countries took part in the among governments in the region, which may otherwise
overlook the sector’s role in socio-economic develop-
programme: ment.
Through the implementation of this project, postal
Country Traditional bikes E-bikes
operators can show governmental authorities what desig-
Argentina 6 nated operators can do.
Chile 9 And while 400 or so bicycles may offset only a fraction
Colombia 10 of global postal emissions, the pilot initiative could pave
Costa Rica 25 the way for increased efforts, as designated operators
Cuba 93 grapple with the transition to a low-carbon economy. DK

Ecuador 6
Guatemala 65
Honduras 30 15
Peru 40
Suriname 40
Uruguay 53
Venezuela 10
Total 356 46

UPU participates in
global discussions on
digital inclusion
The UPU Director General and key experts recently participated in the UNCTAD
E-Commerce Week and the WSIS Forum, reaffirming the Post’s critical role in the
digital economy.

TEXT: The third edition of UNCTAD’s E-Commerce Week in The Director General drew a link between the expansive
KAYLA Geneva this spring brought together more than 1,000 physical postal network made up by the UPU’s 192 mem-
representatives from international, regional, national and ber countries and inclusive access to e-commerce, noting
private sector organizations to discuss the challenges that the postal sector's more than 5 million employees

and opportunities of providing inclusive e-commerce to are “knocking at [citizens’] doors every day to deliver ser-
all citizens. vices”.
The UPU co-organized several sessions of the event, “Because of our reach, because of our footprint, we
including those on e-commerce in Africa and measuring are the only organization that can provide truly inclusive
e-commerce readiness. services to every citizen on this planet,” he continued.
Addressing e-commerce stakeholders, UPU Director Hussein noted that e-commerce was a number one
General Bishar A. Hussein advocated the postal sector’s priority for the UPU and that it had launched several ini-
role in developing an inclusive digital economy. tiatives to foster its development, including the Ecom@
“All of us who are seated here today and even those Africa initiative on the African continent. Ecom@Africa is
of us who are not here are all agreed about one thing: an e-commerce capacity-building project led by the UPU
that e-commerce is the reality and it is something that in collaboration with postal administrations and their
has to be developed worldwide. What we are grappling national governments.
with here is how to do it and who should do it,” said
Hussein. eTrade for All
Hussein made his remarks during the launch session of
the eTrade for All online platform, a project on which the
UPU collaborated with UNCTAD and more than 20 other
national, regional and international organizations, as
well as development banks. It is intended to be a free
educational resource for developing countries to boost
“The platform is not just another website, but a
resource that works on most electronic devices, and

allows users to learn and share with partners and peers.

Countries can learn about trends and best practices,”
said Shamika Sirimanne, Director of UNCTAD’s Division
of Technology and Logistics.
UPU Director General Bishar A. Hussein addressed ICT stakeholders at the annual WSIS Forim (Photo: ITU)

eTrade for All takes a holistic look at the e-commerce He again evoked Ecom@Africa as one example of how
environment, bringing together best practices, case the UPU is working with countries to further electronic
studies, research and more under seven pillars: e-com- development, also mentioning several other key pro-
merce assessments, ICT infrastructure and services, pay- grammes such as the Easy Export programme on trade

ments, trade logistics, legal and regulatory frameworks, facilitation for small businesses and .POST, the UPU’s
skills development and financing for e-commerce. secure top-level domain that helps Posts to offer finan-
The UPU contributed to the platform as a founding cial services and e-commerce platforms where small
partner, providing insights for its section devoted to businesses can carry out transactions with buyers.
trade logistics. In this section, users will have access to He explained that while modern technology had once
UPU data and resources on ways to make exporting and been considered the “death knell” of the Post, it has
importing via the national postal infrastructure more revealed itself to be the key to the postal sector’s sustain-
affordable and efficient. ability.
The eTrade for All platform was later celebrated at the “It is through modern technology that the post is able
annual World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) to innovate and come up with new products and services
Forum hosted by the International Telecommunication that resonate with the needs of the population,” he
Union (ITU). It was honoured as a WSIS Champion Pro- added.
ject, an award given to outstanding projects that lever- The annual WSIS event brings together key ICT stake-
age the power of ICT to accelerate socio-economic holders from international organizations, governments
development. and the private sector to exchange knowledge, share
best practices and build partnerships to advance global
WSIS development goals. These discussions take place under a
The UPU Director General was present in June at this series of “Action Lines”. The UPU contributes primarily to
year’s WSIS Forum, where he reiterated the Post’s impor- WSIS Action Line 7 on e-business. KR
tant role in including the world’s citizens in the ICT infra-
structure, within the context of the UN sustainable devel-
opment goals (SDGs).
“By our very nature of being able to offer services

everywhere, sometimes beyond strict profit motives, we

are in a better position than most industries to empower
economically weak and marginal communities to realize
their potential and enable them to participate in national
development,” said Hussein during the forum’s opening.
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AMERICAS bringing its total investment to over 2 billion from the time a parcel reaches the PostNL sort-
DHL GLOBAL FORWARDING has launched a USD. The company credited Lazada for its ing centre until 6.00 on the day of delivery.
new supply chain security consulting service in “unrivalled access” to customers in Indonesia,
the Americas. The services will be offered by Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand SINGAPORE
former customs and law enforcement profes- and Viet Nam. SINGPOST has partnered with Singtel to launch
sionals, as well as a global network of more a nationwide mobile and Internet-related recy-
than 250 security personnel, to help compa- COSTA RICA cling programme. The ReCYCLE programme
nies become members of the Customs-Trade CORREOS DE COSTA RICA is piloting BOX- aims to divert environmentally unfriendly
Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT) or sim- CORREOS postal lockers in three supermar- e-waste from landfills to have their parts reused.
ply assist those wanting to operate a more kets. The boxes are available seven days a Customers can drop their unused devices off at
secure supply chain. week between 6.00 and 22.30 and are any ReCYCLE bin or mail them through the Post
intended to meet the demands of customers using special envelopes available at Singtel
AUSTRALIA who are increasingly ordering items online. retailers or post offices.
AUSTRALIA POST’S Board has announced that The designated operator has also announced
Christine Holgate is to take over as Managing FRANCE its new SmartPost initiative, which aims to use
Director-CEO this October. Holgate has spent LA BANQUE POSTALE has added French crowd- wireless and digital technologies to improve its
the last nine years as CEO of the Australian funding platform KissKissBankBank to its list quality of service and operational efficiency.
natural health company Blackmores. Her pre- of subsidiaries. The company has helped The project will include the use of near-field
decessor, Ahmed Fahour, spent more than acquire funding for 27,000 projects and has communication (NFC), radio frequency identifi-
seven years as head of the Australian desig- been a partner of the postal bank for the past cation (RFID), digital imaging and electronic
nated operator. six years. The bank said the purchase of Kiss- communications to develop new tools across
KissBankBank is in line with its strategy of the entirety of postal operations. Trackable
AUSTRIA increasing its digitized financial solutions items will be the focus of the project’s first
AUSTRIA POST will now sell cryptocurrencies, offering. phase.
such as bitcoin, ether, dash and litecoin, at
more than 1,800 postal locations through a GERMANY SLOVENIA
partnership with bitcoin broker Bitpanda. The DEUTSCHE POST DHL GROUP is set to double According to The Slovenia Times, POŠTA

currency will be sold using a paper voucher, the production capacity of its StreetScooter SLOVENIJE and the RUSSIAN POST have been in
which can be redeemed on the Bitpanda web- electric vehicle subsidiary to 20,000 units by talks to create a joint logistics centre at Maribor
site. Vouchers will be available in denomina- the end of 2017. This will include doubling its Airport in Slovenia. According to the report,
tions of 50, 100 and 500 EUR. own fleet of 2,500 electric vehicles, as well as which includes quotes from both the Russian
selling its vehicles to third-party buyers across Minister of Communications and Mass Media,
BELGIUM Europe. Nikolai Nikiforov, and the Slovenian Minister of
BPOST has installed 6,500 solar panels on two the Economy, Zdravko PoÏivalšek, the centre is
of its sorting centres thanks to a partnership IRELAND set to serve Europe.
with ENGIE. The installations will double the DHL has opened a 3,700 square metre pharma-
Post’s current solar energy capacity of 15,000 ceutical grade Life Sciences Centre of Excel- IRELAND
square metres, introducing an additional lence at Dublin Airport, which will increase the SWISS POST has announced further future
17,000 square metres of coverage. The newly company’s global pharmaceutical supply chain changes to its postal network, stating that
introduced panels are expected to generate capacity. This temperature controlled facility there will be more than 4,200 postal access
some 1,700,000 kWh of power per year, will provide pharmaceutical manufacturers in points by 2020, with between 800 and 900
which amounts to the consumption of an esti- Ireland with global supply chain management traditional post offices predicted. Currently,
mated 500 households. services, such as storage, pick and pack, and there are 3,850 total access points, including
inventory control. some 1,250 traditional post offices. The Post
BOTSWANA plans to replace more traditional offices with
BOTSWANAPOST has introduced a new teleser- NETHERLANDS postal agencies facilitated through local busi-
vices channel, which enables customers to POSTNL has announced the launch of a new nesses and administrations, which it says will
renew driving licences or post box rentals e-cargo bicycle programme, which will allow result in longer opening hours and flexibility.
remotely by calling or e-mailing the Post’s con- the designated operator to eliminate 100 diesel The designated operator recently launched
tact centre. Payments for the service will be delivery van trips. The e-bikes will be used for a pilot of its new “My Local Services” app,
made online. the delivery of business mail, emptying of post which integrates digital services offered by

boxes, and evening parcel deliveries in Amster- municipalities, local businesses, event organiz-
CHINA (PEOPLE’S REP.) dam. The Post expects that the bikes will help ers and the Post through a single platform that
ALIBABA has announced that it will increase its reduce carbon emissions by 60,000 kg per year. can be accessed via the customer’s mobile
stake in the Southeast Asian e-commerce com- The Post is also offering a new service that phone. Four municipalities are currently test-
pany Lazada Group from 51 percent to approx- allows customers to change the delivery time ing the project.
imately 83 percent. As part of the move, Alib- and address of their packages via the PostNL
aba will invest a further 1 billion USD in Lazada, app or track and trace. The option is available All items by Kayla Redstone

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