CSEC Biology June 2009 P1

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EST CODE 01207010

FORM TP 2009039 MA\I JJUN1'2009

Paper 01-General Proficiency


( 08 JUNE 2009 (p.m))


I. In addition to this test booklet, you should have an answer sheet.

2. Eachitemin this test has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B), (C), (D). Read each item you are about
to answer and decide which choice is best.

3. On your answer sheet, find the number which corresponds to your item and shade the space having the
same letter as the answer you have chosen. Look at the sample item below.

Sample Item

Which of the following diseases is due to

a dietary deficiency? Sample Answer
I (A)

(D) Malaria

The best answer to this item is "Anaemia", so answer space (A) has been blackened.

Ifyou want to change your answer, be sure to erase your old answer completely and fill in yournew choice.
5. When you are told to begin, turn the page and work as quickly and as carefully as you can. If you cannot
answer an item, omit it and go on to the next one. You can return to the· omitted item later. Your score
will be the total number of correct answers.

6. Figures are not necessarily drawn to scale.

7. Tiiis test consists of60 items. You will have 75 minutes to answerthem.

8. Do not be concerned that the answer sheet provides spaces for more answers than there are items in this



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lliIIlJ. refers to the food chain below which .!1ernArefers to the following diagram which
shows the feeding relationships in a represents a food web found in leaflitter.
freshwater habitat.

Microscopic~ Mosquito~Small~ Large

Alga Larva Fish Fish

1. The organism to which the LEAST amount

of energy is available is the

(A) microscopic alga

(B) mosquito larva
(C) · small fish
(D) large fish

2. A plant which has reduced leaves with no

chlorophyll, lacks a proper root system, and
flowers abundantly, is MOST likely to be

(A) in a habitat where wateris scarce Litter

(B) living parasitically on anotherp !ant
(C) growing in an area where there are 4. Which ofthe following statements about the
few insects food web are true?
(D) existing as a commensal with other
green plants I. The beetle is atop carnivore.
11. The spider and the mite are
3. In an ecosystem, the organisms which make III. Themushroomisaproducer.
solar energy available to all other organisms
arethe (A). land II only
(B) I and III only
(A) producers (C) II and III only
(B) decomposers (D) I, II and III
(C) primary consumers
(D) secondary consmners
5. Which of the following organisms would
MOST likely live in the same habitat?

I. Amoeba
II. Praying mantis
III. Guppy (fish)
IV. Fem
v. Algae

(A) IIandVonly
(B) HI and IV only
(C) I, II and V only
(D) I, Ill and V only

6. Which of the following structures may be . Item 9 refers to the diagram below which
used to distinguish between a plant cell and shows the cross section through a
an animal cell? dicotyl cdonouo l e11f.

(A) Vacuoles
(B) Cell walls
(C) · Mitochondria
(D) Cell membranes I I I r' I
I .I ' I
,I J \
' '"
7. Which of the following pairs of function and r ,-
organelle is NOT correctly matched?
' I
Function Organelle

(A) Osmotic control

(B) Polyp eptidechain Chloroplast
(C) Hereditarymaterials Nucleus
(D) Release of energy Mitochonchion

8. When a seedling loses water to the 9. Which of the following is NOT true of the
atmosphere faster than it can be obtained cells labelled I and II in the diagram above?
from the soil, the turgidity of the cells
(A) I makes most of the food.
(A) increases and the seedling wilts (B) !has a relatively larger surface area.
(B) decreases and the seedling wilts (C) II receives less energy from the sun.
(C) increases and the seedling does not . (D) II possesses more chloroplasts
wilt than I.
(D) decreases and the seedling does not
10. Bile empties into the

(A) duodenum
(B) caecum
(C) ileum
(D) stomach

11. Sodium hydroxide and weak copper sulphate

solution will produce a violet colour with
molecules of

(A) fat
(B) starch
(C) sugar
(D) protein

Items 12 -13 refer to the following diagram 15. West Indian cherries are rich in Vitamin C.
whichrepresentsametabolicprocesscarried Which of the following BEST describes the
out in plants. benefit a boy derives from consuming West
Indian cherries (fruit) everyday?

L Increase in the absorption ofiron
IL Prevention of bleeding gums
UL Increase in the absorption ofcalcium

(A) !only
ceU ¢-Oxygen (B)
I and II only
I and III only
(D) I, II and III

16. Which of the following options is true for

Aerobic Anaerobic
12. The process represented is
(A) Does not use 02. Uses Q 2 .
(A) digestion
(B) respiration Occurs in the Occurs in the
(C) photosynthesis cytoplasm. mitochondria.
(D) protein synthesis Releases large
Releases small
(C) amounts of
amounts of energy.
13. The food produced is At least one Products are always
product is organic. inorganic.
(A) fat
(B) starch
(C) protein 17. Cigarettesmokingsometimesmakesitdifficult
(D) amino acid for air to get into the lungs. This is MOST
likely due to

14. When enzymes are boiled they are unable to (A) constrictionofthe bronchioles
function. This is because an increase in (B) contraction ofthe diaphragm
temperature (C) stretching of the alveoli
(D) raising ofthe ribs
(A) destroys food materials
(B) increases the rate of enzyme action
(C) denatures the protein ofenzymes 18. Which of the following statements BEST
(D) converts complex sugars to simple describes the function ofATP?
(A) It stores food.
(B) It is a means of en·ergy transfer.
(C) Large quantities of energy can
become available.
(D) Itspeedsupcbemicalreactionsinthe
cell. ·

19. Which of the following processes accounts 23. . A greenhouse plant which is usually kept at a
for the movement of oxygen across a temperature of 25 °C is subje,cted to a tempe-
respiratory surface? rature of 30 °C for Z'\ hourn. The. MO~)T
likely effect of this change is that the plant
(A) Diffusion will
(B) Absorption
(C) Inhalation (A) lose more water and wilt
(D) Osmosis (B) absorb more water and open the
(C) absorb less water and close the
20. Large organisms CANNOT depend solely on stomata
diffusion for the uptake and transport of (D) lose less water and become turgid
gases. This. is because as organisms get
larger the
I tern 24 refers to the following graph which
(A) surface area to volume ratio increases shows the relative amounts ofcarbohydrate
(B) surface area to volume ratio in the leaves and storage organ of a plant
decreases towards the end of its growing season.
(C) surface area and the volume both
(D) surface area and the volume both x
21. As part of the sequence of the heartbeat, the .,,E;.., .....""
ventricular muscle contracts, the atrio- -= -"0
ventricularvalves close, and the arterial valves
open. This allows blood to flow from


(A) ventricles to the arteries

(B) ventricles to the veins
(C) veins to the atria
(D) atria to the ventricles
24. The point X represents the period when the

22. . The structure ofthe red blood cell allows itto (A) plant has its highest carbohydrate
I. squeeze through tiny blood vessels (B) plant dies forregeneration in the next
II. release large quantities of oxygen growing season
III. absorb carbon dioxide (C) carbohydrate content of the leaves
rv. absorb large quantities ofoxygen and storage organ are equal
(D) carbohydrate content of the leaves is
(A) ·. I and II only higher than that of the storage
(B) I and III only organ·
(C) I and IV only
(D) III and IV only

Items 25 - 26 refer to the simplified drawing Items 27 - 28 refer to the following diagrams
ofarenal tubule (nephron) below. of sections of phloem tissues·from a plant


CICICID Sections of phloem tissues
from a plant stem

25. The process which occurs in Q is 27. Manufactured food is transported in

(A) secretion (A) l and5

(B) reabsorption (B) 2and4
(C) osmosis (C) 3 and5
(D) filtration (D) 3and6

26. One component present in the fluid in P but 28. Companion cells are represented by
NOT in the fluid in Q is
(A) 1and7
(A) urea (B) 2and 5
(B) glucose (C). 2and6
(C) blood proteins (D) 3 and5
(D) blood plasma

29. Which of the following BEST describes


(A) Getting rid ofundigested food from

the gut
(B) Loss of water from the contractile
(C) Getting rid of waste products of
(D) Loss ofwater, as a vapour, through
the stomata

30. The MOST important of the minerals stored . ltem32 teferstothe following diagram which
by bones in the body are shows the plan ofa typical vertebra.

(A) calcium and phosphorus

(B) calcium and potassium
(C) phosphorus and sodium
(D) sodium and potassium

Item 31 refers to the following diagram ofa

s_ection through a joint.

32. Which ofthe following vertebrae is modified

to the greatest extent from the plan shown
in the diagram above?

(A) Atlas
(B) Cervical
(C) Lumbar
(D) Thoracic
31. Which ofthe following components reduce
Item 33 refers to the following diagram which
(A) I and II represents a seedling that has been growing in
(B) I and IV the dark.
(C) II and III
(D) II and IV

33. Theplumuleofthe seedling is showing a

(A) positive response to light

(B) negative response to light
(C) negative response to gravity
(D) positive response to gravity
' - 8-

Item 34 refers to the following diagram which Item 37 refers to the following diagrams (I
shows a coordinated response to a stimulus in and II) representing the iris in bright and dim
humans. light respectively.

Stimulus centre Response
z ·~4?~~3-Pupil

34. The role of Yin the illustration above is to

(A) stimulate receptors
(B) cause reflex actions
. (C) react to stimuli
(D) interpretchanges insurrounding5

35. Forastudenttorecallhisbiologynotes,action
takes place in

(A) a reflex arc

(B) the cerebrum
(C) the cerebelhnn
(D) themedullaoblongata 37. What causes the appearance in I and II to be

36. Carbohydrate stored in the muscles of a (A) In bright and dim light the circular
marathon runner is converted to avai!ab le and radial muscles both contract.
glucose during a race. This conversion is (B) In bright and dim light both circular
controlled by the hormone and radial muscles relax.
(C). In dim light the circularmuscles relax
(A) adrenalin and radial muscles contract, and in
(B) insulin bright light radial muscles relax and
(C) thyroxin circular muscles contract.
(D) testosterone (D) In bright light circular muscles relax
and radial muscles contract, and in
dim light radial muscles relax and
circular muscles contract.

38. The following reactions all take place in the It=41 refers to the following diagram which
skin. illustrates pollination.

I. Blood vessels dilate and constrict.

II. Glands produce sweat. t
Ill. Hair erector muscles contract.

These functions relate to the skin's role as an

organ for

(A) mechanical protection only

(B) body temperature control only
(C) both body temperature control and
sensitivity to the surroundings 41. Pollination involves the transfer of pollen
(D) mechanical protection, body from antherto stigma. Which of the arrows
temperature control and sensitivity in the diagram above may be illustrating the
. to the surroundings movement ofpollen in cross-pollination?

39. Secretions .from your adrenal glands help you (A) sonly
to function more. effectively when (B) tonly
(C) rands
(A) doinganexanrination (D) sand t
(B) eating a meal
(C) listening to music
Item 42 refers to the graph below which
(D) going to bed
shows blood levels ofprogesterone during the
menstrual cycle of a human female.
Item 40 refers to the following graph which
shows changes in dry mass of embryo and Blood
endosperm during germination. lhels
% progesterone
Dry mass

1 4 8 12 16 20 24 28

42. WithwhichprocessdoestheHIGHESTpoint
TiJne ofthe curve correspond?

40. From th~ giaph, it'is true to say that (A) Shedding of the lining of the uterus
(B) Productiop ofamature egg cell from
(A) the embryo begins to grow as the the ovary
endosperm increas.es in mass (C) Maxlinumproductionof the hormone
(B) the embryo and the endosperm by the placenta
decrease in mass at the same rate (D) Maxlinurnproductionofthehormone
(C) the embryo and the endosperm by the corpus luteum
increase in mass at the same rate
(D) as the embryo grows, the food
reserves are gradually depleted

43. Oral contraceptives prevent pregnancy by 44. During pregnancy, the developing foetus
receives protection against jnfections, a
(A) killingsperm perfectly balanced diet, warmth and oxygen
(B) killing released eggs "from its mother. Which ofthefollowingcan
(C) preventing ovulation amotherno longer provide for her newborn
(D) preventing implantation infant?

(A) Oxygen
(B) Food
(C) AntiOodies
(D) Wannth

Items 45-46 refer to the following diagram ofthe cross-section ofa fruit of an unknown plant found on
the sh?re ofaswamp.

II Air spaces

45. Which ofthe following is the MOST likely 46. Which ofthefollowingwouldBEST suggest
means ofdispersed ofthis fruit? what the agent ofdispersal might be?

(A) Wmd (A) !only

(B) Water (B) II only
(C) Animal (C) III only
(D) Mechanical (D) II and III only

47. Which of the following describes the 48. Genetic engineering is BEST described as
chror:iosomes present in the ordinary cells of changing the traits ofone organism by
ahurrian female?
(A) incorporating genes from another
(A) 22+X organism
(B) 22+XX (B) incorporating a few chromosomes
(C) 22pairs+X from a different organism
(D) 22pairs+XX (C) crossing it with a closely related
(D) inducingmutation.inithexorgans

r.n n1'.T T() n-n:: NF.Yr p A OF.

- 11 -
Items 49-50 refertothe following diagrams.

Figure X Figure Y

49. Figure X can be used to show 50. Figures X and Y can both be used to show
different kinds of
(A) the number ofshrubs in a field
(B) stages in the life history of an insect (A) variation
(C) the heights ofstudents in a school (B) selection
(D) variation in skin colour among albinos (C) inheritance
(D) reproduction

Item 51 refers to the following information. Items 53 - 54 refer to the following types of
Some fowls (called Erminette) have black
and white feathers evenly distnbuted overthe (A) Pathogenic
body. A breeder crosses two ofthese fowls (B) Deficiency
and finds that there are pure white, pure black (C) Hereditary
andErminetteamongtheoffspring. (D) Physiological

51. What would you expect the ratio of Match each item with one of the options
black:white:Erminetteto be? above. Each option may be used once, more
than once, or not at all.
(A) I:I:I
(B) I : l :2 53. The type of disease to which sickle-cell
(C) I : 2: l anaemia belongs
(D) 3:I :l

54. A disease that can be prevented with

52. Which Of the following is NOT one of the imrmmizarion

(A) Clotting
(B) Vaccination
(C) Action ofphagocytes
(D) Productionofantibodies
" .
- 12 -
55. Abuse of prescription drugs is considered a Items 57 -58 refer to the following information.
disease because
A test was done to determine the water
(A) it is costly to families content of 4 different soils - clay, sand, a
(B) it reduces hwnan productivity clayey loam and a sandy loam. The mass of
(C) many people are involved in it 10 cm' of each soil was determined before
(D) it affects the functioning ofthe body and after heating until completely dry. The
results were as follows.

56. Which of the following statements is true of (A) (B) (C) (D)
inorganic fertilisers?
Initial mass 17 15 13 15
(A) They help to hold water in soils.
(B) They do not affect soil pH. Final mass 16 13 8 11
(C) They make nutrients available more
(D) They improve the crumb structure of 57. Which soils would be BEST for use as a facial
soil. astringent intended to shrink as it dries out,
pulling the skin tight?

58. WhichsoilwouldbeMOSTsuitableforusein
an underground filter?

Items 59 - 60 refer to the following table.

Number of throws of a quadrat

Species 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

p 7 7 14 28 2 1 0 0 4 3

Q 18 21 36 3 10 3 I 5 5 6

R 10 18 46 0 12 IO 8 2 16 4

s I 0 0 0 I 3 4 I 21 2

59. The area in which the quadrat on the third 60. Which of the following is MOST likely true
throw fell is probably about Species P?

(A) under a large tree (A) It is the commonest plant in the area.
(B) close to a source of water (B) !tis taller than the other plants close
(C) a very sandy area toit.
(D) close to a walkway (C) It covers most of the area in which
the quadrat fell on the I 0th throw.
(D) It covers about half the area in which
the quadrat fell on !he 4th throw.


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