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SEO Assessment: Analysis and Plan


SEO Analysis

● Keep titles concise and make sure they contain the best keywords.
● Meta descriptions should be 160-300 characters long.
● Need to add meta keywords
● Headings should be corrected
● Need to add ALT text to images
● Need to add a ratio of text to HTML code
● Avoid the use of frames when optimizing your website

Internal Links:
● Good but needing more

External Links:
● Needing a lot more

● Need to work on the KW research
● Need to add 4 words keywords

SEO Plan

1. Site Optimization
a. Add more meta keywords
b. Limit meta descriptions to 160-300 characters long. Make sure each page of the
website has its own meta description.
c. Keep the titles concise and make sure they contain best keywords.
- the page should have its own exclusive title.
d. Include keywords in the headings.
- Initial headings(<H1>) should include the best keywords.
e. Add ALT text to the images so that its easier for the search engines to index
- Make sure your website images have their own specific ALT text.
f. Add more text to your website.
g. Avoid the use of frames when optimizing your website.
h. Utilize microformat markup, validate markup with Google Structured Data Testing
i. Determine the types of markup with the Google Structured Data
Testing Tool.

2. On page optimization
a. Needs more links (500 links)

3. Off page optimization

a. 500 links in Google, Yahoo, YT

4. Keywords
a. Optimize the titles, headings, contents and images with the main keywords.

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