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Guidelines for Discussions and Rubric for Assessing Discussions

1. All comments should be respectful. This discussion group should feel safe for everyone.
2. All comments should be clearly and directly related to the discussion topic and to what
others have said.
3. Comments should look professional. Consider spelling and grammar, write in full words
rather than chat--‐speak (don’t use “u” instead of “you” or other non-standard written
forms), and don't use all capital letters (that feels like shouting).
4. Focus on ideas.
5. If you share something useful that you have found on the Internet, an article, or a book,
include the reference (or URL) so that others can also read the full article or visit the site.
Do not just copy and paste into the message without a citation- that is plagiarism.
6. When you respond to someone else's idea (a very good thing), make sure you mention the
person's name and repeat enough of their idea that everyone is clear about what is being
7. Please sign each of your posts with your name (as you would like to be called). This will
help others correctly refer to you by name.
8. Remember that our goal is to help each other. We're learning from all of you as well, so
helping is a multi-way street. We have many wonderful English learners in this group, so
there's a lot of expertise here!

Rubric for Discussions

Excellent: 10 points
Your posts are punctual and complete. You make specific points, give examples from your
experience, and your posts give other participants something to think about and agree or disagree
with. You ask questions or give suggestions to your colleagues.

Good: 8-9 points

Your post was not submitted by the deadline. Many characteristics are excellent, but a
few fail to engage fellow participants

Okay: 6-7 points total

Your posts were not submitted by the deadline and/or are off topic. Your post is very brief or not
very well-written. Your ideas may be vague, unsupported by experience, or not give other
participants much to agree or disagree with.

Needs Improvement: 4-5 points

Some characteristics are okay while others are poor. Some ideas may be vague, unsupported
experience, or not give other participants much to agree or disagree with.

Poor: 1-3 total

Your posts are late or off-topic. Your comments do not use respectful
language and/or do not add any useful ideas to the discussion.

Missing: 0 points
You have not posted, or your post was copied from an un-cited source.

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