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In the partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of

Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.)

Submitted To:

Mrs. Sujata Mathur

(Sr. Faculty & Coordinator)

Submitted By:
Julee Kumari (Enroll No. 1741115122)
Mobile No. 8948966847

Jyoti Yadav (Enroll No. 1741115124)

Mobile No. 8565982202

Mohd Afzal Hasan (Enroll No. 1741115149)

Mo. No. 8808846266
Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector


I do hereby declare that all the work presented in the project

report entitled “A study of increasing employment of IHM Graduates in

Retail Sector” is carried out and being submitted at the school of

management for the award of Master of Business Administration, is an

authentic record of Julee Kumari, Jyoti Yadav & Mohd. Afzal Hasan.

The work is carried out under the guidance of Mrs. Sujata Mathur (Sr.

Faculty & Coordinatior). It hasn’t been submitted at any other place

for any other academic purpose.

Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector


I am highly thankful to the management and staff of Retail Sector for

allowing us to conduct the visit in their NGO. I am also thankful to Mrs.

Sujata Mathur for helping me in my “Practical Studies”. In addition to

allowing me to visit the foundation and study the organization, they

provided me with many details which were very useful in preparing this


I take this opportunity to thank our Director , Professor in-charge

for their encouragement and the office staff for providing us all the facilities

for making the visit more learning oriented.

Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector


Sl. No. Content Page No.

1. Industry Overview 05

2. Origin of retail 9

3. Indian Retail Industry 15

4. Retailing Formats in India 21

5. Specialty stores 23

6. Major Industry Players 30

7. The growth Drivers 46

8. Swot of the Market 58

9. Objectives of the Study 61

10. Research methodology 62

11. Data Analysis 65

12. Conclusion 69

13. References 70

14. Consumer survey questionnaire 72

Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector

Industry Overview
Industry analysis of the Indian retail sector:

Modern retailing has entered India in form of malls and huge complexes offering
shopping, entertainment, leisure to the consumer as the retailers experiment with a
variety of formats, from discount stores to supermarkets to hypermarkets to
specialty chains. However, kiranas still continue to score over modern formats
mostly due to the convenience factor i.e. near to their house.

This organized segment typically comprises of a large number of retailers, greater

enforcement of taxation mechanisms and better labour law monitoring system. It's
no longer about just stocking and selling but about efficient supply chain
management, developing vendor relationship quality customer service, efficient
merchandising and even the labour class is also in the working process timely
promotional campaigns. The modern retail formats are encouraging development
of well-established and efficient supply chains in each segment ensuring efficient
movement of goods from farms to kitchens, which will result in huge savings for
the farmers as well as for the nation. The government also stands to gain through
more efficient collection of tax revenues. Network marketing has been growing
quite fast and has a few large players today. Gas stations are seeing action in the
form of convenience stores, ATMs, food courts and pharmacies appearing in many

In the coming years it can be said that the hypermarket route will emerge as the
most preferred format for international retailers stepping into the country.
Estimates indicate that this sector will have the potential to absorb many more
hypermarkets in the next four to five years

Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector

List of retailers that have come with new formats:

Retailer Current Format New Formats

Shoppers’ Stop Department Store Quasi-mall

Crossword Large Bookstore Corner shop

Piramyd Departmental Store Quasi-mall, Food retail

Pantaloon Own brand store Hypermarket

Subhiksha Supermarket considering moving to self service

Globus Department Store Small fashion stores

Traditionally, the kirana retailing has been one of the easiest ways to generate self-
employment, as it required minimum investment in terms of land, labour and
capital. These store are not affected by the modern format of retailing. In order to
keep pace with the modern formats, kiranas have now started providing more
value-added services like stocking ready to cook vegetables and other fresh
produce. They also provide services like credit, phone service, home delivery etc.

The organized retailing has helped in promoting several niche categories such as
packaged fruit juices, hair creams, fabric bleaches, shower gels, depilatory
products and convenience and health foods, which are generally not found in the
local kirana stores. Looking at the vast opportunity in this sector, big players like
Reliance has announced its plans to become the country's largest modern retainers
by establishing a chain of stores across all major cities.

Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector

Apart from metro cities, several small towns like Nagpur, Nasik, Ahmedabad,
Aurangabad, Lucknow, Sholapur, Kolhapur and Amravati has seen the expansion
of modern retails. Small towns in Maharashtra are emerging as retail hubs for
large chain stores like Pantaloon Retail because many small cities like Nagpur
have a student population, lower real estate costs, fewer power cuts and lower
levels of attrition.

However, retailers need to adjust their product mix for smaller cities, as they tend
to be more conservative than the metros. In order for the market to grow in
modern retail, it is necessary that steps are taken for rewriting laws, restructuring
the tax regime, accessing and developing new skills and investing significantly in

India is rated as the most attractive retail markets

Country Market Market Time

Risk Attractiveness Saturation Pressure Rank 
 Country 25% 25% 30% 20%  

India 62 34 91 80 1st
Russia 52 58 71 92 2nd

China 68 40 53 90 4th

Turkey 51 56 66 65 9

Thailand 64 41 59 71 12

Malaysia 70 49 58 40 18

Egypt 51 35 85 30 25

Brazil 52 56 57 20 29
Rank 24th 14th 1st 7th 1st

Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector

Socio demographic factors will lead to faster growth of Organized retail in India:

100% 9% 10% 11%

9% 12%
80% 19% 19% 20% 22% 23%

60% 25% 24% 24% 26% 27%

47% 47% 45% 42%
20% 39%

1991 1996 2001 2006 2010E
0-19 Yrs 20-34 Yrs 35-54 Yrs 55+ Yrs

Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector

Entertainment Durable 2%
1% 10%
Clothing and
Food & Grocery

Health & Beauty


Books, Music &

3% Footwear
Watch &

Origin of Retail Sector

Early Trade:

When man started to cultivate and harvest the land, he would occasionally find
himself with a surplus of goods. Once the needs of his family and local
community were met, he would attempt to trade his goods for different goods
produced elsewhere. Thus markets were formed. These early efforts to swap
goods developed into more formal gatherings. When a producer who had a surplus
could not find another producer with suitable products to swap, he may have

Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector

allowed others to owe him goods. Thus early credit terms would have been
developed. This would have led to symbolic representations of such debts in the
form of valuable items (such as gemstones or beads), and eventually money.


 Peddlers and Producers:

The Retail Trade is rooted in two groups, the peddlers and producers. Peddlers
tended to be opportunistic in their choice of stock and customer. They would
purchase any goods that they thought they could sell for a profit. Producers were
interested in selling goods that they had produced.

General Store:

This division continues to this day with some shops specializing in specific areas,
reflecting their origins as outlets for producers (such as Pacific Concord of Hong
Kong), and others providing a broad mix, known as General Store (such as Casey's
in the Midwest of the U.S.A.).

Although specialist shops are still with us, over time, the general store has
increasingly taken on specialist products. Customers have found this to be more
convenient than having to visit many shops - thus the term "Convenience Store"
has also been applied to these shops. As the popularity of general stores has
grown, so has their size. This combined with the advent of Self-Service has lead to
the Supermarket, or Superstore.

Early Markets:

Over time, producers would have seen value in deliberately over-producing in

order to profit from selling these goods. Merchants would also have begun to
appear. They would travel from village to village, purchasing these goods and

Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector

selling them for a profit. Over time, both producers and merchants, would
regularly take their goods to one selling place in the centre of the community.
Thus, regular markets appeared.The First Shop : Eventually, markets would
become permanent fixtures i.e. shops. These shops along with the logistics
required to get the goods to them were, the start of the Retail Trade.

The Birth of Distance Retailing:

Defined as sales of goods between two distant parties where the deliverer has no
direct interest in the transaction, the earliest instances of distance retailing
probably coincided with the first regular delivery or postal services. Such services
would have started in earnest once man had learned how to ride a camel, horse etc.

When individuals or groups left their community and settled elsewhere, some
missed foodstuffs and other goods that were only available in their birthplace.
They arranged for some of these goods to be sent to them. Others in their newly
adopted community enjoyed these goods and demand grew. Similarly, new settlers
discovered goods in their new surroundings that they dispatched back to their
birthplace, and once again, demand grew. This soon turned into a regular trade.
Although such trading routes expanded mainly through the growth of traveling
salesmen and then wholesalers, there were still instances where individuals
purchased goods at long distance for their own use. A second reason that distance
selling increased was through war. As armies marched through territories, they
laid down communication lines stretching from their home base to the front. As
well as garnering goods from whichever locality they found themselves in, they
would have also taken advantage of the lines of communication to order goods
from home.

Origins of Retail

Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector

It is likely that, as markets became more permanent fixtures they evolved into
shops. Although advantageous in many respects, this removed the mobility that a
peddler or traveling merchant may still have enjoyed. For some shopkeepers, it
made sense to obtain extra stock and open up another shop, most probably
operated by another family member. This would recover business from peddlers
and create new business and the greater volume would allow the shopkeeper to
strike a better deal with suppliers. Thus the retail chain would have started. Its
thought that this process would have started in china over 2200 years ago with a
chain of shops owned by a trader called Lo Kass.

 The First Self-Service Store:

This all changed in 1915 when Albert Gerrard opened the Groceteria in Los
Angeles, the first documented self-service store. This was soon followed a year
later by the Piggly Wiggly® self-service store, founded by Clarence Saunders in
Tennessee in the U.S.


This new type of shopping was more efficient and many customers preferred it.
Although personal service stores remain to this day, this new concept started a
rapid growth of self-service stores in the United States. Other countries were slow
to take up the idea, but there has been a steady rise in the global amount of self-
service stores ever since.


These entrepreneurs noticed that their staff had to spend a great deal of time taking
grocery orders from customers. The groceries were stacked on shelves allowing
customers to walk around and browse, collecting their shopping in a basket that
was supplied. The shopkeeper would only need to tot up the final bill at the end of

Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector

the process and transfer the goods from the basket to the customer and receive

From Family Business to Formal Structure:

Although retail chains would have been mostly run by families, as some chains
grew, they would have needed to employ people from outside of their family. This
was a limiting factor as there would have been a limit to the amount of trusted non
family members available to help run the chain. Another, even more definite
limiting factor was the distance the furthest shop would have been from the
original shop. The greater the distance, the more time and effort would have been
needed to effectively manage outpost shops and to service them with goods. There
was, therefore, a natural barrier to expansion. That was the case until transport and
communications became faster and more reliable. When this happened towards the
end of the 19th century, chains became much bigger and more widespread. Many
of these businesses became more structured and formalized, leading to the retail
chain that we see today.

Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector

Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector

Indian Retail Industry


Today, retailing doesn’t involve just dealing or marketing from shops, it includes
analyzing the market in an effort to provide reasonable prices together with an
array of options and experience to customers. The sole purpose of all this is
retaining the brand loyalty of customers. Indian retail is currently a US$ 245
billion market and is anticipated to extend to almost US$ 385 billion mark by the
next five years. The Indian retail sector is currently sporting a brand new look and
together with a 46.64 per cent three-year Compounded Annual Growth Rate
(CAGR), Conventional marketplaces are paving way for new shopping malls, the
likes of superstores, shopping plazas, supermarkets and brand label stores.
International style shopping centers have started dotting the skyline of cities and
smaller towns, acquainting the Indian customer to a unique shopping experience.
The retail industry in India is split up into the unorganized and organized retail

The unorganized retail sector includes the big, average and modest grocery stores
and the chemist shops. A changeover is taking place from the conventional retail
sector to organized retailing. But the unorganized segment still dominates and
leads the industry. By 2010, the Indian retailing sector is anticipated to become an
Rs12.5 trillion market. The share of organized retailing is supposed to jump to
about 10 per cent from the existing three per cent. The anticipated staggering
growth in organized retailing provides an opportunity to expand the market for
both established and new players. According to the latest report India Retail Sector
Analysis (2006ñ07)I by RNCOS, the total retail market is primarily focused in
rural regions, which makes up 55 per cent or US$ 165 billion of the overall retail

Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector

market as opposed to urban segment, which represents 45 per cent or US$ 135
billion of the gross retail market. The rural market is spread over 627,000 villages,
even though its centre of attention is focused around a core group of 100,000
villages that makes up 50 per cent of the rural population.

India represents the most compelling international investment opportunity for

mass merchant and food retailers looking to expand overseas, according to
management consulting firm AT Kearney's 2005 Global Retail Development
Index (GRDI), an annual study of retail investment attractiveness among 30
emerging markets. India is rated as the fifth largest emerging retail market and is
seen as a potential goldmine. Driving global brands into India is the greatly
improved investment climate due to the recent relaxation of direct ownership
restrictions on foreign retailers. The country's retail market totals $330 billion, is
vastly underserved and has grown by 10 per cent on an average over the past five
years. The message for retailers on India is clear – move now or forego prime
locations and market positions that will soon become saturated. Global retailers
that missed opportunities to capture first-mover advantage in China will make up
for it in India.

Though India has more than five million retail outlets, they are greatly
unorganized. There is no supply chain management perspective. In fact, out of the
entire retail sector in India, the organized sector is only 25 per cent and the rest is
unorganized. 96 per cent of the retail outlets are smaller in area than the standard
norms. The retail industry is divided into organized and unorganized sectors.
Organized retailing refers to trading activities undertaken by licensed retailers who
are registered for sales tax and income tax. These include corporate backed
hypermarket and retail chains and so on. Unorganized retailing is the traditional
low-cost shops, handcarts and pavements and is by far the prevalent form of trade
in India. The efficiency of organized sector in retailing is manifested in some of
the newer supermarkets in urban/metropolitan India – the produce is cleaner,

Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector

fresher, well packed and often cheaper than the local shopkeeper. This is possible
because of the far more efficient distribution system, which organized retail chains
are employing, by cutting the layers of middlemen involved. There are other
benefits too, of transforming the unorganized retail sector into an organized sector.
Firstly, a number of new jobs will be created, far better paid than the underage
labor working in the local shops. Secondly, the benefits to the producer and
consumer through better prices and lesser wastage; throwing up exportable
surpluses, which will also benefit the economy as a whole. Thus one can see that
allowing FDI in retailing is beneficial to all the stakeholders involved

The Big Bazaars and Spencer’s, the huge unorganized retail sector is finally
beginning to see the merit of logging on, even if at a model scale.

Taxation policies also push you to automate and the push is even harder for those
looking to expand beyond their single store existence.

Though it’s early days yet to measure it penetration in the unorganized retail
industry, interest levels are surely raising fast. “It’s good to at least answer their
questions. Though the interest is more with retailers who register good sales and

Software available to the retailers is ShawMan’s RetailMagiK, which takes care of

the front-end store needs, as well as the back-end warehouse requirements. “It
would surely help the unorganized sector to get into technologies like bar-coding,
which will make their operations more efficient. Some other features are a user-
defined billing screen and discount with control mechanism from the head-office,
delivery order management, batch control and quick information search, among
others. The product is a simple to use. The screen design and the functionality are
designed in such a way that the user need not press too many keys to get things

Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector

done,” says Khushroo Bagwadia, business development manager, Shawman


To begin with, most retailers look at decent entry-level solutions starting at Rs

25,000. However, there are cheaper quick-fix solutions available too. One can
even deploy a computer and start with financial accounting programmers like
Microsoft Excel, FoxPro and Tally.

Small retailers seem next in line and vendors are also warming up to the
opportunity. At the low-end however, smart inexpensive solutions are the need of
the hour. And solutions providers like Microsoft, Polaris and Shawman are now
working on developing smart tools for the retail enthusiasts. For small players
with just one store, the investment on retail solutions go really low, anywhere
between Rs 10,000 to Rs 25,000. Most of the time these solutions are developed
by local firms, who at times compete with the big names in the industry.

According to Oberoi of Polaris, generally the mom-and-pop stores like to go for

technology, which will get their work done at a reasonable cost. They avoid the
high-end technology, and consider these as frills. “They are not even bothered
about upgrading, so the cheap systems are more than welcome. These solutions
might not work for the mid-sized retailers with five stores, as then one need to
scale it up and take care of inventory and supply chain management,” he says.

Comparing the case with China, Vedamani suggests India is on the right track. “In
China, we find the organized sector to be 20-23% of the total industry. Here, the
technology has advanced in phases, and so is the case in India.

Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector

Format Description The Value Proposition

Complete range available

Branded Exclusive showrooms either owned
for a given brand,
Stores or franchised out by a manufacturer.
certified product quality

Greater choice to the

Specialty Focus on a specific consumer need, consumer, comparison
Stores carry most of the brands available between brands is

Large stores having a wide variety

of products, organized into different
Department One stop shop catering to
departments such as clothing, house
Stores varied/ consumer needs.
wares, furniture, appliances, toys,

Extremely large self-service retail One stop shop catering to

outlets varied consumer needs

Stores offering discounts on the

Discount retail price through selling high
Low Prices
Stores volumes and reaping economies of

Larger than a supermarket, Low prices, vast choice

sometimes with a warehouse available including
Hyper- mart
appearance, generally located in services such as
quieter parts of the city cafeterias.

Convenience Small self-service formats located in Convenient location and

stores crowded urban areas. extended operating hours.

Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector

Enclosure having different formats

Shopping Variety of shops available
of in-store retailers, all under one
Malls to each other.

Formats adopted by the Retail Players in INDIA.

Retailer Original formats Later Formats

Supermarket Hypermarket (Spencer's)Specialty Store (Health

RPG Retail
(Foodworld) and Glow)

Department Store
Piramal's Discount Store (TruMart)
(Piramyd Megastore)

Small format outlets

Pantaloon (Shoppe) Supermarket(FoodBAZAR)
Retail Department Store Hypermarket (Big Bazaar) Mall (Central)

Department Store
K Raheja (shopper's stop) Supermarket
Group Specialty Store Hypermarket (TBA)

Department Store
Tata/ Trent Hypermarket (Star India Bazaar)

Landmark Department Store

Hypermarket (TBA)
Group (Lifestyle)

Discount Store (Subhiksha, Margin Free, Apna Bazaar), Supermarket

(Nilgiri's), Specialty Electronics

Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector


1. Malls:

The largest form of organized retailing today. Located mainly in metro

cities, in proximity to urban outskirts. Ranges from 60,000 sq ft to 7,00,000 sq ft
and above. They lend an ideal shopping experience with an amalgamation of
product, service and entertainment, all under a common roof. Examples include
Shoppers Stop, Pyramid, Pantaloon.

2. Specialty Stores:

Chains such as the Bangalore based Kids Kemp, the Mumbai books
retailer Crossword, RPG's Music World and the Times Group's music chain
Planet M, are focusing on specific market segments and have established
themselves strongly in their sectors.

3. Discount Stores:

As the name suggests, discount stores or factory outlets, offer discounts on the
MRP through selling in bulk reaching economies of scale or excess stock left
over at the season. The product category can range from a variety of
perishable/ non perishable goods.

4. Department Stores:

Large stores ranging from 20000-50000 sq. ft, catering to a variety of

consumer needs. Further classified into localized departments such as
clothing, toys, home, groceries, etc

5. Department Stores:

Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector

Departmental Stores are expected to take over the apparel business from
exclusive brand showrooms. Among these, the biggest success is K Raheja's
Shoppers Stop, which started in Mumbai and now has more than seven large stores
(over 30,000 sq. ft) across India and even has its own in store brand for clothes
called Stop!.

6. Hyper marts/Supermarkets:

Large self service outlets, catering to varied shopper needs are termed as
Supermarkets. These are located in or near residential high streets. These stores
today contribute to 30% of all food & grocery organized retail sales. Super
Markets can further be classified in to mini supermarkets typically 1,000 sq ft to
2,000 sq ft and large supermarkets ranging from of 3,500 sq ft to 5,000 sq ft.
having a strong focus on food & grocery and personal sales.

7. Convenience Stores:

These are relatively small stores 400-2,000 sq. feet located near
residential areas. They stock a limited range of high-turnover convenience
products and are usually open for extended periods during the day, seven days a
week. Prices are slightly higher due to the convenience premium.

8. MBO’s :

Multi Brand outlets, also known as Category Killers, offer several brands
across a single product category. These usually do well in busy market places and

Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector


Food retail :

Food dominates the shopping basket in India. The US$ 6.1 billion Indian foods
industry, which forms 44 per cent of the entire FMCG sales, is growing at 9 per
cent and has set the growth agenda for modern trade formats. Since nearly 60 per
cent of the average Indian grocery basket comprises non-branded items, the
branded food industry is homing in on converting Indian consumers to branded

The mobile revolution:

The retail market for mobile phones -- handset, airtime and accessories -- is
already a US$ 16.7 billion business, growing at over 20 per cent per year. In
comparison, the consumer electronics and appliance market is worth US$ 5.6
billion, with a growth rate that is half of the mobile market.

Kids retail:

When it comes to Indian children, retailers are busy bonding--and branding:

 Monalisa, the Versace of kids is coming to India.

 Global lifestyle brand Nautica is bringing Nautica Kids.

 International brand Zapp tied up with Raymond to foray into kids' apparel.

 Disney launched exclusive chains which stock character-based stationery.

 Pantaloon's joint venture with Gini & Jony will set up a retail chain to
market kids' apparel.

Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector

 Swiss kidswear brand Milou is collaborating with Tirupur-based Sreeja


 Turner International India Pvt Ltd. will launch Cartoon Network

Townsville and Planet POGO--two theme parks designed around its
channels--in the National Capital Region.

 Sahara One Television has also signed a Memorandum of Understanding to

source content from Spacetoon Media Group, Middle East's largest kids'
entertainment brand for animation and live action content.

Leading the kids' retail revolution is the apparel business, which accounts for
almost 80 per cent of the revenue, with kids' clothing in India following
international fashion trends. According to research firm KSA Technopak, the
branded segment comprises US$ 701.7 million of the total kids' apparel market-
size of over US$ 3 billion.

Industry experts say kids' retailing will touch annual growth of 30-35 per cent.
Toys, stationary, sportswear, outerwear, tailored clothing, eyewear, watches,
fragrance, footwear, theme parks, TV channels… the segment is growing rapidly
at 10 per cent per annum. Margins are in the range of 20-25 per cent (for dealers
and distributors), while companies enjoy an average gross margin of about 10 per

Agricultural retail:

Agriculture across India is heralding the country's second Green Revolution. 14

states, including Maharashtra, Punjab, Andhra Pradesh and Rajasthan amended the
Agricultural Produce Marketing Committee (APMC) act this year, along the lines

Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector

of the Model APMC Act, '02, which allows farmers to sell their produce directly
to buyers offering them the best price.

Agricultural sectors such as horticulture, floriculture, development of seeds,

animal husbandry, pisciculture, aqua culture, cultivation of vegetables, mushroom
under cultivated conditions and services related to agro and allied sectors are open
to 100 per cent FDI through the automatic route.

For its e-Choupal scheme, ITC built internet kiosks in rural villages so farmers can
access latest information on weather, current market prices, foods-in-demand, etc.

With a US$ 5.6 billion, multi-year investment in agriculture and retail, Reliance
Retail will establish links with farms on several thousand acres in Punjab, West
Bengal and Maharashtra. FieldFresh, planning to become India's first large-scale
exporter of produce, will annually pay farmers over US$ 30,000 to lease land for
vegetables, to hire tractors and to pay their workers.

Besides a five-year program with the Punjab government to provide several

hundred farmers with four million sweet-orange trees for its Tropicana juices by
2008, PepsiCo--with agriculture exports worth US$ 40 million--also introduced
farmers to high-yielding basmati rice, mangoes, potatoes, chilies, peanuts, and
barley for its Frito-Lay snacks.

Export potential and a rapidly growing domestic demand for reliable produce from
new supermarket chains is driving change. With 77 per cent of India's population
relying on agriculture for a living, improved efficiency and new markets can
benefit a large number of people.

Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector

International retailers :

The Australian government's National Food Industry Strategy and Austrade

initiated a test marketing food retail in India wherein 12 major Australian food
producers have tied up with India-based distributor AB Mauri to sell their products
directly at retail outlets.

The largest-ever 150-member British business delegation in India committed

investments in the areas of food processing, agri retail and manufacturing. It is
also likely to press for the liberalisation of sectors like financial & legal services
and retail.

US-based home delivery and logistics company, Specialised Transportation Inc,

will enter the Indian market through a strategic alliance with Patel Retail, a
subsidiary of Patel Integrated Logistics.

Among other big international players, Wal-Mart has announced its plans for India
in partnership with Bharti, Tesco is sure to try again, and Carrefour too might
finally find the right partner.

Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector


Large self service outlets, catering to varied shopper needs are termed as
Supermarkets. These are located in or near residential high streets. These stores
today contribute to 30% of all food & grocery organized retail sales. Super
Markets can further be classified in to mini supermarkets typically 1,000 sq ft to
2,000 sq ft and large supermarkets ranging from of 3,500 sq ft to 5,000 sq ft.
having a strong focus on food & grocery and personal sales.

Supermarkets are relatively new entrants in the market. They are so called
pioneers in organized food retailing and go by the western model in look and feel
and format. This is what everybody means when they say organized food retailing.

Franchise outlets:

Like Tommy Hilfiger and Wal Mart, other US retailers are firming up their India
entry strategies and if they are already in, they are undergoing rapid expansion.

Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector

Fashion brands DKNY is also al set to foray into the Indian fashion Industry
through a franchisee agreement with Indian company, S. Kumar Starbucks
recently expressed their interest in entering Indian company

Like Tommy Hilfiger and Wal-Mart, other US retailers are firming up their India
entry strategies and if they are already in, they are undergoing rapid expansion.
Fashion brand DKNY is also all set to foray into the Indian fashion Industry
through a franchisee agreement with Indian company, S Kumar’s.Starbucks
recently expressed their interest in entering India through the franchise route, like
their AmericanF&B counterparts Pizza Hut, Subway, and the very successful
McDonald’s. McDonald’s has major expansion plans lined up; in the next 3 years,
it plans to open another 100 outlets in cities across India.


A very large commercial establishment that is a combination of departmental store

and a supermarket.

The specific features of a hypermarket are the wide range of goods offered, quality
service, quality display of goods on the shelves and complex systems providing
for customers loyalty.

Hypermarket is known for a wide range of goods offered. It consist of dozens of

thousands of items, while similar goods can be offered in several forms. In order
to work with such an assortment it is necessary to group it into categories and sub
categories that would unite goods according to this or that criteria.

Shopping Malls:

Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector

The new shopping malls that have been expanding their footprint across Indian
cities are well designed, built on international formats of retailing and integrated
with entertainment and restaurants to provide a complete family experience. Over
300 malls are expected to be built over the next two years and most Indian cities
with over a million populations will be exposed to this modern method of

Shopping malls have existed in India since several decades but were designed and
built to house several shops in a single facility. These malls also known as
Shopping Arcades offered only rows of shops, most of which were small stores
that promised bargains for their various wares. These Shopping Arcades tried to
maximize on their store space and did not offer any areas for recreation and

The present day malls are a creation of the past few years post 2000. They are
designed professionally using a lot of international experience and combine
shopping with a lot of brand building, recreation, food and entertainment. Malls
also have a large format store that serves as their anchor for shopping and a
prominent restaurant that anchors the food needs of visitors. Most malls also
feature a multiplex cinema that offers entertainment to the visitors of the mall.
Finally the mall has large atria and open spaces to allow visitors and families to

Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector

Major Industry Players

Nanz in North India, Nilgiris in the South, Pantaloon in the East and Crossroad in
the West were the pioneers of the retail revolution in India. Nanz faced several
obstacles in their business and had to finally down their shutters. Nilgiris, due to
some strange reason, did not see any logic to expand beyond the southern
frontiers. Pantaloon went to scale up and become bigger and bigger to form the
Future Group, that is now omnipresent in almost all formats right from small
groceries to e-tailing. Crossroads in Mumbai imparted some valuable lessons to
their parent, the Piramyd Group, who has since then gone on an expansion drive
with other formats of retailing in different cities.

The big players in Indian retail landscape now are the Future Group, Shoppers
Stop, Westside, Subiksha and RPG Spencer. The newcomers who are knocking at
the gates are Reliance Retail, Bharti Walmart and Aditya Birla Trinethra. Here,
we intend to do a brief profiling of the major players in order to understand the
retail business in a better manner.

1 The Future Group

The Future Group, which was earlier known as PRIL (Pantaloon Retail India
Limited) began as a trouser manufacturer in the mid 1980s. The Future Group is
divided into six verticals – Future Retail, Future Capital, Future Brands, Future
Space, Future Media and Future Logistics. The Future Group started operations in
the mid 1987s by incorporating the company as Manz Wear Private Limited. The
company went on to manufacture ready made trousers under the “Pantaloons”

Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector

brand name. It came out with a public issue in 1991 and later changed their name
to Pantaloon Fashions (India) Limited (PFIL).

The first exclusive men’s store called Pantaloon Shoppe was inaugurated in 1992.
Pantaloons went for a franchisee route to expand the number of retail outlets and
by 1995, it had reached to a crucial number of 70. The first departmental store
called Pantaloons was opened in Kolkata in 1997 with an investment of Rs 0.7
million. The store was a success and recorded revenues of Rs 100 million within
the first year of operations. In 1999, the company’s name was changed to
Pantaloon Retail (India) Limited (PRIL).

The success of Pantaloons departmental stores encouraged PRIL to come up with

other retailing formats such as “Big Bazaar” to retail low cost general
merchandising, and “Food Bazaar” to retail food products. As of 2005, the Future
Group has 3.5 million sq ft of retail space and over 100 stores across 25 cities in
India. It employs more than 12,000 people and has a customer base of more than
120 million.

Kishore Biyani, the promoter of the group who likes to address himself as “Chief
Knowledge Officer” has plans to launch 18 formats and over 3,340 stores, thereby
turning the Future Group into a US$7 billion company with over US$1 billion in
profits by the year 2010.

Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector

2 Shoppers Stop

Shoppers’ Stop, promoted by the real estate group K Raheja, was one of the first
movers to have set up a large retail outlet in New Delhi with international
ambience. Shopper’s Stop Ltd now has a considerable presence all over the
country with over 7 lakh square feet of retail space and stocks over 200 brands of
garments and accessories. The stores are spread all over India with presence in
Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Lucknow, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Pune , Kolkata,
Gurgaon, Chennai & Ghaziabad.

Shoppers’ Stop is also very well known for having pioneered several quality
retailing concepts in India like CROSSWORD, Hyper CITY and Mothercare.
They are the only retailer from India to become a member of the prestigious
Intercontinental Group of Departmental Stores (IGDS).

Shoppers’ Stop is positioned as a family store delivering a complete shopping

experience. With its wide range of merchandise, exclusive shop-in-shop counters
of international brands and world-class customer service, Shoppers’ Stop brought
international standards of shopping to the Indian consumer providing them with a
world class shopping experience. Shoppers’ Stop’s core customers represent a

Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector

strong SEC A skew. They fall between the age group of 16 years to 35 years, the
majority of them being families and young couples with a monthly household
income above Rs. 20,000/- and an annual spend of Rs.1,50,000/-. A large number
of Non - Resident Indians visit the shop for ethnic clothes in the international
environment they are accustomed to.

The stores offer a complete range of apparel and lifestyle accessories for the entire
family. From apparel brands like Provogue, Color Plus, Arrow, Levi’s, Scullers,
Zodiac to cosmetic brands like Lakme, Chambor, Le Teint Ricci etc., Shoppers’
Stop caters to almost every lifestyle need.

Shoppers' Stop also retails its own line of clothing namely Stop, Life , Kashish,
Vettorio Fratini and DIY. The merchandise at Shoppers’ Stop is sold at a quality
and price assurance backed by its guarantee stamp on every bill.

Shoppers’ Stop’s customer loyalty program is called “The First Citizen”. The
program offers its members an opportunity to collect points and avail of
innumerable special benefits. Currently, Shoppers’ Stop has a database of over 2.5
lakh members who contribute to nearly 50% of the total sales of Shoppers’ Stop.

The Organisation, in 2000, along with ICICI ventures also acquired the reputed
bookstore, “Crossword”, which offers the widest range of books along with CD-

Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector

ROM, music, stationery and toys. Services like Dial-a-book, Fax-a-book and
Email-a-book enable customers to shop from their homes. Crossword currently
has 18 Stores.

Realising the role of IT way back in 1991, Shoppers’ Stop was among the first few
retailers to use scanners and barcodes and completely computerise its operations.
Today it is one of the few stores in India to have retail ERP in place, which is now
being integrated with Oracle Financials and the Arthur Planning System, the best
retail planning system in the world. With the help of the ERP, they are able to
replicate stores, open new stores faster and get information about merchandise and
customers online, which reduces the turnaround time in taking quick decision.

Shoppers Stop has been very keen to understand the importance of distribution and
logistics in ensuring that merchandise is available on the shop floors. This has led
the retail chain o streamline its supply chain. The company has developed process
manuals for each part of the logistics chain. These modules include vendor
management, purchase order management, stock receiving systems, purchase
verification and inventory build up, generation and fixing of price and store tags,
dispatch of stocks to the retail floor and forwarding of bills for payment.

Shoppers’ Stop has a grand ambition to position itself as a global retailer. The
company intends to bring the world’s best retail technology, retail practices and
sales to India. Currently, they are adding 4 to 5 new stores every year.

3 Trent – Westside

Established in 1998, Trent operates some of the nation's largest and fastest
growing retail store chains. A beginning was made in 1998 with Westside, a
lifestyle retail chain, which was followed up in 2004 with Star India Bazaar, a

Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector

hypermarket with a large assortment of products at the lowest prices. In 2005, it

acquired Landmark, India's largest book and music retailer.

In a recently signed deal, Trent has agreed to anchor 12 malls set up by DLF
Universal Ltd across the country, at its Westside, Landmark and Star India Bazaar
outlets. This amounts to about 27 locations, totaling to about a million square feet
of space.

Trent retails garments and household accessories for men, women and children,
cosmetics and perfumes at Westside, food, beverages, health and beauty products,
vegetables, fruits, dairy products, consumer electronics and household items at
Star India Bazaar and books, music and stationery at Landmark.

Westside has 25 outlets across 17 cities in India offering a variety of designs and
styles in garments, footwear and accessories, as table linens, artifacts, home
accessories and furnishings. Well-designed interiors, sprawling space, prime
locations and coffee shops enhance the customers' shopping experience.

Trent also runs another chain of retail stores called Star India Bazaar. Launched in
2004, Star India Bazaar provides a large assortment of high quality products made
available at the lowest prices coupled with a unique shopping experience. Star
India Bazaar is located in Ahmedabad and offers a wide choice of staple food,
beverages, health and beauty products, vegetables, fruits, dairy products, consumer
electronics and household items at the most affordable prices.

Trent has also recently acquired a 76 per cent stake in Landmark, one of the
largest books and music retail chains in India. Landmark commenced its
operations in 1987 with its first store in Chennai, and now has nine stores in the
major metros of the country. Earlier Landmark was focused on books, stationery

Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector

and greeting cards. In 1996 it added music to its product portfolio and also started
the trend of stocking curios, toys, music, CDs and other gift items.

4. Piramyd

Piramyd Retail is part of the Piramal Group, which has presence in diverse sectors
spanning Pharmaceuticals, Textiles, Real Estate, Engineering, Family
Entertainment and Retail with manufacturing operations in 19 locations across five
states and employing over 18,000 people.  

The promoters launched the apparel business in 1999 under Piramyd Retail and
Merchandising Pvt. Ltd. (PRMPL) while its food; home & personal care
businesses (FHPC) were housed under Crossroads Shoppertainment Pvt. Ltd.
(CSPL). As the apparel and food businesses individually reached a critical mass
the management merged the two companies into Piramyd Retail Ltd. due to distant
synergies in two businesses in March 2005. Pyramid also has a smaller format of
stores called TruMart that caters to Food and Personal Care products.  

Piramyd Retail currently has 5 Mega stores and 8 TruMart stores mainly in
Maharashtra . The company plans to increase these numbers to 17 Mega stores and
69 TruMarts by 2008. The floor space is expected to be 5 times on successful

Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector

The FHPC (Food & Personal Care) business is volume driven while the Lifestyle
store is a margin driven business. Piramyd Retail plans to increase the contribution
of private labels from existing 7% to 18-20% of the revenues by 2010. Gross
margins from private labels are over 40% and hence the company is planning to
increase this business. Most of the stores are on the lease format and the company
is prone to higher lease rentals due to the overall increase in real estate prices. This
may bring the profit levels down substantially.  

Piramyd Retail did have a first mover advantage in many locations but it has
actually failed to capitalise over this advantage. Its competitors like Pantaloon,
Shoppers Stop and Trent gained larger benefits of their far more aggressive
business & marketing strategy in the retail space.

5. Subiksha

The Chennai based Subiksha grocery chain runs around 200 outlets all over the
country and it’s current turnover stands at Rs 224 crores. Their target customer is
the middle income value conscious buyers. The main aim of Subiksha is to offer a
functional and transactional shopping experience. This retail chain has no qualms
and spends almost no money on creating a pleasant shopping experience, and all

Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector

stores are non-air conditioned. There is no false roofing or sparkling vitrified tiles
on the floor.

A few years ago, Subiksha did not even offer shoppers self service. The customer
had to place an order at a computerized teller and the goods were billed and
delivered after cash is collected. Customers had to bring their own carrybags or
pay to buy them from the store. Subiksha even attempted to charge the customers
for home delivery.

However, now Subiksha has slightly tweaked their business model in order to
create a better appeal to customers who were defecting to the competitors. The
store formats are still small and non-airconditioned. But customers have the option
to pick from shelf spaces. They also get shopping bags and free home delivery.
But the selling USP(unique selling proposition) remains the same --- Subiksha
tries to be as close to the customer as possible and offers the lowest price and huge
savings in comparison to competitors. It’s slogan happens to be --- bachat mera
adhikar hain (saving is my fundamental right).

6. RPG Spencer

RPG’s Spencer presently has 125 stores across 25 cities covering a retail trading
area of half a million square feet and with a clientele of 3 million customers a
month. Spencer's has a national footprint with seven hypermarkets, three
supermarkets and 70 daily use outlets, called Dailies.

All the newly opened Spencer's stores stock every conceivable product that is
required by a household on a daily basis. At Spencer's Daily shoppers can get

Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector

fresh fruits, vegetables, fast-moving consumer goods, household items, groceries,

with regular offers and discounts.

Spencer's outlets are divided in to three retail formats. These are, Spencer's Hyper,
the over 25,000-sq ft hypermarkets stocking over 25,000 items. The 8,000sq ft to
15,000-sq ft mini hyper stores, branded as Spencer's Super and the daily purchase
4,000-sq ft to 7,000-sq ft Spencer's Daily for groceries, fresh food, chilled and
frozen products, bakery and weekly top up shopping.

7. Reliance Retail

On June 26, 2006, Mukesh Ambani, Chairman and Managing Director, Reliance
Industries Limited, announced a Rs 25,000-crore investment in the retail sector.

Reliance Retail started it’s retail operation with “Reliance Fresh”, a grocery store
that sells vegetables, fruits, personal care items and other food products. Soon,
these retail outlets will also be selling apparel and footwear, lifestyle and home
improvement products, electronic goods and farm implements and inputs. They

Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector

will also offer products and services in energy, travel, health and entertainment. In
addition to this, partnerships would be developed to bring the best of global luxury
brands to India as well.

Reliance Retail plans to extend it’s footprint to cover 1,500 Indian cities and towns
with outlets of a varied format, a mix of neighborhood convenience stores,
supermarkets, specialty stores and hypermarkets. Reliance also plans to open
restaurant outlets, financial services marts and tourism counters within it’s stores.

Mukesh Ambani’s ultimate ambition seems to be to create the Indian equivalent of

Wal-Mart by scaling up the business to unprecedented heights to reach every nook
and corner of the country. With it’s retailing venture, Reliance expected a revenue
target of US $20 billion through it’s retail operations by 2010. Over a span of five
years, RRL expects a 20% return-on-investment.

The first store christened “Reliance Fresh” opened in November 2006 at

Hyderabad. Within a few months they have now opened stores in Mumbai, Pune
and Ahmedabad and plans foray into other cities on a rapid scale.

8. Bharti Wal-Mart

Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector

Bharti Retail (Pvt.) Ltd. unveiled the roadmap for its retail venture on 19 th
February, 2007 envisaging an investment of $2.5 billion with expectation of
revenue of $4.5 billion (about Rs. 20,000 crore) from this business by 2015. The
first retail outlet is expected to open somewhere in the month of August .

Bharti’s plan is to invest $2.5 billion by 2015 and open stores across all major
cities. This investment would be only for setting up front-end stores. The
modalities for its back-end linkage, including its joint venture with the world's
largest retailer Wal-Mart, are in the process of being worked out.

A high-level team from Wal-Mart was visited India in the later part of February to
work out the details of the back-end chain. While Bharti would manage front-end
of the retail venture, Wal-Mart would be involved in the back-end, including
logistics, supply chain and cash-and-carry, he added.

The JV was presently scouting for 10 million sq. ft. of retail space, which would
include hypermarkets, supermarkets and convenience stores and would provide
employment to about 60,000 people. The company would open multi-format retail
outlets in all cities with a population of about one million. Bharti is now

Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector

conducting a massive consumer survey to take a final decision on branding and

promotional campaign.

However, Bharti and Wal-Mart have been facing stiff opposition from the left
parties and other political outfits who fear that the entry of the Bentonville giant
will make life difficult for the small grocers and create massive unemployment.
They also expect Wal-Mart to take a tough stance on lowering prices and force
farmers to sell their produce at lower rates. A lurking fear of monopolistic regime
in the retail sector is also enhancing their fears. Both Bharti and Walmart are
presently having a tough time in convincing the ministers, politicians,
agriculturists, the NGOs and other pressure groups that their business model
would serve to work in the best interests of all the stakeholders.

9. Aditya Birla – MORE

The Aditya Birla Group is India's first truly multinational corporation. Global in
vision, rooted in values, the Group is driven by a performance ethic pegged on
value creation for its multiple stakeholders. A US$ 24 billion conglomerate, with a
market capitalization of US$ 23 billion and in the League of Fortune 500, it is
anchored by an extraordinary force of 100,000 employees belonging to over 25
different nationalities. Over 50 per cent of its revenues flow from its operations
across the world.” Our mission is to change the way people shop. We will give
them more.” says Mr. Kumar Mangalam Birla, Chairman, Aditya Birla Group.

Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector

The more. for you advantage: more. promises a world-class pleasurable shopping
experience to Indian consumers in their very own neighborhood. more. Quality,
more. variety, more. convenience and more. value are the four delivery
cornerstones of the more. chain of supermarket stores. more.

MORE. Value MORE. promises best in market pricing. Linking up directly with
farmers to source fresh fruits, vegetables and staples ensure great quality as well as
great price. Add to this, the membership program Club more. which provides
convenience, customized shopping solutions and savings, and the more. value
promise becomes all the more evident.

More. Is an inspirational brand for an inspirational country. We have a bright and

committed, enthusiastic team that represents the best experience from India and
globally. MORE. also has a range of products from its own stable available across
value, premium and select ranges. The products have been quality-checked and are
available in attractive packaging at competitive prices. To avail additional
benefits, at no extra charge, customers can also enroll for the membership program
Club more.


Vishal is one of fastest growing retailing groups in India. Its outlets cater to
almost all price ranges. The showrooms have over 70,00 products range which
fulfills all your household needs, and can be catered to under one roof. It is
covering about 1282000 sq. ft. in 18 state across India. Each store gives you
international quality goods and prices hard to match. The cost benefits that is
derived from the large central purchase of goods and services is passed on to the
consumer. What started as a humble one store enterprise in 1986 in

Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector

Kolkata(erstwhile, Calcutta) is today a conglomerate encompassing 51 showrooms

in 39 cities. India’s first hyper-market has also been opened for the Indian
consumer by Vishal. Situated in the national capital Delhi this store boasts of the
singe largest collection of goods and commodities sold under one roof in India.
The group’s prime focus is on retailing.

The Vishal stores offer affordable family fashion at prices to suit every pocket.
The group’s philosophy is integration and towards this end has initiated backward
integration in the field of high fashion by setting up a state of the art
manufacturing facility to support its retail endeavors. Company has already tied
up for 5-lakh sq ft space and is looking for more. Company will come up with 32
new stores this year. Company is doing research on more formats. Company is
looking for opportunities of expansion in the South. Contribution of apparels
business at 53% may slightly come down to 50%. India is a big country and there
is huge space for four-five big retail players. Vishal can always sustain growth in
this big market. Company can sustain margins as it is going for backward
integration. Currently manufacturing contributes 10% of the business, which in the
next two to three years, will go up to 25%. Company is increasing its focus on the
non-apparel and FMCG segment. The current share of FMCG at 15% could go up
to 20-25%. Apparel sales currently at 63% in the next 2-3 years should come
down to 50% as the company is now also focusing on different segments. With
growth in volumes, the cost of sourcing will come down in the near future.

Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector

Company will venture wherever it gets real estate space. Currently, it has very
little space in the south India. Eventually, it will have a pan-India set up.


METRO Group today, is the third largest trading and retailing group in the world.
The company employs over 2,50,000 staff in 30 countries. In the year 2005
METRO Group had generated sales of over €55.7 billion; 53% of total sales came
from outside Germany. METRO Cash & Carry started operations in India in 2003
with two Distribution Centres in Bangalore. With this METRO introduced the
concept of Cash & Carry to India. These Centres offer the benefit of quality
products at the best wholesale price to over 150,000 businesses in Bangalore.
METRO offers assortment of over 18000 articles across food and non food at the
best wholesale prices to business customers such as Hotels, Restaurants, Caterers,
Food and Non-food Traders, Institutional buyers and professionals. METRO's
Cash & Carry business model is based on a Business to Business (B2B) concept
and focuses on meeting all the needs and requirements of business customers. It is
a modern format of wholesale trading, catering only to business customers.

12. Viveks- The Unlimited Shop

Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector

Vivek Limited is a professionally managed public limited company carrying three

retail brands - Viveks, Jainsons, Premier and continuously adding to the
formidable strength of 1000 employees. Vivek Ltd is the largest consumer
electronics & home appliances retail chain in India. Viveks popularized several
brands by creating visibility and have the distinction of being market leaders and
trendsetters with continuous support from the principal companies. Viveks
evolved its strategies to suit the larger scene where there was a stigma attached to
borrowing. Very few hire purchase options were available and hence Viveks
started Vivek Hire Purchase and Leasing Ltd to finance consumer durables, which
enhanced the core retailing business also. Viveks grew from 3 stores to more than
52 stores and turnover increased to over Rs. 350 crores (USD 80 million) and also
become a public limited company from a family run enterprise. In this process, 14
store Jainsons was bought over in 1999, 2 store Premier in 2001 and Spencers in
2002 and have recently absorbed Spencers into the Premier brand. With the
liberalization of economy and other changes in the global scene, Viveks
streamlined the marketing and advertising activities and shopping ambience was


Drivers of Retail Industry

 The Demography Dynamics: Approximately 60 per cent of Indian

population below 30 years of age.

Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector

 Double Incomes: Increasing instances of Double Incomes in most families

coupled with the rise in spending power.
 Plastic Revolution: Increasing use of credit cards for categories relating to
Apparel, Consumer Durable Goods, Food and Grocery etc.
 Urbanization: increased urbanization has led to higher customer density
areas thus enabling retailers to use lesser number of stores to target the
same number of customers. Aggregation of demand that occurs due to
urbanization helps a retailer in reaping the economies of scale.
 Covering distances has become easier: with increased automobile
penetration and an overall improvement in the transportation infrastructure,
covering distances has become easier than before. Now a customer can
travel miles to reach a particular shop, if he or she sees value in shopping
from a particular location.


Indian consumers are rapidly evolving and accepting modern formats

overwhelmingly. Retail Space is no more a constraint for growth. India is on the
radar of Global Retailers and suppliers / brands world-wide are willing to partner
with retailers here. Further, large Indian corporate groups like Tata, Reliance,
Raheja, ITC, Bombay Dyeing, Murugappa & Piramal Groups etc and also foreign
investors and private equity players are firming up plans to identify investment
opportunities in the Indian retail sector. The quantum of investments is likely to
sky-rocket as the inherent attractiveness of the segment lures more and more
investors to earn large profits. Investments into the sector are estimated at INR 20
– 25 billion in the next 2-3 years, and over INR 200 billion by end of 2010.

Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector

Stocks in the retail sector are also becoming increasingly attractive from an
investor's point of view. Successful development of value based concepts as well
as development of retail space in smaller cities and towns shall drive the organized
retail into the next levels of cities. Retailers have responded to this phenomenon
by introducing contemporary retail formats such as hypermarkets and
supermarkets in the new pockets of growth. Prominent ‘tier-II' cities and towns
which are witnessing a pick-up in activity include Surat, Lucknow, Dehra Dun,
Vijaywada, Bhopal, Indore, Vadodara, Coimbatore, Nasik, Bhubaneswar,
Varanasi and Ludhiana among others.

With consumption in metros already being exploited, manufacturers and retailers

of products such as personal computers, mobile phones, automobiles, consumer
durables, financial services etc are increasingly targeting consumers in tier II cities
and towns. In addition, petro-retailing efforts of petroleum giants scattered through
out the country's landscape have also ensured that smaller towns are also exposed
to modern retailing formats.

On the supply side, mall development activity in the small towns is also picking
up at a rapid pace, thereby, creating quality space for retailers to fulfill their
aggressive expansion plans. Thus, the ‘retail boom', 85% of which has so far been
concentrated in the metros is beginning to percolate down to smaller cities and
towns. The contribution of these tier-II cities to total organized retailing sales is
expected to grow to 20-25%.


Favorable demographic and psychographic changes relating to India's consumer

class, international exposure, availability of increasing quality retail space, wider
availability of products and brand communication are some of the factors that are
driving the retail in India.  Over the last few years, many international retailers
have entered the Indian market on the strength of rising affluence levels of the

Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector

young Indian population along with the heightened awareness of global brands
and international shopping experiences and the increased availability of retail real
estate pace.

Development of India as a sourcing hub shall further make India as an attractive

retail opportunity for the global retailers. Retailers like Wal-Mart, GAP, Tesco, JC
Penney, H&M, Karstadt-Quelle etc stepping  up their sourcing requirements from
India and moving  from third-party buying offices to establishing their own wholly
owned / wholly managed sourcing & buying offices shall further make India as an
attractive retail opportunity for the global players.

Manufacturers in industries such as FMCG, consumer durables, paints etc are

waking up to the growing clout of the retailers as a shift in bargaining power from
the former to the latter becomes more discernible. Already, a number of
manufacturers in India, in line with trends in developed markets, have set up
dedicated units to service the retail channel. Also, instead of viewing retailers with
suspicion, or as a ‘necessary evil' as was the case earlier, manufacturers are
beginning to acknowledge them as channel members to be partnered with for
providing solutions to the end-consumer more effectively.

The next level of opportunities in terms product retail expansion lies in categories
such as apparel, jewellery and accessories, consumer durables, catering services
and home improvement. These sectors have already witnessed the emergence of
organized formats though more players are expected to join the bandwagon. Some
of the niche categories like Books, Music  and Gifts offer interesting opportunities
for the retail players.

Indian consumer goods market is expected to reach $400 billion by 2010. India
has the youngest population amongst the major countries. There are a lot of young
people in India in different income categories.

Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector

In India they do not have to face this dilemma largely because rapid urbanization,
increase in demand, presence of large number of young population, any number of
opportunities are available. The bottom line is that Indian market is changing
rapidly and is showing unprecedented consumer business opportunity.

Indian consumer class can be classified according to the following criteria:

1. Income

2. Socio-Economic status

3. Age demographics

4. Geographical dispersion

1. Income Classification

Consumer Annual Income in

1999 2004 2009 Change
Classes Rs.
Rs. 215,000 and
The Rich 1.2 2.0 6.2 416%
The Consuming Rs 45- 215,000 32.5 54.6 90.9 179%

Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector

The Climbers Rs. 22-45,000 54.1 71.6 74.1 37%
The Aspirants Rs. 16-22,000 44 28.1 15.3 -65%
The Destitute Below Rs. 16,000 33 23.4 12.8 -61%
Total   164.8 180.7 199.2 21%

Source: NCAER

2. Socio-Economic Classification:

In addition to income classification and consumer classification, Indian

households can also be segmented according to the occupation and education
levels of the chief earner of the household (the person who contributes most to the
household expenses). This is called as Socio-Economic Classification (SEC),
which is mainly used by market planners to target market before launching their
new products. SEC is made to understand the purchase behavior and the
consumption pattern of the households

3. Age Demographics:

India is a very young nation, if compared with some advanced and developed
countries. Nearly two- thirds of its population is below the age of 35, and nearly
50 % is below 25.

Age distribution if Indian population (In Millions)

2006 2001 1996

Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector

Below 4 yrs 113.5 108.5 119.5

5-14 yrs 221.2 239.1 233.2
15-19 yrs 122.4 109.0 90.7
20-34 yrs 279.1 246.8 224
35-54 yrs 239.2 207.3 178.1
55 & above 118.7 101.7 88.7
Total 1094.1 1012.4 934.2

Marketers explain that the boom in the consumption level and leisure related
expenditure is because of this young population. It will have a significant impact
over the consumer goods market. In addition to that, it is expected that this will
generate trade opportunities and continuous investment in the economy.

There is huge potential for further consumption of goods and services due to the
increased level of disposable income. The expenditure on essential goods and
services has a higher share in developing countries as compared with that of
developed countries.
Consumption Trends

Food Essentials 45.68%

Essential Services (water, power,
rent, and fuels)
Clothing 4.9%
Footwear 0.63%
Medicare 4.25%
Transport & Communication 14.51%
Recreation, Education, and
Less than 4%
Home Goods 3.25%

Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector

4. Geographical Dispersion of market potential

There is large difference in economic prosperity levels among several states in

India, linked to the wealth creation from trade, industrial, and agricultural
development. There are poor districts in many states, classified according to their
market potential. India has 500 districts, out of which 150 districts (category A)
and next 150 districts (category B) account for 78% and 15% of the national
market potential respectively. Remaining 200 districts (category C) are backward
and account for only 7% of national market potential. Category C districts have
40% of the geographical share.


Potential for all Formats to Thrive :

Most of the global powerhouses in the retailing sector such as Wal-Mart,

Carrefour, Tesco etc have adopted multi-format and multi-product strategies in
order to customize their product offering for distinct target segments. Similar

Identifying the future

The important thing is to identify the 'future that has already happened' - Peter

The important and distinctive are always the result of changes in values,
perceptions and goals of people. Identify the changes that have already happened,
exploit the changes that have already occurred and use them as opportunities. Dr
William T Wilson, Chief Economist for Keystone India ñ a Chicago-based firm

Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector

providing cross-border trade facilitation and asset management services in US are

likely to be exhibited in India as all formats present prospects for growth, the
Report says.

Further, with the emergence of larger store formats like superstores and
hypermarkets in countries like UK, France, Germany, Spain since the 1980s and
Eastern Europe more recently, traditional food retailers have been able to stock
more extensive non-food ranges. In fact, Tesco, UK's leading grocer, has become
the number one apparel retailer in the Czech Republic and also a major player in
Hungary apart from being one of the fastest growing clothing retailers in the UK.
Together with its rival, Wal-Mart-owned ASDA, Tesco is one of the food sector's
most successful exponents of clothing in Europe


There is no point complaining, accusing or justifying that retailing business is only

for larger players and multinational retailing companies. That's total rubbish and
rather an assumed limitation. Recent research finding is that by the year 2010,
India will have at least three million people with an annual income of over Rs
4,000,000. Mind you, this is the official, declared and straight income meaning
there will be a considerable number of consumers with other sources of income! (I
suppose). One could comfortably presume that one fourth of the three millions
would reside in Bangalore. Considering the third successive year with great
economic growth in India, it is obvious that we shall have more people with higher
disposable income. With higher disposable income, the discerning Indian
consumers are not going to be conscious about price alone. This emerging
consumers would want something special, unique, different, better, customized
and more. Find the synonyms and transliterate these into value offerings in your
field of business and you have a gold mine, especially when you manage to

Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector

connect with the customers' value and perception and India, said that after
significant accelerations in economic growth recently, India's economy is expected
to equal or surpass Japan as the world's third largest sometime in the year 2006. Dr
Wilson also added that India's economy measured in PPP (purchasing power
parity) terms will eclipse the US$ four trillion mark in 2006, making it equal to or
greater than Japan's. Indian consumers are getting richer noticeably leading to
higher disposable money.


Over the past deacde , India’s middle and High Income group has grown at a rapid
pace of over 10% per annum . Though this growth is most evident in urban areas,
it has also taken place in rural markets. Further, the number of house holds earning
above Rs.150,000 per annum is about 30 million today and is expected to grow to
80 million by 2007. This growing high-income population is triggering the
demand for consumer goods, leading to the proliferation of Higher quality/higher
priced products.


There has been an explosion in media as well during the past decade . Kick-started
by the cable-explosion during the gulf war, television has accelerated to a pint
where there are more cable connections than telephones in Indian homes and more
than 100 channels are being aired at all times .This media bombardment has
exposed the Indian consumer to the lifestyles of more affluent countries and raised
their aspirations from the shopping experience – they want more choice , value ,
experience and convenience.

Private Labels

Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector

Brands, store labels, private label brands, store brands. These terms may seem to
be synonyms of each other. However, when it comes to retailing, each of these
terms has a different meaning. While we all know what a brand is, a private label
and a store label are different from any other brand because they are product lines
that are owned, controlled, merchandised and sold by a specific retailer in its own
stores. Among Indian retailers, Stop, Life and Kashish by Shoppers' Stop, and
ETC by Ebony are private label brands. According to Synovate, is the market
research arm of global communications specialist Aegis Group, the growth of
private labels is about 2-3 times more than that of advertised brands .Among the
product lines launched by retailers, the ones whose nomenclature is the name of
the store itself are called store labels. Foodworld and Nilgiris have launched their
own brand of supermarket products under the "Foodworld" and "Nilgiris" brand

There is a distinct advantage in naming the brand launched by the retailer after the
same name as that of the store. But at the same time, the store label also carries the
burden of not only the success of the brand, but also the failure, which may have a
negative rub-off effect on the retailer's image. A store brand on the other hand is a
brand name the retailer carries. Each retailer, because of its unique offering, is a
brand in itself, which is what the store brand signifies. Nallis, Modern Bazaar and
The Home Store are store brands since each of them stands for a certain retail

Retailers are now aggressively moving into developing their own private labels as
it not only makes economic sense in the form of retailers achieving higher
margins, it also helps them to plug gaps in their product portfolio. For instance, in
menswear, retailers say that gross margins on branded products vary from 25-38
per cent. Compared to that, the retailers can earn whopping margins of around 55-
60 per cent on private labels. Private label products contribute to a retail brands
differentiation. A retailer can achieve differentiation through a large (but not

Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector

necessarily exclusive) portfolio of private label products. Service adds to the

differentiation, and together with a unique product range, results in a strong retail
brand. They are not perceived as being interchangeable with similar private label
products launched by other retailers (unlike manufacturers of branded products,
which are the same regardless of the retailer). Introduction of an in house brand of
products helps the retailer to have means with which they can compete head on
with the other branded products. An established private label brand provides the
retailers a platform to negotiate with suppliers, and the retailers are thus self-
sufficient in a certain category. They have more control over the merchandise and
are able to make the required changes and modifications to suit the changing
customer profile much quicker. This brings about a more consistent and acceptable
product portfolio, which also helps reduce mark-downs. A retailer can create a
stronger emotional connect with the consumer as the experience is not just the
store experience but also the product experience. An outside brand could be
purchased from any outlet. This is not so in the case of private labels, so the
product experience keeps bringing the consumer back

The question is: why would retailers want to get into the trouble of launching an
own brand when there are "n" number of local, regional and national brands for
practically all kinds of products? The reasons are multifold.

Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector


Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector


1) Organized retailing at US$ 3.31 billion, growing at 8%.

2) 2nd largest contributor to GDP after agriculture at 20%.

3) Pattern of consumption changing along with shopping trends.

4) A Growing population will translate to move consumers.

5) Consumer spending increasing at 11% annually.

6) Almost 25 million sq. ft. retail space available.

7) Paradigm shift in shopping experience for consumers pulling in more people.

Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector

8) Most of the entrants to organized retail come from 3 main categories, and have
ventured into retail as their business extension.

 Real Estate Developers

 Corporate Houses

 Manufacturers/Exporters


1) Shortage of quality retail spaces at affordable rates.

2) Government regulations on development of real estate(Urban Land Ceiling


3) Need to provide Value for Money-squeezing margins

4) Lack of industry status.

5) Retail revolution restricted to 250 million people due to monolithic urban-rural


6) Footfalls not a clear indicator of sales as actual consumers lower in number.

7) Lack of huge investments for expansion


1) Increasing urban population-more participants in retail revolution.

2) Increase in consuming middle class population.

3) Social factors like dual household income has enhanced spending power.

Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector

4) Spends moving towards lifestyle products and esteem enhancing products.

5) Availability of old industrial lands-prime real estate locked in sick industrial


6) Average grocery spends at 42% of monthly spends-presents a huge


7) Increase in use of credit cards.


1) Rising lease/rental costs affecting project viability.

2) FDI restrictions in the retail sector.

3) Poor monsoons and low GDP Growth could affect consumer spending

4) Archaic labor laws are a hindrance to providing 24/7 shopping experience.

5) Personalized service offered by Mom-&-Pop stores.

6) Unavailability of qualified personnel to support exponential growth in retail.

7) Differentiate taxation laws hindering expansion.


Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector

 The overall purpose of this endeavor is to investigate empirically

customers’ preference towards exclusive and multi brand retail outlets and
to determine the factors that influence the satisfaction level of customers’ in
retail sector especially in Lucknow city.

 This study is also aimed at finding out the relation between major
demographic variables and satisfaction level of customers’ and preference
of retail formats.

 To study the preference given by consumers in term of quality, ambience,

service, scheme and location for retail purchase.

 What are the factors affects for the purchase?


Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector

Research Design:

Descriptive research design will be used.

 Type: Descriptive Study

 Scope: combination of theoretical study as well as Statistical Study

 Environment: Field Research

Data Sources:

Primary Data - Survey of Customers in Lucknow.

It will be collected with the help of Questionnaire Method and Survey


As well as unstructured observation will also come in use at some part (topic)
of study.

Secondary Data - It will be collected with the help of Internet, books, journals,
articles of newspapers & magazines and research papers related to booming
organized retail sector.

Data Analysis:

Data will be analyzed with the help of certain statistical tools.

1. Questionnaire method

2. Method of observation

Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector

Sampling Design:

 Population: Consumers of Lucknow city

 Survey area: Consumer located in different area of Lucknow city

 Sampling method: Non-Probability Convenient sampling plan.

 Sample size: 100 consumers from Lucknow city

Significance of the Study:

 To know the awareness of people about different brands of retail sector.

 Result will be the knowledge about customer’s preference towards

exclusive and multi-brand retail outlet that will be helpful to find out the
factors that influence the satisfaction level of customer.

 It will be helpful to know the connection between demographic factors of

consumer like age, income, education and choice of people for different
types of product.

Limitations of the Study:

 The present study is limited to the growth of retail sector in india only.

 The bias of respondents while responding cannot be eliminated.

 The study was limited to only in Lucknow city.

Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector

Delivery Method:

Two hard copies in form of booklets and two softcopies in form of CDs.

 First copy of project report will be submitted to project guide.

 Second copy is participant’s own copy.

Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector


This research analysis is based on the answers given by the sample customers of
Lucknow city in the above given consumer survey questionnaire.

 Average Monthly Shopping Budget of Consumers:

The below given was the interpretation of the average monthly shopping
budget for the sample size in the project survey. In the sample size most of the
people (i.e. 38%) were able to do shopping between Rs. 2000-5000.


7% 1%
23% 5000-10000


50000 & More

Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector

 Awareness about different brands of Retail Sector:

The store location, its customer services, discount schemes and offers, its
quality are the important factors for the awareness of the any retailing company
or brand but apart from all these the most important thing which influence the
awareness of any particular brand is it’s advertising and other promotional
activities. Big Bazaar of future group in Lucknow is very well know brand
among the people of sample because of it’s pricing, attractive offers and
discounts and its very good promotional and marketing activities. The Vishal
Mega Mart is also famous because of its reach in the various areas of the city.

Big Bazar Vishal Mega Shoppers Landmark West Side
Mart Stop

Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector

 Which Retail chain Customers like to visit often:

Because of it’s attractive pricing and good schemes and offers people like to
visit Big Bazaar most often. Vishal Mega Mart is also giving attractive
discount on formal wear so it is also known for good footfall. Shoppers stop do
not have discount offers and schemes but it is still liking of some of people in
sample size because of its ambience, shopping comfort and good customer

West Side
Landmark 9%

Stop Big Bazar
17% 36%
Mega Mart

Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector

 Customer Preferences for shopping from Retail chains:

The consumers of sample size were visiting the big retail outlets most because
of their good pricing and for their attractive schemes and discounts offers.
After that they also go there for the quality experience. The location of the
store is also a big concern for the consumers. Thereafter they are also looking
for good customer services. They want to get well treated by the sales persons
of the stores. Ambience came in last for all of them.

Discount Schemes



Customer Service


Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector


The consumer’s preferences are changing rapidity and becoming highly

diversified. It is difficult for the retail stores to satisfy all the needs of the
customers. The most of the consumer’s want to get some attractive prices, good
schemes and offers on every purchases and a shopping comfort as well. Those
who are able to purchase their needs and want for a month in a bulk prefers to go
to the retail chains. Because of competitions in the market the branded formals are
also became cheaper so the younger generation prefers to purchase from the retail
outlets of the brand the city. Only the big retail chains are able to satisfy all these
needs of the new age consumers whereas there is still some consumers mostly of
the old age are willing to purchase from the local kirana store. Some of them have
perception that these big stores are too costly to afford and some of them are not
able to make purchases in a bulk so they do not want to waste their time to go
especially to the big store for 2-3 items purchase. In the case of other items like
wristwatches, branded jewelry, mobiles, gift items and other, they prefer to take it
from where they are getting cheap prices, good after sales services and the
goodwill of the store.

After studying the customer survey questionnaire statistically and theoretically as

well and after observing the consumer’s mood and their preferences I can say that
Big Retail is here to stay. Assuming that improvements in infrastructure and lower
real estate costs become a reality, Big Retail still has a long way to go before
satisfying the highly diverse needs of the Indian population. As a result, there will
be a steady state where Big Retail will co-exist with Small Retail.

Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector


Web Sites and Search Engines










 The Times Of India

 The Indian Express

 The Economic Times

 Financial Express

Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector

 Business Standard

 Business Line

Books and Magazines

 Business World

 The Indian Dream

 Business & Economy

Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector



The objective of this survey is to collect tangible information about shopping

in Retail Chains. This questionnaire is being administered to people like you
who have visited and bought products in Retail Chains. Please let us know
your spontaneous response to the questions that pertain to your shopping
experience in Retail Chains. All information provided by you shall be kept
confidential and we shall only be publishing the outcomes. Please provide us
your unbiased and frank opinions.

1. Name: ______________________________________________________

2. Age: 15-20 20-30 30-40

40-50 50 & above

3. Occupation: Student Govt. Employee Private Employee

Businessman Any other (Pls specify)


4. Income group: 5k-10k 10k-20k 20k-30k 30k-40k

40k-50k 50k & above

Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector

5. Education: Student Graduate Post-Graduate

MBA Any other (Pls specify) ___________________

6. Number of Family Dependants: Nil One Two Five

Any other (Pls specify)

7. Telephone Number / E-

1. What is your monthly shopping budget?

0-2K 2-5K 5-10K 10-20K 20-50K >50K

2. Which retail chains did you visit?

Big Bazaar

Shoppers Stop



Vishal Megamart

Any other (Please specify) ________________________________

Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector

3. Which retail chains do you visit often?

Big Bazaar

Shoppers Stop



Vishal Megamart

Any other (Please specify) ________________________________

4. Which retail chain did you like most?

Big Bazaar

Shoppers Stop



Vishal Megamart

Any other (Please specify) ________________________________

5. Why did you like that particular retail chain?


Attractive Prices

Wide range of choices

Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector

Discount Schemes

Free Offers

Customer Service
Any Other (Please Specify) ___________________________________

6. Mark on a scale of -3 to +3 your perceptions about your shopping

experience in the following retail chains (where -3 indicates inferior and +
3 indicates superior) :

Feature Big Vishal Westside Shoppers Landmark

Bazaar Megamart Stop

Ambience 15
Attractive Prices 70
Range of Choices 65
Price Discounts 80
Freebies 60
Salespeople 50
Parking Facilities
Home Delivery

7. Which products do you normally buy from retail chains?






Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector

8. Which products do you normally buy from your local grocery store?






9. Which products do you normally buy from your chemist shop?






10. Why do you like to buy from local grocery store?






Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector

11. Why do you like to buy from chemist shops?






12. How much time do you spend in the retail chain on every visit?

0-30 Minutes 30-60 Minutes 1-2 Hour 2-3 Hours

3-4 Hours 4-5 Hours <5 Hours

13. The emergence of retail chains will create unemployment problems:

Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Disagree

Strongly Disagree

14. The emergence of retail chains will destroy social harmony:

Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree

Strongly Disagree

Growth of IHM Graduates in Retail Sector

15. The emergence of retail chains will cause monopolistic control over prices:

Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Disagree

Strongly Disagree

16. FDI in Retail Sector will contribute to the Growth Momentum:

Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Disagree

Strongly Disagree

__________________________ Thank You______________________________


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