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Optimization of Fracture Parameters for Hydraulic Fractured Horizontal Well

in a Heterogeneous Tight Reservoir: An Equivalent Homogeneous Modelling

Omar Al-Fatlawi, University of Baghdad, College of Engineering, Department of Petroleum Engineering, Curtin
University; Mofazzal Hossain, Curtin University; Asaad Essa, Basra Oil Company

Copyright 2019, Society of Petroleum Engineers

This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE Kuwait Oil & Gas Conference and Show held in Mishref, Kuwait, 13 - 16 October 2019.

This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE program committee following review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents
of the paper have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to correction by the author(s). The material does not necessarily reflect
any position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper without the written
consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 words; illustrations may
not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous acknowledgment of SPE copyright.

Building numerical reservoir simulation model with a view to model actual case requires enormous amount
of data and information. Such modeling and simulation processes normally require lengthy time and
different sets of field data and experimental tests that are usually very expensive. In addition, the availability,
quality and accessibility of all necessary data are very limited, especially for the green field. The degree
of complexities of such modelling increases significantly especially in the case of heterogeneous nature
typically inherited in unconventional reservoirs. In this perspective, this study focuses on exploring the
possibility of simplifying the numerical simulation process without compromising the accuracy of results for
heterogeneous unconventional tight gas reservoir with an emphasis on optimisation of multi-stage hydraulic
fractured parameters, such as fracture half-length and number of fractures towards maximization the net
present value (NPV).
The key objectives of this study are to mitigate the effect of reservoir heterogeneity through building an
equivalent simplified homogeneous reservoir simulation model for forecasting the production performance
of fractured horizontal well in a heterogeneous carbonate tight gas reservoir and optimize the fracture
parameters such as number of fractures and fracture half-length based on maximizing the NPV. The
homogeneous model, which is equivalent to a heterogeneous reservoir model was built based on the
statistical analysis of the rock properties of heterogeneous model. The simulation results obtained were
analysed for a number of cases covering a range of fracture number (from 1 to 80), fracture half-length (from
500 to 2000 ft). The result demonstrated that the simplified equivalent homogeneous model has the ability
to provide a good estimate for production forecasting, and determine the optimum number of fractures and
fracture half-length within a high accuracy. The model is simple, yet provides good approximation with
high accuracy, but save huge computation time.

The unconventional reservoirs have received significant attentions due to its incalculable potentials for
securing the environmentally-clean primary source of energy in order to meet the ever increasing world
2 SPE-198185-MS

energy demand [1-5]. Considerable attentions are also given for the exploitation of tight gas reservoirs,
which are considered as a kind of unconventional reservoirs, especially to continuously supply the clean-
energy resources when most of the mature conventional gas reservoirs are running in depletion phase [6-10].
Consequently research and development initiatives concerning tight gas reservoirs development have shown
a sharp increasing trend, which results in rising the number of research articles in this space from 10 articles/
year in 1980 to 668 articles/year in 2017 Al-Fatlawi 2019; 1 [11] 1 1 10 Al-Fatlawi, Omar Hossain, Mofazzal
Patel, Neha Kabir, Akim Evaluation of the Potentials for Adapting the Multistage Hydraulic Fracturing
Technology in Tight Carbonate Reservoir SPE Middle East Oil and Gas Show and Conference 2019 Society
of Petroleum Engineers 161399639X |[11].
The horizontal well combined with hydraulic fracture stimulation have become most viable and cost
effective technology for the economic exploitation of low permeability tight reservoirs [8, 12-14]. However,
the development of tight gas reservoirs encounters substantial challenges due to the complex nature
of reservoir characteristics (e.g. reservoir descriptions, high degree of heterogeneity in porosity and
permeability distribution) and low permeability [10, 15, 16]. Therefore, economic gas production from these
reservoirs requires drilling horizontal well completed with hydraulic fracturing stimulation [10, 17-20].
Moreover, the development of tight gas reservoirs still requires to solve many problems relating to the
reservoir description, numerical modelling and understanding of production mechanisms for forecasting of
reservoir production performance [21, 22].
While numerical simulation appears to be most acceptable options for the production forecasting and
optimization of reservoir production performance, the accuracy of the simulation studies predominantly
dependent on the accuracy of the data and information of reservoir descriptions available to capture the true
reservoir characteristics and conditions [23-25]. Since the tight gas reservoirs generally have high degree
of heterogeneity in reservoir properties (porosity and permeability), it is practically impossible to gather
accurate properties necessary to capture the reservoir descriptions appropriately, which is the essential
pre-requisites for the accurate development of numerical simulation model. The inclusion of fractured
horizontal well into a high degree of heterogeneous numerical model is not only a complex tasks, but also
can be very challenging to handle in ordinary routine computing facilities. Consequently this task require
utterly huge computation time and very expensive high capacity computing facilities. Huge computation
time, and high capacity expensive computing facility is not generally desirable in a routine industry and
tight budget environment when industry has to response timely not only to meet very tight deadline,
but also has the demand for low cost development, especially in a volatile gas market conditions. This
study, however focuses on mitigating above described effect caused mainly due to reservoir heterogeneity
through building an equivalent simplified homogeneous reservoir simulation model for forecasting the
production performance of fractured horizontal well in a heterogeneous carbonate tight gas reservoir; and for
optimizing the fracture parameters such as number of fractures and fracture half length. The applicability of
simplified model is rationalized through analyzing number of cases to forecast the production performance
of multistage hydraulic fractured well in a tight carbonate gas reservoir based on cumulative gas production.
The rationalized model is then used to optimizing the well and fracture parameters (i.e. horizontal well
length, number wells, number of fractures and fracture half length) for a typical tight carbonate gas
reservoirs. The well and fracture parameters are optimized based upon maximising NPV. The result
demonstrated that the equivalent homogeneous model has the capability of providing a good estimate of
production forecasting with acceptable accuracy as compared to complex heterogeneous numerical model.
The simplified model is then used to optimize the number of fractures and fracture half-length for a number
of cases. The model is appears to be simple, yet provides good approximate prediction with high accuracy,
but save huge computation time and associated expenses.
SPE-198185-MS 3

Building an Equivalent Homogeneous Model

The simplified equivalent homogeneous model was built using industry standard commercial simulator
ECLIPSE/PETREL. The process of building the equivalent homogeneous model is shown in Figure 1.




f frequency
m number of intervals of frequency histogram.
n total number of each property collected from well logs and core samples.
Φi average porosity of interval i of the frequency histogram.
ki average water saturation of interval i of the frequency histogram.
Swi average water saturation of interval i of the frequency histogram.
4 SPE-198185-MS

Figure 1—Flowchart of building an equivalent homogeneous model

Initially a real reservoir simulation model was built using real data obtained from petro-physical
analysis based on well log and core data. This simulation model includes population of the permeability,
porosity and saturation (obtained from petro-physical analysis) throughout the reservoir based on Sequential
Gaussian Simulation. Then a homogeneous reservoir model, which is equivalent to heterogeneous reservoir
model was built using the average value of static reservoir properties (e.g. porosity and water saturation),
permeability of reservoir rock. The average value of porosity, saturation and permeability are the mean
value of respective properties considered in real heterogeneous reservoir model. The mean values of all
SPE-198185-MS 5

properties are calculated based on statistical analysis following the process described in earlier section. The
equation used for average values are calculated using Equations (1) to (3).
Above described reservoir model was considered to conduct numerical simulation for a range of fracture
half-length (500-1500 ft) and number of fractures (1 – 80) to estimate the cumulative gas production (Gp).
The discrepancy of results between the real model and equivalent model was then analysed to rationalize
the acceptable equivalent homogeneous simulation model that can be considered as the best alternative to
the real model. The acceptable equivalent homogeneous model is considered to be the model that results
the minimum discrepancy (ε), where ε is given by Equation (4)).


Gp,real accumulative gas production by the end of 30 years using the real heterogeneous model.
Gp,eq accumulative gas production by the end of 30 years using the equivalent homogeneous model.
The acceptable range to minimum discrepancy, ε is considered to 5∼10%. Once the model is rationalized,
the equivalent homogeneous model is then used to optimize the fracture half length, and number of half-
length based on maximizing the net present value. The net present value is calculated using the same
procedure and economic data that are illustrated in our previous publications Al-Fatlawi 2019; 1 [8, 11]

Rationalization of Equivalent model

In this paper, two reservoir simulation models were built for different sets of simulation cases based on these
four reservoir models described in previous section. For all cases in this study, all hydraulic fractures in a
horizontal well with horizontal length of 4000 ft assumed to be equally spaced. For instance, the fracture
spacing for the cases of a horizontal well with 5 and 40 fractures are 665 ft and 98 ft, respectively.
Since gas PVT properties such as gas formation volume factor, and viscosity principally depends on the
gas compressibility, Z-factor [26-28], the Z-factor was accurately calculated under different pressure using
the lookup tables of Z-factor provided by Al-Fatlawi 2017; 13 Al-Fatlawi [29]
Table 1 shows the specifications of the all models, the horizontal well and the hydraulic fractures. Table
2 lists porosity, permeability and water saturation considered for all models.

Table 1—The properties of the reservoir and fractures considered for all models
6 SPE-198185-MS

Table 2—Porosity, permeability and water saturation for all models

Building reservoir models

The equivalent homogeneous reservoir simulation Model 2 was built using PETREL/ECLIPSE simulator
based on average properties derived from the real heterogeneous reservoir (Model 1). Table 3 presents
2D distribution, and frequency histogram of porosity, permeability and water saturation for Model 1.
The average porosity, permeability and water saturation for model 1 are 0.057, 0.01 mD and 52.03%,
respectively, which are estimated based on the statistical analysis as described earlier. These average values
were used to build the equivalent homogeneous model (Model 2) as described earlier.

Table 3—Distribution of porosity, permeability and water saturation for heterogeneous models

Model 1 employed to forecast the production from single horizontal well with range of fractures number
(1 to 80) and fracture half-length (500-1500 ft). In addition, the simulation runs for different cases using
those two models confirm that drainage area are limited after 30 years of production [30] and the shape
of the drainage are is mostly elliptical as proved by Hossain [21]. Figure 2 presents the drainage area for
horizontal well within 4 fractures and fracture half-length of 500 ft in Model 5 after 30 production years. The
main focus of this paper is to build a simple simulation model for the optimization for number of fractures
and fracture half-length for horizontal well in tight gas reservoir.
SPE-198185-MS 7

Figure 2—3D views of the drainage area for Model 5 by the end of 30 production years

In terms of production forecasting, Figure 3 obviously shows that accumulative gas production by the
end of 30 years of production for models 1 and 2 are similar for all values of number of fractures and fracture
half-length. To confirm this finding, the discrepancy of cumulative gas production at different number of
fractures and fracture half-length between models 1 and 2 were found to be less than 3% for all cases as
shown in Figure 4. Figure 4 confirms that the equivalent homogeneous model (Model 2) that has properties
(porosity, permeability and saturation) equals to the mean values of all properties of the heterogeneous
model (Model 1) provides similar outcomes for the all considered ranges of fracture half-length and number
of fractures; warranting that the equivalent homogeneous model can be considered as an alternative to
complex heterogeneous model.
8 SPE-198185-MS

Figure 3—The cumulative gas production versus number of fractures for 30 production years for models 1 and 2

Figure 4—The discrepancy of cumulative gas production at different

number of fractures and fracture half-length between models 1 and 2

The optimization of fracture half-length and number of fractures and

sensitivity studied
The rationalized equivalent homogeneous model is considered for the optimization of fracture half-length
and number of fractures based on maximizing the NPV. To optimize multistage fractured horizontal well in
SPE-198185-MS 9

tight carbonate reservoirs, many simulation cases were considered to optimize number of hydraulic fractures
and the fracture half-length.
Sensitivity study was carried out to: evaluate the optimum number of fractures and fracture half-length;
and investigate the effect of reservoir heterogeneity on the optimization results. Six cases were considered
which are shown in Table 4.

Table 4—Cases and data considered in the optimization of number

of fractures and fracture half-length for reservoir area of 2560 acres

Number of fractures
To determine the optimum number of fractures for each model, reservoir simulations per each model were
conducted to calculate the cumulative gas production for number of fractures of 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50,
60, 70 and 80. Figure 3 shows the cumulative gas production versus number of fractures for 30 production
years for models 1 and 2. It is obvious that the determination of the optimum number of fractures for
homogeneous and heterogeneous cases based on cumulative gas production as objective function appears
to be inconclusive and/or impossible since in all cases the cumulative production shows an increasing
trend with increasing number of fracture and/or increasing fracture length with time. For that reason, the
optimization process was carried out based on net present value, and was formulated on following basis:

• Objective function = Net Present Value (NPV)

• Decision variable = Number of fractures (Nf)

• Constraints = Minimum Nf is one, while Maximum Nf is 80.

Figure 5 shows NPV versus number of fractures for models 1 and 2 by the end of 30 producing years.
Table 5 presents the optimization results for two models based on NPV as objective function. The results
presented in Figure 5 and Table 5 clearly confirm that the optimum number of fractures can be determined
easily when the objective function is defined on the basis of NPV.
10 SPE-198185-MS

Figure 5—NPV versus Nf by the end of 30 production years for models 1 and 2

Table 5—The results of optimization for all cases in terms of number of fractures

Fracture length
Based on NPV, the optimum fracture half-length has been determined for maximum NPV for all cases at
given number of fractures for the heterogeneous model (Model 1), and the equivalent homogeneous model
(Model.2). The optimization problem to determine the optimum fracture half-length was also formulated
bellowing basis:

• Objective function = Net Present Value (NPV)

• Decision variable = fracture half-length (xf)

• Constraints = Minimum xf is 100 ft, while Maximum xf is 2000 ft.

To accomplish these tasks, the numerical simulation was run for 9 values of fracture half-length are 100,
250, 500, 750, 1000, 1125, 1250, 1500 and 2000 ft as shown in Figure 6. The calculated NPVs are presented
SPE-198185-MS 11

in Figure 7 as a function of fracture half-length for five cases with number of fractures of 4, 10, 20, 40 and
80. It is observed that the optimum fracture half-length obtained in cases of number of fractures of 4, 10,
20, 40 and 80 are 1125, 1250, 1500, 1500 and 1500 ft, respectively, which are same as obtained for Model
2. The results explain that the values of optimum fracture half-length are same for both Model 1 and Model
2 from number of fractures, Nf ranges from 20 to 80.

Figure 6—Gp versus xf by the end of 30 production years for models 1 and 2
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Figure 7—NPV versus xf by the end of 30 production years for models 1 and 2

The validity of the proposed methodology for hydraulic fracturing

In terms of optimization of the number of fractures, the proposed methodology provides the same optimum
number of fractures for both heterogeneous model (Model 1) and the equivalent homogeneous model
(Model 2) for the cases of fracture half-length of 500, 1000 and 1500 ft. Table 6 shows the comparison
between the net present value at optimum number of fractures for all cases in this study. The comparison is
SPE-198185-MS 13

based on the discrepancy between the optimization results of each of Models 1 and 2 which was calculated
using Equation (5)):


NPVreal Net present value by the end of 30 years using the real heterogeneous model.
NPVeq Net present value by the end of 30 years using the equivalent homogeneous model.

Table 6—The discrepancy of optimization for all cases in terms of number of fractures determined by models 1 and 2

As can seen in Table 6 that the discrepancy between the heterogeneous model and the equivalent
homogeneous model for fracture half-length of 500, 1000 and 1500 ft are found to be less than 4%, which
is considered to be reasonably acceptable.
In terms of the optimization of fracture half-length, it is worth to mention that the optimum fracture half-
length estimated using the heterogeneous model and the equivalent homogeneous model for all range of
number of fractures considered in this study fully in agreement as shown in Figure 7.
Table 7 indicates the discrepancy between the heterogeneous model and the equivalent homogeneous
model at number of fractures of 4, 10, 20, 40 and 80 is less than 6%, which within below 10%.

Table 7—The discrepancy of optimization for all cases in terms of fracture half-length determined by models 1 and 2

The above two evidences confirm that the proposed methodology can be considered as a good guide
to estimate the optimum number of fractures and optimum fracture half-length for horizontal well in tight
gas reservoir with reasonable accuracy. Although NPV that is considered as a basis of decision variable
is the function of gas price and other economic variables associated with the expenditures, gas price and
other economic variables should not influence the final outcome, since most these variables are in general
multiplier of cumulative gas production. The proposed methodology appears to be much simpler requiring
less amount of the data than the heterogeneous model, and easy to handle due to less complexities. In
addition, the proposed methodology can provides a good initial estimates for the production forecasting,
and the optimization hydraulic fracturing for the green fields where the data is limited, and the inexpensive
initial guesses are valuable to design initial field development plan.
14 SPE-198185-MS

This paper presented a simplified methodology, which can be considered as practical, credible and robust
approach to forecast the production over time from fractured horizontal well in tight gas reservoir, and can
readily usable to determine the optimum number of fractures and the optimum fracture half-length based
on limited data.
Based on this methodology, a preliminary field development plan can been designed based on the
equivalent homogeneous reservoir model building using available data and then it could be developed and
improved with adding more wells that would provide more data to update the reservoir models.
The proposed methodology is validated using different reservoir simulation cases comparing with the
heterogeneous model building based on the real data. The cases covered wide range of number of fractures
and fracture half-length. The validation concluded that the proposed methodology could credibly lead
to mitigate the effect of heterogeneity by building an equivalent homogeneous model through statistical
analysis in order to obtain a good approximate production forecasting; and a good estimation of optimum
number of fractures and fracture half-length.

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