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“Don’t be into trends. Don’t make fashion own you, but you decide what are you, what
you want to express by the way you dress and the way to live.”
-Gianni Versace
Fast fashion is a big industry but rarely the people think about the behind or the
process of this industry and all the things what implying, like the big pollution that
affect our health, or the bad conditions of the workers as well as they salary or the
long workdays.

The word “fast” describe something temporary for the fashion world, but is not
the same if we included the fast fashion and their consequences in the
environment, the consequences are so “slow” for the planet and the health; The
fashion industry produces 10% of all humanity's carbon emissions, is the
second-largest consumer of the world's water supply, and pollutes the oceans
with microplastics. It’s really worrying because all this pollution influences
permanently, and the clothes just assumes our lives 6 months.

The conditions of work are deplorables and inhuman, in first place the production
is in low and middle-income countries (LMICs), that is for the supplies and the
manufacturing be cheaper and then que companies can sell the clothes at low
Agree with the report of Stitched Up 80% of workers work until 8pm or 10pm,
after starting at 8am in excess of the legal limit on working hours, three quarters
of the women workers we spoke to had been verbally abused at work and half
had been beaten

All the things in this world have an impact but some more than others, in this case
the fast fashion has a huge impact in many aspects but the two mots important
are the environment and the conditions of the workers, we need think about, if this
is necessary for us and for the future generations

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