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Development Education is.....

.... a necessity in the age of globalisation and the knowledge society.

Today’s society asks a lot of us. The world has become smaller and yet more complex, we have S
access to more information than ever before and yet we are left with the feeling that we are K
drowning in information gasping for knowledge. In other words, the skills required to move around
comfortably in today’s globalised world have changed dramatically. We need to be able to
translate information into knowledge, deal with complexity and uncertainties, we need to work
effectively with others in very challenging environments at work and in our private life and we L
need to be good communicators in and between different cultural settings both at home and S
abroad. Development Education is an educational response to those challenges that focuses on
active global citizenship which is...
... an entitlement of the Irish public. N
In its White Paper on Irish Aid the Irish government has made the commitment to ensure that
every person in Ireland will have access to educational opportunities to be aware of and
understand their rights and responsibilities as global citizens and their potential to effect change A
for a more just and equal world. The Irish government has also signed a number of UN G
conventions (e.g. Universal Declaration of Human Rights) that stipulate a requirement to ensure E
that all citizens are educated about their Human Rights and those of others, including the right to M
development through ensuring equality of opportunity for all in their access to basic resources, E
education, health services, food, housing, employment and the fair distribution of income. It is
therefore our right to hold the government accountable for that. By promoting this entitlement
development education is also… T

... a way to address present global crises. K

The current global crises need world citizens that have the knowledge and skills to bring about N
change. This requires a critical and creative mind that is able to read between and behind official
lines put forward by politicians, the media and other information providers and that has the
capacity to form its own opinion from a multiplicity of perspective. Our survival on this planet
relies on people who live their lifes in a responsible and sustainable way. Development Education L
promotes this by using participatory methods to explore the world in a learner centred way. It E
promotes a set of values to enable people to be … D
... working to eradicate the root causes of poverty E
Development Education challenges global inequalities from many perspectives: It critically
examines how our globalised world is still affected by colonial exploitations past and present. It is
based on the understanding that the root cause of poverty lie in the inequality of unfair power
relations between the global South and the global North and that those need to be challenged in V
the global North through Education. It promotes a set of values that allows us to engage in a A
dialogue with strangers from all over the world on equal footing and with a mind-set that values L
diversity and multiple perspectives over homogeneity and dominion. Development Education U
does not promote the one right answer but a way of engaging with different perspectives on the
world we share.
In one sentence, Development Education is …
…good education ... with a global perspective.

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