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Book: Losing My Virginity: How I've Survived, Had Fun, and Made a Fortune Doing

Business my way

Author: Richard Branson

Why he wrote the book: The book comes from one of the most decorated entrepreneurs,
Richard Branson, who wrote this book to demonstrate how he made Virgin the company and
brand it is today. He strives to encourage people to think outside the box, take risks and go
with your instincts. For many entrepreneurs young and old Branson autobiography is
testament to the fact that once a person is determined and adaptable; success in business is
not solely reliant on large financial backing and an academic background. He recognizes that
his vision has been criticized
for breaking all the rules and it is too kaleidoscopic, however many people respect and revere
the Virgin Brand and how it came about. Branson wishes to offer the reader an informal non-
academic read about his life and business vision, in the hope to inspire other entrepreneurs to
take a risk and challenge themselves whether it is in a business or personal context.
About the book: “Screw it, let’s do it” is the mantra Richard Branson follows and that is very
evident from the life he has lived. Right from starting his own magazine at a young age to
going to create a space tourism company after decades, the journey has been anything but
boring. The ups and downs of his journey have been encompassed in the book which may
be a longer read than a few but was worth every minute spent reading it. Losing My Virginity
is a portrait of a productive, sane, balanced life, filled with rich and colourful stories:
From crash-landing his hot-air balloon in the Algerian desert, yet remaining determined to
have another go at being the first to circle the globe to signing the Sex Pistols, Janet
Jackson, the Rolling Stones, Boy George, and Phil Collins to Fighting back when British
Airways took on Virgin Atlantic and successfully suing this pillar of the British business
establishment to selling Virgin Records to save Virgin Atlantic. The book is a journey of a
man who dared to dream and then dared to make them come true.
Takeaway: The book has been a revelation and the has motivated to make the most of the
time I am going to get in my 2 years of MBA. Most importantly Richard Branson has taught
me that it is also very important to have fun and find time to do what you love and always
have believe in yourself. This man was not afraid to take a punch and in all fairness, has
taken quite a few blows through his life but he never gave up. He did what he had to, to get
over the feeling of utter hopelessness but once he was over it, he as over it. That is and
attitude which is very important to have to have a peaceful and successful life. These have
been my key takeaways from the book.

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