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Aprendiz: Rubén Varón Cuellar – Cc94514012

Ficha: 2104752 – Tecnología Gestión Logística



In this text we are given a brief, but very complete description of the types of
goods transport that exist today, and that always as exporters we will have to
interact with them and that the way to choose the means as we will transport
The goods must be balanced between time and cost, also taking into account
the nature of our merchandise.  Another factor to take into account is the
economic resources that the company possesses: In general, land transport is a
cheaper and more flexible, however, it has greater geographic restrictions and
can be affected by the state of roads and traffic.  Air transport is faster and
allows greater coverage, but is considerably more expensive and subject to
greater restrictions on cargo. Meanwhile, maritime transport allows a greater
variety of products to transport and has a lower cost than air.  As we see, there
are many transportation options for companies. It is only necessary to consider
the needs, resources and objectives of the company in order the choose the
most convenient alternative. Road transport is cheap comfortable and flexible
but the disadvantage is not eco-friendly, and may be subject to weight,
dimensions of load and occasionally to long delays.
N.º English Spanish
1 Aerial Aéreo
2 Consider Considerar
3 Friendly Amigable Simpático
4 Goods Bienes
5 Hazardous Peligroso
6 Heavy Pesado
7 Inflexible Inflexible
8 Insurance Seguro
9 Likewise Igualmente
10 Maritime Marítimo
11 Means Recursos
12 Particularly Particularmente
13 Perishable Perecedero
14 Planning Planificación
15 Shipping Envió
16 Supplier Proveedor
17 Unlucky Desafortunado
18 Voyage Viaje
19 Wagons Vagones
20 Wrong Incorrecto

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