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In a nutshell, Perunding Najna Sdn. Bhd. has a good management in

handling information and giving services to everyone. The operation of the office

management is capable to ensure efficiency of the work involving accounting and

administration departments with the help of the equipment which are well managed

and great enough to be used. The equipment should be in a good condition before

using it to prevent unexpected accident happen. However, the company is not fully

equipped with facilities and system since the company is new. Besides, this company

able to managing and operating the filing system in a good condition by separate the

file between confidential and general so that it will allows easy access when the staff

need them.

From our observation, this company choose enclosed-plan office and open-

plan office. Enclosed-plan office applied for director’s room and confidential filing

room. It has a privacy and protect the company’s confidential information from being

exposed. Meanwhile open-plan office applied for both departments which are

accounting and administration to encourage collaboration between co-workers to

produce quality standards for work. Furthermore, the staff who handle the telephone

call in this company develop good communications skills and proper telephone

techniques to represent the good impression of the company.

In our opinion, the company must have enough facilities and system to ease

the employee to produce good quality standard of work. In addition, the system must

always be upgrading to ensure efficiency of the operation. Next, the company should

promote their services to achieve goals which is to be one of the best environmental

consultant in the country. For example, they can promote by creating a website of

their company to allow easy access for people to get more information of the

company’s services.

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