Step Back Series

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“STEP BACK” SERIES (Update 1.1) 

13 = The 1st and 3rd scale degree 
The foundation of 13 is playing 1 & 3 in the left hand, while inverting the major chord 
with the right hand. 
“Step Back” is simply going BACK a perfect 5th and returning back to the 13 in the 
primary key or primary major chord. 
LEVEL ONE: “Step Back” Substitution and Chord Progression Examples: 
C Major Chord Substitution 
Instead of playing a basic C major chord, 
Play 13 in F, then 13 in C. 
BONUS - 26 (2 chord in C, then 6 chord in C),  
then follow up with a 26 (2 chord in F, then 6 chord in F). 
F Major Chord Substitution 
Instead of playing a basic F major chord, 
Play 13 in Bb, then 13 in F. 
BONUS - 26 (2 chord in F, then 6 chord in F),  
then follow up with a 26 (2 chord in Bb, then 6 chord in Bb). 
Bb Major Chord Substitution 
Instead of playing a basic Bb major chord, 
Play 13 in Bb, then 13 in Eb. 
BONUS - 26 (2 chord in Bb, then 6 chord in Bb),  
then follow up with a 26 (2 chord in Eb, then 6 chord in Eb). 
Eb Major Chord Substitution 
Instead of playing a basic Eb major chord, 
Play 13 in Ab, then 13 in Eb. 
BONUS - 26 (2 chord in Eb, then 6 chord in Eb),  
then follow up with a 26 (2 chord in Ab, then 6 chord in Ab). 

*Unauthorized distribution of this material is prohibited | All Rights Reserved | Pretty Simple Music, LLC. 

Ab Major Chord Substitution 

Instead of playing a basic Ab major chord, 
Play 13 in C#, then 13 in Ab. 
BONUS - 26 (2 chord in Ab, then 6 chord in Ab),  
then follow up with a 26 (2 chord in C#, then 6 chord in C#). 
C# Major Chord Substitution 
Instead of playing a basic C# major chord, 
Play 13 in F#, then 13 in C#. 
BONUS - 26 (2 chord in C#, then 6 chord in C#),  
then follow up with a 26 (2 chord in F#, then 6 chord in F#). 
F# Major Chord Substitution 
Instead of playing a basic F# major chord, 
Play 13 in B, then 13 in F#. 
BONUS - 26 (2 chord in F#, then 6 chord in F#),  
then follow up with a 26 (2 chord in B, then 6 chord in B). 
B Major Chord Substitution 
Instead of playing a basic B major chord, 
Play 13 in B, then 13 in E. 
BONUS - 26 (2 chord in B, then 6 chord in B),  
then follow up with a 26 (2 chord in E, then 6 chord in E). 
E Major Chord Substitution 
Instead of playing a basic E major chord, 
Play 13 in A, then 13 in E. 
BONUS - 26 (2 chord in E, then 6 chord in E),  
then follow up with a 26 (2 chord in A, then 6 chord in A). 
A Major Chord Substitution 
Instead of playing a basic A major chord, 
Play 13 in D, then 13 in A. 
BONUS - 26 (2 chord in A, then 6 chord in A),  
then follow up with a 26 (2 chord in D, then 6 chord in D). 

*Unauthorized distribution of this material is prohibited | All Rights Reserved | Pretty Simple Music, LLC. 

D Major Chord Substitution 

Instead of playing a basic D major chord, 
Play 13 in G, then 13 in D. 
BONUS - 26 (2 chord in D, then 6 chord in D),  
then follow up with a 26 (2 chord in G, then 6 chord in G). 
G Major Chord Substitution 
Instead of playing a basic G major chord, 
Play 13 in C, then 13 in G. 
BONUS - 26 (2 chord in G, then 6 chord in G),  
then follow up with a 26 (2 chord in C, then 6 chord in C). 
LEVEL TWO: “Step Back” Substitution and Chord Progression Examples: 
C Major Chord Substitution 
Instead of playing a basic C major chord, 
Left Hand - Play 13 in C, then stack/add Right Hand 13 in G. 
F Major Chord Substitution 
Instead of playing a basic F major chord, 
Left Hand - Play 13 in F, then stack/add Right Hand 13 in C. 
Bb Major Chord Substitution 
Instead of playing a basic Bb major chord, 
Left Hand - Play 13 in Bb, then stack/add Right Hand 13 in F. 
Eb Major Chord Substitution 
Instead of playing a basic Eb major chord, 
Left Hand - Play 13 in Eb, then stack/add Right Hand 13 in Bb. 
Ab Major Chord Substitution 
Instead of playing a basic Ab major chord, 
Left Hand - Play 13 in Ab, then stack/add Right Hand 13 in Eb. 
C# Major Chord Substitution 
Instead of playing a basic C# major chord, 
Left Hand - Play 13 in C#, then stack/add Right Hand 13 in Ab. 

*Unauthorized distribution of this material is prohibited | All Rights Reserved | Pretty Simple Music, LLC. 

F# Major Chord Substitution 

Instead of playing a basic F# major chord, 
Left Hand - Play 13 in F#, then stack/add Right Hand 13 in C#. 
B Major Chord Substitution 
Instead of playing a basic B major chord, 
Left Hand - Play 13 in B, then stack/add Right Hand 13 in F#. 
E Major Chord Substitution 
Instead of playing a basic E major chord, 
Left Hand - Play 13 in E, then stack/add Right Hand 13 in B. 
A Major Chord Substitution 
Instead of playing a basic A major chord, 
Left Hand - Play 13 in A, then stack/add Right Hand 13 in E. 
D Major Chord Substitution 
Instead of playing a basic D major chord, 
Left Hand - Play 13 in D, then stack/add Right Hand 13 in A. 
G Major Chord Substitution 
Instead of playing a basic G major chord, 
Left Hand - Play 13 in G, then stack/add Right Hand 13 in D. 
LEVEL THREE: “Step Back” Solo Examples: 
C Major Chord Substitution 
Instead of playing a basic C major chord, 
Left Hand - Play 13 in C, then solo with Right Hand random notes in G. 
F Major Chord Substitution 
Instead of playing a basic F major chord, 
Left Hand - Play 13 in F, then solo with Right Hand random notes in C. 
Bb Major Chord Substitution 
Instead of playing a basic Bb major chord, 
Left Hand - Play 13 in Bb, then solo with Right Hand random notes in F. 
Eb Major Chord Substitution 
Instead of playing a basic Eb major chord, 
Left Hand - Play 13 in Eb, then solo with Right Hand random notes in Bb. 

*Unauthorized distribution of this material is prohibited | All Rights Reserved | Pretty Simple Music, LLC. 

Ab Major Chord Substitution 

Instead of playing a basic Ab major chord, 
Left Hand - Play 13 in Ab, then solo with Right Hand random notes in Eb. 
C# Major Chord Substitution 
Instead of playing a basic C# major chord, 
Left Hand - Play 13 in C#, then solo with Right Hand random notes in Ab. 
F# Major Chord Substitution 
Instead of playing a basic F# major chord, 
Left Hand - Play 13 in F#, then solo with Right Hand random notes in C#. 
B Major Chord Substitution 
Instead of playing a basic B major chord, 
Left Hand - Play 13 in B, then solo with Right Hand random notes in F#. 
E Major Chord Substitution 
Instead of playing a basic E major chord, 
Left Hand - Play 13 in E, then solo with Right Hand random notes in B. 
A Major Chord Substitution 
Instead of playing a basic A major chord, 
Left Hand - Play 13 in A, then solo with Right Hand random notes in E. 
D Major Chord Substitution 
Instead of playing a basic D major chord, 
Left Hand - Play 13 in D, then solo with Right Hand random notes in A. 
G Major Chord Substitution 
Instead of playing a basic G major chord, 
Left Hand - Play 13 in G, then solo with Right Hand random notes in D. 

*Unauthorized distribution of this material is prohibited | All Rights Reserved | Pretty Simple Music, LLC. 

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