NAWPPL-BIMS-NPPL-000-HS-PRO-00017 - C01 - Work Permit Procedure

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Contractor: Engineering: Project: Companyt:


Contract n°: OTP/PP/189 OMV/BIMS EPCC

Contractor doc. n°: Engineering doc. n°: Job n°: P13IT02472 Company doc. n°:
Sheet 1 of 7 Cat 1 HS-PRO-00017


Work Permits Procedure

C01 27.01.2015 Issued For OMV Review HH RBE MK

A01 26.01.2015 Issued For Internal Review HH RBE MK

This document is the property of ETAP & OMV. It shall not be copied, reproduced and circulated without the Authorization of ETAP & OMV.
Work Permits Procedure
Contractor doc. n°: Engineering doc. n°: Rev.: A01 C01 Company doc. n°:
Sheet 2 of 7 HS-PRO-00017

1. Purpose

To set the minimum standard and provide guidance on the management and administration of
the Construction Permit to Work System.

2. Area of Application

CONTRACTOR. For use on site for the control of certain hazardous site activities within

This procedure is a minimum standard to be applied on all projects but where any part of this
document conflicts with or is of a lower standard than local regulations the corresponding
section(s) of the local regulation will apply.

This procedure applies to CONTRACTOR and Subcontractors in respect to a Permit to Work

System put in place during the construction work activities.

3. Responsibilities

 CONTRACTOR Site HSE Manager will ensure

- that this procedure is brought to the attention of the appropriate CONTRACTOR Site
Management, CONTRACTOR Subcontractors
- where local requirements are not met by this procedure that the document is amended to
suit or other suitable provisions are made
- that this procedure is audited at appropriate intervals
- That Permits are controlled in the manner required by this procedure.

 CONTRACTOR Advisor will ensure that the workers, over whom they have direct control,
comply with this procedure and that subcontractors are managed accordingly

 All Site HSE and Supervisory Personnel will monitor compliance and report any breech of
procedure to the appropriate manager

CONTRACTOR HSE Manager will continually review the adequacy of this procedure and
revise as appropriate.

4. Reference Documents

NAWPPL-BIMS-NPPL-000-HS-PRO-00007 Safety training procedure
NAWPPL-BIMS-NPPL-000-HS-PRO-00008 Risk Assessment procedure
NAWPPL-BIMS-NPPL-000-HS-PRO-00009 Tagging & Isolation Procedure
NAWPPL-BIMS-NPPL-000-HS-PRO-00011 Personnel protective Equipment procedure
NAWPPL-BIMS-NPPL-000-HS-PRO-00013 Manual handling procedure
NAWPPL-BIMS-NPPL-000-HS-PRO-00014 Review, Audits and Inspections procedure
NAWPPL-BIMS-NPPL-000-HS-PRO-00015 Trenching/Excavation Safety procedure
NAWPPL-BIMS-NPPL-000-HS-PRO-00016 Electrical Safety procedure
NAWPPL-BIMS-NPPL-000-HS-PRO-00018 Confined Space procedure
NAWPPL-BIMS-NPPL-000-HS-PRO-00019 Hand and Power tools procedure
NAWPPL-BIMS-NPPL-000-HS-PRO-00020 Welding & Cutting Safety procedure
NAWPPL-BIMS-NPPL-000-HS-PRO-00021 Crane & Lifting Safety procedure

NAWPPL-BIMS-NPPL-000-HS-PRO-00017_C01_Work Permit procedure

Work Permits Procedure
Contractor doc. n°: Engineering doc. n°: Rev.: A01 C01 Company doc. n°:
Sheet 3 of 7 HS-PRO-00017

NAWPPL-BIMS-NPPL-000-HS-PRO-00023 Working at height procedure

5. Terminology, Definitions and Abbreviations

The following definitions have been utilized thoroughly this document:

COMPANY (ETAP & 0MV) Is the party which carries out the detailed engineering, construction
management, supplies materials, equipment and services which have
to be performed as specified by the CONTRACTOR /
COMPANY means the member and/or members appointed or designated by
Representative COMPANY in charge for the PPL project supervision on site as its duly
authorized representative to deal with CONTRACTOR with respect to
Contact Directory A list of team members and key players in a crisis. The list should
include home phone numbers, cell phone numbers, e-mail address, etc.
CONTRACT is an agreement having a lawful object entered into voluntarily by two
or more parties, each of whom intends to create one or more legal
obligations between them
CONTRACTOR Entity (and its legal successors in title) named as CONTRACTOR in the
CONTRACTOR purchase order and/or the Contract awarded to the
CONTRACTOR to perform specific services and/or works
Crisis Is an actual or potential threat to the CONTRACTOR’s long-term ability
to do business due to the impact on reputation, legal / financial liabilities
and the ability to operate.
Emergency Is a situation from an incident, which has already taken place, but has
the potential to escalate further and cause additional damage to human
life, environment, assets, investment and reputation of CONTRACTOR
Incident Is a physical act that threatens human life, environment or property.
Job Safety Analysis (JSA) Risk assessment tools used to identify and control workplace hazards
which helps integrate accepted safety and health principles and
practices into a particular task or job operation..
PROJECT NAWARA Pipeline Project
Rescue Is the process of recovering of persons following their evacuation or
escape from the installation, and rescuing of persons near the
installation and taking such persons to a place of safety
Risk assessment Is the determination of quantitative or qualitative value of risk related to
a concrete situation and a recognized threat (also called hazard).
Quantitative risk assessment requires calculations of two components
of risk the magnitude of the potential loss (L), and the probability (p) that
the loss will occur.
SUBCONTRACTOR Entity (and its legal successors in title) named as SUBCONTRACTOR
in the CONTRACTOR purchase order and/or the CONTRACT awarded
to the SUBCONTRACTOR to perform specific services and/or works.

NAWPPL-BIMS-NPPL-000-HS-PRO-00017_C01_Work Permit procedure

Work Permits Procedure
Contractor doc. n°: Engineering doc. n°: Rev.: A01 C01 Company doc. n°:
Sheet 4 of 7 HS-PRO-00017

Work Method Statement A document that defines the methods to be used for the execution of a
(WMS) certain activity;

6. Procedure

6.1 Construction Permit to Work System

During construction the activities tabled below shall require both permission and certification
prior to work commencing. Example permit to work forms can be found in the enclosures to
this document:

Activity Validity (Working Days)

Excavating 3
Radiography 3
Blocking Site Access Route 3
Electrical Construction Work 1
Over Head Cranes 1
Entry into Confined Space 1
Hot Work 1

6.1.1 Application to Perform Work

The following rules apply when applying for a permit:

 All Contractors wishing to carry out any of the above work where applicable must first
complete the Application section of the permit form.
 All applications must then be taken by a Contractors Nominated Person to the relevant
CONTRACTOR Permit Controller.
 Safety Documents may only be collected from Permit Controller by the Contractors
"Nominated Person(s)".

6.1.2 Issuing authority - Contractors "Nominated Person"

A Contractors "Nominated Person” is a person nominated by a Contractor as competent

supervisor who has satisfied CONTRACTOR (by interview) that he/she has adequate
knowledge of the Construction Permit System.

6.1.3 Preparation of Safety Document

The CONTRACTOR Permit Controller must study the contractors application and take the
necessary steps to ensure that work may proceed safely. He may instruct the contractors
nominated person to take special precautions during the work and may be specified on the
Safety Document.

6.1.4 Issue of Safety Documents

The CONTRACTOR Permit Controller must issue the Safety Document directly to the
contractors Nominated Person and ensure that he/she understands the scope of work,
conditions and safety precautions that are specified in the Safety Document.

NAWPPL-BIMS-NPPL-000-HS-PRO-00017_C01_Work Permit procedure

Work Permits Procedure
Contractor doc. n°: Engineering doc. n°: Rev.: A01 C01 Company doc. n°:
Sheet 5 of 7 HS-PRO-00017

6.1.5 Performing Authority

Initiate the Permit and identify the hazards and control measures for the task being
The contractors Nominated Person in receipt of the Safety Document must ensure that all
persons associated with that work are aware of and understand any restrictions and
precautions to be taken and are subject to an appropriate level of supervision.

When the work is complete the contractors Nominated Person must sign, time and date the
Completion Section on the Safety Document and return it without delay to the appropriate
CONTRACTOR Permit Controller.

6.1.6 Copies of Safety Documents

Contractors must not under any circumstances photocopy a Safety Document, which is in use.
An unauthorised copy of a Safety Document could lead to danger if the actual Safety Document
were to be cancelled whilst a copy remained in existence.

7. Training and certification

All personnel involved in the use of the Permit to Work system or Permit procedures shall
be both trained and assessed as competent to the appropriate level.

The required competency of all relevant personnel should be confirmed during the
planning process for a particular task. The construction Supervisor should
ensure that new personnel have the required competencies and training

NAWPPL-BIMS-NPPL-000-HS-PRO-00017_C01_Work Permit procedure

Work Permits Procedure
Contractor doc. n°: Engineering doc. n°: Rev.: A01 C01 Company doc. n°:
Sheet 6 of 7 HS-PRO-00017

8. Attachments


Work Activity : General Hot Excavations Confined Blocking Use of O/H
(delete as Work Space Site Access Cranes
A. Application (to be completed by contractor)
Request by: Date:
Plant Area: Description of work: (attach drawing/sketch as necessary)

Time Date Time Date

Permit is required from: To:

B. Precautions to be taken prior to commencement and during the work (delete/add

as appropriate)

Have Method Statement and Risk Assessment been prepared & approved

Hot Work Excavations Confined Spaces

Have Method Statement and Risk Have Method Statement and Risk Have Method Statement and Risk
Assessment been prepared & approved Assessment been prepared & approved Assessment been prepared &
Area to be cleared of flammable waste Have appropriate measures been taken approved
Fire extinguisher readily available considering location and depth of Isolation of Valves
Overhead work to have area below excavation Spading of Valves
roped off and fire watch present Shoring No smoking/Naked Lights
Pipelines, drums etc. to be certified Guardrails Adequate Ventilation/Extraction
gas/liquid free Confined space assessment Monitoring
Fire blanket provided to arrest sparks, Lighting
flames etc. Standby Man
Welding screens in use to protect eyes Lifeline
of other persons Breathing Apparatus
Permit drawn for confined space
Has local exhaust been provided

C. Issue (to be completed by Alstom P T-S)

Permission is given for the work to proceed subject to the conditions specified above:
Sign: Print: Date: Time: Company:
Signed (Permit

D. Performing Authority Acceptance (to be completed by contractor)

I certify that have read and understood this permit and that the work will be carried out in
accordance with its requirements.
Sign: Print: Date: Time: Company:

NAWPPL-BIMS-NPPL-000-HS-PRO-00017_C01_Work Permit procedure

Work Permits Procedure
Contractor doc. n°: Engineering doc. n°: Rev.: A01 C01 Company doc. n°:
Sheet 7 of 7 HS-PRO-00017

Signed :

E. Completion of Work (to be completed by contractor)

I hereby declare that all work for which this permit was issued has been completed, all
personnel under my control have been withdrawn and the work area and any associated
equipment has been left in a safe condition.
Sign: Print: Date: Time: Company:
Signed :

F. Cancellation
This permit is cancelled.
Sign: Print: Date: Time: Company:
Signed :

NAWPPL-BIMS-NPPL-000-HS-PRO-00017_C01_Work Permit procedure

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